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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1911)
&!&falt'ld'iLLiM- ' 1" p- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1911 -EVENING EDITION f 4 "Wl'M iapgr,; MHwwwMirffwppw" mnniniiiiii i""" ... i t . tit ' .1, Fm BURNS Hi LEE FIGHT J DEI (Continued from pago 1.) fighting and tho 'men clinched. Aftor tho break, Leo rtlned upporcuts to Uurns' face and In tho clinches thnt followed, Ditrns Inflicted such pun ishment on Leo's kidneys that ho carried tho marks of the blow with him when ho wont to his corner at tho iionir. They clinched frequently as both seemed to relish tho rest af forded. Burns had a shado tho I best. Hound 17 Leo violated tho clean break hut they shook hands and smiled It off. It was nobody's round. , Hound IH. They both como In Rtroiiu' tinil tho flchtlnc Is about Hums nssumlng the crouch and covsr typical of "Battling" Xclson while Lee's fighting pose was moro on tho nrilnr nt flint nt "Ivlil" Mcfinv. lloth were aggressive from tho start with CVen. Uurns twlco put Leo Into the Leo a shade tho more so. Leo contl- ropes hut ho camo back each tlmo nualiy ianucd terrmio upporcuts on nnd rained uppers nnd Jabs to the the crouching Burns but, as through fnco. Burns failed oven to try and tho cntlro remainder of tho scran, COvor from some of tho blows but without scorning to have any other hCpt on coming all tho time. Both effect that to mako Burns hungry for 8Wung wild several .times and were moro. Leo showed himself to ho n ft clinch nt the gong, it was a much moro scientific and a bettor ring questionable round with BuniB a lit general whllo Burns' Ttorto proved to tlo tho strongor. do his ability to tako punishment that Hound 11. Leo again violated would put nny ordinary human being ti10 ccnn break, but thoy pass It to tho bad. Tho round wnB tee's. off, Thoy are both keeping tholr Hound II BuriiB still nt tho mercy lmn,iH nml t'cml,0rs well as they did of Leo's uppcrc-uts. Ho ducked sov- t through tho fight. Leo Is much oral times hut rolled mnlnly on his tho quicker to think nnd act but crab-llko cover for protection. Burns DurilB got8 t)1()ro jU8t tho same. . got In sovcral wild swings, mostly Bound HO. Leo camo In strong rights, but Leo landed at will. Tho nmi ,inncc,i a around Burns. Burnt round was Leo's. followed hlni but was met with a' Hound St. Leo drew first blood shower of uppers, left hnnded Jnbi with a scries of upporcuts to Burns' nnJ MlJ0ks to tIl0 fncc. They clinch face. Tho round was tho fnstest yet c,i B0Verat times. Leo was tho qulc'i nnd at Its conclusion proved to bo CP t() recover but thoy woro wrest- nobody's. H,1(r nt ti10 BonB, ltotiud I. -Burin had tho best of wiiun tho ,.0Ilg sounded, Referee this round and ended up, Just as tho seeley hold tho right arm of oach gong sounded, with n telling loft to mn ,, ln sgIial of h8 ,iorsion umt Leo's head. Bums took a great deal t10 fight wn8 a tirnw. Ti,0 crowti of punishment hut kept on wading seconded tho decision by cheering In. They shook hands nt tho gong. Scotoy( nM(I thc tho two ,oya Hound .-.. Leo did most of tho T10 nRnt wn8 0110 ot tho ccan,,u fighting. Burns rushcdlilm onco nnd oxhlhltlons posslblo nnd a rotum Leo, catching his heel, fell to tho ,nn(cn between tho two hero will canvas. It was nobody's round. ,Irnw 0g ixomCt All Um wny jioiiuu i. i,eo continue.! to get in through tho boys showed, sports somo terrible upporcuts, tho only . mnnllko demeanor nnd. whllo 'each blow which, on account of Burns' hnd n quota of friends among the crouch, ho seemed nblo to uso on gpectators, neither by nny action nt him. Tho round was about a Btand- nn. time called forth the ire of tho . off with Leo on tho aggressive. 'opposing faction. Hound 7 Bums lost several good Tloy f0ught a gentlemanly fight openings to body. Showed himself n, cnrnc,i n ,mck0(I llouso lfull of slow to grasp tho fact when ho had staunch friends by It. the navnutnge. Only Leo a quickness Avml him from taklnc terrible nun ishment sovcral times, nnd ho lnndod ft numbor of nasty punches on Buma nnd got nwny ngnln beforo Burns seemed to realize thnt ho had boon hit. It was Loo's round If any body's. Hound 8 Lively from tho start. Leo forced tho fighting and got In sov cral nasty upporcuts. Burns keeps coming, nnd Leo complnlned to him about his foot work which, ho said, was a llttlo too strong on tho "bnck heel" stuff. Tho men nro both good naturcd and nlthnugh oach shows ho Is out to win, thoy woro both good naturcd nnd clean about It. i ITU OP JULY SNAPS. Hound 0 Nobody's round. Round wis reploto with clinches. Loo an swered tho glboB of Joo Joseph, Burns' mnnagcr, with a wavo of Mb glovo and a smllo. Hound 10. Burns' was ejinHnn. Residence Comer In Plat A North Bend, 200x138 ft $1,1M().0() Corner 100x100 Mnrshfleld HelghtH IMO.OO Comer 100x100 Sengstnckon's Addition 700.00 Comer lOOxSl Sengstnckon's Addition 7.10.00 Lots on Second near Golden, In Hnllrond Addition, cacti $750.00 Cholco Hesldcnco slto nt North Bend Heights, 100x138. . .1,1100.00 Modern bungalow Western Ad dition, 6 rooms with nice base mont, bath, heating plant, un obstructed bayvlow, six ot lota 70x90 dcslrablo neigh borhood, prlco . . . .9.1,000.00 $3,000.00 cash. Any ono look ing for a cory homo should not overlook this $FC p. SS03SS iSKasw? mvsm mMSS? m ,.. wmm82&mmTmigf w mfmm .Xa7x1K4.j,(MI ll l u ftVi u. pjoirmn hi iMtt Mm WKimmwWm ffi I M'fflliill II IT HlTSfl ''III fill I if I iK iPii nuns?. j r ' j a The Fourth is Here If cur business is a Citerion. All of you are well-dressed to celebrate the oc- & ' CiAUfl 1 Vl!M BoJnlnoGLjewyork Makers or w Belijarnjn QotIes .M casion- Playing the game for all it is worth Operating: on a scientric basis Adhering striclly to one policy Th's proves Just what we always claim "memwv " A square deal fo everybody alike The best Merchandise obtainable at saving prices Decausc "MONEY TAUIS59 The buying pub'ic have pro vex i. this fact by giv ing us the largest business the past week ever known in the history of lluse sfofes. Band n Opp. p. o. Hell-CI otliing and Shoe Co. Marshfield Opp. p. o. II OFFICER IS I SUICIDE -" miiuD u c-aniion- d ngnlnst "trlppy" foot work but LoU 36x37 nlock 15 nft11 excused himself on tho grounds that road Addition 5800.00 It was accidental and caused by tho Cnolco "ldcnco Nob Hilt at a wrau .-. i. m . rinpifaln A .. a nnf iiu BU'iipeu. ino round wbb wll balanced but a llttlo shado in favor of Bums. Leo's punches seom d to bo loosing steam and ho ap peared to bo gottlng slower. Hound 11 Burns forced tho fighting nt tho gong. Leo covored up well nnd let Bums do moat of the fighting. It was Burns' first ef fort to lend tho music nnd Leo hung back nnd let him go to It. Tho . forco ngnln called Bums for back- bargain nnd on easy terms. flood building lots In Western Addition. 10 Acres nenr Ten Mllo Lake. 3.100.00 10 Lots In East Marshfield. .$000.00 2 Blocka ln Bolso Addition. 61 ,0'8 91,800.00 1,200 Acres coal land per nciv $7.1.00 Also some snaps In timber land. TITLE (ilWHANTKE AHSTltACT rO.MP.VNV, Henry SeiiRstnckon, Mar. heeling nnd butting. Bums' ronn.! -,.ovoI.,p.nvo no,no on n Jourue) Leo a lim (ir..,i v.miw. vmnern nnu uiarrlioea Horn 0(1'. It Is llllllOI rnrtnln In h.-, .,..! ed and eanuut bo obtnlned when on bnnrd the ears or steamship. For without a bottle of Chnmbcrlnlii sale by nil donlors. ir;niOTratfacsaauu-i". r Hound IL'. Leo en mo In strong. Danced nil nrouiul tho other man and landed time after time and got away before Burns knew rrom which angle ho had boon lilt. It was Lee' round and ho showed ronowrd streiiKth. Hound !:. minis tried to ru!i but could not Mm! Ua, Hml 1 several swings. I.o was on th ui. gresslve nnd from a light In .uu.l- point It was his round, atdouh ih ,., ,k, , , tarrlblo punishment to which h tlZ Tt ? "" ,0 " " """ Joototl Burns had little or no offwst C e au ,hl'lv wUh the B00'18 uu him. at tho "right price: Hound 1 1. Ih eontlnimlly ghnw- ,'w, lwtfis ... ,nc wid ln Imncli od IiIiiimU to b much the rlovwor SUy Hi ac am, ..... ,.,, nnd more .dentine. UI. fat ftlfflt ,.. .. " ! ,.!. i..... .. ,'""" vniime. v. nnu uurns so tuat ho Lieutenant Ozburn of the Gun boat Tacoma Shoots Himself. (By Associated Press to Coos Boy Times.) Thomas L. Ozburn of tho United States Navy, committed sulcldo on tho gunboat Tncomn yesterday In tho Now York Navy yard by shooting himself. Details havo not been ro- coived. Ozburn was senior onglneor ofllcer of tho Tacoma. Right in your busiest season whon you hnvo the least time to spnro yo-i n.-o most likely to tako diarrhoea and oso sovcral days' tlmo, unless you hnvo Chamberlain's ColJr, Cholorn tftd Diarrhoea Homedy nt hnnd nnd tnko n dose on tho first nppearanco of tho disease. For sale bv nil Hnnt. eru. Wanted A want ad will sell It. "IS MY HAT -ON STRAIGHT?" iTfc.3 4th Is A iSR C JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OP THE EA.MOUS CONDENSED STATEMENT OV THE CONDITION OP THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OP COOS HAY AT MAHSIIPIELD, OHEGON, nt tho close of buflInoa8, Juno 7th, 1911. MAV.I. know where to flml htm. Toward the close of (lu. r.nuul. Hums liind. ' od heavily on Lee nnd when the gens' sounded, the latter n a little grog.! gy. It w-iH the iieet jmuuJ so fsr ' ami wen in Hon from gong to gone.' Hound IS. It wns iinm. ,...' by a kqoiI mtirglu. ue recovered somewhat and placod sovoral good jntnehes. mostly uppors, but with out having much oifect. Leo is tir ing fast. . llmiml to, nurns forced th (Jn.-lioH)oit. j, . ap S7 oilier klutlt.. ILvi.ttiu-d mjk. PHUer. Iti.uilua .utVlu. Festoons. I'lii.;!. iiMin roniYitl L fret eu'iythlug to make It com- Ploto. OOS BAY wash QTnnc Tho fitoro That Saves You Money. KO.X.HOMf, . . UimJ; l''rout Street, Mjirsduleld. Reide Caps All colors and all sizes. They mo the standard of tho world. Up-to-dato nnd nifty. I'KICUS ONLY SOe to l.r.o. The Toggery rornii'ily Ceo. (inodriim. HESOUHCES: Loans nnd discounts 1180,015.32 Overdrafts ,43 U. S. Bonds and pre miums 2C.250.00 Other bond 77,412.50 County and school warranto. . . . 2,571.78 Banking honso, furni ture and fixtures . . . 82,089.46 Cash and duo from hanks 160,585.12 LIABILITIES! Capital stock. .flOO,00 Surplus and profits.. 7,11 Circulation. .... 25,00l Deposits 305,711' 9Bir7.0i5-l.fl3 j 8S27,W4 Cash reaervo 40 of deposits. V' Invite your attention to the strong condition of this binki Indicated intho abovo statement, also to tho porsounol of IH jugioruio. Does a coneral banking buslnoss. Intorcst paid on tlmo nnd savings deposits. opFiamsi W. S. CIIANDLEH, President; M.-O. HORTON, Vlco-Presidw DOHSEY KREITZHR, Cashior. DIHKCrOUH. W. S. CHANDLEH, JOHN S. COKE, W. U. DOUGLAS, P. S. DOT "" u'. JUN V. HALL, STEPHEN O. ROGERS, W. P. MURPHY, M. C. IIORTON. Flanagan & Bennett Bant Un Tb7..... ,U9 rj .y I Union Oib aneMorseAs Has .'::iointoi A. T. HAINES f8 surveyor ot Hay and Peed, the v w vuua uay. your horse will appreciate It It you place your imt order with Hnluos nd yo wH, ' predate tho service and" the price SOl.l.MJ DlSTiM..l'rv UEV1NK KKROSENi: SAMSON GAS ENGINES .:;c. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS j Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. '". wre. PHONE 302-J Mall Orders Solicited. Ectablished 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over .... Assets Over .... $100,000 $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected ,-- -rp-v- ; wuiiiu oo well to call at the Pacific Monumental Works. Sod uroadway nnd mako selection fm, i. 1 ..... nn tu ""80n,lias ,n h18 emPloy tho only practical marble and 2m. - vu, ,u O08 c;mnt3r, And no . . 'S3 JBJBJUBUaA... ' ''- 'WVtAilgBBggggMgggggggggSgSgHgfliligM