T 'r"js H? :"WBB YjPfT,' i HE-COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 3, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. jj jv w 'ja J 'J ril tin jum nw u juiWi'jjwhiwwm uaw FV"!"" '"WJip"f- 1 ', jb.... . ..mi jAtmrffli 9VI, 'TO. ilte . I Uri Fwmn iimi.ii 1 ..in ,i jmiiiii.iiiiin I, SSX & - F V WYY4r FOURTH of July represents the triumph of the Idea that all men are created equal Cloth emit is the . triumph oi! the idea Unit clothes, selling at me dium prices, can be created, of pure wool cloth and made so good that they ean be guaran teed for wool, wear, workuuiisliv and last ing shape. The Clothcraft guar anty is your Declaration of Independence from clothes troubles. It sets you free from doubt that your clothes will hold their shape and good looks beyond their days 'if fresh bought newness. PRICE $10 to $25. You will have reason to celebrate the day you begin to wear them. The Woolen Mill Store CLOTHIER MILL-TO-MAN MARSHFIELD OREGON EARL SE Personal Notes IS UBl Mil. nml JlltS. SENGSTACKEN spent Sunday up Coos Itlv'or. Weds Miss Anna Hurcl of Port landHere On Honey moon. Mrs. W. E. Hurd of Portland has J. L. BOWMAN of I'ortlnnd Is ex pected hero shortly on n business trip. MRS. ALLAN RANDLEMAN of Co qulllo Is a Marshflold visitor ovor the rourtl). sontoutannouncoment8oftlin wpildliii? . ... , , , ,..,...":. "'MR. and MRS. ARCHIE KRUSE of her daughter, Miss Anna Hurd, to Earl Savage of this city on Wednes day, Juno 28. Tho wedding was x quiet ono only a few friends being present. As Anna Hurd, Mrs. Savage Is woll-known In Marshflold, whoro alio has spont several summers oh tho guest of nor cousin, Mrs. Aleo Campbell and of Miss May Dennett and Mrs. M, C. Maloncy. Mr. and Mrs. Sovago arrived In Marshflold at 2 a. m. todoy via tho auto lino and at present aro tho guests of tho groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Savage. camo ovor from tho Coqulllo River on tho noon train today. V C". w C. GOING -has roturnod. from an oxtended 'stay in Portland. Ills family will follow lator..- Mid ft , Vym ! P Ylff Sommer Clearance Sale Every merchant accumulates stock in the course of business that should be sold. Ho buys more of certain lines than he sells. Thou it becomes a question of car rying them over for another year at the regular prices or closing them out at a special price. "Wo have deter' mined to make a sacrifice. We believe it is bettor to have the money than the goods. The customer profits by purchasing goods at prices that ho cannot got at any other time or in any other way. "Wo offer only stand ard goods at prices that cannot be duplicated. This sale .will last for ten days. - During that time you can get these articles at these prices and only during that f " ' v "?" V" -' '"" "s JA FOR SALE Oleii pinions, 8 acres noar center of town. Call at C01 Sixth street time. Here They Are:. FOIt RENT Six roomed house on First street. Apply Mrs. A. Hut-cheson. WANTED A ranch hand. Ono who can milk. J. W. Russell, North Coos RIvor. 4 LOCAL aft GLEANINGS DR. SETIIER of Rosoburg came In from Rosoburg Friday to attend tho Drown Kaufman wedding. GEORGE DEUDNER and brldo ar rlvod from Rosoburg on tho Sum-nor-RoBeburg lino early this mora Ing. . -ft , WANTED Glil of hoiuo experience at Lowls' confectionery. FOIt SALE .My farm 000 acres In i ono lot or will cut up In parools to suit. C. W. Sanford, Marshflold, r MEN'S SHIRTS 25c 95c ton's and Boys' Work Shirts, sold rogularly at cents, nildsuwnlor clonrancfcforlco, only i. NeKl'lceo' 8hlrts. Mldsummor clearance 1 . I.V , .r,co : .;.-j SO'Negligoo Shirts. Mldsummor cloarauco a- rrx Jaico ...,.. .,.-.. '.A.J $.C) )A Nogllgco Shjrts. Mldsummor cloaranco lulo prco ....,;.. .v. b Black Sat'eon 'hlrts, Clchranco salo Dneo "Vi tftL '.Ml k 00 DlacXsateon Shirts. Cloaranco salo lirlco '. .'.-A. .', $1.60 ...55c .. 80c 10 Monarch Shirt. Mldsummor learnnco salo prlco. .......... 10 Cluett Shirt. Mldsummor uaranco salo prlco ... 80c $1.15 $2.00 Cluott Shirt. Mldsummor cloaranco salo prlco, , $1.45 SB 4 MEN'S SHOES W.VN'JPED-fllrl for general house worlc, Apply Mrs. A. II. Powors, Phono 207. .Men's Patont Colt, nutton and Ichor .- Gun Metal, button and cher $3.85 laun Metal, VIcl Calf and VIcl, Ion and blucher 92. Gun Motal and box calf, bluchor. . .92.75 iDox calNand vicl, bluchor $2.45 12.50 Dox calf, blucher ..,.,....'.. , .$1.05 $3.60 Tari Russia Calf. . .$ . jVi'i 2XS I2.B0 Doys' Box Calf . . ..',., , ,$2.10 $5.00 Tan Russia Calf,, bluchor and ' uuiion otiou $4.00 Tan Russia Calf, button ,Y. .'.". .92.03. $2.75 Boys' VIcl Calf bluchor welt solo, ,$2.33,v $2.25 Youth's nox Qalf $1.00 ' yL MEN 'S OXFORDS Patent Colt, bluchor $3.85 i $4.50 Oxbjood, blucher ., $3.-13 un Metal, blucher $2.03 $4.50 Gun Motal Button $3.45 FOR RUNT HOUSE tilth 12 rooms and bntl'i, hot and cold wator. FURNISHED flat with O rooms, bath hot and cold wator, gas rango. Apply to ROBERT MAHBDEN. (Thdso aro In'tlio boat residence part of town.) ... r 4 WiraT. (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, III., July 1. July 89 5-Sc; Soptombor, 00c; Do- LOCAL TE.Ml'EltATURE RE- PORT. For. twenty-four hours ending at 4:00 p. m. July 2, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special govornnient meteorological observer: Maximum CO Minimum 40 At 4:00 p. m 50 Precipitation nono Wind, Northwest; cloudy. " . Danco a Surccs. Tho danco given Saturday ovontng In tho Knights of Flnlnnd Hall by tho Finnish ladles, was most successful both financially and socially, ono hundred and fifty couples being present. FRED TIMMERMAN leaves shortly for Ashland whoro ho goes to spend somo tlmo at a mineral , spring. MR. and MRS. M. C. IIORTON and family spent Saturday and Sunday at tho Goodwill rosort RIvor. on Coos JUDGE and MRS.JOHN S.COKEand children and Miss Evelyn Ander son made a trip to Sunset Bay yes terday afternoon. MRS. HARRY FOLSOM Is very seri ously HI at Mercy hospital, North Bend whoro sho was taken Satur day evening. JENNIE B. NAGLEY an export,. In cookery has chnrgo of tho Sporry Flour demonstration at their ofllco on Front Btreet. FOR SALE Largo 12 roomed houso and 4 lots In South TOarshflold. Very deslrablo. Reasonable for quick Bale. Apply Mrs. ' M. F. Campboll or Phono 119-L. FOR SALE A choice bungalo, vl(H charming grounds, ou Coos Rltor, Also 100 by 200 feet In Empire, at a bargain if taken at onco. You may novor havo another such ' chnnco to buy In Empire I. 8. Kaufman & Co. FOR SALE Slightly damaged doors and cam.p stoves. Enquiro Rail road Dock. Ilnby Girl Horn Lottors announc ing tho btrUi of n baby' daughter to Mr and Mrs. J. R. Rochon now of Portland but formerly of Marshflold, havo boon rccolvod by Marshflold friends. This is tho third daughter to bo wolcomod in tho Rochon household. MR. and MRS. E. A. EICKWORTII aro cxpocted home soon from n vis It with their daughter, Mrs. Robt. Gobhart of Portland. GEO. W, CHILDS of "tho P. K. has moved Into tho Geo. N. Farrin resi dence and Doll Rhodes is inovlug ' Into tho Chlld!8 houso. A Coos Bay Rank Appointed. Ac cording to n,dvIco8 rocolved in this city this morning from Washington, D. C tho First National Bank of Coos Bay has boon named a United States depository. Tho appointment was mado for tho purpose of provid ing a sultablo local bank whoro tho funds of tho newly established Pout Ofllco Savings Bank may bo placed. AUTO LINE T!ars at any Umo. i Phonq 231 R, aftor midnight 181X inrr: fXJIl HAliK OR TRADE A 22 II.-P. Buick auto-1908, at a great sacri fice. Will soil or trade for town proporty. This auto has Just been HATS Thoroughbred i ........,, , $2.35 3ta'tesmYn Hat's'. $1.00 CAPS CO-cent Caps 10o 25-cent Caps . i 20u ' Former Coos Ray Womou Dies. Mrs. Abe Tenbrook, Sr., died at the homo of her daughtor, Mrs. Mlllor ac Bakor City, Oregon, at tho 70 yoars, Juno 24 from a complication of trou-. bles due to old age. Sho loavos six children two by a first marrlago, four by a socond, They aro Mrs. Sits, Ben jamin Soteplace, Abo Tenbrook, John C. Tonbrook, Will Tenbrook, Mrj. Nolllo Mlllor. Her husband died a year ago. kv Seeks PreMstorlo Relics. Harold Hannibal, a student-professor in tho archeological department of, Leland Stanford University, is making a tour MRS. HARRY FOLSOM, who was takon to tho Mercy hospital Sun day in a precarious condition, Is reportod Improving. MR. and MRS. O. J. SEELEY and two- ' Bona, John and Evorott, caraPjQVOTf' "-' from Coqulllo today to boav Borne.,,,,, tlmo with Dr. and Mrs. 'iJIlngUB. PETER LOGGIE of North Bond waa a business vUltor 'In Marshflold Saturday. Ho thinks tho real estato outlook In Coos county was novor more optimistic than at tho present tlmo. ; ijg W. E. WARWICK Is In town for tho Fourth from tho camp of tho Smith-Powers surveying crow abovo Goodwill's on South Coos River. , newly painted add englno put in of tho Bay in soarch of fossils for his first class order, For roforonco call collogo. Mr. Hannibal has mado tho or addres John L. Koontz, Marsh- Journey up tho coast by easy stages field, Oro pr R A. Church, Box and has succeeded in finding several 476, Marshfleld, Ore, FOR SALE Modern eight room (3lue in Ladjes', Mioses', Boys' and Men's Hosiery. Clearance sale price 20c . MEN'S PANTS rto Iwe an odd lot of Men's Pants that wo will close out at money saving prices?: : wuca tu,-i .onlJ. lues for only .!. j,w I , . , 0..i) ...$3,35 $4.X)0 Vnlues for only $3.00 $5,00 Values for $3.73 t Overtook This Oppbrtignity to Save Money irHE BAZAR apartment houso, all rooms oecii-v.Elk river. iiuu, win uo soiu at unrgain it taken immediately. Apply "Oppor tunity" Times' office. WANTED Teacher qualified for Ninth grado work. Salary governed b ability and oxporlenco. Man preforred. Address Leo Webster, clerk Dlst. No. C, Empire, Or6. valuable specimen, includlug a 12 foot whalo rib which ho and a com panion dug up at tho mouth of tho Ho will leavo hero next week for Astoria aftor which ho oi; pects to visit Seattle. WANTED GUI for Jlgl,t house work. Three In family. Wages $2"i por month. , Apply Mr3. W..G, Bes soy, Marshflold, Ore., Phono 31 CXI FOR RENX Small furnished cot tage. Apply 749 Fourth St. South. FOR SALE 80 acres lino fruit and borry farm. Immodlato- possession given. Good torms. Address D. D. Bralnard, North Bond, Oro., i . C. REYNOLDS, formerly of North Bond, now of Florence, who .has been ill for olght weeks, was brought down from tho Stuslaw pn tho tug yesterday and Is now at tho Mercy hospital. THEY ARE HERE. ""' Frank Hague, chairman of the Athlotlc Committee for tho Fourth of July celebration Is In receipt of a letter from A, B. Clayton of Smith Powors Camp No. 1 in which he says: "We haven't much of a team but will bo thoro to pull In tho tug qf war. Wo submit tho following. names of members of our team Harry Adams Harry Smith Roy Conger Carl Ferrall Frank Steahr Dallas Prlco Hal Harrington Bort Clayton BUI Wilson Lou Evans Yours truly, A. B. CLAYTO IV AT THE THEATRE. Tho Margaret lies Company opon od their engagement nt tho 'Masonic Opera Houso Saturday night produc ing tho -play, "A-Circus Girl." A largo and ontltuslnstlc audience Greeted the comnony. They know ovldontl that REDUCTION SALE on house they tforo going to seo something sos' llnon ss white dresses, worth while, nml woro cortnlnly not 1)R,SSKS' 1,non ftnd 8llk cata disappointed. Every player was at 'TAIMJH MADE SUITS at MRS his best and tho company govo ono of t,ho most delightful porformnnca over soon In this city. Sunday night "Tho Gov6rnor's WW was given and from all indications crowded houses will bo tho rulo during tho bnlnnco of tho engagement. marie -" ROD'S. NAVAL MILITIA NOTICE All members aro requested t at Armory nt 930 sharp morning to participate of RULf- i ( Wm tfrfo '? ". " ' "-ji ' ..'V rtmr HOUSE OF QUALITY Phone 3083. aaM -r.i 4M 1 Ddn't filfoio Bi&im??Ijflf jiLtsBmsmmemmmm'tasmtMCBMimsr-:;- ViiiiMIiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiMiiiMMriHHaKmnMBIMVMKl V mHMHHaraHir