THE MOST LIBERAL CONTRIBUTION TO DEFEAT IS A SENSE OE INFERIORITY C000 Sag Stows YOUR ADS CARRYING SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising spneo In 11 ncivspnpcr, compared with tho space used by oilier stores, should doflno Its compnrntlvo Importanco hi tho community! Docs your store's a vertlsing spneo do thnt? Your storo-nows, shouia iipcnr ns regularly as docs tills nowspnpcr. If n nowspnpcr omitted nn Issuo now nml then even for so weighty n rcn Bon ns fcurliiB that it might rain It would not bo a Rood nowspnpcr. MEMBER .OF ASSOCIATED PRES8 Established In 1878' as Tho Coast Mall VOL XXXIV A MArSHFIELD, OREGON, . TUESDAY, JULY '11, 1911 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mall and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 153 FIVE KILLED IN BAD WRECK AT : THE DALLES, YESTERDAY PRESIDENT TAFT'S E T T IS LEAGUE ARRIVES HERE TODAY NAM SECRE I INVOLVED IN SCANDAL Locomotive Rolls, Down Em bankment With Coach on Top. DEATHS CAUSED BY ' INHALING STEAM; Wreck Caused by , Rails Spreading as Result of Intense Heat. (By Associated Press to Cooo Day T'mos.) THE DALLES, Ore, July 11. Tho wreck of a passongor train on tho Oregon Trunk lino yesterday nftor noon, 23 miles north of Shorars' bridge, rcsultod in five deaths nnd tho Injury of a dozon rooro porsons. Tho doad aro: LOUIS RISING, storokcopor of "Warm Springs Indian school. MRS. J. W. RASMUS, Ellsworth, Wis. MRS. LOUIS IlISINO. MRS. C. H. BAKER, Sheridan, Or. ' S. T. ARTHUR, Soattlo, Wash. I Tho condition of Honry Bnkor of Sheridan, Ore, Is vory serious. Tho fatalities and sorlously Injur ed woro caused by inhaling steam and ecalds by ono of tho coaches landing on top of tho ongino which foil clown a rorty-rooi omuanKmoni. i no wreck wns cnusod by a "sun kink," tho rails having spread under tho In fluence of a hot sun. Tho moro sorlously Injurod nro: FIREMAN GEO. McKILLIP, Van-' couvor, Wash. C. II. BAKER, Sheridan, Oro. MORRIS BAKER nnd HESTER BAKER and tho bIx months Infant daughter af Mrs. Ras mus. I AMENDMENT TO ITT MEAT OX FREE LIST DEFEATED (By Assoclatod Press.) WASHINGTON, I). C, July 10. Tho Sonnto Saturday do- feated by a voto of II to 32 tho Cummins' to tho Cnnndlnn reciprocity bill to ndd moats to tho free list. E KILLED Fast Flying Federal Express Runs Into Open Switch and Is Thrown Into a Viaduct., Total doad In tho wreck is ro- ported authentically ns twelve. Passengers Asleep. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) "BRIDEGPORT, July 11. Tho wreck occurred Just boforo dawn when 150 passengers occupied berths and the one day coach Just behind the locomotive was under three cars which piled ono above tho othor. At the bottom of the heap thoro was a day coach and most of tho dead woro taken from this car, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BRIDGEPORT, Conn., July 11. Probably a score of lives were crush ed out instantly and many, perhaps three score, were frightfully hurt early today when tho Federal Express running from Washington, D. C to Boston over tho New York, New Haven nnd Hartford Railroad was hurled over a viaduct hero by an open switch. Fire broke out in the wreck ago but tho Bridgeport flro depart ment quickly put this out and the firemen lent assistance In rescuing 5C MEN INDICTED , BEGIN FIGHT Wire Manufacturers Enter Pleas of Not Guilty ' Bail Fixed. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y July 11. Tho olghty-threo wlro manufacturers who woro Indtctcd Juno 20 under tho anti trust law on charges restraining trado in tho wlro production, began tholr light against tho govornmonl today by entering plons of not guilty nnd securing n delay until Soptombot 1 to onablo them to fllo demurors. Each man's ball was fixed at $1 on tho thousand. i. REPDRT THAT 3 T Company Issues Statement of Passengers on Santa Rosa. (By Assnclatod Press to Coos Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Col., July lTZ Evory passongor of tho steamer Santa Rosa is accounted for accord ing to n statomont Issued today by C. D. Dunnnn, gonornl passenger ngont of tho Pacific Coast Steamship Company. , This roport of tho passongor do- ,mrtmont confines tho fatalities to ono ofllcor nnd throe seamen who woro drowned whllo endeavoring to carry n lino to ono of tho stonmors'stnndlna by tho wrecked vessel. .MR. and MRS. E. A. EICKWORTH returned on today's Bronkwntor from a visit with tholr daughter, Mrs. Robort Gobhart of Portland. tho injurod. Tho express loft liar lorn nn hour lato going at high speed when tho open switch n mtlo and n half west of tho Bridgeport station was struck. Thoro was n tromondoua crash ns tho five cars of tho train went over tho viaduct and were wrecked almost completely. The day coach was nindo Into kindling wood and many of tho killed woro In this car. Threo standard Pullman coaches crumpled and many of he occcupants wero killed or Injured. $5000 BAIL Misses Conrad and Lillian Gra ham Who Shot W. E. D. Stokes June S. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y July 11. Miss Tex Ethol Conrad and Miss Lillian Graham, who on Juno C shot W. E. D. Stokes, the millionaire hotel man, In their npartment, wero held on n ball of $5,000 today for a grand Jury charge of feloneous assault. KJURED GRLS ELD N Controller Bay Controversy IslWnltor F,Bhor secretary octhom .. ,i rtorlor; 'Richard's. Ryan, alleged pro Developing Some Sensation - .... ... - ai moments List or Dis tinguished Witnesses.' (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) H WASHINGTON, D. C, July 11. Washington Is awaiting with much Interest the story which will bo told tomorrow boforo tho House Commit- too or Expenditures In tho Interior I wa8 iB8Uod. In somo way or nnothor Dopartmontby Miss Abbott who ho dld not know hoW ho Bnd( thl8 claims to have copied from tho lllos provision was lost or ollmlnatcd be of tho Intorlor Department a lottor f0ro tho llnnl promulgation of orders, from RIchnrd S. Ryan to Secretary of .This omission, ho admitted, gavo tho Interior Richard Balllnger show- Bront advantago to tho Ryan clal Ing that Ryan sought aid from Char-'wnnt8, who woro on tho ground when les P. Tnft in securing Prcsldont Taft's approval of tho oponlng of, waterfront on Controller Bny, Alaska. Tho commlttco wns not in session to day. Up to this timo, Miss Abbott nppears to bo tho only person to sixty days provision, but. that it was havo seen tho myBtorious letter. Eve-, not In tho order ns finally signed by ry person who might know of tho ox- tho President. "Who struck It out", Istonco of such a letter has beonth0 was asked, for a reason ho said, "1 questioned nnd no ono has como forth , do not know." who will admit tho oxlstenco. According to n published account, Miss Abbott will testify thnt sho found nttached to a typewritten lot- tor from R. S. Ryan to Balllngor Tho most Important dtvolopmont n dated Juno 13, 1010, this noto or tho testimony today bororo Commla postscript. "Donr Dick: I wont to alonor Donnott wns thnt tho clal sco tho President tho othor day about mnnts roprcsontcd by Richard a this Controller Bny affair. Tho Pros- Ryan of Now York, who Is Bald to Idont asked mo who It was that I ro- represent tho Guggonholm lntorcsts, presented. I told him, nccordlng to hnd bonofltcd by tho omission or a our ngreomont, that I roprcsontcd provision In tho llnnl olllclal papors. myself. But that did not seem to sat-, Cannot Locate Letter. Isfy him, so I sont for Charles P. Taft. (By Associated Proas to Coos Bay and asked him to toll his brothorj Times.) who It wns thnt I roprcsontcd. Thol WASHINGTON. D. C. July 11. Prcsldont made no furthor investiga tion to my claim. Yours, Dick." (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 11. It is oxplalncd thnt Rynn represent ing tho Controller Bay Nnvlcatloi Company, secured a frontago ofJFlshor also told thoVtcsldont that olghty rodB on Controllor Bay. Tho government rotnlnod ovory othor strip of olghty rods of waterfront on tho bay, making tho department offi cials declaro that monopoly wns Im possible, At tno Whito Houso It was sntd thnt thoro had been no socrocy or anything unusual In tho order oponlng Controllor Bay to ontry. Tho'slblo correspondence with Prcsldont matter wbb passod upon by tho 'cab-1 Richard S. Ryan, or othor persons ro Inot In regular form, It was stated, 'gardlng tho Controller Bay affairs Tho list of witnesses mndo up Into and tho Alnskan lnnds. No lottor today by tho commlttco conducting J bearing on the subject was found In tho Inquiry Is said to Include tho fol-1 Taft's correspondonco to show thnt lowing: Charles P. Taft, brothor of ho had any acquaintance with Ryan tho President; Dnnlol Guggonholm, 'or any othor Intorcst In tho Alaskan head of tho Alaska Syndicate; Frank investment. Charles P. Taft Is now II. Hitchcock, postmnstor gonornl; In Europe G WINS MEET Baker of Kings' College Cap tures Mile Run Which Is Deciding, Event. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) QUEENS CLUB, London, July 11. With America and England tied with four victories each, Philip John Baker of King's Collego, Cambridge, turned the scales for tho home team by winning the mllo run today. Baker won the deciding ovent by five yards and was given an ovation by his enthusiastic fellow countrymen. The Harvard and Yalo men wero na turally disappointed but nave no ex- cuse to offer or complaint to make., Captain Kllpatrlck of Yalo versed tho ' views of his men when ho said, "There Is nothing to say except that tho best team won." Captain Foster of Harvard, expressed similar views. , motor, and a large numbtSr of land office clocks. President Did Not Know (By Associated Press to Coot Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. July 11. Dennett said' that wlien tho executlvo order to opening tho Controller Bay lands to entry reached his ofllco it contnlnod a provision under which tho ontrymon could not fllo on tho innd for sxty dayB nfter tho ordoP tho order renchod Juneau. Dennett said that tho first drnft which In nccordanco with tho usual custom, was prepared at tho Depart ment of Agrlculturo, contained tho Important Testimony. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 11. Secretary Fisher told Prosldont Tnft today that a caroful soarch of tho In terior Department records fallod to show "Dick to Dick" letter In which it was alleged that C. P. Taft used his Influonco In behalf of tho naviga tion lntorcsts of Alnska to sccuro tho control of Controller Bny. Secrotnry ho saw an nrtlclo written by Miss Ab bott boforo It was printed and ro momborod of no such n lottor In tho article CINCINNATI, July 11. At tho re quest of President Tnft tho lottor files of his brothor, C. P. Taft, wero soarched horo today to trace If po3- CAPT. OLSON SELLS CRAFT Will Construot Twin Screw Gasoline Schooner on Bay. The gasoline boat Coaster arrived yesterday from Humbqldt .Bay whero It has been engaged In transporting supplies from Eureka to the Klamath Packing Company's plant on tho Kla math river at Requa. Captain Pe ter Olson, who built tho boat, stated this morning that he had sold her to tho Klamath Packing company. Captain Olson will shortly have another boat constructed on this bay. The new vessel is to be schooner rig ged and to havo a twin-screw equip ment. This Is necessary when tho craft has to cross so many shallow bars. In event that one engine breaks they will have the other to rely upon. Save money by limes advertisers. patronizing Th NO RELIEF IN NEW YORK Merciless Heat and High Humi dity Cause Many Deaths. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORICTuly 11. Sunrlso brought no relief from tho merciless heat which prevailed all last wcok nnd today numorous prostrations arc roportod. Stilling humidity is pro- Tailing. Ico and milk nro scarce and tho prices havo risen. So many horses nro dying that tho pollco nro instructed to watch for tho over loaded foams. No rollof Is promised, tho maximum temporaturo last wcok was 98. WEATHER OTHER PLACES Phllndclphln Has 122 Prostration , Ico Supply Loir. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TImos.) PHILADELPHIA, July 11. Tho official thormomotor, nt 1 o'clock to day was 90 and Is still climbing. Thoro woro eight deaths today, mak ing 122 for tho present heat spell. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. July 11. A thunder nnd rain storm cooled things this afternoon nt 1 o'clock. Tho thormomotor horo roglstors 73. CHICAGO, 111., July 11. Tho Ico situation horo la tho most serious slnco 18G8. It Is said that economy Is necessary to mako tho supply last tho season. Hot. In tho Smoky City. PITTSBURG, Ponn., July 11. Tho oxccsslvo heat that has been pro vailing horo for somo time past has not nbatod. Humidity runs vory high. PORTLAND, Ore, July 11. Weather conditions hero nro un changed. TACOMA, Wash., July 11. Woathor conditions hero havo not changed In tho last weok. CHICAGO, 111., July 11. Tho averago tomporaturo for July Is 88 , ( that account tho lenguo thinks it boat for Soptombor 9014, for Decomliorjto sond Its ropresontntlvo through 93forMay 97. Itho coast districts of tho state PORTLAND GETS ELKS CONVENTION The Antlered Herd Will Gather In the Rose City In 1912 No Opposition to Oregon Metropolis. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TImos.) ATLANTIC CITY, July 11. Port PROBLEMS UP Delegates at N. E. A. Discuss the Technical Side of Question. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal July 11. The department mooting at which the technical side of pedagogical prob lems wero lectured upon and discuss ed by experts occupied tho delegates of tho National Educational Associa tion today. Read the Elmos' Want Ads. C Is Investigating Transporta tion Facilities of Western Country. WILL CONFER WITH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr. Layer Predicts Great WorK Will Be Accomplished This Year. Jnincs J. Snyor, olllclal reprosoa- tatlvo of tho Oregon Dovclopmcnt League, accompanied by Mrs. Sayor, arrived from Portland today on a trip that will cover Southern and South west Oregon. Mr. Sayor Is on a sort of Idea ox chango trip to learn whore ho can and Impart Information whoro It la requested and required. It Is prob ablo that n public meeting will bo cnllod at tho Chambor of Commorco in n dny or two which will bo ad dressed by Mr. Sayor. Tho loaguo wants to got In closer touch with extreme Wcstorn Orogon to learn Its needs nnd possibilities Mr. Snyer will learn conditions as regards opportunities for settlors, facilities for transportation, etc. Ho hopes to meet with tho vnrlous com morclnl clubs nlong tho way nnd find out how tho stntc lcaguo can co oporato with them moro fully for tho benefit of ench section. At somo of tho places to bo visited Mr. Sayor will bo nblo to rovlvo dor mant organizations or form now ones. Ho will bo In position to nd vIbo concerning tho conduct of theso bodies nnd how to tako steps to on largo tholr usefulness. Moro Infor mation concerning tho Const country Is ncccssnry nt tho hendquartors of tho leaguo In ordor to direct Immi gration In nn Intelligent wny nnd tho field secrotnry will ncqulro many fnctif, about tho territory that will bo available to send out to Inqulrors. It Is folt nt tho Portland head quarters that tho coming year will sco a great development In tho coun try to bo trnvorsod by tho Hold secretary and It Is desired to got In closer touch with this section of tho stntc Nothing servos this purposo so well ns n personal visit and on land, Orogon, was choson today by tho Grand Lodge of tho Bonovolont and Protecttvo Ordor of Elks as tho next mooting placo. Tho westorn city had no opposition. Tho Portland dologatlon camo to tho grand lodgo nrmod with a cortlflod chock of $125, 000. Operators In Textile Mills Re turn After Long Shut Down. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times j BOSTON, Mass., July 10. Moro than thirty-one thousand operators employed In tho textllo mills In vari ous parts of New Englnnd, resumed work today after shut-downs vary ing in length In accordance wth policy of curtailing tho produatlc adopted by mill managers. THOUSANDS WO N , r tlia&'lK ? 4Svw-3B i. Bffi- ' - . . ' 7IT' .', -tttl .sir ,i "" ' . ' - AJRMMMi' . vJ vt . iMhkLV mat ' iBsH