luvunuif ,i.r. mm -'Im mmk n scr TM. (iron. I WfWk ' - 1 iHlHfcf ton, I Wm tmk itor 3MI MB iw lil WkSwRhM Hinib'.;,.7i m .7' w mmmk v m ?ui fmm.iS)tw Mm OTry.TlQ TirW WW " ' H( limjlnBUBlk!na9w9Hflkt u m JL. mmmmm !&! IfildeMf mir ft.fll 7; 3 1 horTteSn and Po i iraiiL. ? wP&!'I'' OFlcoVl v ' o oxpiii , wi?rf ..vTT. .!., .C.. is.. oTco,Vlu these XOTICU u, ,. u- i-xv,; vill lrWy busy nt " ? moAnlng, Ilaclng G p. m. C0Mri THE ITU LISTOF HACKS ' AT A. DAYS HAOEMtiET TO UK HELD t'tland rndes and tilings tho track Monda. will be going on from 3 to on Monday nnc! Tuesday, EXTIUES FOIl Onupral nilrnlRsIrm will be GOc THE TWO- children from 10 to 15, 25 cents Under 10 years, frco. ilium ux Juia nw iv.i -ix ii. it is iiopod tnat every one MANY FAST HOUSES TO HUN. como nmi bring tho children. Tho following Is a completo list of tho entries In tho raco meot to bo held at tho raco track In this city uext Monday and Tuesday. will AMIMSir. I'm anxious to quit all this vorsc wrltlng stuff that Is laid out In stan- Tlm r.iPPB will tnltn ulnco each aft- zb correct; for though It Is good It's ernoon beginning at 3 o'clock and It not imIng onougn, nnu it never win is tho bo'.Icf of tho committee that pny. I expect What I'm anxious to rrnw.lH will piip.1i ilnv mw 1 CIO IS ims Bynuicmu uuiiu, winy.. hugo themselves of tho opportunity to wit ness "tho sport of kings." Horses entered In races to date: Itaco No. 1 July 3, running mile. Purso $50. 1. Teddy; owner, 0. J. Secley. 2. Headlight; owner, F. ton. 3. 4. 5. swiftly and easily flows; to wrlto like Wall Mason docs, somo day, I hope the verse thnt pretends to be proso. I'm tired of selling tho work of tn brain for 10 cents, or less, by the lino; for I'd bo a poet who drinks his P. Nor- ciiampagno, ami goes wnero me at ma lit fnllfn iIIma T ten ft t tt t art 11 Tesslo 9; owner. E. O. Allen, to tho countryside press at a price Shamrock; owner, J. P. Knight that will banish my woes; and this Vnrnnnl mvnnr. .1. I. Ktl r It. SOU OI ICailirO Will UO 11, I KUCSS IIIO Raco No. 2, July 3, trotting and verso that pretends to be prose. - - ... ..... ' DPIITflV Illlltl'V pacing 2:30 class, best two of threo -tnllo heat... Purso $75. 1. Wahkoo; owners, Ward Bros. ' 2. Dill Murray; owner, J. L. Nay 3. King Dixon; ownor, P. P. Nor ton. It'nco No. 3, 'i-mllo burro race. Purso $5. Itaco No. 4, running -mlln with out rider. Purso ?2G. 1. T.IbsJo S; owner, K. 0. Allen. 2. Macbeth; owner, Walter Con dron. 3. Headlight; owner, P. P. Nor ton. Ilnco No, 5, running -mllo dash.' Purso $100. 1. 'Charllo Poster; owner, M. II. DEIITON DKALUY. Tho AI.KKT will leave Allegany nt ." 1. M. on tho third of July for Marshfleld, leaving Mnrshflcld on re turn trip at 11 p. m. The womnn of today who hns good health, good temper, good sense, bright eyes nnd a lovely complexion, the result of correct living nnd good digestion, wins tho admiration of the world. If xpur digestion Is faulty Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct It. For salo by all dealers. In tho Matter of tho cstato P. E. McCAULEY, deceased. Notlco Is hereby given to all whom It may concern: That on tiio 3ist dn of May, 1911. 1. Cora A. McCnulov- Picren, administratrix of tho cstnto of P. E. McCaulcy, deceased, filed In the County Court cf Coos County, State of Oregon, my final account ns isuch administratrix nnd that sold Court thereupon on said day duly made an order directing that tho no tlco of tho filing of snld final account I bo given by said ndmlnlstrntrlx In tho samo manner as the notice of tho appointment of an executor or ad- mlnlstratrlx as required by law to bo given nnd furthor ordering that on tho 3rd day of July, IS 11, at tho Court-houso in Coqullle City, Coos County, Oregon, said Court will (at that time and place) hear nny and all objections to tho said final account and tho sottlomcnt thereof. Dated this 31st day of May, 1911 OKA A. McCAULEY-PIHLW, Administratrix of Estate of P. E Mc Caulcy, deceased. ALICE H The Popular Picnic Ilont. Nny. I fov makes regular schcdulo on 2. Macbeth; owner, W, Comlron. the South Coos Itlvcr run. Leaves Headlight; owner, P. P. Nor- Mnrsliflolrt week days at 3 p. m. Ar rives In Mnrshflcld nt S:45 n. m. Sunday, leaves Marshfleld at 8 n.m. Returns nt G p. in. LEVI SMITH, Master. CIIOICi: UKSIDENCi: S.VAP. Lots 1 fwid 2, Dlock X Western Ad dition with 4-room house. Lots all cleared and In strawberries. Price $1,500, terms $300 cash nnd balance on or beforo flvo years. TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT COMPANY, Henry Songstackcn, Manager. Greenlaw; ownor, John Yoak- PILES CURED AT HOME BY B2JKKwiWmj liy"wn: ownor. .J.l. WMiKith n tlHMKtIi2lw(SaFSSBBK- MB9xtiou. it.wyumnjmniAiiiisjK h-t f :tsmissm: tk. r iteimYzzBmnMA j nffRHVriL'n.ia t .' Aai.tmftMMWPtraMaifc mswMRrwx.v . i:ww Ar:7MkJwmmaBn mLjiWsO) ' i a" AVMummm HHiT.. .' - i ' r'V5S3HWiyFSKlM wm4i tka .u . ..:jMmmw&BB3s ':. ' f :asi- -...!: ,.m ;'- "' m ''Mai 3. ton. 4. am. 5, Tesslo S; ownor, E. O. Allen. C. jVenofn; ownor, J. L. Knight. 7. Shamrock; ownor, J. p. Knight. Ilnco No. 0, U-mlledash catch HEW ABSfJIIPTIOfl METHOD, weights for horses not traluod this ,. ' """" .ensou. Pnrse $15. , tvEU'rSZ ilfft ?&! 1. Evelyn; ownor, John Yoakam. fiiSjV.X!i,?.,K,,M'i . uixio; owner, J. L. Knight, i ,'" '" 7'"' "'. ,,r '" '"'"" iroatmmi TiicmIji)', .Inly Kli. Raco No. 1, running i-mllo dadh ttt lwiKtp.d tttiti..l l.. n tfly .... uuigva uniivu ill bUIIS CIIIIIll) Uiu- l.l olnco Jonunry 1, 191 J. Catch I weights. Purso $50. . " 1. Tlsslo S; ownor, E. 0. Allo.i. HflVP T!lnt- Ponf f7,w! -'. Churllo Postor; owner. M. H.i"aVe lilal 00f flXCCi 2tosr.:W RAISES Ae DOUGH 'Better than other powdcri 'producing light, dainty, whole- ' oma cake and pastries 'CRESCENT BAKING POWDER ri high grado and 'moderate in prico '25c lb. tin at grocers. 'CrtictnlMff. Co.,Stt!o vi 3M All W1 Suite Yl i w mucimmmmm tp w uim urn ffij ill' -i if 1 vi . A iBZ , 1M1C wamliwhli && an t 569.5 I WaSSBMWjAW W 111 I" I V "V ,- - . , rKlllf II lira I llllSlI by 'Maker 1 Al fc-rSl and Seller I ( 136) PI ITO Opposite L n m wl m l wT breakwater ' 1 IroitStj Ail Ul Office An LU ; I V m Are Better Equipped ; Thai Ever to Take ImTri A III U UII &ZtC frfSltSi iESS-1 111 iiiflllilSi; ;M, !W- -f 5li.lloSNs If I 00 JJ SCHOOL DUiEGTOliY fr.T IWI1 rp ipmi it. l.n.. i .:."". "'" f'mr i llff ihl iimiMipnl miv nin-l s,.,i . . . ..---.-.. ...... wi .ma ii.r. u. I li Jin. Jl. tuwini'M. I., i. s. ... ror c.iriL Condofipii bvtfc KisTiRA nr Tur i NAMES OF JESUS AND MARY. C.J.. A4Jml J Ctllitltu Cntm. Mmlc. Art. Llocutloa ind Commcr. MOtvtl.MJnUnJDjSnJnu,t.ttttiUonlhi lattllcciulTnliliiriVrl(lorAnM3KtaiiniAdJrcii Care f Your Wants BesHes the Large Stock Always on Hani We, Have Just Received Teddy; oraor. O. J. Sooloy. j Venom; ownor, J. I,. Knlnht. Mnchorh; ownor, Wnltor Con- I londllBht; ownor, v. p. Nor- No. 2, trotting nnd imoliic 1- lentH, hwit .1 In B, fro for nil. 7100. Hllllo Murray; ownor, J. j.. Wnliltop; nnncr, Wnid HroH. Mnrlu; ownor. I p. Norton. o. 3, runnlnR .nilIo cltfhtH, liorno not trnlnod thin Puroo J20. "yni owner, John Yonknm. xlo; ownor, J. i.. KulKht. O. I. rillllllllir l.lllll.. .I.ial. ' 0. oilm NOW See CORTHELL I'l.ono iSCJi ADVERTK w; i ht ownor, John Yon.c dllsht;nor, K. p. Sot ownor, .Kill li t. O ni- W YOU Want ii Cook Wm n Clcik Wrm a PuriiuT Wimt a SI I mi i Ion Unnj Si'i'vniit Clil U'iiiiI to Sell a I'lmiii Wmi t to Sell n CnirliiKo 'Miit (iisfll tounivoptrty Wiuit to .Sell join. (Jmivrios Wnnt e. Sell Yfiir lliinhuiio Wmie Ciimoiiiws f(,p Anjilih, ilu-iil,,. )nj l( Tin. TIiiim. AiUortNlnsistliounyeoMUTP AihritUliiK lirliiKN custoiHors IwrtMiukiviiH fusitiiucrs A(Iu'itlsiiK1NiuNMuvi'ss A(lui'(i,inKlioNim'ii(y iincituiiiKMiouHnlur lU'rlUiiiir lk "((. lortiM. ir Uimt Ivorllsn ,(,nir n'rllm well i:iitisi: . Onco New Oakluid, California CltA '"'tScon the Pacific uiartcrril 1885. .Near tno ureal Lnivemltica. IiImI climate throuKhout the year. I t"tr net nil riluailon re.iulremcnti eqilu "nt to thoic ot Mantoril anA I'nlverilty oj Call ornla Uborator ei tor science llli racJern ffi r.,.n'mt,. ii nl opportunities tor home O.. California; "'""Jr. ms toiiege r. IF YOU HAVE ANY House to BuJW You Will Do Well to See pi n r5 iVw Rogs, Room Size, tBSHSMSt W4 S'MBIS. ' trriHi $4.50 to $50. New Bed Sftwrn Fursiifere i ' - f New toss. Beds $20.00 to $25.00 And Mmy Otter Arides of furniture win 4W n ii ii k, fod Ce. ro.snuaom; ai iwimikus. Phone 128 J fcAi'K i:.vusMK.m Pr luforinntWu comurnl,iB I "-jwm lotui tareuiei.a wri v It,r,.t not nu. O. II. Imj,, onr J.' II J damn mio Comimny, Loa nwKfiiod. unllfornm. SSSlSiSS?igaa3aBTrir It makes no diifenco wlml you want, give us a call, wo w ."tod to quote you PRICES-J HE LOWEST ALWAYS SEE OUR WINDOWS BJt NEW Q O0DS. X$mXA. ' 1 ill bo only .too tVA .1 T1 SJk OBHff Mcsrvey tnarvey umpanv COMPLICE IDUSE FURNISHERS You Wi3 Fmd Solid, comfort nnd satlofactlon In Ol'U FL'lSMTl'ltK mmlo by tho best innnufactur- ' It combines ologanco dura- WHty nnd comfort. Our goods bolng substantially mndo will retain their fine olegant finish nnd last a lifetime and nlwnya Kovo a sourco of satisfaction. Another important fact is that our prices aro no higher thnn for 1'oort.r quality and 1 1 ashy goods. Iot us ilgnro wlth yo whon you want anything from n nm-iii'ii cuair to a outfit. I C. A. Johnson, , N- Oldest Fiiriiltiip s, J I'ltritlturo Store on Cih3 Hay I i- I m mmmmtammm swsisi) -M M m mm,mmmMmumvmmmt F jnOFESSlOMAL DIRECTORS rT -JlTJZI :::r .-" . .. . ,n ni, r 1 1 I m (I mm k WAKE A completo . W. LI'S I.I l. OMcopntlilc PlusicLiii raduato of the Am.rl:an school ol Osteopathy at Klrkavllle, .Mo. OIHic m Hldoiado nik. Hours 10 to 1- 1 to l: I'hoao 161-J: Marshtleld: o'regon Q15. .1. W.TNfiU.M I'IijsIcIh,, n,i Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Uulldlng lmes: onico loaj; efcMCi,ro MIU1 W. HUXXETT, lawyer. OJo O.Tlco ovor Flanagan Rrsh field pv". J. T. JlcCOltM Physician nnH Slarshneld, i Olllce: Lockhirt Dul opp Phono liJ5-J A TTIlKisn t'OOl). Phone IIATfli !14-j, Dannett Hank Oregon C, Surgeon Pregon. ding, 'site Post Ollce. will do SELKCI0M of our small cjkos and Bnoclm ties nnd you'lf avo a collection of na temptlc, nud toothsomo dainties as wio ever sot be foro a king, nln't bo too Into coming for yo... howovor. Wo can never tm to balto enough no mattl oxtrawe bake fj Coos Baylakcry riioxc you how many W daily. JUU 1-U G m ieW8dBAaa Have You Seer- Our New Market? Wo aro now nicoly iocnted In our now 8ho and extend a cordial invltntlon to ovory one to call. Wo handle only IHvST Mkaxs nt reasonable prices. When you want n i,,cy steak, a nloo mtton chon Borno tender lamb or good voai call us up by phono. A trial ordnr. utn . . " i-ouvinco a I enterprise Mai-fa 3o. w. innMTJrh; k M mr i t ' 0 1 PHONE a; PHONE us. KAUFMAN t-OAL OHDEHS $4.30 i" ih h 'l, H i II I 1 -. - f 7r8tiWaL--...... I ViaBferWBBrfc w WISPfcl -ffW a JHBHBUS a jab.