vm w? J1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEtp, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. "'"VT"1 7 For Exceptional Bargains In Business nntl Itcslilonco property in North Bond nnd ncroago in Coos County Soo tho Standard Investment Co. 1000113 BUILDING NORTH BEND BRINGING MONEY TO THE BANK r CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY AT MARSHFIELD, OREGON, at tho closo of business, Juno 7th, 1011. IlESOUBCES: Loons nnd discounts $180,015.32 Overdrafts U. S. Bonds nnd pro- inlums Othor bonds County and school warrants. . . . Banking liouuo, furnl- turo nnd fixtures... Cash and duo from banks. . .43 25,250.00 77,412.50 2,571.78 82,089.45 100,585.12 9027,021.05 Cash rosorvo 40 of deposits. W" Invito your attontlon to tho strong condition of this bank ns Indlcatod in tho abovo statomont, also to tho porsocnol of its di rectorate Docs a gonoral banking business. Interest paid on tlmo and savings deposits. OFFICERS: W. S. CHANDLER, President; M. C. HORTON, Vice-President; DORSEY KREITZER, Cashlor. DIRECTORS : W. S. CHANDLER, JOHN S. COKE, W. U. DOUGLAS, F. S. DOW, WM. GRIMES, JOHN F. HALL, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, W. P. MURPHY, M. C. HORTON. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over .... Assets Over Interest Paid on Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO 4.ND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domestic and Importod brands. Plaster, Llmo, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 801 OREGON Tli iv,i 11 11 ,' I he most conservative lines of OUSineES find a potent adver- tising agent in the Electric Sign. 1 Read the oulnlon of PrAsldnnt R. H. RonrH nf iUa MIM, .! n di m..i ri 1 rnl Ronl Muskogee, Okla-1 homa: "Our Electric Sign representing a nana aropping dollars into savings bank has been in ser vice for the past six months. "It has proven a big busi ness getter and tho results achieved from it have warrant ex! the expense of tho Invest ment." Wo are pleased to receive tes timonials; we would be glad to have one from YOU. Let our New Business ' De partment talk to you about special designs in electric ad vertising. Telephone 178 OREGON POWER COMPANY. LIABILITIES: Capital stock. sflOO.OOO.OO Surplus and profits.. 7,145,05 Circulation. 25,000.09 Deposits. 305,778.70 9527,021.05 1889 $100,000 $500,000 Time Deposits TO BH Louisiana Senator Declares "Farmers Shouldn't Be Buncoed." ( Tv Ananntntnrl T'rnaa n tlm Pnno T)nw Tlmofl ) '! UmC '' 14 tNITKIHIRETIIRKX CHURCH 4 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 7. ok south BEND. 4 "Tho only plauRlblb meritorious 44444444444 claim for tho passage of tho Cann- dinn roclp'roclty bill was withdrawn ( by President Taft at his recent nd- dress at Indianapolis when ho said tho bill would not diminish tho coatl of living, dcclnrcd Senator Thorn ton of Louisiana, a .domocrat, today, in addressing tho Sonato. Thornton said tho farmers of tho country should not bo buncoed by tho onaot- moat of tho bin. that that bin was not a Democratic. moaBuro nnd thoro- foro h9 f0,t freo t0 carry out hl8 picugo 10 mo poopio 01 Louisiana in voting against It, ovon If ho did not follow hla party in tho Sonato In 00 do,nir. Thornton ndvocatcd n roduc- itlon of dutlos on shoes nnd ' woolon fabrics. After the how try n Turkish bath Phono a 14- ,T. Tho uniform sucrcis thnt has at tended the uso of Chnmberlnlu'j Co lic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Itomody Iris made It n favorite ovoiywhoro. Jt can nlways bo dopondod upon. For salo by nil denlors. JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF THE FAMOUS Heide Caps All colors and nil sizes. They aro tho standard of tho world. Up-to-dnto and nifty. PRICES ONLY noo to 9I.BO. The Toggery Formerly Geo. Goodrum. WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzoy. on of tho drivers nd tho solicitor for us Is out for sundry. Watch him! ho la liable to Btop you on tho street and explain all details of Laundry and also to be t your nomo any tlmo. Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfiel Hand and Steam Laundry PHON. 220-J PROFESSIONAL 0IRE0T0RY pvR. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Graduate of tho American school of Osteopathy nt Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phone 1C1-J; Marshtlold; Oregon. rR. J. W. INGRAM, - Physlclnn nnd Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Building hones: Ofllco 102J; Resldenco 1021, W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Offlco over FHnngan & Bennott Bank Iarshflold Oregon DR. J. T, Mc,ORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. Office: Lockhart Building, opposite Post O.TJca. Phono 105-J Have your Job The Times office. printing do no a AT THE A CHURCHES JleP feSS) ' (Ministers nnd others aro request ed to bund the Sunduy church no mi not Inter than Ktldny evening to timire insertion Sn urdny.) Sunday School at 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor at t!:30P. M Preaching sorvico at 11 A. M. and 8 o'clock. 444444444444444 rtffcJ LUTHERAN CHURCH. Cor. 3rd nnd Commercial Avo. Rov. B. F. Bengtson, pastor. 294 Highland Avcnuo Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Servlco 11:00 a. m. Sorvico 8:00 p. m. EPISCOPAL EMMANUEL CHUItCII. 4 Kov. Kobt. E. Browning, Rector 4 444444444444444 Emmanuel church 8 A. M. Holy Communion. 11 A. M. Morning prayor nnd bormon. 2:30 P. M. Evening prayer nnd sormon in Eplscopnl church, North Bend. - NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Services Sunday morning nt 10:45. fluuday school nt 10 o'clock. Junior League, 4:00 p. m. 7:30 o'clock Evonlng worship. 44 4 CHURCH OF CHRIST 4 4,4 44444444 Rogulnr sorvlccs ovory Lord's day. Sunday school, 10 o'clock A. M. Communlon'sorvlco 11 o'clock A.M. Y. P. S. C. E. 0:30 o'clock P. M. Prayor meotlng Thursday ovonlng each wcok 8 o'clock. Cordial invitation to any or all mcotlngs oxtonded to tho public gen erally, nnd especially to mombors of ho church visiting in tho city. 4444444444444444 4 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS 4 4 T. O. BUNCH. Minister. 4 4 4444444444444444 4 Sovonth Day Advonttst sorvlcf aro conducted every Sntnrday nt their now church as follows: Sabbath school at 10 n. m. preach ing sorvico 10;45 a. m. You nn cordially Invited to attend. 44444 44 444444444 4 MirrilODIRT EPISCOPAL V Rov. II. I. Rutledgo, Pastor. M 4444444444444 Sunday school, 10 n. m. Morning sorvico, 11 n. m. Epworth Lcaguo nt 7 o'clock. Evening sorvico at 8 o'clock. Miss Efllo Church will bo tho leador of tho Epworth Loaguo meet-' Ing and tho subject will be "God Rules ovor Evil for Our Good." 4444444444444 4 MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC 4 CHURCH. 4 Rov. Father Moran, Rector. 4 4444444444444444 4 Mass will bo colobratod In Marsh field at 10:30 Sunday morn ing, tho Rov. Fnthor Moran colohrnnt. 4444444444444444 4 MARSHFIELD 4 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH M 4 J. T. M. Knox, pastor. 4 44444444444 4 Sunday school, 10 a, m. sharp. Y. P. S. C. E. at C:30 p. m. Preaching nt 11 a. m., nnd 7:30 p. rn. 4444444444444444 NORTH BEND CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Fnthor Springer, Rector. 4444444444444444 Mass will bo colobrated at 8 o'clock, Sunday morning nnd nt 10 o'clock. 444444 4 4 FIRST BAITI8T CHURCH. 4 4 Rov. O. LeRoy Hall, 4 4 Resldenco 592 Sixth street 4 4 Phillies; 4 Residence, 25G-J. 4 4 Study, 289-L. 4 44444 44 444444444 4 10 o'clock Sunday school, Alva Doll, superintendent. 3 o'clock Eastsldo service, 7:00 o'clock B. Y. P. U. 8:00 o'clock Evening sorvico. Church nursery for young children In chargo of competent ladies, con ducted ttt tho residence of Mrs. George Ayro, comer 3rd nnd Commercial 44444444444444 north bkxd catholic 4 CHURCH. 4 Ilov. Father Springer, Hector. 4 4444 44444444444 Mass will bo celebrated at 8 o'clock, Sunday morning by tho Rov Father Moran. 44AAAaa.a..a NORTH BEXI) METHODIST V "PTm l"eBent lndlcatlons thoro ,s CHUUCH B0"B to l)0 n rn,lroal In hero soon," Uov. ALBERT S. IIISEY, Pastor 8n,d a rom,nent clt,zcn t0 Pre 444 4 sentntivo of Tho Times last evening. Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Continuing ho said, "somo people Preaching 11:00 a. in. wno 0UBnt to uo on tuo 'Insldo' aro Epworth League, 7:30 p. m. making extensivo real ostato pur- 'chases niid this 'fact alono, In my, 00CCCCCCC0C5'w?v0 ,op,n,on warrants ub somo good nowsj X CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. M SCIENCE. WC0CO0CCOrt.wV' Services will bo hold In tho Chris Man Solanco hall, 327 Thlr4 stroo north, Sunday at 11 a. i NOUTH BEND PRESBYTERIAN 4 Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching sorvico 11:00. Christian Endeavor 7:00. Preaching sorvico 8:00. 444444444444444 OBITUARY. 4 ujwu ii. 1-. uowc. at 4:30 i. m.. Juno 27, 1011, nt tho homo of rol- ntlvcs residing nt Dora, Oro., oc curred tho death of Bonjnmln Franklin Howe, n votornn of tho civil war. Deceased was born In Now York In tho yonr 1830, nnd nt tho call for volunteers enlisted in Company E Cth Regiment Ohio. At tho conclusion of tho war ho took up his residence In tlio stato of Nebraska whoro ho continued to reside for n number ol years, romovlng to Mount Hood, Ore, in 1907, whoro ho remained but n short tlmo, then coming to Coos county whoro ho has mado his homo with relatives unlll death. Tho deceased lonvcs two slstora and ono brother to mourn his loss. Tho Rev. II. I. Rutledgo of Marsh- field officiated and dollvored u sor- and patriotic services wore hold and mon which was n beautiful and n picnic lunch enjoyed. Thoso n( touchlng tribute to tho llfo of tho tondlng wore: Bort Gray nnd family, deconsod and to tho old soldier. W. G. Shnvor nnd family, Mrs. Tay Intormont wns In tho Dora como- lor, Mrs. Plorco, Mr. Smith of Ensi tory tho old burial custom being Bide, Mrs. A. J. Stommormnn nnd observed tho mound of now earth family, Miss Georgia Bonnott Ruth, wns bankod high with beautiful Hazel and OUbsIo Cownn, Wm. Ro flowors tokens of lovo nnd ostoom blnson nnd family, Mrs. Story, Mr. from tho neighbors nnd friends of nnd Mrs. .Too Shoppers, Mr. Tybortf tho last call was soundod, nnd tho nnd fnmlly, Clnronco Gould, choir Bnng tho old but nlways i beautiful song "Shnll Wo Gnthor nt tho River." Ono moro boy In bluo has crossed over tho grout Dlvldo to meet his Mnkor. Ho loaves to mourn his death two slfltors nnd ono brother nnd othor relatives and frionds. CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to extend our thnnks nnd slncoro appreciation to tho mnny frionds and neighbors for tholr kind sympathy and nsslstanco during tho Inst Illness of our lato holovod rola- uvo uenjamin v. howo. - MRS. E. J. HOWE AND FAMILY. 444444444444444 WHIVP PRICES DROP. (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Oro., July 7. Club, 83 to S4c; Bluestom, 9Gc; Rod Russlnn Fortyfold 83 to 84c. CHICAGO. 111., July 7. July 7. July wheat, 89 3-4c; Sep tember, 91 5-Sc; Decombor, 94 4444444444444444 Thoro Is ono modlclno thnt ovory family should be provldod with and especially during thosummor months; viz, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is nlmost cor taln to be needed. It costs but n quarter. Can you afford to bo with out it? For sale by all dealers. SAFE INVESTMENT For information concerning high-class bond Investments, bonring Qy0 interest net, writo O. B. tllnsdalo, caro J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angoles, California. jg Real Estate BUY NOW All kinds of City and Farm Prop erty. Rooming house nt a bargain. AUG. FRIZEEN 08 Central Ave., Mnrshfkld, Oro. iicaiions OCCflfl BDIPLJT Jir 1 m nnhrll Local Man Sees Another Event Substantiating Railroad Talk. lroul u, rn,,ra nu "o nr ruture." Tho resident roforrod to has lived In this vicinity for many, many years and Is as thoroughly vorscd as to local conditions an ono man possibly could bo. Ha Is a booster, not a boom or, and his Intonsoly interesting talk of Coos county and ccpoclally Marsh Held would look woll extroniolyr In tho Sunsot Magazlno. DEFENDS "SCIENTISTS" (By Associated Press to Coos Bar Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July C. - A remnrkablo dofenso of Christian BC,onco Including tho story of his own transition from scoffer to devout be- Hover wns mado In tho Sonato today" by Senntor Works of California. His speech wns In reply to qno by Son ntor Owon, whoso bill for depart ment public health has mot opposi tion from mnny Christian Sclcnclsta. Works denounced tho movement for n "ntl"nl department of health a an nttompt by tho American Medical Association to control medical activi ties. 4 ALLEGANY ITUMS. 4 4444444444444444 A largo picnic party went by nutos to tho Golden Falls on tho Fourth nnd spent tho day. Religious Allogany pcoplo enjoyed n good display of fireworks which woro sec off nt Bort Grays on Wednesday ovo nlng. A number of Coos River peoplo who woro unablo to attend coloura tions olsowhoro held n picnic nt PI por's Grovo Tuesday. Miss Anna Whlttod Is qulto HI at tho homo of hor mothor, Mrs, Stom mormnn. Among tho Allegany peoplo who attended tho colobrntlon at Marsh field woro Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II, Prlco nnd fatniiy, Mrs. Hastings and son, Paul; Carrlo Bromor, Jack Collins, Alfred Rodlno. RAIN A TURKISH 300D. Phono BATH 514-J. will do you LECTURE AND HEALING T r TT1 TT ATT nTTm 1 Tf X.KJ.KJ.V. Xli-UU, OUlN-UiVIl EVE, JULY 9 AT 8 . M. By Dr. and Mrs. Edw Oluo'. ivii woicomo. uomo aiia! bring tho sick and seo tho cures mado in a few minutes. OFFICE COOS BLDG., IiOOM 209 .Br a tut rwB. Mm " Hg Sr 4 1 . - i . ...to.i-Airfl..J .