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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1911)
i r ' - j i i " THflCOOSAY-tlMES, MARSHFIELD, OREhON, FRIDAY, . . ts- A Sweet Temper $P(rh& DRAIN-COOS BAY AUTO LINE and III" U'lK . - ' " ''"" w Bwaii unuiaaiijimn ! a t W f-j , w SATE and SANE i , i t VIA A Warm Bath Tired- bodies and worn nerves respond enthusiastic ally to a warm bath. A kcttlefull of water doesn't help niuch only (irritates. With a modern gas . water healer the bath ' problem is solved. Touch a match to the pilot lighter and by the time you are ready for the bath, the warm bath is ready for you. Let us show you how gas water beaters work. Oregon Power Company. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits CONDENSED STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION OP THE FIRST NATIONAL DANK OP OOOS HAY AT MARSH I'llCLl), OREGON, at tho cIobo of business, Juno 7th, 1011. RESOURCES: , LIAHILITIES: Loins and discounts $1S0,015,3 Overdrafts .43 U. S. Donds and pro- talums 25,250.00 Other bonds 77,412.50 County nnd school warrants. '. . . 2,571.78 Banking houiso, furni ture and flxturcs. . . 82,089.45 Cash and duo from banks. 160,585.12 Capital stock. . . . f 100,000.00 Suriilus and profits,. . ' 7,145,95 Circulation. '. . . . 25,000.09 Doposlts. . . .' . ... 395,778.70 $327,021.05 $527,021.03 1 Cash rcsorvo 40 of doposlts. W Invito your attention to tho strong condition of this bank na Indicated In tho abovo statement, also to tho porsounol of Its di rectorate. Does a gonoral banking business. , Intorcst paid on tlmo and savings doposlts. v OFFICERS: W. 8. CHANDLER, President; M. C. IIORTON, Vico-Prcsldont; DORSEY KREITZER, Cashior. DIRECTORS: I V, S. CHANDLER, JOHN S. COKE, W. U. DOUGLAS, F. S. DOW, WM. GRIMES, JOHN F. HALL, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, W. P. MURPHY, M. C. HORTON. ALLEGANY NOW READY FOR I1USINESS Leaves Marshfield Bally ROAT LEAVES ALERT LANDING, MARSHFIELD 5:30 A. M. ARRIVE DllAIN 1 P. M. SAME DAY. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT The Busy Comer Drug Store PHONE 208 "FIFIELD" THE "ONLY WAY TO 'FRISCO DAY" The Steamer Fifield SAILING FROM BANDON FOR SAN FRANCIS CO PROBABLY MONDAY AFTERNOON, July 3 TICKETS FOR SALE AND IN ORMATION AT HILLYEH'S CIGAR STORE. ( EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS TEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME BAILS FROSI PORTLAND AT 0 A. M. ON JULY f$, 10, 15, 20, 25, UO. HAILS FROSI COOS HAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON JULY a, 7, 12, 17, 22 AND 27. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN 85-L THE PAST AND COMMODIOUS S&eawier Kedondo (wH5 wUh Will iimUo regular trips carrying pngNoiigcrs both wnys niiil freight bvtuvca Cook Day nil J Htm Francisco. AllrehcrvntlonuforpiiNNuiigcrii nuirio at Alllunco Dock, Mnrslillulil niul Intcr-Oci'im TrmiHp. Co. .Union Street Wlmrf No. 2, S-m I'ranclHco." For Infor'niallon, phono I 1'3 or 283. Sailing from Coos Ray to San Finnclsco, Sunday, July 2, at ! P. M. INTER-OCEAN TllA,S'HPOIlTATION COMPANY. abstracts, 'Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance title Guarantee and Abstract Co. lll.'VMV et?VV2CTAr'iri."k Ifir. f AW.!..- H..... .., - . IVn..m- nm, nhnn. 141 Ifnrnhflnlrl DfTlrn 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents "EAST5IUE" 'THE FRIEND OP COOS DAY fvi S. S, ALLIANCE CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH DANK ROAD AT PORTLAND SAILS FROM COOS BAY, FOR PORTLAND, TUESDAY, JUNE 27th NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE U C. P. McGEORGE, Agent FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our htnges leaving Mnrahilelri at O o'clock every morning con. nect with evening train to Portland, the same an auto Hues. Faro $0. COOS HAY ROSEDUHG STAGE LINE OTTO 'SCHETTEH, Agent, O. P. RARN'ARD, 120 MARKET AV., Marslilleld. Agent, ROSFllURG, Ore. PHONE 11 leaver Hill Coal MOUNT' DIABLO 4ND JOSSON CEMENT. Tho best Domestic and Ire ported brnndB. I 'Plaster, Llmo, Brick and all kind of builders material . HUGH NrlrAIN . GENERAL CONTRACTOR )FFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. ' PHONBSl 'our Sunday Roast 1ST BEEF Wo have It ready for you. Sweet and Juicy. ROAST MVTTON ROAST PORK I Union Meat Market ao Us Your Order. Phono 58. We Work And Advertise To bring n customer hero tho lint time, after that ho comes of his ami accord. You know why. ItEWEMHEH There Ih no kink, or cuo that wo can't do. "THINK IT" OVER 11111'." Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN Bt-J Would you like to have Electric Lights in your Country home? Find out tho number of lights you would want and wo will bo pleased to glvo you all tho information you ask. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. Blanchard's Livery Wo huvo secured inn livery busl nosa of L. II. Holsnor and ivro pro pared to render excellent sorvlco to tho pooplo of Coos Day. Curoful drlvors, good rigs and everything that will monn satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phono us for a driving horeo, a rig or anything needed in tho livery lino. Vo ,nlso do a trucking buslnoss of nil kinds. DLANCHARD IHIOTHERS. Tivery, Peed ana" Rules Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Pbono 138-J Red Estate BUY NOW All kinds of City and Farm Prop erty. Rooming houso at a bargain. AUG. FRIZEEN 08 Central Ave., Marshfield, Ore. U C BJ of Ueas. who have tome Inventive ability tN pWe write UUEKLKV A Mtl.vrillK, MARSHFIELD'3 POPULAR FAMILY nOTEL THE LLOYD Ratos roduced to: Day 60c, 76o and 11.00; week J2.00 to 15.00. House. keeping apartments with gas ranges 110.00 to 118.00 per month. FREE DATHB K. W. HULUVAN, Prop. NOTICE TO HUIISORIBERS. TImos subscrlbera who do not recolvo tholr papers regularly aro requested to notify Tho Times offloco of any Irregularity In dollvory. This Is tho only means Tho Times has of know- Ing when subscribers miss their papers, and consequently tho only meaus of remedying tho trouble'. rOUfeTH- KV .IAMP ; a pivi P.b.r W, OT AMCAtAir.ON, I $ CUT out the jollity, din and frivolity, H Firecrackers, pinwhecls and guns. ' Can all the various plain and hilarious Noise producers and buns. Candles and rockets' fllare, that left our ppekcts bare, Henceforth we tfive the tfo-by. Gone is the riot rude ! We must have quietude 1 kr Now on the Fourth of July. i Squelch the uproarious stump speeches Glorious, J Settintf the eatfle a-sail The proud and retfal American cartle By twisting the said cattle's tail. j Pass up the attitudes, bromides and platitudes, Rhetoric bursting on hijlh. , We've a less talkative and less provocative Soft pedal Fourth of July. Uncle Sam's natal day had grown a fatal day, juiowmji oil fintfers and toes. Boys that exploded didn't know they were loaded And lost by an eyebrow or nose. Sisters and others were shot by their brothers, While some missed an car or an eye. We've a less perilous, likewise less garrulous, Denatured Fourth of July. That sort of blowing up called for a slowing up. We who had lost our forbears Loved independence, but, oh, you descendants, We couldn't lose also our heirs 1 In all sincerity shooting posterity Thus came a trifle too high. ,t We've a more peaceful, healthful and easeful, Safe and Sane Fourth of July. y'l 3 From our gentility, soothing tranquillity, Noise and fireworks are banned ' Gone the mortality and the banality "Hj Of the grandiloquent brand; Gone the old happy days, poppy and snappy days.' When we shot holes in the skyj Ours for sobriety, pink tea variety, Ladylike Fourth of July! r FATHER AND THE BOYS. Wm& 'Pllilli "' a.v . '). M t-..T.a'lillllTWri'WHi IBf, JZHaZETSfKKM"! ill iiiiHRta4iMSaHPlWkHHiiiiHfrBE,MbV7vHR23 jmispL EARflp: y l,.ji.i:,V(M iiihUB hi ' iwpm 1 1 "w i r . . .j.4AxUj..i4itiuu immtmvKim fliim LZXtmwimiZ " J??!SS33Xi5nS rrf 3 - wkji,ixa..w ,' .JZT-siZKM" . 4 l m init nr 1 w.! zsmmM 1111 aiMr8i3)""?-yjaauia izlr4H .1 u IlliM" III I II m I ' XWW7$1SI' . MMBtiBm-'s:'l KM &??. . : .: vSMCt.vf.'S' . I fl i-:' I Wall I i lllttt r: r rax. vH.r.fvaiaffiki .irRii?a &v t& G&?2&'t:&n:a 13 m Tn'iiJM ,M S , tt,JZi AXAtsZA: filial I ' I'M'" I n.Z7t.iki L y ii EErJiV Jaf rx' " z?r . '.avj-Bm W "- .7jUiu 2 T'rjmi f'Y VftAL '-i'mmtA r Z TflMRC x A . h tt f t& , .. ' . nftfi'XHE ..ii.- Ui'1 . r - y. r,-' " my. ' - W,V? reTTVUCO RAVS ATH1M.S .aJ- j i in-.yvl,ly.j,yh., ,,.... I 1 t