WSBBWH V 't'l?',?" ". i ft "k. f k...r JuteJM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 3, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. m i rr" j.- "j I.MJ. DEAD SHOT" HAS NO HANDS; ) BOTH HANDS GONE, OHIO PR0DI8Y IS AU ':. v ' I AIlWoQlflpltsl-'l PULLS TRIGGER Willi lt.tL.Lti. Jt GRMX RffLE SHOT I 'MM i. I U J 1 B1 J TI Ti . i . 'M l . H 4' .Hi &K . mi: i' I J riiUfMSj wki' . Rer-'Smi "Winemillcr Carries Gun with a Leathern Thong and Loads i the, Magazine with I His Mouth; V.' I " THEN'HE PULLS THE TRIGGER WITH TEETH. Wins Many Matches Against ,Men Who Are .Whole, but Objects to Term "Freak." -I'Oi- (Social to thtti.Y. It'crtJ) RCRsltiir only tlio stump of nn arm on tiin lnfi niiln. niul no nrni nt nil on tnu rlKht utile, mid lining Ills truth to pull tho trlKKcr, Al Wlnemlllcr l concoilivl to bo ono or the muni mnnzltirr rlllo KholN In Ohio, If not In tlio united HtutPR, a Mntciin-nt thnt will lio nt tostcil liy nil who tmu ontorcil Into coiiipotltlon Willi liltn, either In Rlinnt lnir nt oluy pIkouiin, llvo tilriln or n tiull fl-cyo tnrKol. Ho fnr iih In Itnuwii llicru IW lilt IIWI1K iiiuii iiiiiiiuviiiuii-ii " lio In who Iiiih mnilo hiicIi n rooonl. una not for tlio iurpoo of rovenuo ilr ix lilblllon, lull purely for tlio lovo of u .. 11.1 1. I..... ..t t .. II....1 until l.fl... UUllltlll, lull iilli'l.r mi utrc n,u u. m iport Hint ho linn followed from hoy iooiI. He would rattier win n mntcli Willi no niHHun ni 1111 iiiuii hhpk mr ploamiro of tho onmpHtltliin. Ill" win I n K nlncv tho lut of .Innunry Imvq licqn two iUrlerH of lief. ona litor hide nnd one il'iltrii' In chhIi. What iimlifM Wliieinlller' perform nncn nil tho more elxruordlnHry Im tlia fnct tlmt ho did not lone IiIm right aim until llfteon Montlm nun. tiin ten linnd wnii rniiRht.ln the cik uf li. Afivlnak ami jii tl mIi Mil llilll lllllll'll Mini' vi nii' n " l'"'M nil nn iimnuiniiun nnov" 1110 lame iiwuenanry. I'll to tlmt had 1i,ii nn enttiliHlhHlle nlwnyH Mi'oriiinir 11 ninituiiii iivIiik h rlllo iixelitMlvely, vou In the vhonilmr of Ninnll muue. Ho hint h woniU-rful o for rmiKc, nnd with til H nlil oMu-nlint rllle nnd lilnclc Jiowdvr rliufffrH, liiNtuad of Ilia iiiotHlno onrlrlilKo thut ho umih now, JIO iiihiio ihiiiu wuiiiieriiii ni'tiraiii iiih nrourHoy of nlm roiitiniieil oven lifter 111 linnd linit heeii criuheil mid n moved. Thin ncrlileiit did not Inter- ia tl I ! Ii ! I j.t'jt itf lili nhi.anii Mini ft IVIv hiiii inn v "i vtiwpvii ri t miy loiiuer tliuiplt took tho utiimp to liel nnd lo enutilo him to tlovlvo n utrnii hold which lio tmod In llou of n i mil wrlnl lieoame iiwuenanry time tin hnd heeii nn lmnlor, nlwnyH Honrnlti mm employ Piiuinu hut Lirimt m nBimETZ. i Asms? R pfR4 WW Wt & ? .' 'f.!' ttlNMlLLE.te. PULLING- a a. Q.&1 1" to ' ciw& fCHZZS wl v-"f wifffTirt ficrfi yr ll 111. -V )mn Arm (lonp, KerpN nn Sliontlnir. In Jnnunry, 110. Wlneinlller'H rlnht nrni .wnn cuimll In n fonr-lncli dolt riinnlnir from n bolt cutter In tho hop of the Wupok Vicel Conipniiy. lo wnii drnwn up to the lino -linft mid whirled nrounil ilutll Ii In nrm wiik inn-lipd nnd inmiKlcil rlonp up to tho liaulorockot. riio'inirreonii look H. off entirely. Wlrfviiilllur iniiiln a mnr- vcimu; ra-im'rjT nun nn noon IIH no van ublo lo bo about lio liounn do- lelnir iiiitnnn td uiinbln hlin to keep on nhoutiiiir f llA llllllllf 1. l'.tlt. ... .!.!. II... ''in. .. iiiv.iwuiii i'il'illlfllf IlomliiKtoi mid liiul n linlo bored In the trlKKer. Throuh (IiIh ho fnnteued n wlro nnd covered the free etid of IL' villi n Irnther bit wlilch lie.coulil nk In liln nioiith. .Tltlii dovro wnn mniM umlor liln direction by n Riinsmltli.-mul then ho went off Into tlio woods whor6 no ono would coo Mpi no that ho could praeilee mid enri out Hie plmi ha' liml In lew i TIiIm town In nlxt' mllen north ofi Iliyioiii ill iiiv khh nun riwi reKiuii, am, nlmoMt eerbod ultliln a ihiIIiih or forty index known tlie nrmleen liinrkMiuin. nnd Ik pruiiil of IiIm nltlll nnd cnuniKO In eontluiiliiK In n nport utter IiIiik crippled iu'u inuiilier that would luie dlneouniKed ninety men out of n huiidreil. When Wliieinlller In rondy to o In to nctloii he nolevti 11 ntuuiii or u fallen li'K, wlKK'len out of hln coat, nhnken the box of cnrtrlilKcn out of u npeclHlly piepnred iiocliet. lemoven III., ll.l tcltlt IiIm ImmIIi. n.i.1 .liiiti.tii li ,..i III .( 1,(1 M.n VL t . iiiiin,in .im i rnrtrlilKeii on the Kruiind. Then mid I nlwnyn to the mnnxement of n vetomn titu r 1 utn n ti Ii a til nrt.iM It In llntttlttirtMt nt rent, with the mtuxle pointing up wnrd, holdlni; It In pnnlllon with n lenlhern thnmr ntrnpped to tlio Btump of bin led arm, lennn over nnd prennen tlm nprltiK of the tnnirnxlnn with hln teeth, running the receptacle In open. With hln mouth he drnpit In the onr- I rlili-ita Tliit itini,nln ! unnnn.l Into plnro by prrnnlnir the top m;nlnt n tree nlump, nnd tie nrmlenr nhnnter. iiKiiui 'iiiiiiiyini; inn Clhrlrliliril Iwiv Mil nni to the iiocket III bin eont Tliiii h. putn on the Vi. V !''" ti, ,ii" "tii iiini n llftn the Htoclc of the rlllo to hln nrm lenn noeket mid drnwn n bend nt tlm "bjcol nt which hn Intendn to Hlinot. mo uioiiir in in mo rorm or n loop, riINf r, lin.l til flw. Iiimrnl n.i.l Ii nil...... I over thn henillPKN Ptuinp, JioldlriK tlio tiMii iiHinir in nniiinn, ' ii.i:hni:s 1.11 oi'N is riitun. Thnno wlia noo Dili exemplification or ncccBulty bolne tho motlior.ojjnyctx Hon nre noinewhnl pnrpleMed to know lnnv Wlnenilller will pull the trluk'er MUM bin teeth nnd nvold deMectiiiit r inlnliiK the mtuxle of the r Ills. lie hnn iiinde provlnlou for till by IiiiMiir the lueeeu nieehniilnm no delloately ndjuated tlmt th ti Inner In what mlKlit be tarmed a nupeilntlve hnlr trlictrei. Ity contracting hln llpn he In Htile m rnw the taut wire Junt the indent f -notion of an Inch wltliuiit the nllKhtei moieineiit of ill liwuil. The rnrtililce In exiiloded mid the bllllvt I itflM'ii to Itn taivet. The iiimlena mmknmmi lian such a ideally- nerw thnt he eon ntmnl per fectly motbiulenn fir one minute Mid hold hln rilte In poMtlon wlllijut vhnwlnt; n tremor. Nntnithilnnitlnir hln Krent millcMon Wlui'iulller In cheerful, cdiuhki on I mid In eticrer tti outer the llnt.i iiKnlnnt nil enmorn iih he wnn whou he hnd two nrniH. lie hns it clear piercing eve, a nqunrn Jnw mid n IniiKhlng, kindly cxprcnilon. . Ho enn lenp dltchcH -nnd wcllmb fencei with hln gun Mrnpnod to tlio Mump of hln left nrm with an much iiKlllty nn nny mnn of hln ngot nnd ho inn tun run uinni ni incill. no wnillH Jo practice now for clny plgoon (hoot ing, no' thnt ho may enter contemn nt L'oiiutv fnlrn. r Wliieinlller hnn n greni" horror of being regnnled nn n frenk, nnd under no rlrciimntiincen could he lio Induced to dlnplny hln mnrkiumiiHhlp for pay, lie In ono of tho mnnt blghly renpect ed Cltlxenn In the community, nod In proud'of sthe fnct. thnt ho ha hnd,ho pnlleuce mnl pnrnevernnre to bring hln nhnollng up to, tho.prvent Btntn of perfection by tho Invention of tho Htrntl niltl lialn Ilia Innlli n ..ll .1.. liolrfriiiBor. ' ;".- - . .IA- 'ew of Nearby Twiri CUIiM.WS OP COQiriMiK. nnd leaving by nnto Btngo yesterdny Coninnny oxnect tn nliin n inr on H""lr return Journey. TJtoIr uuhI. enrgo of lumber to San Francisco IfiMiN .f CMos O ty Ki'iit ls ToM liy ncBs In this section wns arrnnglns for within the next ten ilny. Tho steam Tlio Keiiilnel. ; tho imrchnso of n tract of land near Grace Dollar Is expected to T. A. Mc.N'nbb of Portland, a broth-. Handon which will be Immediately carry the shipment. This will bo the er of tho homesteader who was mnr- platted and placed on tho outsldo first consignment to bo shinned dared In Douglas county recently, market. since tho mill was rebuilt and a special dotllltv sheriff nf Hnn- . . I Sins working on that case, spent bov-' h. H. Hazard cashier of tho First' I'OHT OIlKOItl) TUUJIT.VP eral days In Coos county, leaving to- National Hank of Coqulllt. expects his A. A. .lamleson was In from "sixes day for Hosoburg. McNabb had sov- wlfo and three children homo from river Thursday, and saya that good era! clues which ho was following, Pnmdcnn, Cal.. on tho next trip of progress Is made on the wagon road but nono of them boro fruit, henco the Fl.leld. Mrs. Hazard and the up tho river as far as Kdion crTk bo will return to tho scone of tho children have been touring southern He reports that "Dad" Corbln did crime and endeavor to secure addl- California all winter and Mr. Hazard well mining on his lows, bar In, tortalev deuce to aid him In bis pur- nys thnt they are certainly glad to winter averaging eight follars a day ult of the crisis. wt omo. . Tho Jj ti . ., ' from Coo llay, and la unlondlne nt Already the effee.s of the Mnrrled-Chns, K. Wroe of Do,,- the nhurf this mor.H Tr ZZ tlm ho government dredge Oregon glas countynnd Mlu Alma Jlable (Jauntlett of Seattlo and Jas ChuL , I doing are being felt In CoqullK Cotton of Coos county were marrlad ell of 0. A. C. came down on h, Tho steam schooner Albion of San nt the Justice of ti. iw .,m n...i m --,., .. " . " " BrancUco nrrlved Wednesday morn- this cltv nn .inn., ?rm, ion i...i - r .... -....v ..., - u iiuir' wnn a consignment of K. 0. D. Holden nflieinnn... I chaudlpe. this being her llrst trip bis port. tgieno OVonnell of Ma Coqulllo visitor tbo llrat of tho coining over to meet Attorney neral Crawford and 0. O. Laii- tn with whom ho transactod buul- t Handon. , - I ttornoy General Crawford of im and C, O. Laurltton of rort- nnd Mlnncap6lU ero buBlnM ors In Coos county thla week. .wntlemcn camo tn by tho Middle routo and proceeded direct to1 n from Myrtlo Point the first of ' returning throueh this city Tbo CiniuIIlo Mill & .Mercantile Have That Roof FixecJ NOW See CORTHELL riiono 3191 BAFK ISVKSMK.VTS. For Information concerning htsh'Clasa bond lnregtmenti, boarlng 6ft Interest not, wrlto O. 1). Hinsdale, caro J. H. Adams aad Comtiany, Los Angeles, CAlUarnta. irPrafllx Ik'i & A..lBw a . i miinskN nmx ' ..www h i MmmmsLm m ; Mmar' 'm Wm 3M $& "-Jasav ) lioiD iFrom crfTtfctrr mi it , mtoTTtra nrrrrmd crxrArir I UMUU ! 369 Front St M . ..'.! J 1 Jft A l-V v "oruaranteeo uv iviaer m -' and Seller Opposite Breakwater Office y o II Tfeai 1 Care of Your Wants 1 1 1 j I IfflilwHr' J5r p " fsttfs 5?Si?Sw I flfW -JK. fSi JtL Besides the Large Stock Always en '" Hand We,. Have just Received. New -Rugs, Room Size, Fmm $A'KM In Aft(i) UkbKt vjy-VoU'V t,VJ? vvJ'HJ' 'jM ni J ' I v ' . y New ed Room Furniture 1 New Brass- Beds $20.00 to $25. And Many Other Articles of Furniture It makes no dilTeioneG wluifc vnu wnnf. o-ivn ns n nii ,. ,;n i i., . v &'- "" ") "i iuu' uc W"v ' ,;. n SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR NEW nnrvns WM . .t -v. , t r fj 9 Going Harvey Comp C0In?LETE IIDUSE EURNISIIERS Business Direciory Following Is a list of Reliable Business Firms that It will Pnv to Patronize For Exceptional Bargain linen nnd ta.ij. .... ii. h "VO,UVUCO, Property in North Bond and ocreago in Coos & Go To WILLEY & SCHROEDER for Plumbing and Heating Mnrshflcld, Ore., Phono 773 STADBEN All !;lnd of photograph work, bromldo enlarging nnfl kwlnk finishing. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ryt. a. w. Iicsuk, Osteopathic Physician Uradnate of tho Amerhan school of Osteopathy at Klrksvllle.'.Mo. Oflke in Hldarado nik. Hours 10 to 12 j 1 to I; Phone Ul-Jj Marshrlold; Oregon. rn, J. W. INORA.M, Physletnii and Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Building hiea: Ofllco lflSJj Hesldence 1B31, J. W. IIBXXatT, Iwyor. V MIH J. h K00NT7 .Machine anfl Hepalr Shops GliVURAIi MACHIMST Bteam and Qas Em?in w-.i. Omce over Flanagan & Bennett Bank farahfleld Oregon PjR. J. T. .McCORMAO, - Physician and Surgeon Marahfleld, Oregon. Omce: Lockhart Bulldlnc, MAKE A SELECION of our small cakes and special, tlea and you'll have a collection of as tempting and toothsomo dalntlea as wore ever set bo fore a king. Don't be too late coming for yours, however. Wo can neror seem to bako enough no matter how many extra wo bako fresh dally. Coos Bay Bakery niONK 1H.L Heilo! Housewives of MajI";, Marshfil Crea Butt H your grocer dl It mil nn imnvn I t Preo delivery 8 a. also STEHIL1EED OH ICE, IIUTT f : i I J" ' 5.?wrt'. Mtrrtt. mm : -, -I" - ; n ) j JM fiP , fill i: : m aiw t? 2 ': v k (.- f i ' f - I Hr fc n . I m.t','' ' I itf' -.'jfiil,1o! . r"W i.Ji i .in a i mr AMBV l AW , V 1 ''jfflP J I i ,rv i i .jsST - ;tp IJHR'". l ' M- Hfi' i,iBBu, ar 1 mnmlv 'Ik Mte4LL!,Un?', boat 8"P. Front opposite Post Offlce: COTTAOK - tt "r wr Phono 105-7 i -k " f " ... , .1' "hArfmr. "tfcva.laJ., .,.t4. 'yfiSM. Or.. I l mU ir-X TlhiiMirfifllliwiiiiii ""IWlWiiiMil i u'jrl mw iuwsiM?&m?AMvtmmMm' - s HiSWISnUuil n- w f if ' ' irnliii