'$" 'aftitta i A. wzss&wv SHS. w 05i 4?. i. ' ,' Visitors to celebration-make this store your headquarter - 4 ?vVra t - . , ; . , i ii t p - :y;. b ; V yers9 Timely Reductions on -..Jt'o rf,iWtoiiiitiif' fii!W!ramililiiili,iijiiiB.ii.t-l, k . n.i ' - , . ..fc.. . Hl'M I'l1' 1.' HI cftii m nun HBitTWMI. t TF4 ML U 3U 3 1 aus YiuMSW Jr IBH si U IDPL TB!lh. -' UUffICO OULU M xpedition Headed by Captain Burtis Fails In Mission. neii's aid Blisses' Wear Curl Haines nnd Ills brido, former- last evening. The nffalr wns well at-, L0S ANOCI.KS, Cal., July 1. P. ly MIbs ,Nola Wells of Pleasant- tontlod and the audienco well pleased s ),,rt3( j, c. Mullen nnd their par dnlo, Nebraska, arrived on tho Break- with tho beautiful and varied pro- ty of flvo treasure-seekers, who clint wntor to mnko tholr homo In Marsh- Brum, Itcrcd tho steamor Cureka somo Hold. They woro mnrrled on Juno Tho program opened with an or- weeks ngo to go on a search for a 22. At presont thoy nro tho guests gan rccltnl by MIs3 Clara Hohfold fortune which they believed to have of Mr. Haines' fnthcr and mother, and wnB followed by choral soloc- been cached by the Into John Aloxnu- illr, nnd Mrs. F. A. Haines. They t0ns Intorsporsed with vocal and In- dor Dowlo, of Zlon City, III., on tho Jwlll bo nt homo to their friends r.t strumontal solos and duets. 'Central American const, arrived I'i Ij-ho house In South Mnrshflcld which Among thoso who contributed to tho port of San I'cdro. tho groom hns mado ready for Ills tho evening's enjoyment woro: tho "Disappointed nnd disgusted," .o- brldo who Is a vory charming girl Mesdnmcs I2rros Lcylnnd, Prank piled Captrln Jlurtla to Interviewers. nnd who will no doubt provo nn ac- Dillon, C. M. Connor and P. qulsltlon to Marshflold society, lllrch, Miss Uvclyn Langworthy and Miss Hoso Myron, who has been seriously 111, Is roportcd improving. Gcorgo II. Myers and family leave Sunday on tho Drcakwator for Mich igan, tholr old homo. 0 A fnrowoll supper, In honor of Mr. '.Charles J. Kcan, was given by a number of his friends nt tho Chan dler hotel Tuesday night. An addi tional foaturo of tho event was tho Inst apponranco of tho Ooldon West Quartott )t which Mr. Keau was i member, It. A. Wornlch acted ns toast-master nnd C. S. Dodge, C. J. Hockott, J. F. McCollum, W. It. I Haines, C. S. Winner, Jnck Meroou nnd Henry Muggins mndo Hhort nd drcsscs. Mr. Gcorgo Ilnccoulllot gave a spoclal porformanco on tho wire ropo. Also present nt tho supper ftpro: J. Tower, Charlos Lash, H. J professor Dnvld II. Hill, Mllo Sum ner, Lesllo nnd Chester Isaacson, and P. Sacchl. Tho accompaniments woro played by tho Misses Clnra Hchfcld and Irono Prcus. Dr. A. K. Alden, fnthcr of Mrs. 0. P. McOcorge, hns arrived In tho city from (Irnnd Itnpids, Michigan, and expects to mnko his futuro homo here. Ills brother, P. Alden, Is also hero and will remain hero for tho present. "Somo ofHclo.is party started a story that wo wore filibusters, taking a shipload of arms to Honduras, nnd In confcequoncc, when wo arrived at Amalnpa, the Honduran govern ment would not permit us to land. "Tho American Consul could do ' nothing for no nnd so wo gnvo uj In disgust and sailed back to the United States." Noiili Bend New Mrs. Allco Yoakam is a Marshflcld shoppor today. WARRANT OUT fdr tma M hcown, Warren. L.tc W. T. Morchnnt and Ma Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snyder of Dan iels Creek nro In town for tho Fourth Kr. H. Hodflon will spend Sunday with his wlfo at Myrtlo Point. English Police Hold Provision al Warrant For Times' Dynamite Suspect. (By Aaauclntcd Press lo Coos Dn Times.) LONDON, England, July 1. At tho request of tho American Stale Department, tho magistrates of the r air. nnu airs. u. a. rorry win Mrs. E. K. Jones nnd hor nleco, spend the coming holidays In Marsh- Dow streot court today Issued provl- IMtM Roso Mary Illehardson, hnvo ar- fluid, slonal warrants for tho arrest of Da- dmed from Portland. Yard ofllclnls. 0 I J. V. Hodion of North Bond vld II. Caplan nnd Milton K. An ontortninmont was glron to tho IIo,Bnt8 ,H making a visit to 8an Schmidt. Tho warrants vrcro placed frmboro of tho MothodUt choir at "nnciiico., iiinmeaiaioiy m tno nanaa or Scotland hom nf Mnilral Dlrnptnr V. A.' Yard Officials. Ill last week. Tho work of tho eftton was rovlowod and plans Mil ffl-wi' r Mm mSmd: 1 wf ,; M 'mm, IJ Mr Rent Room for All Our Out-of-Town Visitors Stylish Dresses, Tailored Coats, Suits and Skirts at Very Special Prices V ISITORS to the celebration will find the limo well speut to avail themselves of these spe cial prices before returning to (heir , homes. Tho Myers' Store is the best exclusive Women's Kendy-to-wear store in all of Southern Oregon. Through our New York ollice and matchless buying facili ties we arc enabled at all times to show you well chosen assortments o.f the newest aiid best in AVo men's wear at very moderate prices. But that wo may make room for our new Autumn arrivals, wo arc offering special inducements for you to buy now. AVc invite attention to the items shown below. You Are Always Welcome to Visit the Myers Store To Either Look Around or Rest. No Urging to Buy Mrs. Win. VatiRhnn returned from McDonald and Vaughan's camp to tt ftnmtn ar fnrmiilnfw nn,1 hor homo today ttftOf ft tlslt Of SOT- iWhLwaa made tho recipient o orM ww,k, Viold pin, presentation from tbf ' lT '. Mm W XJ V.lK. mnA Un nil. oen or tneir director. During) "" " " - J&ffininK ft musical program Wai,D0"n ol in'a woro mo enem red and llKht rofroshmontfl Borr-:"'""'"' " """ Ekblad's stotcr. Mrs. W. II. Simpson. -O 1 Mrs. Joo Itueooll and children of remand nro aponaioR tho summon JMuMrs. nnssell'a cousin, Mln Ma- QUoTBon. U o -' Mn. D; W. OlRn. wlfo of Cant. 01en of thofaan Smith, and daugli- J lor' Sarab, aro the Ruosti of MIjh dlth Dunning in Uorkoloy. 0 Mr. Trunk flumnor plonsantly on- ttrtatnod tho Ladles' Art Club at her iomo In South Marahflohl on Friday, Juno 23, Tho afternoon was snont Miss Lillian McCann, who has pent tho past two weeks with rolv UItm on 8outh Coos Hlror. rotnrn- od homo today. Irma and Irono Ilodoon accompanied hor homo. Ror. M. H. Stain, tho United Drothrcn clergyman of 8outh Coos Hlror, who with his family has been attending conforonco at Philomath, Is expected homo today. NORTH IXLOT ITEMS. John Nabb is Tleltlng frlcnda on tho slongh. Ho has btn omployeJ on tho govornmont works at Floronco far tho past year. Both Johnson is back from North Bond at work on his ranch cleaning and preparing to bnlld a cabin. Mr. and Mrs. Spcncor Small haro gono to North Dend for a fow week. A number of picnic parties aro planned to spend tho Fourth at Sun- BOt Ilnv. Mr. nml Mm. Ittntnlnli linn. Jncodlo work. Af tor which tho hos- tor of Porter Addition nnd Win. ji... i - .. . .. . . 'ii. ., . ... . . m nurvuu n mncn, ano was assist- viinrK, rayo nnu uoiuio UinrK aro .r j a.v. w.w.u., .,o, .. Wllllllin, Hliiuilb MIU 4IIII1IUU1. rto .1 wnB n guest of tho club. Tho &y: ' Tiff?b "'Uourned for tho season, and Vv 'ytj not moot ngaln until Friday, tZ'.T Ibor l, whon n mooting will bo at tno' homo of Mrs. Jowan. LIHIUUV NOTICIi Rill Ingoraoll Is taking ont somo whito codar logs from hla camp on tho Simpson proporty. Tho rocont rain has mado tho road rather bad to Lako Side. Rooms UOH 4i 200, lid Floor Coos IHlf rTG llAVU leased Rooms Nob. 203 " I and 209, second floor of tho Coos building for tho FREE uso of visitors to tho colobrntlon. Womon, and parents with small children will find theso rooms a convenient plnr.o to como nnd rest. They hnvo been comfortably fitted up with chalw, tables and couches for your conve nience Lady nttondnnt In charge. You may also havo frco uso of our telephone, nnd call on ns for any holp or information. Wo want yon to en Joy ovory mlnnto whllo In our city, fltoro open nil day tomorrow. TUB MTKR'S BTORH Com Halldlnfl . Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits New Summer Styles in Pretty All Wool Materials Women's nnd Misses' flno tailored nil wool Suits with nont hnlrllno stripes and black nnd whlto checks. Also plain blnck'a, navys, browns, greys, etc., In panamns, sorges nnd tweods, Mostly this soason's styles. A fow of tho previous season, representing values to S3G. (t a a of suit mr !pll.OD v Ono lot of Women's strictly man-tailored nil-wool Suits In this Eoason'B styles nnd mntorlnls. All sizes from 1,6 to 44, Splendid values nt tho former prices up to (T4r AC . 27.G0. For,thls salo, BUlt Jj Oi95 StrlcUy man-tallorcd high grado Suits, In tho season's most raanionaoio matoriala and exp,ulslto designs. A wldo range. color combinations and sizes. Worth up (T ! O Ci to 137.50. Salt J) Q. J1 A Perfect Fit Guaranteed or Your Money Bad A Nominal Charge for Any Necenary Alteration BIG STEAMER -0- Dr. Toyo roturnod this week from i apn, cnl'i whoro ho wont recently' Wh Mrs. Toyo nnd tholr smtll Jlnughter, Kntherlno. Mrs. Toyo and Knthorluo, whoso health Is ureatlv Improved, will remain for aomo tlmo1 with relatives. I Report from library Jamci ending Juno 30, 1911: Circulation Adults. , . Children. . , for month 716 300 ,1,015 1,355 31 707 LIS YIELD Several of Largest Steam ship Interests Recognize union. Press to Coos Day (By Miss Nora Tower will ln.nn Ijprrow- for Portland where alio vlll,T"08 tho guest of Miss Carlio Reed. ti Lllnbol Johnson of llClsCO Is tllO EUOSt of Mm Juurg on Catching inlet. Cnrl MUs a wiiiiumty mm ,Misa uonovlovo ncken will ho avor.Riin.inv of Mrs. Smedburg. Total Kstlmntod attendanco. . Now registrations. . . Total registrations . . . Total number volumes, Now books ,n' J,l, conforonco within tho next month for III BOllloiiinnr nf thA ..... ., . 4. .ditlons of omploymont mi:.t.i, run:irv cu.iiun: Ti.o nrn.in uTL v ""o uiou LIipuu- Assorlatod Times.) LIVERPOOL. Kng., July i. It was ofllclally announced thnt tim n... 1.853 nard, Whlto 8tar and othor "com- loJ.bno" llnoa linil ni.r...l . I " ' l" IL'I'UIJIIUO Black Voile Skirt Specials Silk Petticoat!, VahiM $7. Only 3.95 Ono lot of flno all wool Vollo Sklrta. Somo havo Ilk drops. 8tylUhIy mado. Original- f m ly priced up to J1G.00. Cholco only 45 Ono Jot flno Tailored all wool soparato Skirts lb Panamas, sergc, ote. DestBtyleo and rfi ,-, colors. Originally prlcod 112.50. Now !p5.75 Woll Tailored all wool Skirts In bost staplo shades. Materials mohairs, Panamas, sorgos nnd mlxod novoltles. Values to 7.00. .r . Now $3.85 Extra grado all silk Taffeta Pottlcoata In black, tan, greon, cream, brown, lilac nnd Porslan. Formor ly prlcod up to 7.00. Your cholco of (t" r th0,0t'0n $3.95 Ono lot of Women's and Misses' pretty Jackets In semi and tight fitting. Sizes 16 to 42. Colors nro tan, grey, brown, navy, black, otc. &r rr Woro jC.QQ to jlQ. Cholco vj3.05 New Hair Goods Specials Now Styles arriving from Now York City ovory wook. Swltchos, Puffs, Nets, Rolls, Turbans, Or- uuiuuiuB, eic, otc. at Pretty Children's Coats Redua New Stylet in Wool. Silk and Merceriz .. Ono lot of Children's, pretty Coats, ages 3 to 1 1 yoorn. Short ' J a c k o t lengths, also long longtbs. Colors aro navy, blue, grey mixed and noat Bummor Bbadoa. Values to 14.00. Now only $1.95 WINS HI'SllANl) IMVOltritt Iated. (lly .880clntod Press.) $ '"vbii, uoio., July 1. ' -)- rihtn Tho LAWKS All) Sowing Society . in i iiiiuRii miiiinii' it iii i.aI.i . John W.Spil,,IWWM granted n tin,, nnd nZxn '. i.". "" .ft"C' : irni01"1 ?ii! w "thiiuv kSino :; pui.- ItaHMi Ntaravd tab ,- .1,,;"" ""'"" . '. r,l '" Sni'lllUMI. tuallH.,,1 il... i ' .. . Orison, A ...". r... . "v ,wwu v,vea' ' latin... .. . ,- I i 4f...i-l, I- not ilaueeram loulst Von ...! ...i u ... ,," . ,'.."" W.Nfi oards at the .Special Prices Ono lot of Children's nnd young Girl's Coata in tho soason's protty stylys nnd matorlals. Agos 4 to IB. Light nnd dark pat terns In silk nnd wool rormorly prlcod to J10.00. Now M0:....$4.85 IWfl - -: MM IflP ' aBjAVi. K I ,1 ... . rtii .. .. luuiii; uina rrciiy whlto LIngorio Frcnc irivaevs. iXquiBiio y trlmmod w h ,ininw inr and ombroldorles. Acm r i ..J2 ' and Dutch nocks. Prlcod nt Low $1.35. $1.50. i .85. $2.25 up to $3.50A Fancy, Dresden Ribbons Regular 50 and 75c grades 15c Tho way theso 50 bolts of hnvo been soiling is interesting indeed. Dresdons, bouellt Uveryona of, In-! tl t'hSopInAc.Ku), i ot dangerous loulst Von Puhl and 11. F. Hon- Ujouibnrml ,h "t h boon trlul f . 'l greatly UU OltOSS Dltuo STOKK. ribbon Bomothlng "n tho lot aro fnncy Itoman strlpos and checko and fnncy wnrps. Tho lot ropre conta a special cleanup of tho manufacturer and sell at retail rcgulaily from COc to 75c ard. N o offor you your m w choice, yard 1 jC Sale of Brassieres Regular 65c Values Only 49c A cool, comfortable garment for summer wear, known as tho Vnture's Rival" and tho "Do Bovoiso." Mado of flno nain sook and neatly trlmmod. Boned with romovablo rust proof steels. Sizes 32 to 41, For this Fourth of July selling wo offer our entire stocU at, each only 4xC Neckwear Reducec To Close Out The Odd Lots . uno lot of Women's protty Neckwear, in nil tho wanted ".-", mmnuio ror summer wear. Our regulnr stock values to COc. Your cholco a of tho lot, only "C Ono lot of dainty Neckwear for womon, in sonson's host styles. Regular Btock values tor fl.00. Your cholco, rQ each only J(J K uianmc r hi imrn iir H 0.tar Vni K rHskW itL VM,er6 4lKeuitierVm 'A Fl'l'ltl lilllli I ok J3 iflSBflHHH' "a uVftvmlN of this ill i nurceos. For bale were S ll 11 tk I I I .. 1 .. . 1.1 a , -r uumuiuuMi in,,, nnu tue couU Held that the allocations v sustained and . croo ' tho choir of tho opal church gavo a t In tholr church MovnnniM ArTOMOUIliK OUNNKltV. supullw nt tho ' uitainoil and grnuty tho do- roo naked for. wt 4 nv Kodak lllma njul supplloa HKI) CllOSJJ. nt tho Complete lino of lUFLfi SIGnTS at Tin: gunni:uy, THE MYERS STORE OPEN ALLDWToS uLALLuaivL wuiwdn AWPJIBSBWEAR STORE SN COOS AGKXTs ron iauira. iiomk jouk.vai, iuttkuxs. XFAV YOKK OFFICi: Yk fiTL TW fk T V tU HJP WJ i imo.vi) STitin.T BVH E COOS UUHd)lNG, MARSIIVICLD. IX O each only JOtb .t ' mm i wosikx's wiun imm' te kxolvsivkm: ly fl - i m , ' i ll 13 , Jib,, ji u , oil at tho GUNNKitv. ip.-zz,, - - zi" yy;J J3' 7 ' . ... rtX .4vsk .rrn 1f"2 2AtlffilIWitBaBt "V "w -.r- ' Wk " lll1IIITflmm.,r-'.