rtr ftf? V L - ! 'Fl A ffi a tM a that .fc v created eiL I ' Clothaf t lis the triumph oae icleli thnt clothes, st5g Jc me dium prjS enjii be created cfpiirol vool cloth audfide si good that they & he gwanm teed f orJ ool, , Lvca i workinuiiip au last ing shape f ; The Cltlicrai'il gfW antv is vor Deoljration f SWB t Indepeudcuce from i lothes troubles. It sets you free .from doubt that Av clothes will hold t.ieir shape and good looks beyond their days of fresh bought newness. PKICB $10 to $25. You Mill have reason to celebrate the day you begin to wear them. ThqWteljen Mill Store MlLfltlrAX CLOTHIER MAKSUFTjfW' OREO ON HUNT .1r . 12 Zooms nnd 4 HOUBITx . ft2 o nnu y- iwaier. FURNISHED llntultli 0 rooms, bath hot null cold water, gas rnnge. Apply to Robert marsdex. (These nro In tho beat rcaldonco pixrt of town.) With, lint 'Waffl , ., M.X . ... v 3?s w spend mo wm. . S3N9ffnil PAULSON JsiiSe Fourth rOH SALE Large 12 roomed house nnd 4 lots In South MnrshflclJ. mg j very uesirnuie. Kensonnuio ror quick sale. Apply Mrs. M. P. Campbell or Phono 110-L. qurtu, MISS 'MARY MAODONALD of Mile la spending tho wook-en'd In town. MR. and MRBrilOS. RUSSELL of Reaver 11111 nro In town for tho Fourth of July. MISS HELEN LANDRITH of Myrtlo llnnk, Coos River, Is tho guest of Marshflcld friends. BENNETT and Mrs. 0. R. Peck left today for Ton Mllo wheio the) will Bpond three weeks at tho Lakeside lesort. MRS. 13. L. BESSEY camo down from tho Beasey ranch on South Coos River today mil Is visiting friends. FOR SALE A choice bunjjnlo, with charming grounds, an Coos River. Also 100 by 200 foot In Emplro, ' nt a bargain If taken nt once. ou MUg mUi BlCKWOimi of Mltlt may never have another surhl t.m 8nont the dny In .Mnrshflold. chance to buy In Umpire. I. S.',, isT,,,,, SMIT ...nH rnn ,..- Kaufman & Co. ouh.m. t. t,...i,fi,.i,i ,!.. To See Good Furniture a$d To w Prices! Come into our store while down town during the 4th cebration MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME WITHUS ' Rest awhile in our comfortable chairs meet your kehds here Look through our lines and learn the cam facts 'tbout GOOD FURNITURE at LOPRICES Kerry, Montgomery & Co. (qA&mn& WMI I rJifcf vXh ' ft vt w&fi i i" . rtrUJ ' MOfeTH KOR SALE Glen CHi'iK'iio, iicivm near center of town. Call at C01 Sixth street TOR RENT Slv roomel Iioiino oh First street. Apply Mrs. A. Hut-cheson. WANTED A ranch linml. One who can milk. J. W. Russell, North Coos River. WAXTHI) Girl of miiiio experience nt Lowls' confectionery. VOU SAIiU ily funn QOO ncrca In one lot or will out up In porotls to suit. C. W. Banford, MarsbUold, I'OR SAM-: 80 luivs flue fruit nnd berry farm, lmmcdlnto possession given. Good terms. Address D. D. Ilrnlnnrd, North Rend, Oro. AUTO IjIXi: rrs ut nny time. Phono, 231 R, after midnight 1S1X LOCAL 4 GLEANINGS I'Olt SAM. Slightly (lainnceil doors nnd camp stoves. Knqulro Rail- LOCAL Tr.MPKIlATUltn hi:- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt -1:00 p. m.. Juno 30, by Mrs. 4 I). Mlngus, special government 4 02 07 01 first cIbbs ordor. For roforonco call, Precipitation 02 or nddros John L. ICoontz, Marsh field, Oro., or R. A. Church, Dox 4 70, Mnrshflold, Oro. FOR 8ALH OR TRADK A UU 1I..1. Rutck nuto-lDOS. nt n groat sncrl- moteorologlcal obsoryer flee. Will sell or trado for town Maximum. . proporty. This nuto hns Just hcon Minimum. . nowly painted nnd onglno put in At 4:43 p. m. t FOR HAL12 MiMlern eight room apartment houso, nil rooniB occu- Wind, Northwest; clear. On HhoppltiK Tour. Tlio following residents along tho South Coos Rtvor wore In town today shopping: W. 8. ilodson nnd wife; H. R. Ilodson, H. HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES 4 We havo absolutely the best teas and coffees on tho market Our prices aro the best, We will take a bqK iseat, fof no one, quality considered Try a 3tbyan of our Arlington Club Coffee, Only $100, One-can calls for another. , r , ) ANONA GROCERi v 130 BROADWAY This Store will be closed the Fourth of July all J There Are Reason Why You Should Buy Your Groceries From i' IiOUK JI AHT'ti UUUUHItX V.'e place our reputation back of every article lhat we send out, As we carry a large stock of fresh, clean goo s which Is being constantly renewed we carafford to do this, Our goods are put up by reputable! firms who stand back of everything they send out $d wo stand back of them with a guarantee of sanction or your money back, While the quality of our goods cannot be excelltf, aro most reasonable, pri i i M y Jusiness Directory Following Is a list of Rollablo Business Finns that It will Pay to Patronize Go To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heating MnrHhflcId, Ore., Phono 773 STADDEN All Idmls of photograph work, bromide enlarging nnd kodak finishing. J. L, KOONTZ Mnclilno and Repair Shops GKXKRAL MACHINIST Stoam and Qas Bnglno Work At Holland's boat shop, Front street, Marshfleld, Ore. our prices Lockharfs Grocery Two Private "Phones 85 and OIIICKKNB, fryers nnd STAUKF'8 OROCKRV. BtOWS roil RN.Vf 10 ncro ranch, Slough D. Ferguson. North WAXTHI) Girl for general house work. Apply Mrs. A. 11. Powors, Phono 207. 1VAXTUI) To exchange -10 nrre In oranges and grapes. Rest In nlfal- Union Oils GASOIilNR DISTmTjATE IIRN'ZINH KKROSRNn SA31SON OA8 KXGINKS V V an& OKV'TUUi'UllAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. UorskCold, Ore. PHONE B02-J Moll Order Solicited. PlniN .Many ChaiiKes. Prod Wob hnp nml ann. Frank, nro hdro TO- k per mouth. Apply Mrs. W. Q. Ilea-1 owng ncaunlntnnco w,thd plou- eors of Coos county. Mr. wobbir was a rosldont of Mnrohflold la tho sovontlcB and finds many changes slnco ho was lioro last. Our House is Yours During the Celebration OUR ICI2 CKKAM and Ii"dU.TAIX Ili:Vi:RAGi:s will bo up to stand ard, nnd IlirrTKR If POSSIllLi; to make It so. Ilendqunrtors for Puro Ico Crenm Lewis Confectionery ' NORTH HROADWAY For Exceptional Bgains ?jnBuslne8a nnd Residence property In North BenA-and acreage in Coos My"V"Seo th0 I Fr tine Celelbratioini Whon you ore here on July 3 and 4 mnko our storo your head quarters. , Watch our window displays for what we offer inside but par ticularly come In and see as. liOOK FOR OUH FLOAT ON TIIE IUIlTir. B ., I HARDWARE on .E.l FOR SAM: lUvtldemv, V rooinn fur nishod or not, 43G So. 8th St. Also n torpedo model B-H.-P. launch. Sco Dr. R. R. Goldon. plod, will bo sold nt barsaln Ifw. Guptll, E. L. Bessoy nnd M. R. i..v.. ......... v.. ..... ....., vW. .umiin. tunlty" Tlines ofllco. Mon HnrNOH Coming Tho follow ing stables, bolonglnR to ownors from tho Coqulllo sldo, havo entries In tho conilnK races nnd nro expected to arHvo hero today. Thoy aro Ward Brothers, John Yonkum, O. J. SoMoy nnd J. Klunlcut. WANTKR Toucher qualified for Ninth Krado work. Salary Bovornod by ability nnd cxporlcnco. Mnn proforrod. Address Leo Wobstor, clork Diet. No. G, Rmplro, Oro. Will Not Walt. Tho committee In charge of tho horso races havo an nounced thnt no dolayfl will bo tolor- . . atod. Four entries hnvo boon recolv- WA.NTRI)-:! OllB,s. Soo V. 8. Dow cJ for Ul0 rlt!oriPB8 ,, rnco, Thoy Bnlurdny nt IUh omco In old Flratiftrb ..,ion,inKht," ''Tcsslo," "Mac- Natlonnl Bank building on Front street. VANTi:i RrI for lllit house work. Throon family. Wages $2f both" and nn ontry from tho Klunlcut stables. soy, Mnrshflold, Oro., Phono 31CX1 FOR RUNT Small funilHhcd cot tage. Apply 740 Fourth St. South. FOR HAMS HOvncroH lino fruit nnd borry farm. lmmcdlnto possession Rlvon. Good torns. Addross D. D. Brnlnnrdr"Northv Bond, Oro., Phono 30S3. FOUND Fur Scarf. Oh nor may hnvo samo by npplyiug nnd describ ing snmo nnd paying for this no tlco nt Times' olllco. Celebrate the 4th in Marshfield You'lf need some qandy- nobody over heard of a of July celebratior candy, Brown a fine assortmoc man's famou? packages frc Bring in yo sister or s sister and age, Cr plenty o make if you in th merr tor 1 O. Hours on Fourth," Tho Mnrshflold postofllca has iuifcd tho following notlco for tho Inforj of porsonn oxpoctlng mnll mn July 4. All departments v closed during Indopondcnco D tho oxcoptlon of tho General window which will bo opon fi o'clock to 9 o'clock In tho mc irUNTF.R'H AND ANOlJ conses nt tho Ounnory. trvi um OUT GLASS, FINK kiiai:r nt ih:i cross. Dopnrtmont. , Aftor tho how try a Turk, Plinnn 514. J. . Miii lirnMMiiwinr - w " ABMmKmmm-wnfrijr"' "w f nmmmmtat wtzm.i -mimr v ,- vf u i. Ba iiBHMMirlipiWm i rT'lrHin gMFrwi Mir L . 4 ' (BBS . ' i iii miiMiiii ii . tfT.mJCTWWMfoi Ten? 'imKBMM&m LA - .3 L .id HMBMStW "Iff m QHK landara investment (Jo FRONT SimEDT MARS1LFIRU) JUILDINQ NORTH BEND OREGON laflmil d