' WSFK-T- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEJ.D, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. 2 COOS BAY 1M? v A M. O. MALONEY lidiiii" mill .'. IAN K. MAIiONKY .ius IMItoi kwJV ' r ' . A I" -- Addresc all communlcai.. m to COOS HAY DAIIjV TIMliS. Vursliflcld -:: :1 :: .: Oregon rx. ah Independent itepuull'ian nows papor published every evening except Bundny, and Weekly by Tlio Coos Hay Time Publishing Co. Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that evil a, all not tlirlvo unopposed. ark m arv ffr&(fl am em MB VriSBSfc tiHPk tf32 ftAw W WW i Tr m w W i8& 38fe. Awwk m W k A5MinAi8nHiii m WMmM wm m u a w i n n m . m i iwv,My n""&j m hi m ha ;:? u no nu w m d y u iar w m.ua. ur . dtiam w m . . wfcf tJI vm b' A iiift jBUb4Sn i't!s!l? Mv HUBV lorf flH W WPk KiB P" .W K KS3 V T '. B w -w ---op r -- mT H jw B,- u A, - iTTiTlgfirii Entered at the postolhco at Marsh old, Oregon, (or transmission rouch th malls as second class until matter. I i w.l I l. 'I '- ' . ! SrBSCMITIOX HATES. DAILY. One year 6.00 Per moath 60 WHHKIjY. Ono year J1.60 When paid strictly In ndvnnco tho ubserlptltn prlco of tho Coos Hay Times Is 96.00 pr year or f 2.S0 for six months. When everything is said and done, The Boston Store prices still stand out and alone and far beyond the realm of competition. We offer you, no "Baits' but a standard stock of j high grade merchandise, priced in a manner that will mean for you an absolute saving Unlelnl Taper ofCoos County Ol'l'lCIAIj I'Al'KH OK THE OITV' OP MAHSIIFIKIjI). 1JY PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS. w o( from 20 to 60 per cent Below we show only a very few of the hundreds of great savings to .be found at this store. Look them .over. Store will bz open Saturday until 10, MEN'S WOOL SUITS in host materials im.l styles. We're $15.00 to $20.00. Suit .$7.50. MllflferkMMMMMtaaktBI H'w ittWWlMtWWW II ION' you build n home you al ways adopt Homo particular stylo of architecture. You seek symmetry and proportion. Thoio is uniformity In method of construc tion, In fnct, you know pretty well before the homo Is built how It will look when completed became It Is t. I bo constructed according to plant land specifications. . , .) Tlio same method should be em ployed In building a city. There should bo plans nnil specifications drawn and tho city built according to these) even though n long period of years are required In doing so. Can not wo plan MnrHhllcld of tlio futuio along Mich lines? Let iih draw HE A IT WORK GLOVES ill gCllllillC llOl'SC- MEN'S DRESS SHOES in vici, pm metal nn.l patent colt. Wore $-1 to $3. (T Q 'jrJ Pair only $ B 3 'MEN'S ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR, lienvj. Orey. All sizes. Was $1.(55 gar- Qr ment. Now OCPL CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, in grey col ton, fleece and ribbed. .Were 35c T)Cr fo -i5e. Xow, garment ' mJj MHww'iriw itf.ravw tar i . tuiiam u - BOY'D DRESS SHOES i.i gun metal, bin oner, fchi'jlish Inst. Sizes 1: to (Na AA l) ere j?;)..30. 2uv .". . . . 4 I . Ju Pit wwo'n plans of tho "City Ilenutlful" urn bodying a population of 100,000 anil build according to1 plnns. This gen eration my not bo able to comploto gonoratlon will take up the work tho workof construction but the next with f. will whoro wo leavo off and carr It on to successful consummation. COS 5, j. E BULL SCORES hide and pigskin. Were $1.50. No'v, pair '. . . . 85c UJCX'S WORK AND DRESS SHOES in $3 and $).50 grades. Plain or boxed ( fl Q rvtoos. l?air only . 4 J) I .OD 'BOY'S AND GIRLS' EXTRA HEAVY HOSE, cotton ribbed. Fast color. Were 18c to 23c. Now. pair 10c FIXE CHENILLE VEILING. All colors. Regular .'35c lo 50c grades. 4 C Yard only ...... .v Ji. j CALICO, American Printing Co. quality. All coki's in prettv patterns. - t- ' Yard '..7 3L j, SWISS EMBROIDERY, edging in 20c to 25c quality. G to 8 inches wide. 4 4 Yard I It WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HAND KERCHIEFS. Pine 8 l-3c quality. A . Each, only '. ' 4C BOYS' AND GIRLS' SHOES, sizes 7 to 2. Gun metal and vici. Were $1.50 to $2. Now 85c WOOL DRESS GOODS in panamas, aerges and bicilians. All staple colors. CQr( " vl Was $1.50. Now, yard ; . . .DOC H WOMAN'S DRESS SHOES AND OX FORDS in $1.00 Sorosis quality, ft A rry All sizes. To close, pair 4) I IP STANIUXO OK Till: C'lil'IIS. , Won I'ortlnnd fi'j' Vernon 53 Sim Francisco. ,C2 ''Oakland G2 Sacrnmonto. , . II Los Angeles. . , Vi Per l.ont Cent. Associated Pross to Coos n.ii Times.) ' ""POIITjAND, Oro., July 7.l'ort- land and Oakland dropped snnicd yosterdny but It did not offBot tliu The Don't Buy It Elsewhere If You Can Poss!b"y Get St Here oston Store 40 47 19 111 52 r.7 .nr.o ,G30 .514 .511 .470 .t'.M (Dy "Every Article a Big Bargain" The Q"e Great Bargain Center of- AH Southern Oregon club's standing. V'ero the htorett: Portland. . . Sanramnnto. , l.os Angeles. . Oakhiud. . . Snn Prnneluoo. Vernon. . . . The following FRANCHIGE !S CONSIDERED (Continued from page 1.) t X 0 c 1 4 I! "I Qi 5 51 4 no BOUTS IN HOSPiTALi 1 Six Out of Sevan Boats Now Undergoing ' Repairs. 1 As n re- alt of tho molur hot rnroa which won- to Imvo heon hold on tun Hay ,lul 3 and thor aro 4 Iioau In tho marine hiwpltul. The Wolf from a broken shaft, the i. n. o Bustalnod a broken whwl. the UiibIku U brokon bow, from a collision wlt'i 1.10 Kia, which Is luivluK her stern kpalruil. Out of tho seven boats VUB tho Qoueral was tho only n ni mo unlsh. Tho Coos liny Men bo much was expected, re- o run. Tho TaK started well discouraged and failed ndinvaKomo or that It was his frnnehlso or renro iwntod his views. Ho Btated it was 7 tentative proposition moroly to iii r deoiiro dlsciiMlon and he alter ed as olreumstnnces might warrant Me then wild ho was opposed to tho lllako frnnehlso at all times bocnuto he whs opposed to pumbllitK In frnn rhli.ee Franchises should bo nlvoii to ho used by Immodlate action and acceptance or hold In the interest of the people themselves. He roforrad 'req.iontly to Knnibllnt; In frauehlsos and stated directly that Mr. Hlako l'd orKiinlznd a local company com I'osed of local men who had sub scribed within $7,500 of suniclout iHoiy to build nnd equip .Mr. IllakoV railway and that Mr. Ulnke's backing iuuhI bo weak if thoy could not fur- ,'iUU that sum to hold tho frnnehlM Unit had been uratitod. Mr. lllake promptly disavowed this exaet statement of the nniount ''iid said It would roqulro botwoon l'.000 and IIK.000 moro than his iuk 'tUcrlitlon to do tho work, fouueilman A. 11. Powers hero aske.l If there were uot $19,000 In ;Jcni aubsorlptlon. Mr. lllako said thoro were but flS.OOO In subscriptions uu it would require 133,000 to con struct and equip tho street railway he proposed to build from the corner near uomg & Harvey's store to the C. A. Smith mill. "Anyway,- remarked Mr. Powers, "If I wero In your place I would havo Bono ahead and built that street rnllwn. Mr. Hlako said ho had no regrets on that score nnd that ho had ten das moro to glvo to develop ment of tho project and ho wanted an Individual expression from the councllmon in reference to tho nint tei of holding tho Hlako frnnehlso In abejance. not revoking It but leahg it rendy to be revoked with their llu Rr on th, trigger at nil tlmos. Councilman l-Yrijuson rosponde.l promptly with omo Interesting nnd original vlows in which ho stnted ho thought the frauehlso should bo hold and owned by tho cities of North IHfi.d and Mai-shtleld. CouneKuiau Powers' view while ,not expiwwd directly on this wore , understood from his stntoment that Mr. nike h-d his ahnnco. i vonneuivf.n Savage said thnt he could uot m-a any particular use or jnou-nctioii ,r a period of ten days ,ts that voiibt i,e ontlrelv inn, siimt j In which to accomplish anything. I Mr. lilnke said that he would thou , "crept that as definite nnd tho coun ell adjourned with tho understand. jIhk that Acting City Attorney Keu- uaii would prepare an ordlnnnco ro- ,vokhK the make franchise nnd that it wcuid be prepared nnd passod nt Hie noetlnK of tha council no.t Mon- ,dny evening. o'clock for hor roturn trip alio will load at tho C. A. Smith mill for hor return trip to tho city. i Kxcelslor lcpurtn. Tho steam schooner Uxcolslor, Captain Lund horg, dopartod for San Francisco this afternoon with n full enrgo of lumber from tho C. A. Smith mill. Tho tug Lonn arrived In from Gar diner and tho Sluslaw this inornlii Shobrlngs a miscellaneous earjo. White and Fancy Vests Half Price uur Market Basket How you may profit by It. Take Foley Kidney Pills. Mrs. B. Q. Whiting, 3C0 Willow St., Akron, O., says: "Foi Jomo tlmo I had a very serious case of kidney trouble and I suffered with backaches and dizzy hendaches. I had specks floating beforo my evnq and I felt all tired out and mlserablo. t saw Foley Kidney Pills adTortlsn.i and got a bottU and took thorn nn. cording to directions and rauB showed almost at once. The pain and dizzy headaches left me, my eye sight became clear and today I can say I nm n well woman. thnnk Foley Kidney PH18." nd Crow Drug 8torj. WATKitntovr. Hmuh.lpl, l.onilluriTho Pwc power schooner llnndolph is loading ... uuui t,0acn and Port Orford. On ' irip to tho Hay tho little vessel brought a cargo of wool d hides. Iliilondo l)ue.Tho steam schoon- for Coos Day this evening at 6 XOT1CK. There will bo a meotlnc of n, exocutlvo committee at 4:30 Friday iiuornoon nnd n meeting of the Chamber of Commorco, subscribers and general public nt S:00 that eve ning. Mr. F.'l). Tlchonnr u-lll .. dress the ovonlng meotlnu. . HEXDEnsoy, Secretary. Mon Horo Is Your Chnncoj 91.BO Vests for only 75,. 9&O0 Vests for only 9ia0n ?S.0 Vests foi only 91 .53 $:!.() Vests for only $,j() $UM ThoroiiKlilirvd Huts only $ii.;j5 $-'.) Statesmen hats only. . . .$1,03 Thcso prices good only during our midsummer clearanco sale. All oth er goods nt proportionately low prl ces. The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY PHON'13 32. UXIQUE I'AXTATORIUJI Drlng your dyeintr. cleaning vo- Ing and repairing to us and be pleased Wo nro experts. Pnnwo j n ,cleanod on your floor or at our shoo ...-.. -.i, antral nvouuo, near Second stroot ROSS & PINEGOH. Proprlctow. Middle Aged and Kldorlv tni Use Foley Kidney PUls for quick and pormonent results In all cases of kid ney and bladder troubles, nnd for painful and nnnoylnir lrroi?iiinui ihey contain Just tho Ingredients ne cessary to regulate and strengthen tho action of the kidneva nn.i i,in. They are tonic In action, quick In rei suits. Try them. Red Cross Drug Store. If you have anything to sell, trade, (Of PKKSil FRUITS nnd VEGKT Allies for Saturday. Fresh CnliluiKu Oiiillllmter Ciicuiiiliei's lU'ets Carrots Turnips ' Rutabagas I'Iii-ko Head . Lotuco ' Rudlslies Onions " - 1 Rlmbarb 'p....... Fivsh Telephono l'cns AVilv ami Green IJenns Straw Ih'itIcs LoKanlK'iTles Peaches Plums Oranges Rananas '' . 4 Prompt delivery Wo do our best to please tho trado. PHONE US YOUR ORDER. 0LLIVANT& WEAVER THE PURE FOOD GROOERYMEJf A Good Placo to Trade. PnoXE 273-JCorner Rrd & Central ni... I D C . - - -.p. ,. . ; H'iTa SLZT. mLiamwmtk