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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1911)
ip S BAY,TiMifc MARSHF',:rJW,v W-' r Cr ksflWccb, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 8 THbCOouv J ..-- , ill i-ijTis y ' - t. ( fcr y S "' iss" I t i .AH IKE RAGES for horses ownod In Coos countr sluco January ,r 1911. Catch wolghts. Purso $50. 1. TIssio S; ownor, K. 0. Alloa. 2. Clmrllo Foster; ovnor, M. II. Nay. ' u 3. Teddy; owuor. 0. J. Seeloy. t. Vonora; ownor, J. L. Knight. r. Mncboth; owner, Walter Con- COMPLETE LIST OF ENTRIES FOR TUB HACKS AT TUB TWO- dron. DAYS RACE MEET TO HB HELD G. Headlight; ownor, F. P. Nor HERE OX JULY Bill) AND 1TH. ton. MANY FAST HORSES TO RUN. Race No. 2, trotting and pacing t Tho following is a comploto list of mllo heats, best 3 In 5, 'free for nil. tho entries In tho raco ni'cot to bo Purso $100. held at tho raco track In this city ! IH"Io Murray; ownor, J. L next .Monday and Tuesday. The races will talto placo each aft ernoon beginning nt 3 o'clock and It Is the bo'.lof of tho committees that Nay. 2. Wahkco; owner, Ward Bros. 3. Marin; ownor, F. P. Norton. Paco No. 3, running -mllo huge crowds will each day av.ill ! catch weights, horso not trained UiIb themsehes of tho opportunity to wit-. season. Purso $20. ness "tho sport of kings." Horses entered In races to date: Raco No. 1 July 3, running - mile. Purso $50. 1. Teddy; owuor, O. J. Seeloy. 2. Headlight; owner, F. P. Nor ton. . 3. Tesslo S; ownor, E. G. Allen. 4. Shamrock; ownor, J. F. Knight Evelyn; ownor, John Yoakam. 2. Dlxlo; ownor, J. L. Knight. Race No. 4, running 1-mllo dash. Purso $100. 1. Greenlaw;1 ownor, John Yoait am. 2. Headlight; ownor, F. P. Nor ton. 3. Vonora; ownor, J. L. Knight. I. Macbeth; owner, Wnltor'Con- B. Verona; ownor, J. F. Knight. Rnco No. 2, July 3, trotting nnd 'Iron. pacing 2:30 class, best two of threo ' 5. TIhbIo S; ownor, E. G. Allen -nillo heat. Purso $75. 1. Wahkeo; owners, Wnrd Hron. C. Shamrock; ownor, J. L. Knight 7. Chnrllo Foster; ownor, M. H. Ulll Murrny; owner, J. L. Naef K'. 3. King Dixon; owner, F. P. Nor- Race No. 5, V-nillo mulo rase, ton. I Purso, $5. Raco No. 3, VS-mllo burro race.-' Unco No. 0. Running j-mllo Purso $5. without rldor. Race No. I, running V.-nillo with- 1. Macbeth; owner, Waltor Con out rider. Purso $25. dron. 1. TIssio S1; ownor, E. G. Allen. -' Tlssle S; owner, 13. a. Allen. 2. 'Mncboth; owner, Waltor Con- ". Headlight; owner, F. P. Nor dron. ' ton. 3. Headlight; ownor, F. P. Nor- Horses nro In good training nnd ton. thoru Is grunt Interest mnulfcstod by Rnco 'No. 5, running -mllo daub, tho ownors, each of whom bollovos Purso $100. uo has tho winning horso. Other 1. Chnrllo Foster; ownor, M. II. horses nro expected from Rosobtirg Xoy. nnd Portland to compote In these 2. Macbeth; owner, W. Condron. ccs and things will bo vory busy nt 3. Headlight; ownor, F. P. Nor- tho track Monday morning. Racing ton. will ho going on from 3 to 5 p. m. 4. Greenlaw; owner, John Yonk- on Monday and Tuesday. ani. General admission will bo 50c. 5. Tesslo S; owner, E. G. Allen. Children from 10 to 15, 25 conts. C. Vonora; ownor, J. L. Knight. Under 10 yonrs, frco. Raco No. C, tt-mllo dash catch It Is hoped thnt ovory ono will weights for horses not trnlned this como and bring tho chlldron. ecason. Purso $15. ' Rig VlTAttKAPJlf OHl'IIEUM to- 1. Evolyn; owner, John Yoakam. night. 2. Dlxlo; ownor, J. L. Knight. . Tuesday, July Itli. I LAUNCH How. Side and atom Rnco No. 1, running &-mllo dnsh LIGHTS nl MILXBH'S. , far MwLjm ImMfsaffSKf lBSM&M$fcv fc'yBfaa. J '4M. M iM 1177 if km k iMHI v lit iff uUMI!il -MwKNm III III rSfl "M mMiW ImIIISII m till HI HSP HI 1! (lii, Br ll fls&LHi ,-& J raiv xv , s ,r ?laying the game for all it is worth Operating on a scientfic basis Adhering strictly to ons policy CriAi 111 iC 'JlVcd Benjn;tno&ewyork MUr or 5enjanin QotIes NEY TALKS" A square deal to everybody alike These are the reasons we claim and can prove That its up to you to buy your outfit at The Hub Stores Now--- 7curth of July is almcst here Our stocks are complete. Benjamin Clothes Stetson Hats Nettle! on Shoes The best Merchandise obtainable at saving prices Because "MONEY TALKS" Bandon Opp. p. o. Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Marshfield Opp. p. o. tSlossom R l f3 m I II s& wj X$A$i) tttf'Vb 1 dl HI tl n j,i i f ' KF?) Hl t CX?AF will ml I mm hWWJMT d Sw Suit a It will add to your enjoyment and increase the admiration of your friends, You'll. find nothing dres sier or mora durable than our TT-o Ti A' A R R El 4. HR 1 M 8i These Suits Represent the Best in America. They Sell at $20.00 to $30.00 Back of them is our guarantee of satisfaction. A square deal for every man at all times; That is the founda tion of our business, Let us prove it to you by selling you your outfit for the Fourth, The Toggery Formerly Geo. Goodrum A Big Suoolv of Fresh ' Ji Jfc V Fruits and Vegetables Just arrived on steamer Rcdondo ; more on steamer .breakwater for Salurdivy. "Wc are now able to supply you with the best on the market our list of FRESH FRUITS. Jfoijul Anno, JJlaek amlPie Clicmcs, Peaches, Apri cots; Uantuloupcu, strawberries, Bananas, Oranges Lemons. FRESH VEGETABLES. Cabbage, Cauliflower, Fresh -Tomutoes, Citcum hers, Jtadishes, Lettuce Onions, Asparaaus, Fresl leas, Wax and Green Beans, . Turnips, Carrots jsevts, icw Potatoes, Articliolccs, sweet Potatoes. PHONE US YOUR ORDER. OLL1VANT WEAVE! piirp pnnn rcRnrcRVMCM r. ..-!.. n .. -at i T..1.. o. m.,,n.;i.iW uniur vuur uroeune's iMoiuuiy, .jiu.v o; i iiramy July 4., there will bi no deliver'v. i'iiox i: ti-n.j Preferred Stock Minced Clams KVEUY CAX OUAIIAXTKK1) EXTRA SKIiECT QUAWTV. TIIESB CLAMS ARE PACKED FltOJI THE FAMOUS Razor Clams POSITIVELY NO SAND IN TI1ESE GOODS. Lockhart's Grocen Two Private Phones 85 jind 305 . ', iuJ .y I I -w j. V - - l. 'Lmrt -' ajTTT-aWfc'" MJ-.V.. V .