' vr v'''TFTwiHr'r','VH4vrTmlKWT r' n- "r u wnn "Wff"T"' jSWPJPPJ P jjW1'7 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELB, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 6, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. rJtfc, , 4 I Buy Your Drag Store Wants at the Busy Comer v AXI CKIjI:KATK KVKHV DAY IN 'Tllli VHAIt. y . lMtUSCItirTIOX KIMdN'G IN Ol'U HL'HIXKSS. PLEAD "NOT GUILTY" Imllcfed Meat Pnckrre Will Fight In j Federal Courts. (By Associated I'rosa to C003 Day J Times.) CHICAGO, 111., July 0. The packern Indicted hero sonio time ago for violating tho Shorinan anti-trust law, pleaded not guilty today. Trial wjih sot for Novombor 2G. Personal Notes CIjAiIKNCB GOULD was down from Allegany tocjdy. f J. S. DAUTON of Coaulllo was a -Miirfrfiflold visitor today. & LOCAL & GLEANINGS lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" LEADING DRUG STOKE IN COOS COUNTY. I'BHSClUlTIO.'iS ACGUlATKrA COMPOUNDED. X WAXTB1) ICxnci-lcucvd waitress. Enqulro at Java Coffco House. JACK UEATTII3 of North Coos Itiv tr, was In tho city today. MUS. FM5D HANSEN or Sumner, was a Mnrshflold visitor today. M S3 ANNIE SMITH of Danlola' Creole, was a Marshfleld visitor , today. WANTED A cook nt onco. Apply to steward on steamer Broakwator. . llfflBEQHSE COXDWNHKD BTATSMNNT OV TIIK CONDITION OP THE FIRST NATIONAL nANK OP COOS BAT AT MAIWHF1EM), OKKGO.V, at the cIobo of business, Juno 7th, 1911. LIABILITIES: KK80imCE8t LonnB and discounts $180,015.3;: Overdrafts .43 U. S. Bonds and pre miums 2G.2C0.00 Other bonds 77,412.60 County nnd Bchool warrants. . . . 2,511.78 Banking house, furni ture and fixtures. . . 82,089.45 Cash and duo from banks 1G0.G8G.12 Capital utock. . . .$100,000.00 Surplus aud profits.. 7.14G.95 Circulation 2G, 000.00 Deposits. . . .'. ... 395,778.70 9S27.021.03 $ni!7,fKM.U3 I Cash rORorvo 40 of deposits. V Invito your attention to tho ntrong condition of this bank as Indicated In tho nbovo statoraont, also to tho poruouncl of Its di rectorate. Docs a genornl blinking business. Iutorost paid on tlmo nnd savings deposits. OVPIC1UU3: V. 8. CHANDLER, President; M. C. HOBTON, VIco-Prcsldont; DORSEY KREITZBR,, Cashlor. imuioxons: W. 8. CHANDLER, JOHN 8. COKH, W. U. DOUGLAS, P. S. DOW, Wil. GRIMES, JOHN P. HALL, STEPHEN C. ROOERS, W. P. MURPHY, M. C. HORTON. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus aud Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our uutos, IcmliiK .Mnndiflold nt (I o'clock every morning, con nect with tho evening train to Porlluud. Pniv $(1,00. COOS BAY ROSEBURG STAGE LINE OTTO SCHETTKU, Agent, O. P. BARXARD, 120 MARKET AV., Mnrshtleld. Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. PHONE 11 THIS PAST AND COMMODIOUS (Equipped with Wireless) Steamer Kedondo INTER. OCEAN TRAmu' pnsNcugers both ways and freight Will mnko regular trips currjlauclHco. All rt'bervatloiiH for passenger between Coos Bay nnd Sun Frfluid anil Inter-Ocean Truusp. Co. made nt Alllauco Dock, Muralm KimiicIhco. Por Information, phono 41-J or 285, Sailing from San Francisco IVIdny afternoon, July 17. Union Street Wharf No. 2, ShXSI'ORTATION COMPANY. "THE FRIEND OP COOS BAY' S. S. ALLIANCE CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND SAILS FROM COOS BAY, FOR PORTLAND, THURSDAY, JULY 6th NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 n P. McGEORGE. Agent FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD, . ....... .- . T-J. in private inmiiy. vjioso in ana in walking dlBtnnco to mill. Address "E" Times. POR KALE 80 acre Hue fruit nnd borry farm. Immediate possession given. Good torms. Address D. D. Bralnard, North Bond, Oro., Phono 3083. POR RENT Six roomed Iioiiho on First stroot. Apply Mrs. A. Hti:-cheson. FOK HA LIC My furm OOO acres In ono lot or will cut up In parcels to suit. C. W. Sauford, Marahflcld, MR. and MRS. J. NOWLIN and boy of North Bend spent Tuesday In the city. MASON NOAH, of North Coos Rlv- or waa a Alarshflold visitor ovor tho ccfebratlou. THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) ( OREGON, July C Pair to- . night and Friday. ' LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:00 p. m., July G, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum 73 Minimum Gl At 4:00 p. m GG Proclpltntlon' nono Wind, Northwest; cloar. CS W 5T EUPTT CARL d. CARLSON of Boaver Hill loft for homo today after Bpondlng tho Fotirth in town. MRS. J. T. McCORMAC,loft for Coos r River this morning whoro sho will open her summer cottage. " ' ' . ' MRS. C. C. GOING nnd1 chlldron re turned today from a visit with relatives In Portland, BORN. SYLVESTER To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sylvestor at tholr homo on Cooa River on July G, a girl. FOR RHXT HOUSE with 12 rooms mid hath, hot and cold water. FURNISHED Hat with 0 rooms, baili hot nnd cold water, gas rangq Apply to j ROBERT MARSDEX. (Thcso aro In tho host rosldcnco part of town.) MR. and MRS. L. C. SWEARINOEN of North Bond spent Tuesday In Marshflcld. Warm Day. Tho morcury ycBtor day climbed up to 73, tho highest It haB been this season. P. B. TICHENOR is spending a few days with Tom Quorln, his broth-cr-In-lnw, in Myrtlo Point. Opens Studio. C. W. Quntcrmass, recently arrived from Dotrolt, hnB oponcd n photo Btpdlo In tho rooms oyer Stafford's Front street Btoro re cently occupied by Justlco Ponnock, who lias moved his court Into rooms in tho Butler building over Stnuff's. HUBERT ROBDINS of Bandon nr rived horo last night. Ho 1b regis tered at tho Chandlor. FOR SALE fillchtly dnniagud doom end' camp stoves. Enqulro Rail load Dock. AUTO LINE fUrs nt nny time. Phono 231 R, nftor midnight 181X FOR BALE Modern eight room apartment houso, air rooms occu plod, will bo sold at bargain if takon Immediately. Apply "Oppor tunity" TluioB'-ofllcov - rj r I MRS. PRANK ROOERS of Coos Riv er Is In town today. Sho Is accom panied by hor daughter, Mrs. Nell IJarnca. I MRSr HENRY HEODAHL nrrlvod today after an oxtondod visit with rolatlvcs nnd friends In Tacom'a and Seattle WANTED Teacher qunllfltxl for Ninth grado work. Salary govornod by ability and oxporlonco. Man proforrod. Address Leo Wobstor, clerk Dlst. No. 0, Emplro, Oro. WANTED Girl for light house work. Thrco In family. Wages $25 por month. Apply Mrs. W. Q. Bos soy, Marshllold, Oro., Phono 31GX1 UNIQUE PANTATOHIUM Bring your dyolng, cleaning, press ing and repairing to us and bo ploused Wo nro exports. Carpets and Ruga cleaned on your floor or at our shop. Phono 230X, Central nvonuo, near Second street ROSS & PINEGOR, Proprietors. Sprains requlro enroful treatment. Keep quiet aud apply Chnmborlatn'a Liniment freoly. It will romovo tho soronoss nnd quickly reatoro tho pnrta to n healthy condition. For salo by all dcalors. Would you- Wie to have Electric Liylits in your Country home? f Find out tho numbor of lights you would want and wo will bo ploased to glvo you all tho Information you ask. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. ALICE n Tho Popular Picnic Boat. 0W makes rnimlni onhniliila nr, o South Cons ni. ..n T...- phfleld week days at 3 p. m. Ar- r '" MarBUfleld at 8:45 a. m. UBL leaves Marahfleld at S n.n. urna at 6 p. m. LEVI BMITH, Master. Sccincil to Glvo Him n New Stomach "I sufforod intensoly after eating and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good," writes H, M. Youngpetors, Editor of Tho Sun, Lako View, Ohio. "The first few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave mo surprising relief and the Bocond bottle seemed to glvo mo a new stomach and perfectly good hoalth." For salo by all dealers. Good Livery Service t'ancy new rlga, good horses and aroful drivers are now at tho dla osal of tho Coos Bay publlo at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horsey boarded and rigs cared for. New hearso and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 378-J PRESTON KERR, who has been em ployed at tho Smith Mill for tho past year, has gono to his formor homo in California. Arrived July Fourth. Tho llttlo baby girl that arrived at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. D. Bollou was a real Goddess of Llborty, having ar- rlVod on tho early morning of July 4. Ah first reported tho dato was July 3, but tho llttlo lady postponed tho arrival to conform to Indcpond onco Day. . InHoctorfl Pass Through. Inspec tors Ames and Woldon, of tho U. S. Marino Inspection servlco loft tho pity of Bandon this morning. They have completed tholr work horo nnd, after visiting Coqulllo will roturn to tholr headquarters In Portland by tho overland route. Visiting Stables Have All Left For Home Pastures. With tho exception of tho horses owned by local stables, all tho racers who took part In tho rccont meat horo, haYo been taken away by their ownors. M. II. Nay has taken "Toddy" and "Oharllo Foster" ovor to his placo on Kontuck Inlet with tho intentions of putting them out to grass. John Yoakum has sont "Green law" to his placo on tho Coqulllo; J. L. Knight has tnkon his horso to Myrtlo Point nnd E. G. Allen has takon IiIb stablo homo to Bridge. An addition to tho Nay stablo was made while Its owner was hero for tho racos. Ho purchased "Bllllo Murray" from F. P. Norton and took tho horso with him to Port Orford. P. P. Norton announced this morn ing that ho will keop tho pacer "Ma rin" nnd "King Dixon", a two-year-old trotter, out at tho raco track horo until August, when ho will pro pnro thorn to meet tholr engage ments in tho Wlllnmotto Vnlloy cir cuit meets. From word dropped horo by Mr. Allen of Brlggs, it Is boflovod that a raco meet will bo hold In Brldgo noxt month. Tho Gleaner nrrlvod this morning with a fair enrgo of frolght. Sho will tako back a cargo of furnituro for Joo Schilling's new hotol at Gardl nor. i Bllvens Goto Wntch. Fircchlof L. W. Travor and not tho Judges of sports got Mr. Bllvons wntch mon tlonod In yesterday's Times. In the MRS. PRICE nnd chlldron or Alio 4gnny hnvo roturnod to their homo following n visit made horo ovor tho colobratlons. MR, am MRS. J. A. MATSON wont up Coos River this morning to opon tholr cottago nt tho Nook for tho summor soason. excitement Mr. Bllvons forgot entire ly whom ho hnd loaned tho wntch to jand thought It was ono of tho Judges. Mr. Travor took chargo of tho watch, roturnod It to tho flro houno nnd was lntor looking for him. Tho Joko In on Bllvon who Is a mombor of tho flro dopartmont nnd forgot hla chlof. GRANT LINCOLN, formor nowa papor nnd moving plcturo man, linn gono to Bandon to work for tho Orogon Life Insurnnco Co. MOSQUITOES BAD THIS YEAR MISS MARY JAMIESON has roturn od to hor post nt tho Marshflcld Library aftor a month's vacation spent with hor naronts at, Hills-horo. MRS. K. V. NICKLEM passed through Marshflold today on hor wny to Coqulllo whoro sho will vis it nt tho homo of hor eon, J. S. Barton. MR. nnd MRS. W. P. MURPHY and MIbs Eugonla Schilling will go to tho Goodwill placo on South Coos Rlvor tomorrow for n fow days' outing. MR. nnd MRS. M. C. HORTON nnd ' family and Mrs. J. W. Ingram nro oxpectod back today from tho Goodwill placo on Caos Rlvor whoro they havo been onjoylng a wook'a vacation. Real Estate BUY NOW All kinds of City and Farm Prop erty. Rooming houso at a bargain, AUG. FRIZEEX - OB Central Avo., Maralifleld, Oro. MRS. POLHEMUS and Miss Harriet Pelhomus camo down from Port land on today's Breakwater and will spond some time hero wlillo Capt. Polhomus Is supervising tho Port Commission harbor work. A Chicago girl recently gave up n salary of ?90 a month to mnrry n man who Is getting $80 a month. As a result hor period of ropentanco Is likely to begin sooner than tho aver age. But don't scratch tho poisoned skin. Uso n mild, cooling, healing com pound that stops tho Itch Instantly, draws out tho poison In tho skin nnd protects It against further trouble. Just n mild cleansing wash of oil of wlntorgroen, thymol and a few other Ingredients known ns tho D. I). D. Proscription (so famous In cases of Eczoma) and you hnvo mos quito protection for tho season. Yes, Instant rollof now only 2Gc. Rod Cross Drug Storo. When, In The Course of Human Events you should need any thing from tho drug store, just tnko down your telephone nnd call 141 "We are always at tho other end of tho wire ready to tako your order and to deliver tho goods in a surprisingly short time. Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists. 71 Market Ave. Coos Bldg. Phono 141 ....As a Special for.... Friday and Saturday With each $1.00 bottle of Ehmann's Olive Oil, we will give free One 30c. Jar Ehmann's RIPE OLIVES Lockharfs Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 Road thft Times' Want Ads. HEN i'- of Ideal, who hara una tnvanUr. mbiHty Write HUEBUCT Jb HUNTIHCi AUurmitjH HukllH, v. u $100 Reward, $100 The ruders cf tliU paper ufll bo pleated to learn that there I ut li'iwt nno dreaded rUseare that fccioiice hai Leua able to euro In all lu tUgei.aiul that lCtamt. Hall's Catarrh Curo W tho only ioIUyu euro now known to the medical fraternity. Calarri) beliu a con tltutlonal din. a so, require a eouatltutlnnal treatment Hall.a Catarrh cure U takon inter, nulljr, acting directly upon tho blood and niu. coua surface of tlid ytem, thereby deatroylng the foundation of the dlae, and kIyIiikUio un. lent atrtimtli fuibulldltic un tlio nmuiiin. tlon and uletlng uature In doing In work, lhe propMotors hay ao much faith In ft cur atlve potrera that they offer One Hundred Dol lark for atoy case ( liatlt falla to euro, Bend for Hat of If Mt(a.onla a. , a .. .. f.J.'Cn:NKYACO.,Toledo. O. Bold by all Urugglata. 74. ' ' Tako Ualiti Family villa tor constipation Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Would Qo well to call at tho Pacific Monnraontal Works, South, Broadway and make selection from tho largo stock now on hand. Mr. Wilson has In his oniploy tho only prnctloal marble and gra nite cutter In Coos county. And nono but tho boat work la turned v. T -I 4, v JMaiBiBBMSJMiSBBlBlIB Viail jA'l t J t fe. . u. j Uiirt i