' i.'Sfsri-"-' . wp- 't"WWfff' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 10, 1911 EVENING EPIIIOlfc ..U &ft ' k. V sF" S M :' M 'f V." v.i &M C7- YESTERDAY'S BASE BILL GIES MARSHFIELD LOSES GAME. I crnrk who recently Joined tho local wh ., f i,ii ri, vnJ. I sound. Tho "Kid" enmo hero with n tordny afternoon lioro a strong re-1 reputation of batting close to nml1nnon In n fron fnr nil frolic, nn I This Bounded more tliail grtod. iho village green, with nil minister's Holding record was said to bo so close , sons barred. Doth teams wore badly , to n thousand that there really wnsn t crippled by the loss of many of their much dlfforcnco. SOO. His i tost men necessitating tho slipping In of n number of circus horses. Even though tho gamo failed to In tho preliminary skirmish ho was worked out on second base. Knoh and ovcry tlmo he tried to got tho boar much resemblance to n ball gamo lnll " ',0 a yinM A1Icn st"nt; it was not entirely devoid of Inter-. and n row uneouui inns com nenecu cstlng features. Tho Mork of both to 8ho,lt' "oh u Salome." This twlrlors and both captains wore compelled Captain Langworthy to nlnndl.1. Tho nltMiors both allowed , Mo him from tho bag and lodgo many hits but they redeemed thorn- Mm In tho right garden. Hero ho Mlrefl by sloughing down n numbor ,hrd no opportunity to show his gTeat nf onnv ones and mnklnu a total of fell fnr short or uio covctca uu. uui of flvo trips to tho rubber ho sue ccoded In making one dinky scratch. hit. Tho appollatlon "dinky" Is used advisably as ho barely succeeded lit 1 ,. f - " ' ' """ riffiS&k ! . AT . 'm i mw&9l A rrW. WL 9MW m - SX mm$k&mw m wn, . . vwmzaB&.i 1H5S&. WTMrnw ton strlko outs each. Tho gnmo wont well until tho six Inning, tho scoro standing 4 to 1 In favor of MnrBhftold. It was In this framo thot tho visitors pounced upon Henderson for four hits, counled with . beating tho hit to tho Initial sack. two bases on balls, a fielder's cholco In conclusion a word of praise and two errors nottod tho Sumner must bo slipped Umplro Hcrron for bunch four runs. In tho following his nblllty with tho Indicator. Tho pnsm tho visitors again carao 'big brush may havo tholr "null" Por through with a vongonnco. Darker, J r'ns nnd "Silk" O'Laughllns but tho first man up roached first on nn when tho cholco Is passed up to tho orror, Mastors hit, Du Duqno walked, tcal boys It's big "Jack" Hcrron "Shorty" Stevens connected smiarcly.ovory tlmo, Following Is tho ofllclnl score: Marsh field AD It II PO A Henderson, p. . . 3 Johnson, 3rd b.. .2 with tho pill nnd took throo bags on tbo swing. Hlllstrom who followed biffed out, Fnlrchllds Inndod on flrst on a Holder's choice, Hatson first on an error, Solandor walked and nurko, b. b 3 Baker connects with tho ball for n Matson, 1st b....B long drlvo to ccntor, running In four Langworthy, c. . .4 runs. Two moro followed In this In- Stutsman, 2nd b.2 nlng making n total of six. In tho Wilson, 1. f. 4 eighth, Sumnor scored two moro. jl'ltt, c. f C WurellfJcId Started ot on tho fly, Neighbors, r. f.,,5 oiio fun In tho first nnd two In tho . ccond. This gnvo them a lend until Totals. .tho sixth Inning, ivlleh tho liombard- Sumnor- 3 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 2 10 2 12 0 3 2 0 1 0 1 0 4 1 3 2 3 2 0 0 0 DR. AND J1KS. EDW OLNE1 Greeted by largo nnd Intellectual audlenco, aftor tho lecture thoso suf fering were Invited forwnrd to bo healed. People waited patiently whllo ono after another told how, tholr pains vanished. Dr. Olnoy was born with this power to hcnl tho sick, nnd no ono can afford to miss this opportunity. OFFICE COOS HOTEL, ItOOM 200 Hoiiib 7 to 8 p.m. Consultation FKES PjESSI ON AL PI R ECTOR Y rIl. C. W. LESLIE, -' Osteopathic Physician Qraduato of tho American school of Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Offlco In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 161-J; Mnrshtlold; Oregon. OF THE SAVING; At Our 5th Semi-Annual Clearance Sale W6nt of tho visitors commenced In Solandor, 1 b...,4 earnest. In tho eighth and ninth In- Uaker, j 4 nlngs It wns thought thnt tho local J rinrkor. 2 b 15 boys would tlo tho scoro as thoy maJo Masters, c f....2 threo runs In tho first mentioned Do Iliio.no, c. ...4 framo nnd four In tho Inst. stovens, s. s 5 Porhaps tho greatest disappoint-! Hlllstrom, 3 b. ..I went of tho gnmo was tho falling .Falrchllds, r, f.. .3 down of Neighbors, tho rtosobiirg JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF THE FAMOUS Heide Caps Mntsnn, I. f, 33 11 11 27 in 0 AD a II PO A K 2 11 0 0 4 1 10 2 0 2 13 12 0 0 8 10 1 0 3 0 0 3 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t ryu. J. W. INGHAM, - Phyiiclnn nnd Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Building hones: Office 102J; Residence 1021, J. W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Men's $10.00 Suits . . Mens $12.50 Suits . . Mens' $15.00 . Suits . . Mens $18.00 Suits . . . $5.50 7.25 10.75 11.25 Mens' $25.00 Suits . . . Mens $30.00 Suits . . . Mens' $35.00 Suits . . . $15.00 21.00 25.00 All coIoih nnd nil slcs. They rjro tho standard of tho world. Up-to-dnto and nifty. 1'ltIOIX ONI.V BOc to $i.ao. The Toggery Formerly Geo. Gowlnim. Totals. . . ..13 13 13 27 12 10 Siiinmnry Threo baio hits, Stu veiis. Stolon bases, Henderson 1; Johnson 2, Lnugwnrthy 1, Stutsmnn 3, Wilson I. Sacrifice hits Johnson, Hit by pitched bnll, Mastors. Haso on ballH, off HenderHon !, off Ilnkor 1. Struck out by Henderson 10, by Tln Ikor 10. Wlld pitch. 'Hendorsou. Doublo piny, linker to Selnndor to Darkor, Umplro, Hcrron. Scorer, An dorson. Tlmo of gamo 1 hour CO minutes. NOHTII IKM WINS EASILY. NOltTH HUND, July 9 The. ball game hero this afternoon botween tho local tenni and Eastsldo was easily captured by tho local Juggloro by the overwhelming Bero or 17 t0 7. Tho contest wns hardly a first class one but nevertheless none of the fans woro disappointed lis many Interesting nnd really funny stunts wore pulled off. Detailed report nnd box scores will appear In tomorrows T'mes, Offlco over Flanagan & Dennott Dank IarshOold Oregon D It. J. T. McCOKMAO, Physician and Surgeon Mnrshfluld, Oregon. Offico: Locklnrt Building, -. opposlto Post OflU'Q. Phono 10G-J Would you like to have Electric Liylits in your Country home? Find out tho number ot lights you would want and wo will bo pleased to glvo you nil tho Information you ask. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE U.17-J. Broken Sizes in Ladies Shoes and Oxfords Regular $2.50 values Regular $3.50 values $1.25 $1.?5 Clearance Sale In all Departments "MONEY TALKS" and Talks for Your Advantage at These Stores This Week Hub Clothing Shoe Co- MARSHFIELD .BAND0N Good Livery Service Fnnoy new rigs, good horses and nroful drivers nro now at tho dls oeal of tho Coos May public at HEASONAWjE HATES. nigs or rigs with drivors roady for nny trip auywhoro nny tlmo. Horses bonrded nnd rigs cared for. Now heorso and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVEItV AND FEED STAIILES PHONE U73-J ALICE II The Popular Picnic Hunt. Now makes regular scbodulo on tho South Coos Itlvor run. Leaves Mnrshfleld weok days nt 3 p. m. Ar rives in Mnrshfleld at 8:4B n. m. Sunday, leaves Mnrshfleld nt 6 a.m. ' rx)G(;i" Ht'lMHXO Returns at 0 p. m. LEVI SMITH. Mnster. For Exceptional Bargains In Huslncss nnd Residonco property In North Bond nnd ncrcngo In Coos County Sco tho Standard Investment Co. NORTH 1IEN1) OREGON WATERFRONT NEWS. The tug Columbia Is now receiving an overhauling and Inspection In tho Portland ynrds. J. M. Ulllott, l'8.N, Inspector In tho Coos Hay lluhtlinueo inaii..,.ti,,n iiistrlrt has gono to Mnro Island REJIHMHKR whore ho 1ms assumed command of Tl.cru h 0 kink, or ruo thnt the battleship Maryland, of which ho 't do. was formerly an exeeutlvo officer. T II I N K IT OVKUnAKV,1 iij i4, iiei-K nns succeeded him ns' lighthouse Inspector. We Work And Advertise To bring a rustoim-r licro tho first time, after that lio coiiicm of Ms own accord. Yon know whv. o AN ELECTRIC SIGN WILL LIET YOUR STORE TO THE MAIN STREET To tho merchant whoso business place is on a side stroe, tho Electric Sign perforins invaluable servico, An Electric Sifln secures tho attention of the crowds In the main travelled highways fixes the store in tho mind of the public dovetails With nowsnnnnr nHuArtlelnir OM i-!- - , --r-r- u,5 UIIU U1(gs, IIUUUI Eloctrlc advertising is good anywhere but it is a positive ne cessity to a side street location, Ask our New Business Department about individual designs. Telephone 178 .OREGON POWER COMPANY "iCoos Bay Steam Laundry 5 PHONE .MAIN SV.J BlancharcPs Livery we uavo secured the llvory busl ness of L. H. Holsner and nre pro pared to rendor vrollent service to tho people of Coos Hay. Carotul drivers, good rigs and everything that will moan satisfactory service To the public. Phono uh tor a driving horee. R rle nr nnvtiln ..ij , tho livery lino. Ve nUo do a trucking business of nil kinds. HLANCIlAItl) lUtOTUERS. Llverj, Food mid Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streots. Phono 13S-J WATCH! NOTICE Homer Mnuzey, on of the drivers nd tho solicitor for us is out for sundry. Watcn him! ho is liable to stop yon on the street and explain all details of Laundry and also to be at your homo any time. Ho knows laundry business from A to Z. Marshfiel Hand and Steam Laundry -! MlS Business Directory Following is a list of Rellnblo Business Firms that it will Pay to Patronize, Go To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heating Mnrtilifleld, Ore., Phono 77.1 STADDEN All kinds of photograph work, bromide enlarging nnd kodak finishing. CONDK.VSKI) STATKMHNT OV THK CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF COOS HAV AT MARSHFIKLI), ORKGON, at tho close of business, Juno 7th, 1011. J. L. KOONTZ Muclilno and Repnlr Shops , OKNKRAIi MACHINIST ( Steam nnd Qas Engino Work At Hollnnd's boat shop, Front ' street, Marshflold, Ore. RKSOURCKS: Loans nnd discounts $180,015.32 Overdrafts ,43 U, S. Donds' and pro- mlujns 26,250.00 Other bonds 77,412. CO Couuty and school warrants. . . . 2,671.78 Banking houso, furnl- turo and fixtures, . . 82,089.45 Cash and duo from "anka 100,585.12 LIAIHLITIESt Capital stock. .$100,000.00 Surp'luB and profits.. 7,145.95 Circulation 26,000.00 Deposits, 395,778.70 $827,024.08 Union Oils GASOLINE DISTILLATE HENZINE KEROSENE SAMSON GAS ENGINES -and CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Marshlleld, Ore. PHONE 302-J Mnll Orders Solicited. j UNIQUE PANTATORIUM Bring your dyeing, cleaninc. n. ing and repairing to us and bo pleased Wo nro experts. Carpets and Rugs "BW on yur floor or nt our shop Phono 230X, central aven... ...- Second street ROSS & PINECOR, $827,021,031 Cash resorvo 407o of doposlts. W Invito your attention to tho strong condition of this batik ns Indicated In tho nbovo statement, also to tho personnel of-itsdl-rectorate. Does a general banking business. Interest paid on tiroo and savings deposits. OFFICERS s W. S. CHANDLER, President; M. C. HORTON, VIco-PreBident; DORSEY KREITZBR, CoBhior. DIRECTORS: WMamtSSS, S' 0OKB' w" U' DOUQs, F. S. DOW. WM. GRIMES, JOHN F. HALL, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, ". r. n.vnvu.Y, M. C. HORTON. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over .... AssetsOver $100,000 $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposita -I IX. CTuprietor. 1 ' ;J