jst -4 ji ?.r.i mi 'if. c. i : iftk '-; ft ' : j 'IS IHHKSqmMbLJiL, J"1 ?W'i -v jjijUiiJl. 4C.,,,-'- -' g-y J1JLY 1 191 ijjS H ij ffe oorfre Your HeadcCers During! the Great Cetebratiof t h SWl) C tk'S AftBr nn lPo of exactly eighteen 1 " " ... faM wJs Editor und Pub. minutes by the watch, the laat of the ' - W !k IkP'SJl Worries had disappeared and, although' H J f ft fi J 1 A W f 1 J ii-rr-aioii have 20 to oO Per Cent on' JftSI rUTlRIn A faked leport that Adams' had . Jfti I l"H I IIbI"! d'ed yc8tordny ns tho ro8U,t ot th,J " i p11 uii i liiu "j "uiuu in oncii any sympathetic f " i 12 W T 1 Wk "ri H flpF0UMDSFFJFy w every tning yotrurciiase nere hw v b e V n I n oh REFEREE FlfflT Local Youth Consumes Straw berries In Record- Break ing Time. To Dean Adams, nn employee of a locul oloctrlc company, belongs tho tltlo of "Champion Strawberry Kator of Coos County." Somo of his wnrmoBt admirers loudly proclaim him champion of tho 'world, but lest "Iil'l Arthur" bocomo pcovod at any attempts to sharo the championship Hiiot-llKht with him and docldo to do sort tho heavy-welKht rnnks In favor of ontorliiK tho sport of strawberry eating, It has hrou decided by the moro conservative to limit Adnms' title to Coos county until some white hopo shall have momorlzed, crya tallzod, foslllcd and homlclzed th-j dnrk cloud at proseut hovering ovsr tho manly art. , Tho font by which Adams has mnu nRcd to break Into tho ranks of tho much-talked-of was accomplished nt tho Java Coffee IIouso Inst TIiur.1 day utKht. Feeling slightly fulnt nbout uloveu o'clock ThursdayMilght, and deciding Hint a little nourishment would fix him up, Adams betook himself to tho .lava Coffco Iiouho and ordered n bowl of clam chowder. Ho was Just on tho last lap of tho Bccond bowl when I'M. Richmond and somo oth ers nt tho tlmo In tho restaurant started nn argument about strawberry cntlng. Adnms prlckod up his cars and when n lull In tho conversation occur red ho took tho Hour and made tho statement that ho could eat moro berries Hint any other man In tho county. , This sounded good so after n par ley, It was decided that If Adnms could ent six boxes of strnwberrloi, Hlchmond would pay for them. Tho Weil-Known Coos County Sportsman to Be Third Man Monday. O. .T. Sepley, the well-known Coos county horso ownor nnd sportsman, has been Bolected to roforco tho Hough-House Chnrllo Hums verstiB Guy I.co light which taken place at tho Kink next Monday night. Tho selection of Mr. Seoloy was ngrcoablo to both of tho principals and will bo especially wolcomo news to the fol lowers of tho boxing gnmo hero who contcmplnto taking In this match. Hoth of thp llttlo flghtorB nro work ing hard to get Into shnpe for tho coming go; nnd each Is equally con fident of his nblllty to whip tho other follow. Leo was this morning taken for somo road work nnd lntor was put through the rub-down mill by his tralnors nt the Turkish baths. Tho following pnBt performances of tho two scrnppors will bo of Inter est to tho Inrgo crowd of porsons who from tho soat reservations already made, nro cxpoxtod to bo prccont when tho bout Is called on Monday evening. Somo Iden of how tho tuon stack up may be gained from tho fact that both men hnvo nt different times fought Abo I.nvoll. Hums met I.n voll onco and defeated him; whllo I.co, In his two fights with I.nvoll, lost onn nnd won one. Ho won tho Inst ono. Tho doors of tho rink wII open nt 7 p. m. sharp on Monday. Tho preli minary starts nt 7:30. TIJ.VNIS ....i.u,ir nt tho U.V-NKHY. The low prices of the Boston Store are taking this, oomtiybystorm.. People come back again and ngain- strongost evidence of our low prices aud fair and honest yrcatment. Don't buy elsewhere until you have visited The Boston. There are thousands of dollars worth of high standard merchandise here at prices that even undersell tho manufacturer's of the world. Wo slum lnlow onlva imnll fraction of tho gigantic sainjH hero in our store Men's All Wool Suits in neat patterns, Sizes 32 to 'J 8. AVcro J r A $15 to $10.50 $I.3U Washington and Bradley Loggers, Sizes G to 10. AV Pair :c7;$4.95 Men's Dreos Shoes, in $1.C0 and $5.00 grades. All sizes. "Wide &J C widths 4 Men's Heavy Wool Underwear, grey only. All sizes. AVas Qr $1.65. Garment OJXj C Extra Large Bandana Handerchiefs, Blue only. AV&'e 10c. Each l 7zc i Men's Bo3s of Road Overalls, bib or waist styles. Blue only. Pair 70c Boys' Fine Wool Suit3, Knickerbocker pants. AVere $6to $T QT $7.50. Suit... I 4O.CJ Women's Black Pctticoat3, $1.25 grade. Three dozen at, each regular 65c Women's Cotton Underwear, slightly ileeced ribbed. AVas 35c OC fJ V- mi to 50c. Garment Men's Cotton Ribbed Underwear, bluo color. All sizes. AVas 65c garment. Now 45c Children's Ribbed Underwear, slightly Ileeced. Gray. Sizes to 34. 'I Cp, AVcro 35c to 65c. Garment. . ,&-J'Vi Fine Dress Ginghams, Red Seal qual ity. AVas 15c. Pretty i 1! I IX, patterns. Yard Don't Buy It Elsewhere If You Can Buy It Here The Bos on "Every Article a Big Bargain" st ore The Greatest Bargain Centjer of AH Southern Oregon WeW "T To Feel nt? You f A i In Oar Office At. 1 77 Front Old First. National R.00 Home SMeet, r Saturday Afternoon, Monday aM Tuesday At the Same Time We Want to Demonstrate to Yon y . V w wr. I wnac can te ione with P v I J I I -. ,i OUR. SPERRY'S BEST DRJFTED SNOW FLOUR. V OUR. MRS. NAGLE Will take Great Pleasure in Serving You Hot Biscuits an Honey and Other Dainties Made From This Great Brand of flour n a j IT COSTS YOU NOTHING P rrrfo. trvA iH"nf s . T- - . . ' m.KY FLOUR CO., F. & Hr r -"-wiaf" mmww 1 1 1 1 11 It . . f . K 1m M J K Ik. W J .TX ( .MMa . - - . I 1 -i'"i"p mvM' ' " 1 !. -.1 1 t rnvagi " gi" m w ' n 'XtaS2t Ujlh " Aimtm " -- - m T ' - "- - ijJsu x. .. t.-Mega im ftk.ifcflm. Dowj Agent 3 '& ymf A jsL ibLJ , i Atr ,6Hmimf rmmm imwfrrmmimmmmr ... ttr xt4- -- A.-- i-k.