p BAY TIMES. MARSHHIELD,, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. THE COOS 5233 EtBCXJum&SEamz:, Em5VrrBX&I2K3LWj2L& Watch this space in tomorrow evening's Times for the anncwncemact, of our Jl iiui mi w " "" ' iiimh .a. W W&jjl mi-aiiiMii uearanoe da r JCW. H ffi 0 S3 "MONEY TALKS" KIARSHHELD Oregon aS39BiCaDE2iaSHK: ittMwiMiai itnn uti rrirrrr """Wlja 1 G 1 H p I &&U m . - i ! !! mi urn i 'ii i mi mi mi" MfUBUnBTBBZBfSSBBUU7$HUHBKUKUtKMW1BHfKf771B1EKUMH wam tMM"BMsMTWsBiMfaMslMMjlMlsMlMMMKJ imiini iii mmmmmg I I ,1 1 Millfa i m a I . im MM WIWBIBWIMIIIimTr""" -MM HllllliiS ' "Wii I r JW X u uii aftw t r ij. i ii-i' i ,.iy IflSW ' B II OVER - I " ' 'I 1 I Justice of the .Peace Pennock ; Holds Accused In ' $5,000 Bonds. City Marshal Jack W. Carter to day took Jack Marsden, who was bound over to tho Grand Jury on a charge of assault with Intent to kill by Justlco of tho Pcaco Pennock e tcrday, over to Coqulllo and turned him over to tin custody of tho sher iff. Marsdon's hi.ll wan set at B,00'J and, unablu to ml so that amount, ho will linvo to remain In tho county Jail until further nctlon Is taken oh his nt tho September term of court. Marsden was arrested InBt Monday following nn alleged attempt to kill Ji W. Bennett, an nttorncy with whom ho had differences, In tho lat ter's ofllco In tho Flanagan & Dennett bank building. Tho accused man was glvenva,proIlmlnary honrlng hero yes ttrday' boforo Justlco of tho n "'"CO Pennock. Ho was represented by Attorney' Charles I. Itolgard ... wnilo Doputy Prosecuting Attorney I. Llljeqvlst represented tho stato. A ' Tho principal witnesses called by thn lll-nino'llllnn imm T W nn. ..,n. And Tom T. Uennett, tho former's son and law-pnrtner who wns also In tho ofllco when tho gun play Is nliego.l to havo taken place. Tho testimony of both men was 'dcntlcnl. "About two o'clock last Monday afternoon," snd T. T. Ilonnptt, "I wns standing on tho slops of tho Flanagan it Uennett Hank building.' My father, who was In conversation with Mr. Flanagan, was n stop or two away from mo. Just ns ho co-i-1 eluded speaking. John Marsden wnlk-'o 0V... cd up nnd, nftor Intimating thnt ho $ C.VIVIII.(J l.Vl.lfr ITI-'MS 4 wished to tnlk with my father, walk- , 0 '' " . ed up tho stair of tho building with. A ,.. nf ,,. , ... him. 1 IV.1I I.. I.l.l...i . . , ' m mi. in iiiuiiiiu iiHini mm mi- iftn,rtli i,rt. i v M , . fnthor then asked mo to tnko Mar sden Into my own ofllco nnd I did so. When tho threw of us woro together lu my room, Mnrsden brought up tho subject of n law suit ho recently brought ngnlnst IiIh fnthor whoso sldo V. Dennett told him that h d .1 nl enre to talk nbout that matter whoro ... ... ..ii. .... .. . upon Mnrsden, who wns sitting n U It nrt il lutnnn.i utit l..l.l t iuHght toiznu nn awwcnt hna ha,",e"oa' nnd a few seconds later, whllo utter ing tho words. "I'll get ou." or something to thnt effect, drew n re volver. "neforo ho had tlmo to rnlso tho weapon to aim, and nbout when It was on a lino with my fnther's foot I grabbed his right wrist with mv left hand and tho gun with my right nnd struggled with him for tho poa-, session of It." As soon ns his father had recover- ed his composure, ho continued, ho ioo uoipcii io suiuiuo .Marsden as did several other peoplo Mho had como Into tho ofllco attracted by tho cries for help of a girl Btonogrnpher. J, II. Flanngan and sovornl other witnesses testified to having assisted In tho subjection of Marsdon until tho arrival of tho offlcera and Marshal ", , . ' ,, . ' ,l Richardson told of having gone to fhrt nnnun nt Mia twnna ....1 1 1 1 'nrinr nnn uii.inini f itnn iitia .... .... ... ... .,i.vd u ul imviiiK placed tho mnn under arrest. Arthur McKeown, n real estato man nnd n son In law of tho older Rounott, told tho court thnt several weeks ngo, during n conversation be tween him nnd Mnrsden, the latter In speaking of Uennett, had threat ened to "get that and tho rest of thorn good and plenty." Even after ho wns placed under ar rest, nccordlng to witnesses, Marsden ai-jii-uii-u mu lurom. Tho dofonse entered a plea of "not ullty" aud declined to oilier any tes- ,mouy at this time. The people at Nctth. Bond arc not I .. -. ll pleased that John Marsden should be called a resident of that city. They stato that ho has not been ln business thero for two years, has not received his mall thero for tho same period and cannot bo Justly called a citizen or resident of North Bend. Tho Times had no deslro to cast any aspersions on n sister city, but tho story was written by a now reporter as it developed nnd was described by witnesses. Mr. Marsden Is not a resident of North Bend and they arc entitled to nn apology. PLOT REIUM TO Mil rj f in uuriiuniuuus n iiiu iiuuiouim -' ITI10 BCOfO Was 1 10 U. iu n nu uv III 1 1 lift! II M J I i 'ns niIvocnteI ln n bill Introduced Los Angeles 4 7 I ib ft u rk l n i i t dn. I Nowlands In n statement nccomjm PortUQUCSe Government ScndS nylng the measure contended that Q IHior Qmnicli i I t'10 standard Oil and Tobacco decl bOHierS t0 opaniSIl Flon nnd th0 recent government re- Frontier 1)0r' on t'10 stl,0, cntrovcr8'' (Jcm (iiy Associated Press Times.) i i i, oiiiiiu, .mi u. u nu k'iiiu od hero todnv thnt tho Portucueso - - . -- - government has despatched sovonl IhiKl..,,,! Irnnn. In ll,i. nnril,n, l.n "r "vi v.. i ! ivn- tier, following tho discovery of n plot , to restore tho monarchy. Tho con- P "' "' Bn'' to Jiavo originated nlUOIlg CCrtalll OlllCOrS Of tllO POftll- K,1PB0 nr,"' nl Vnlcnun Domingo, Just niT088 lho bor(,or frolu Tll'- O HOH.V. 41 I1AIICOCIC To Mr. and Mrs. L. H. llnbcock nt their homo on Union nvonuo, Nortli lloud, on July 3, a nine-pound girl. Mother nnd child aro doing well. I ' w..... ...... 1H.'., Lucy nnd Holt Manolirako nnd Miss ""vj. iMi wvMuuii.mv mm Min .... ... .., imj ii'iiiuui nun Thuradny night for tho imrposo of cnlllng on n school mate who had ro - contly broken her leg, but on arrival found tho hiiuso dark, being bed-1 tlmo nnd after all tho hard rowing and other disagreeable thlnca thov '.l ".I'1? t0 ''" "imn.s. """ romnieii nomo nt mtunlKut very much dlsappolntod, but to tho rellot of "Grandma" llonebrnko who was Frank Wnllaco nnd dnughter, Olive of nig Creek, arrived Saturday and nro tho guests of his brother, 11. D. Wallace, Carl Hollonbeok hns so far recov ered from his operation thnt ho was nbl t0 bo vod to Mooro Uros' ,u,nu Nor,u nlul Saturday. Il)ron Hodson and W. J. Wnllaco nro going to tho beach Ashing today. Mrs. H, D. Wnllaco and son Earl woro tho guests of Mrs. Thos Hlggln son nt dinner Monday. J. C. Doano and family, H. D. Wal- ,BCl, am, fnmll), c, ,,j, Jj famll) pnk nnd a n "rnco Jones and Mrs. Charles Cox colobrnteil tno Fourth , Ma 8nfl ..miwuhhu, . II. S. nonebrnko and son Verl. n F. Ross nnd nephew, Ross Honebrako, went to Mnrshflold Tuesday. 'l It's easier for n woman to run up a bill at a dry goods ttore than It Is for her husband tp run down tho money to pay It. It takes an occasional humiliation to keep a man's head down to the normal- bIzo of his hat. Clothes may not mako tho man, ui mrhey doesn't cut much of flsuro unless It t3 well dossed. ... K id ULuT IMILbAlitlt BRINGING wmm BSLLSCMES M0NEY ; .. j j , . . . n II I m. .....) KI! A.. Trade Commission Similar to Interstate .Commission, Is Proposed. Associated Press Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 6. An Interstate Trade Commission of five members to control Industrial corporations ns tho Interstate Com morco Commission controls rnllroadi), was advocated In a bill Introduced today by Senator Newlnnds of Novn- onsirnicr mo neou or -nn lnucnenu to Coos Bay Cnt qunsNpudlcinl nnd ndmlnlstra- tlvo tribunal of great character nnd dignity, ns fnr removed from poll- dignity, ns i.i i.nimi nn . i. ... "...-".."". ..u ...V. v....o. This would apply to Industrial rv- .... . .. .... noraiions engaged in inicrsiaip trado whoso nnnunl recolpts exceed nvo million dollars, nnd such cornoru- tlons would bo known ns "United Slnlna rni.lDnrn.l Mmimiilna Tt proposes to mnko lack of such regis- trntloit nn Indication of "something wrong. Tho Newlnnds' plan proposes thnt frequent reportB will bo required from corporations Informing tho pub lic of Its character, to bo published from tlino to time. advi:htisi:i) list. List of unclnlmod letters rcmnln Iiib In tho Mnrshflold. Oregon post ofllco. July 1, mil. Persons cnlllng for tho samo will plcnso say ndvar tlsed nnd pay ono cent for onch ml vertlted letter called for: A. II. Drown, Mis. W. S. lm- IfIHtl. Inl... ! t V worth, "im iiuiui iiiiiiu, a K H I- MOl H. iiiiiiib, Milium uiiivill, t, 11, liOtue.V A. C. Hntllold, Agnes Hnll, Vlelnr ,Hnrald, Llsllo Ilasolton. C. It. IIIU, Mnrshnl Hnlston, Georgo Johnson, Joo Jones, .1. S. Jones, C. E. Johnson Gus Johnson, Oscar Johnson, Mrs. N. C. Justosen. Mi. KnnVni- iiv-.. q l ----- ---.-. v1-vj IJIIIill W Lewis, Nels 'Inrtinson, Tom Mnys Alvln Myers. Mrs. Llllio Mnttliowi, Thomns .Mnhor, Mrs. Hvn Mongaer, Palo Mariano, Olaf Peterson. Chas. C. Uo?s. Hev. O. Strnnd. J. Sternor. N. C. Svorrltt, Edgar Sheldon. David Smith, Tom Smith, Mrs. C. V. Smith. Miss Edna Smith, John Sono. Geo S. Smith. L. E. Wnltors, Mrs. Eva Wheeler, Itobert Wymnn, Edwin P. WoBtmnn, Tim. David Williams. W. D. CURTIS, Postmaster. rMniia limn i What a Feeling in the Morning BUT THE FLAVOR OF Drifted Snow RFAIAIXS AND HAS HE1JN SAME TOR fl8 YEARS. THE SAFE INVESTMENT For Information concerning blgh-class bond Investtaents, bearing G interest net. write O. n. Hinsdale, caie J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California. 7 fkli r i-' V ' ' t"1",",a"w"-""1J'- "inrrMiiri..i ii II SHHi Hi! Hill ii i I il HmWl'iyil'f iM III W i IP I IMIWilii I- rTiTiii dliLi Portland "Beavers" Win An other Game From roruaiiu Duavurs win hii- i TU. ' other Game From lU I ML 'l 4, "Sac." (By Associated Press to Coos Daj T!rac3. PORTLAND, Ore, July C. Tho Deavers captured another game from tho California Scnntors yesterday. Tho score was 1 to 0. Yesterday's scores were: Los Angeles 4 7 Oakland fi M San Francisco 0 4 Vornon S 13 Portland 1 G Sacramento 0 0 Small lllii7o Owing to the prompt i work of tho night patrolman, what would have been a very dlsnstrouu flro wns narrowly averted on tho ovo- 'ntng of July 4. During tho coursu - ,, ,,,, ,,, -...-l-,-,. ,n,l """" " " -"- H BIHUU UJUZU UI1 IUU WlllUrirUIll BIUU of tho Ekblad & Son's Hardware Company's store. Tho blnzo had probably been stnrtcd from tho smoldering remains of n flro cracker. Th,. nr L B00l,,ftnr1t n"d U Wrt" only nftor tho combined efforts of tho patrolman, and a number of by stnnders who wcro pressed Into ser vice, thnt tho blnzo was extinguished. Tho patrolman stated that tho flro would havo undoubtedly set tho on tiro wntcrfront In thnt section nblnzo had It been In n position whoro it could have been fanned by tho strong wind thnt wns blowing nt tho tlmo. Thero is n woman lu Mnrshflold vho will not let her boy play ball b cuiso slio Is nfmld that stealing bases will linvo n bad effect on his moral character. Union Oils 'MSOLtNK V DISTSLLATE RE.N'ZLN'E KEROSEXH SAMSON (JAS ENGINES nnC CEXTRIFUUAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Mnmhflcld, Ore. I'HONE 302-J Mall Orders Solicited. P-Ip -V TR T f Masonic' Opera Kous The Reliable and Delightful lies Stock Co "ft WIFE FOR i WIFE" 25, 35 and 50 Cents beats on Sale at. the. "Busy, Coraier" j . --. " i ii, i :r I, i-punu S14-J. v ' ' ' l BANK For Exceptional Bargain In DuslncBs and Resldonco proporty County Seo tho Standard Investment Co LOGGIi: UUILDING NORTH REND OIIL'GOH 1 COOS IUY to DRAIN ln ONE DAY via GARDINER Drnln-Coos nay Btago nnd steamer to Scottsburg. Mnttoon auto lino Scottsburg to Drain. Through faro $7.50 Norton l (& Hanson, agents. QHT T-k The most conservative lines business find a potent advel tising agent in the Electrl Sign. Read the opinion of Preside- R, II, Berrd of the Night ar Day bank, Muskogee, Okl. nomas "Our Electric Sinn ronsintr a hand dropping dollars ir savings bank has been in s? vice for the past six months., ''It hns proven a big6is ness gouor ana me rcsuiu achieved from it have warrati!- Cd the expense of tho invest ment," We are pleased to receive tes timonials; we would be glad Ul have one from YOU. Let our Mew Business De partment talk to you about special designs in electdc ad vertising, Telephone 178 OREGON POWER COMPANYi s In Nortli Rend nnd acreago In Cooi WATCH! NOTICE! Homor Mauzey, an of tho drlun nd tho solicitor for us Is out fo aundry. Watch hlral ho Is 1UM to stop you on the street and oxplali all details of Laundry and also to b at your nomo any tlmo. Ho know Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfiel Hand and Steam Laundo PIION. iEJO-J PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ryn. a. Leslie, Osteopathic I'byslcian Graduate of tho American school tt Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Offl in Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; lt 4; Phone 161-J; Marsbileld; Oregon.' .jTJfL.J, W. INGRAAI, rhysieUn and Surgeon. aD9-210 Coke Building hones: Ofllco 102J; Rcsldenco 1021. J. W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank Jarahfield Oregon rR. J. T. McCORMAO. J Physician and Surgeon j Marshfleld, Oregon. Office: Lockhart Building, opposite Post Office. Phone ,10 5TJ COOS county PEAk, FRESm'e ry day. SAOCMI'S Gtocery. if I ' "' lT rtmmmmmmmmmmmmf I Don,'t . forge the Tr.)iUii, Bftt