i J J . jrmirmm-mmmmm--rricm wm .tjtw gwi--p -- z , j, - . janm. , T rtB m I IT ' n r,' WJV17 T ' ' ? ' V ''' t.T TCTVJfflfW r '! " 'llWf "WBBflif7- " "Tl ;" .- . v, -...... '' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 10, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. 2 -,t . - ? Hi ' tijiii m i vtSWHBWWHf-' WUHwWWW ,T"lliP fW "' w' '"MT-'liilQiHBMBEjWtM.'!''' ' ?' "-.- w,iy $ - th t ..,i.,..-.i . ... v " ) Whv COOS BAY Tiivito M. O. SLLONEY DAN 15. MALONEY Editor iintl lub. News Editor Personal ft'otes Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrshflcld :: :: :: '-'- Oregon An Independent Ropubltaan news paper publlsbed every ovonlng except Bunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. Dodlcatod to tho sorvlco of tbo pooplo, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. Entered at tho postoffico at Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mall mattor. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. . , DAILY., XJ Ono year $0.00 For month 6 WEEKLY. One year (1.50 Whon paid strictly In advanco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay Times Is JB.00 pr year or 2.G0 for six months. Ofllrlnl rnper of Coos County OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MAKSIIFIELD. CONTROL CITY WATERFRONT. (Continued from pngo 1.) lOcnl pcoplo nnd Hint botweon $10, 000 nnd $15,000 moro would bo suf flctont to build nnd equip tho first mllo nnd n hnlf nf rond. This nmnunt should not bo cmhnrrnsslng to n com munity with tho wealth, resources and prospects of Coos nay. Mr. Blnko and tho wrltor hnvo dls- C. A. RAY lef( for Portland on tho last lltcnkwnter. CAPTAIN HARRIS has returned from a trip to the Sluslaw. MISS GERTRUDE SCA1FC 13 spend ing tho week with friends up Coos River. DAVID ROBERTS of Empire was greeting his friends In Mnrshflold Saturday. V. F. SQUIRE returned on tho' Re- dondo from n business trip to Sati Francisco. MR. and MRS. E. L. C. FARRIN and W. J. Conrad spent Sunday on Coob River. MRS. O. W. KAUFMAN Is tho guest of Mrs. J. A. Mntson at tho Nook, 8outh Coos River. MR. nnd .MRS. .EARL SAVAGE will movo Into tho Lawhorno bunga low at Mllllngton tomorrow. ' MR. nnd MRS. ARTHUR McKEOWN nnd son, Joo, returned Sundny ovonlng from their camp nt tho Maze. MRS. COLBY PERRY went up Coos Rlvor todny nnd will spend n weok as tho guest of Mrs. J. T. McCor mac at Dcor Lodge. HUGO QUIST, Enoch Holmborg Cornell Lncorstrom nnd W. Isnac- non spont Sundny nt tho Ark on South Coos Rlvor. MR. nnd MRS. JOHN LAFON nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Downing worn, nmong the Mnrshflold pcoplo who spent Sundny up Coos Rlvor. ENOOII HOLLAND, who Is now In chnrgo of tho Llbby mine property nt Llbby for tho now ownors, wns n MarHhflcld visitor Saturday. MISS RITA KEANE of San Frnn- clsco arrived on tho Rodondo to bo tho guost of MrH. C. F. McCollura of North Bend for tho summer. until Septombor. R. R. DUNNIWAY, a prominent at torney of Portland, who has been a guest at tho Chnndler hotel, went over to Coqulllo on, this morning's trnln. Ho expects to loavo on tho Breakwaior Wednes day for his homo. MR. and MRS. M. O. HORTON nnd tho Misses Ruth and Dorothy Hor ton returned today from an outing spont nt tho Goodwill plnco on Coos River. Miss Lucy Horton remained up tho river ns tho guest of Miss Nelllo Towor at tho Tor- race. JAKE GOLDIE writes Coos Bay frlonds that ho. .expects to leave Portland for Mnrshflold July in for a fortnight's vacation visit with frlonds hore. Ho says ho oxpectB to bring a party of enstorn friends who nro coming to Investigate ,tlie prospects rt tho Coon Bay country with a view to Investment hero. He also Bays there la much Coos Bay tnlk In tho Roso City and nTuimber of Portland real estate men nre figuring on flocking hero If auy-' thing opens up. cussed this rnllwnv franchise on nnv ornl occasions. Ono wns nftor tho HKV. FATHER SPRINGER of North llund wns cnlled to Florence) Sat urday by tho serious Illness of Mr. CnHsldy, n pioneer of thnt section. council refused to hold his frnnchlno In nboynnco. In thnt tnlk I snld to Mr. Blnko who has somo high Ideals of public service that If ho had sin- E. DEHRUNO. who wns Injured at coroiy iiovoied lilniHolf lo nubile nor (vice In his rnllwny promotion nnd not cnpltnllzed nn nrtunl expenditure of 133,000 nt J2fi0,000, nnd then pre sented his proposition to tho ontlro publlo It would hnvo succeeded. Mr. Blnko thon sought to Justify tho capitalization by stntlng thnt thoro was nrtunl nnd Increasing value lm- hind It. I nsked him vhoro. "in n ,.! ..,,..,.- ...V.' ":....'" ft UI-SII3 TILLMAN of mllo nnd n hnlf right of wny nlongtho streot," ho replied nnd ndded. "why to mnko n turn on Brondwny to get to Front street I found It necessary to go through n corner or tho C. A. Smith property. Mr. Smith wanted tho rnllwny nnd wns willing to mnko concessions to securp P. Ho mndo mo a low price for n. narrow strip 20 feot wide n short dlatnnco through thnt proporty. Tho prlco wns J20.- Smlth Powors Camp No. 7 Satur day and who Is now nt Morcy hos pital, Is reported slightly hotter todny. S. D. MAGNES enmo down this morning from tho Nook, 'J. A. Ma: turn's summer homo on Coos Rlv or whoro ho wns n gueat ovor Sunday. Gravel Ford, Coos county, loft Tor Eugono this morning after n few days' visit at tho hpme of Mr. and Mru. John Ponnlo, In West Rosohurg. MISS VIOLET HENDERSON receiv ed n night letter from Hug'j Brown stntlng thnt l-o arrived In San Francisco Saturday at I p. m. lenvlug Coos Bay Thutsday. The trip wns n most plonsant one. n00 nnd I now hold nn option at that " I-OCKIIART and Judgo Coko ro flguro, which I think Is cheap. If turned to town this morning from thnt strip of right of wny Is worth tM0 Locklmrt butignlow on Coos 930,000, don't you seo whnt nil tho ,,,vor- Mr- Lockhnrt nnd Mrs. rest of It Is worth?" Coko will romaln for n wcok'a "Well," I replied, "that nlrendy vlalt nt 'I'0 cottage. bnlotiRH to tho people. Why shouldn't DR. and MRS. J. W. INORAM loft thpy retain It." ,,, Mnxluo nm, ,)lcko ,, MM It would he n good thing, hut they tho doctor was cnlled by n tolo- wont. was Mr. Blake's answer. ! grnm on huslneas. Ho will return Tho Incident Is related hero meroly ' next wek but Mrs. Ingram will to prove from tho practical promo- spond n month visiting relatives In tors standpoint tho raltio of somo of that city. SSnow IS ,? "r0 I,0W,nB MUa n' A' J0 " two daugh- 2R0.000 whv ..,.,, .., ' ;. .. ' :""" m '""nu. will go np to the ' " '" uiijt con- sorvo Its own rwotirfo. " H Is found necMMry why Bhoiildu't the city luc bonds and of fer them to local popl7 Tho Tlinw bollevo tharo l onoiwh patriotic prldo on Coo Buy and enough mon oy. too. to flnnnrp r strwt rallwav that will protect the waterfront for ovor and offer It to nil railways thnt mny seek ontranco on oaual and oqul tablo terms. J. N. Ton!, the prominent Portland attorney. In his addrotw bofnro tho Chambor or Commore reeontlv was omnimtlp In lili declaration that tho cllv ahotiM protect Its wnterfront be ennso of It vast Importance In tho control nnd developwwu of com rnorcn. foe. Bay ahould pront Uy Oil. ad vloo of ono who hag tuill tho pro "lorn for elvht y mA wll0 Uns won 1U Imnortaupe iu the growth and davelopmeut of Portland. There's Health and Sweetness As woll as nppolltc Jn tho now ar my of FRESH FRUITS nnd VEflET AHLES thnt wo enn offer you to com mence' tho week. CHERItUlS PEACHES APRICOTS PLUMS I.OG.WIIERRIES STRAWBERRIES RASPBERRIES CUCUMBERS TO.ALVTOES GREEN PEAS CAULIFLOWER HEAD LETTUCE CARROTS, RED BEETS GREEN ONIONS TURNIPS CABBAGE NEW POTATOES i The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY PHONE H2. s Can Yoti Beat This? $ 1 2.50 Cash Buys a Real Up-to-date Satin Finished Brass Bed Tomorrow fTTTTTrf I i I .4W WH i. Then we have another rfeal beauty that goes for only $ 1 8.00 Cash We Say We Save You Money aid We Mean Ifc Going $ Harvey Co. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHING orchard, South Coos River, to moirow lu-i they will ostnblUi camp. They will probably rsmnin SAFE 1XVEST.MKXT For Information conrorr.loi; hlKh-claaa bond Invoatmi nta, uonrliiE 0 Interost not, write O. B. Illnsdnlo, caro J. II. Adams and Compauy, Loa Angeles, California. BORADENT TOOTH PASTE! Tho only milk of magnesia Tooth Paste, prevents tooth decay, contains no grit, does not wear away the teeth, loaves tho mouth cloan and sweet, PRICE 25 CENTS FOR SALE AT BUSY CORNER PHONE 298 Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY GOBNER" LEADING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. PHHSCHIPTIOXS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Our uutos, K-nvIiiK MuihlilUlrt nt O o'clock every morninj:, con licet with the eveiiliit; train to Portland. Fnro $11.00. COOS HAY' ItOSEBURG STA CJE 1.1XE OTTO SCHiriTER, Agent, O. P. IIAUNARI), i'M MARKET AV., Mnrchllehl. ARent, ItOSEHUIta, Ore. PHOXS 11 THE PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (Equipped with Wlrclctm) IXTER-OCEAN Tit Aug puHeiij;ers liotli wjiys and frolKbt Will nmko rcKtilar trlpn carrjn,,clHco. AIlreervntloiiHforinHseiiKeri between Coom Bay iiml San I'rell anil Inter-Ocean Trnnsp. Co. mnilo nt Alllmico Dock, MnrMi,, IVi.i.cInco. For Itifornintlou. phono I I-.T or 2H.1. Snllliifr from Mursliflcld, WctliioMlny, Jidy 12, nt 12 JL Union Street Wharf No. 2, SiXSPORTATION COMPANY. Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAniX) 4ND JOSSON CE.MENT. Tho boat Domeetlc and Importod brands. Plaitor, Lira, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTn BROADWAY. PHONE 201 Red Estate" BUY NOW All kindk or City and Farm Prop, arty. Rooudug house at a bargain, Al'(J. FHIZEKX (IS luntw.1 Ae., Marhhllfld. Ore. MARRIAOK IdCreXSRS. MARHFii:cirspoiTi:AT: FAMILY HOTEL THE MX) YD Hatat reduced to: my 60c, 76c rd U.00; WO8k-.J3.00 to $5.00. Housa. 'leik's kwpJng upurtmouti wltu gas rauges tvu.uu to 51S.00 pr mouth. FRBR Renorl From the County Onioi. For the flrt ilx days In July four "ATIIB It. W. SPLLIVAX, Pro,,. leauod bj; marrlago llconsos were County Clerk WaUon. Tha r8t BJ U VI . r . iasuod to OMo W. FrodrlokBon .. IdVC I IUU. i00r riXfif fIma Loulso Rosa. Tho balnnco wnr , vnw T tbo followlnsr couples: I yiTNm, tlioo. c. Franklin and Uttlo B.I e CORTHELL 8ll, I Phono aiai EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS STMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIMR SAILS FROM PORTLAXD AT O A. M. ON JULY 5, 10, 15, 20, SAILS FROM COOS HAY AT SERVICE OF .THE TIDE OX JULY 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 AXD 27. L. II. KKATIXO, AGEXT ,.II0SB MA1X 35.L Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. i HENRY SEXOSTACKEN, MBr. Coqulllo omco Phono 191 - Marshfleld Ofllco 14-J Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands n specialty. Qonaral Agents "EASTSIDE", HUE FRIEXD OF COOS BAY" ALLIANCE 9 IvCTlXG WITH THE XORTH BAXK ROAD AT PORTLXD SAILS FR.OM COOS rav trrD tTir,l , PHOXE 41 WNESDAY. JULY IsThNoon ..w.. tAwtriuai-iiAMSIUP COMPAXY. O. F. McGEORGE, Agent DRAIN-C00S BAY AUTO LINE YIA ALLEGANY NOW HEADY FOR BUSINESS Leaves Marshfield Daily, ?,m52AVES iVLEnT VXDIX. MARSHFIELD ARRIVE DRAIN 1 P. M. SAME DAY. 8:30 A. M. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT The Busy Comer Drug Store ;. TRYA WANT AD IN TIMES lh YOU WANT QUICKlfESULTS PHONE 208 .. . i ' f i. . . . B L. . w jm m ,