iT'T-"r' 4 JHE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 10, 191 1-EVENING EDITION. 3 ' Fine clothes underpriced ONE great advantage you get in a sale like our sea son's clearance is that you get unusually good qual ities at unusually low prices t V. 4f i . ." A c HART, SCHAFpNER & MARX I clothes are always a good bargain; and getting them at anything less than regular prices is like finding: money Same . way with our other Jines of clothing: a great charice for ' '.'... . , money-saving We have the stock arranged in two lots with the following reductions: u , r.-f . ! ! I M a I ' i" " t. J 1 , f!V V ( LOT (DNE $35.00 Suits- $26.50 $22.50 Suits ' $16.50 $30.00 Suits $22.50 $20.00 Suits $15.00 $27.50 Suits $20.00 $17.50 Suits $13.50 $2,500 Suits. '$ 1 8.50 $ 1 5.00 Suits $ 1 1 .50 LOT TWO $25.00 Suits $16.85 $15.00 Suits $9.85 $2.50' Suits $14.85 $12.50 Suits $8.65 $20.00 Suits $12.85 $10.00 Suits $7.35 $17.50 Suits $11.35 Mill-to-Man Clothes Marshfield, Qtegon W99HEH BOSh STORE i i nil ii i M-J. i n Bf n 1 1 ;i ! 1 t ' I . " r i ' ' ... ss'rxv3s n r FOR SAM') 80 acres fluu fruit nntl lorry farm. Immodlato possession given. Good tonus. Address D. D. Rrnlnnrd, North Bond, Ore, Phono 3083. Foil BALK Modern eight room apartment houso, all rooms occu pied, will bo sold at bargain It taken Immediately. Apply "Oppor tunity" Tlmca" ofllco. BURRO WANTED If you havo ono for Balo, address parkhurst, box 712, North Bond. WAXTKI) Hoy for general garden work. For particulars call nt 545 So. Broadway. , rOR RENT Roslrnblo furnished housekeeping rooms, 135 Socond streot, near Chandlor hotol. LOCAL & GLEANINGS doing well. Rov. O. LoRoy enn quoto James Whltcombo Riley with a now zost and Is not cortaii whothor tho now arrival will bo a poot or n minister. Tho now ar rival has been named Harwood Vassar. TUB WEATHER. (By Associated ProBS.) OltEGON, July 10.' Fair to- night and Tuosday warmor. FOR SALE A well established mil Ilnory buslnoss in Coqulllo, Oro., Will bo sold nt a sacrlllco If takon ( In the noxt ton days. Address P. O. Box 37, MarshQold, Oro. WANTED Teacher qualified for Ninth grade work. Salary govornod by ability and experience. Wan proforrod. Addross Loo Wobstor, clerk Dlst. No. C, Empire, Oro. FOR RENT Small furnished cot tago. Apply 749 Fourth St. South. TOR RENT Six roomed homo on First streot. Apply Mrs. A. Hut-chesoD. WANTED Socond cook. Apply lm mediately at tho Chandlor hotol. FOR SALE Slightly damaged doors and camp stoves. Enquire Rail road Dock. FOR SALE My farm OOO acres In one lot or will cut up in parcels to 6Ult. O. W. Snnfnrrt Mnrnhflolrl - -w.t . muvh, FOR SALE Largo 12-room houso n 4 lots, So. Mfld. Very desirablo. Reasonablo for quick sale. Apply Mrs M. F. Campbell or phono 11 9L pOK SALE Smith Premier Type- LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twonty-four hours ondlng nt 4:43 p, ni,, July 9, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum C4 Minimum 42 At 4:43 p. in CO Precipitation nono Wind, Northwest; cloar. BORN. WINKLEMAN At thoir homo on North Broadway, Marshflold, Mon day, July 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Winkloman, a boy. Myrtlo Point Olrl Weds Miss May 'Hall of Myrtlo Point, who has beeu spondlng tho past couplo of days In Rosoburg visiting with Fred Endlcott loft for Eugono yostordny morning Mvhoro sho will soon bo mnrrlod to ' Mr. Endlcott's brothor. Rosoburg Rovlow. Logger Burled. Tho burial of Mlko Lyncli, a loggor, who was in jured in Smith Powors Camp No. 1, took place Saturday. Tho authorities woro unablo to establish communic ation with any rolatlvos although It was roported that ho had rolattves In Portland and at soma placo lit Iowk. STODDARD At Morcy Hall, North Bond, Monday morning, to Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stoddard of South In lot, an 11 pound daughtor. Moth er and child doing well. HALL At their homo in South Marshflold, Monday morning, July 10, to Mrs. and Rov. Q. LoRoy Hall, a son. Mother and child aro wrltor No. 2. With cash, cheap. Addross "Bargain" caro Times. To Tour County. Tho lies Come dynnd Dramatlo Company loft on this morning's, train for Myrtlo Point. 'Thoy oxpect to tour tho county and may contlnuo south boforo roturnlng to Coos Bay. Thoy closed a auccess- i ful ongagomont In North Bond last night. : picnic of tho Roman Catholic Sun day school hold yestorday at Eno gren's Grovo, was largoly ottondod, A full description of tho affair with tho names of thoso In attondanco will ' bo printed In Saturday's Times. PORT COMMISSION MEET'S. Fishing Excursion. A fishing party of four wont out to Brewster Valloy na far as Brunnoll Creole In. D. It. Footo's auto Sunday morning and roturnod Sunday ovonlng with n flno string of fish. In tho pnrty woro R. K. .Booth, II, J. Mc-' Koown, Dr. Sothor nnd Frank Lalso Improvement 'of Various Inlots Dis cussed Todny. Tho Port Commission hold thoir rogular monthly mooting at tho Chamber of Commorco thlB morning, Vico-prosldont Harris presiding. Tho usual routlno business ennio up also tho wattor of dredging tho vnrlous Inlets. Somo work- has already boon dono but tho balanco Is being hold In oboynnco until nil proporty hold ors aro Blgnod up. AUTOMOBILE supplies nt tho GUNNERY. PHONE I. 8. KAUFMAN & CO YOUR COAL ORDERS 81.BO PER TON. Foot Injured. John Radla, a log gor In ono of tho Smith Powors camps, had four.toos on ono foot badly crushed Saturday afternoon Ho Is now under" Dr. Mlngua' caro at Mercy hospital. Mrs. Folsom Rotter. Mrs. Harry Folsom Is roportod on tho road to recovory from hor recent serious Ill ness and has returned to hor homo on Second street from Mercy hospital. WANTED Woman or girl to cavo for elderly Invalid. Apply to Mrs. Songstacken. FOR RBNT HOUSE with 12 rooms aiuL-hath, hot and cold water. FURNISHED flat with O rooms, bath hot and cold water, gas range. Apply to ROBERT MARSDEN., (Theso aro In tho best residonco part of town.) Twin Deors. Mayor L. J, Simpson of North Bend has a ploasant sur prise nwaitlng him on his return from iSan Francisco in tho form of twin 'doers born to his pet deer at his Shoro Acres grounds, North Bend evidently was becoming Jealous of Marshflold many twins and got In tho gamo but Marshflold Is still nhoad with two pairs of twins and thoy aro i all little dears. Younjt FIro Chief. Eugono Traver fvor, has evidently inhorltod all his' j father's qualifications as a Are fight er. He has always taken croat Intor- iost In tho fire drills but on July 4th' ho did hotter for it was ho who dis covered tho fire on Broadway and ro- , ported it to Marshal Carter. Ha was To Camp nt North Tnlot, An out ing party composed of O. S. Dodgo nnd family, II. Bradflold and family, and Mr. nnd Mrs. R. N. Fouton left' 4- 1-.. T i. -r 1 i . x, ... I luuny xor Nunu inioi wiioro uiey wm camp at tho Robinson place. AUTO LINE flars at any time. Phono 231 R, after midnight 181X'peas0li nt hj3 opportunity to bo in WANTED To hire pony team for two weeks' camping trip. Na long drives and beat of care given. Ap ply "S" caro Times. actlvo servtco and no ono watched the department run that day quite as proudly as Eugene. t Sunday School Picnic The annual. North Bend News A. W. Myers and Mrs. G. J. Koc torlng of South Marshflold woro .North Bond visitors yestorday. E. E. Hayes, Robt. Simpson Jr., Hermann Nabli and John Mosserlo who went to San Frnnclsco recently on the tug Columbia, returned last evening on tho Rodondo. Thoy re port a rough trip up. J. V. Hodson of tho Pacific Grocery i returned on tho Redondo from a business trip to San Francisco. Robt. McCann ylsltod friends at Eastsido yestorday. Apricots and Cherries Are not likely to be cheaper and may be higher Large shipment on Redondo Place your orders with your grocer now, early, and don't get left WANTED Waitress. Must ho' ox porioncod. Phono 2C3-L. COOS HAY to DRAIN In ONE DAY Via GARDINER Drain-Coos Bay stage, and steamer to Scottsburg. ' Mattoon auto lino Scottsburg to! Drain. Through faro ?7.50, Nqrton & Hansen, agents. LIGHTWEIGHT TENNIS racquets $l,50at THE GUNNERY, As our special Inducement to introduco Ehmann's Olive Oil Into now homos has proven so successful wo havo determined to continue tho offer all this wook. With each $1.00 bottle of Ehmann's Olive Oil, we will give free One 30c. Jar Ehmann's RIPE OLIVES Lockhart's Grocery . . '. fli s SAW - Two Privato Phones 85 and 305 VM : -A a '$ T -yytiEi, v ftwwv f