a'rfflPwV lt?wl m COOS BAY rihJSSl Mpnor " .ill - L j At, M. O. M ALONE Y Ertltw:' mill I'ui. DAN E. MALOKEY News Editor i)6- .""jC Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY 'CIME3. Mxtt-Hlilleld :: :: :: : Oregon An iniloDendont Itcnubllnan nows- papor publlshod every evening except Bunday, and woovciy uy 'Iho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. DedliaUd to tho Bervlco cl tho people, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposed. JBntersd at tho postolllco al Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmission trough tho malls as second class mail mattor. BUUSCnilTION HATES. JJAILY. Ono year IG.00 Per month ...... 50 WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In advanco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is B. 00 pr year or 12.50 for six months. & iilijilllll Visito Msy !1sve free Use of Phone mjfmMMMJ Over OfllHal rnper of Coos County I I OFFICIAL rAl'KK OF THE CITY OF MARSIIEIEM). TEN ACHES OF OHIKiON LAND. 0 100 Members Present at the Ceremony Yesterday. The local lodge of tho local Order of Moobo Instituted yesterday after noon at 1 o'clock with over 10C mombors. The coromonlos Incident upon tho formnl launching of tho order hero wcro celebratod In tho Odd Follows hall, with Organizer Mooro In chargo of tho proceedings. Tho lodge will honccforth hold Us rogular meotlngs In tho Odd Fellows hall on tho second and fourth Tues days of each month; tho next meeting to tnko placo on July 11. As tho result of n decision nrrlrod at tho meeting yesterday It was de cldod to prepare thrco decoratod au tomobiles to tako part In tho parado tomorrow. Tho (Jfflccra Instituted yesterday are: , , Charles t. Rolgard, dictator? F. W. Wood of "North Ilcnd, past dictator; Ooon?o Coloman, prclato; M. A. Swdotmnn, vlco-dlctatorj O. W. Trlb by, outer guard, nnd JE. Ford, Inner guard. Tho trustees cholon were O.' 8. Torey, O. W. Dungan,' Dr. David Vnuguan, O. O. Lund, and William 8ri Mr. (lcorgo K. Cnnk was elect ed srerotary and F. K. Wilson, trcas- Found Only at the Boston Store HEQON In tho roglon of oppor tunity for the young man. Thcro Is a chance In this stato uror. for young men to got good lnnds Tho following nro tho charter nnd to got thorn cheaply. That means mombors of tho local lodge: that tho young man who h-s tho will I Cnrl II. Arlnnilson, Jimtlco K. Arms nnd tho foroslght will flntl tho menus Arthur S. Ulnnchnrd. Dr. Irn H. Unr- nf lininl In Mila fim-mii rminlrv to l.nv tl.. r u ii...illlnr,l M...,.l,( n n.j BC w - -- l. u, w. ... iiiuiiiiii'iii) i'..b..h j .a- K. tio founilntlonn, safe and sure, for comThomns L. llntchelor, Chns X. ind'opondenco In Inter years and com- nowmnn, Amas E. IJiirford. Jnim's potency nmi ease in ms oiu aso. Uarclay, Oeo. N. Ilattey, Ceo. E. Ten ncros of Oregon land, JinH-jCNm!' I. K. Coolcy. M. O. Colonial., clotisly soloctod, will help nchlovo itnlph W. Coke, Alex H. Campbell, this for any moderate-minded Indl- o. F. Coleman. M. S. Crossen. J: W. It vldunl. In n farm of that hIzo, local- Carter, It. I. Campbell, I'. W. Dott ed In almost nny pnrt of Westotn '. ii. niuiiinirur. A. II. Dorbv- Irogon, thoro Is a good living nnd n'shlro. 0. W. Duncnti. A. W. Donnev. ink nccouiit for nny family of t. w. uvorltt. J. II. Kilwnnis. nhm rvernge size, to say nothing of tho j. Edwards. II. E. Edwards. D. L.' Eflhancod vnluos that will nccruo Footo, J. E. Ford, It. 0. Craves, Dr. I itor on from tho growth nnd Indus-1 it. u. Qolden, Fred Olazlor. T. J. Inl duvolopmont of tho community. 'dominie, C. W. Gardiner, C Gnd-' ;ho young mnn of this stato. whothnr nnnnl. F. J. drfrcko. P. A. iiimtnr. v.. ho bo a mcchnnlc, n clerk or n pro- s. Eondorson. II. d. Huntley, W. C. 'ctslonal man. will do well to tako iinrrla. t. iinwnni t w n,.n n Inoto of theso facts nnd bo guided byij. w. inirrnm. L. n. irwln. t' n tho suggestions they offer. Jones, 8. 8. Jennings, A. II. Kirk, R. I .w'u.u... ..vo K,.y, V.U..H. uu uiu r. ivunuo, u. w. uruso, ii. ii, Kcat- HHiiaincuon 10 any mnn oi normal inK, n, Lackstrom, L. C. C. Lam- eenso nniablllty to contlnuo tlm do- 1 This store will bo open 1l day tomorrow, that you may profitably celebrate by availing yourself of this great .....,. , i1011,i:e ,.pn,l Rn imv :w ro ho nhisolutelv bevond the realms oi! .'nnmnf.itimi. Below are only a few of HlUl'K UJL UlWIiimumuv) j,a.v w -- - - ., - -., . the hundreds of savings here. W allow below n ' i n small frnotibu of tho gigantic sh.mdum I of :ior in our store Extra Large Cotton Towels. Hucknbaek. Hemmed. Si;:e ICxJO. i ftp Were 15c. Each UL Men's Fine Tailored Suits in best styles .and materials. "Were (fl 9'QC $22 to $25 HP I hfOD Full Size Bed Sheets in size 81x90. .Best 75e grade, each kxr onlv Boys' Fine Dress Suits in neat, pretty wool materials. "Were tl AP $7.50 to $9. Now J.U3 Women's Pretty Tub Dresses in $4 tb '$6 values. On sale to- fry At close out, each . .' y6JJ Amoskcag Apron Gingham checks. All staple colors. S 1-Hc Q r quality. Yard 04L Extra Large, Heavy Turkish Towels, hemmed. Were 35c. 3 Each only J Women's Fine Dress j Shoes. All sizes, , . widths AA to C: t?i'i Sorosis quality, pair P T'J Boys' Extra Grade Shoes in heavy soles. Gun Metal Calf. &4 ?r Were $2.50. Pair $ I -03 Don't Buy lt Elsewhere If Yon Can Get It Here rTTA 1? i tic Boston V "Every Article a Bis Bareum" The Greatest Bargain Center of All Southern Oreg byuuuuui. nui vrii ui itiiuiiTuiii,! VVf (when ho mlSSbottor aorvn tho stato tn which ho Mob an IiIh own tnaatorT lVhy Bhoulu ho contlnuo to toll for Ijthors In offlco nnd nhoi or atom, i(lon (or a bnro ninloty of that which le producoi), when, with n llttlo pru Hu',, q. J. Lninnuakl) Poliir Lognle, T. u Lawhorn, C. A; Leo, 0. O. Lund, C. II. Lucia, L. D. tambotn, Harry Mann, J. n. Mullen. W,,T. '.Morchnnt, K. H. .Volson, .Fred Nlbmo, L M. Nolilo, It. Ollvnnt, T. II.' O'Marn, Jno. I'ltmnn, V. O. Pratt, L. J. Post, L. W. I'lailZ. It. R. Plnecnr. A. Pon 111(1 ItINK WILL Hi: TAXKI) TO ACCO.MMODATK CItOWDS OF both bouts. l'HKSKXT INDICATIONS AIIB PROVE. TO BE PQPUL 0. 'J. Seoley will bo tho roforco In I wolter iwo'lgh't' chnmplonnlp of tho I world. Tho older Charl'lo was n pro- ino seal aaio, wnicn lias been no- duct nt rinninnnH m,in a- hi. KHIT- UP-DOOItS 01'K.V BIIAIIP !ng on In Ed'a Pool Hall today as ,ng ovoryono with, whom ho came In AT 1 O'CLOCK. woll as nt tho Doll Cord bar, has .to contact nt homo, ho wont to Kng- Sharp at tho hour of soven o'clock beon very ll0nvy. nd tho Ideal seat- '.,Bncl nnu" wns 8t" undofonted when tonight, tho doors of tho rink will bo '" BJn8""w or tho rink, whlc'7 "J-"0, ? l18 conW When ,,,, , , , . i'urinu oi n iuii viow from any pnrt."'p uw" "Kuung unys wero ovor, to .thrown open t6 admit tho crowds to of tM houBO w, bo tnked t tJe took hi. son In hand, with tho result Whnt Is pmmlfiCd tO bo tho boat BCrnD Utmost in nrrnmmmlntA IA ..,.!,. that tho hnv la nniv 1i,,i ...,.. ... ent plnnnliiB nnd economy, ho may torson, A. M. Itass, C. I. ltolRard, 0Vpr ,,ullcd oft ,n th'8 My' Ro"kU- " the prosont Indications keop up. isportlng authorltloa In this country 'MWIITO UUUIIIll IllirilH ailll lillV Inn Tim rnlln...l.. . ,.. .. nan ,..! I.I - . .... -"' u iuiiuii us wjji kivu sonin mnn iiuaoiuiu DiitceBHar in wmirnnt nir both llgbt-wolshts of tho tlmbor that of tho past porformancos of tho two tho championship tltlo. YounK Hums champions aro mndo of, will bo tho boys. I has nt different tlmea llckml , ,.f principals nnd In addition to their nnncJi.itnn.m ri.nn n .. ...Jhn im-f n,.. i.. i.i .,. .. . IHent IHtl Htlon Ll m5 ' (,HIHl L ifl that ii'Vin.'B &:um wrol "t:.i CJi AjR.,J -1 Ha&"y i ""wi) t.4' VJwlrnblXi g If id Kin I Many lu ,lu THRBnUl btwfli lK 56 uriMM iHImc '.vT'SCHHi Bl !"( mm ftf& Fork on his own ncres In tho full luoymont of Nature's health-KlvInt; benconco, nnd receiving for his Iimponsntlon nil that his brnlu nnd lusclo nro nblo to coax from Nv iro'8 bounty? Wo nocil a vlKorous propaganda In Is stnto that will direct tho atton Jns of" young men to tho manifold ind manifest ndvnulaKos of an Oro fon ton-acro farm, First, thoro Is Iho choapucBs of It; tho eaeo with Ihlch ono can acquire possession and Jgln work in tho achievement of his lown futuro ns an Independent cltl ten. Becond, there nro facilities at IhlB hand for becoming familiar with and availing hlmuolf of tho mobt clontlflo mothods of farming ninth- pda that at tho prosent dny mako tho productlvo valuo of ouo aero equlv.i- to that of several acres of a IroueraUon nuo. Third, thoro Is tho Met of rapid growth and prodigious ipmont In this stato and this Which Insures KOOd donininl Id good IirlcOi for farm iirmlnxiu El nt tho samo time Is guaranty of Jncroaso upon tho oiiglnnl luvost- In nccordnnce with all thoco Iotdltloii8, Finally, tlieru u tho toiwiero Oioeuu far- bdn and of the futuie Is no:, lie be, an Uolated man. tulustiy and commercial ht a these affwt the farm- lit. the linos of direct, con- fid BiUnl! ngrwablo asso- Il'ho man of the futur ou ten-iit-!? Urm will hmu chance for Intelleo- M Kratiflcdtlou thut On au can i-lalm as liU Ini.ilorli) oi li' equl,' ,i i tin t' n ii. w. Iloss, w. 13. Sulllvnn. I. ' S. Smith, M. A. Sweotmnn, L. J. Simp son. V. Sleep, It. Swnnton, B. W. Sullivan, J. Swniiton. 0. W. Shollow W. F. Shoup. 0. V. Trlbby, B. B. Thomas, j". M. Thomas, 0. S. Tor rey, Hoy Thrush, J. w. Umstndtt, I). C. Vnnghan, C. Tt. Woodward, Cal Wright, F. B. Wilson, F. W. Wood, B. L. Wood, W. V. Wood. II. II. Wilson, C. H. Walter, C. W. Win- choll, C. F. Wolsk, E. J. .McCrary, Dan McLaln. . . . . . -.wmwu wuhiiiu AJUilltt 1H LI1Q . "w -... ,..w .v... u,o n,ii iiit:l in n son Of tllO nglltor Of tho snmn nnmi. nmOIlC Whom worn TnnV W,l.n.t., w "....W ' -" w..w. ..U1IHIIID, tonround preliminary. ROADS OW IN who, about (wolvo ycarB ago, hold thoiWHIto Meohnn, nnd Abo Lavell, . ""ItWWii mi I uuy Leo, who Is bottor known to locnl audiences, hnving fought here last May when ho defeated Geno West In tho sixth round of tholr iliiht. a also n lighter of no mean roputatlon on tlio coast. Ho lias had several fights In tho northwest but moro ro. cently has devoted himself to mak ing a namo In the California rlna. His last fight was with Tommy Mc- i-nnana in San Francisco. GOOD SHAPE All Are Reported Passable For Automobiles Auto Stage Resumes. That the roads In nnd nbout Mavsh- Hold have dried up sufficiently to make them passable for automobile travel Ir tho news brought Into the city this morning by chauffeurs who havo nogotlalod tho various highways during tho Inst twenty-four hours.. U. L. Kooto niniln t!n din t t.-i... . ,w ,..v ..... .., 1-.111 llre In his machine yostordnv nnd ro- ports tho road between here nnd ther to be drying up well. 71 , Thriw iHHChlnea with n carrying capacity of twenty passonl ers will leavo hero tninnrrnu. lustances j inornliiK over tho AlleKauy-Scottsburir 1 J thau hU road which Is now In fine condition id. for ns ' for travel. This will be the first ,.i man his view win iJ0 over the road since tho machln desires moro nearly ' were taken off Mm run fniw.-i.,n. i... -f -... uuWMtU, 1U j recent rnlns. en-acre proposition, I Tho roads betwoon hero nnd Mvrtlo 'i HIU ayes" pnrrv Point. Innliiil ni. tm nno ) i.. t ii ii nr ' TTirBgBginitjrHfMijTMMMM Winro Mill it mSmti&fiVTmmfn um 'vsm Hn '"HH mm m ' m WM memntj -y. & hk Hm kMh . lH,0ii.. jP . ZH Tfil (mm iiKfuM9f W p"" HU .. . ,f?twr m . i.tuwu.. Jr ...i ror nHa M-umm , -s --iftrfiM ' jH SUCGESSFU L DEMONS 111 Sperry Flour Company Wins Coos County Bread Baking Championship. . Ono of tho most successful dem onstrating propositions thnt 1ms ovr been in Mnrshfleld has been cnrrlod on in F. S. Dow's ofilce slnco Sntn,-. day noon. Tho Sperry riour Comnanv lmvn sent Mrs. Nagley. one of the most ex port uroail mnfcer on tho coast, to Mnrshfleld, who Is to remain over tho celebration, and whl'lo overv wnmm, considered horsolf somewhat of n "i-eaci manor still thoro nro kinks that wo always can learn. Mrs. Xngloy ha,s lntorestod oiw ladles considerable nnd ovpryono who has tried hor Graham bread pron- "iiuces u nno. Mrs. NaKlov clvea n , receipt to any lady who will call, and tor qJ 9 Mr - ""' 1 '-i B - if V ' Ai ,L-A'1 jl ivi - srti xr- "yv WMnBmm fBmttz&t'' KT ITS? Hrfi mm mnmWmmmWm OUV LER 7 1 , Llght-wt'lglit llgliter who h mel ijJTE ,. lliinia hero Monday nljht, I '''.'., FOOLISH XOEul 1 ' j. ; ' i m ,M-.i -im UBAA tt& 1c a.- ii 7a i 1"rlH fuS3BC ''s5 c Jr ,.w w M- . JW. s- hnell . . J. .'.' ' 9. SI- W 1 You fly In n passion nnrf ronr fool fashion when something or oj v. Kuua wiuiig, nnu poopH) who lb Vm. .nnnnl 41. A.. f .mJl rfwi. lojiim iiiuj nro nenjr youl wish you would mosov nSnnn. I never so foollah, dlsguBtinB nnd iisu ns when ho Is prancing wrath; nnd yot, In his 4nortlng miiy cavorting, ho thinks ho Is ting n swath. I don't mind tho ch gor of JusUflort nngor-f-a mnn rletht to bo mad when standing n slon of wrong nnd onnresslon hv wno nro snltoful nmi i,,i non no is liottor than simmer water no ought to so Up In tho , nnd kick out n girder nnd yell bio. muraor. nnd lntrst a. susnonder , onum. iiiu ho wnn D-noo ,..! o-vu 4HVIJHJ A Lt Itl'rln "'I: " '' loraiMlorai?. CHAItLIB HUUXS. 1" I. ""-. Sy R,V03 P'lng and caving Z? ti t,on; - -z r-sr srArs1. . sx r.,ri-isi? - -?r-f a jm k " v "v .uonuay uight. panled by their mothers. I"" A"UWH l?" fl0B ,ack,IS tho set m .. rfv - ii - ' I Til nnTTi niir ir hl . .-w wu w wy nut. l4 m u , 'tvt r!:v ajBftMal-.. J.,.. ...1 -...-.... i 1 ii i. iP ,m -w .s ' W Vjv ? - -"TniiiMBaWii I A iMm. .-.II .tatoidKsW'' i a. .ii. ii