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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1911)
Wf jpv? - iy tn n r- v" f THE COOS RAY timcr MARSHE,r' .'"api.. cn-yf H v v ii . THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, l9fr-EVEfrNQ EDITION. vj 0 Dy JAMES A. EDGERTON. (Copyright by American Proas Associa tion. 1911. P tiio three presidents who died on tlio 4th of July Munroo was tho only out- who bud not signed tho Deeln ration. The other two, Jefferson and Jolin Adams, were on the committee that drafted tho document. Mouroc wns then a boy of only eighteen nnd that very jear ran a way troui college to become a Revolutionary soldier. In view of bis conspicuous services for liberty, not only In. the United Btntes. but In nil North und South Atnexicn. the mrniory of .Innics Mon roe has been much neglecte.l by his countrymen He plnyed the chief part in negotiating the Louisiana purchase nud In obtaining Florida: he was In Btrumentnl In bringing nboiit the war of 1811" and was the uiot utHplcuoun lnirli fai'toi. not excepting Madison. In prosecuting It to u .successful con clusion, llo brought about the ru- JAMBS MOOTtOE, IHUHIDENT AND rATMOT. leuso of Mqo. Lnfnyetto and Thomna I'nlno from French prisons. Ilo pro tected the freedom of tho South Ameri can republics from threatened attack by a European alliance und shlolded tho Independence of these countries permanently by the famous Monroo doctrine. Ilo so allayed party spirit that his administration was known as tho "era of good feeling." Ilo was an ardent patriot who stood for the rulo or tho people and the rights of man. Ills diameter was so pure that Jcffer uon stud it "could be turned wiong side out without showing a blemish to the world ' Perhaps one reason Monroo ban nev er rotclved duo credit In that ho had no especial brilliancy either as writer or uptmKor Mere llueuey of words, lion over, does not constitute great ness. Monroe, was great In the purity of his character, In his unerring in stlui'tH for siding with public good us ngulusl private interest and In his In tuitu o pen option at things that would crow to futniu Importance. In their lutlueiuo on posterity whuc events were more momentous than tho I.oul slumi purehuso uiyl thu promulgutlou of the Monroe doctrine) Thu claim iniulu by soino shallow nud 111 iiiformed students that John Qulncy Adams wroto tho Monroe doc trine Is the most arrant nonsense. '1'hts Is ou u par with the Idea that Alexander Hamilton wrote Washing ton's tnrewell uiIdrtMs. Neither claim Is trim. Both documents were Inspir ed mid probably were actually wilt ten by the men whose names they bear. Preliliuii Monroe timl long held tho Views e.pieed In tho .Viouroo doc trine. 'I hey were essentially in loop ing with his pulley luiddiis other ncts O'hose weie too bioad and fnrniicli lug foi John Qulncy Adams Ah a matter of fait. Adams Is a much over rated man, while Momuo has boon un derrated How long uiuiiltttirt requires to ap preciate Its true benefactors! It took centuries for anj great portion of tho world to ueeept tho i'rliiee of Ponce. It was inatiy yean before Gieece had oven it taint realization of the great ness ot Socrates nnd Pinto. Gulllel waited tor a lutor ago to know his worth. The day is coming nnd Is not far distant when the group or early patri ots w ho favored n people's government, including such men as llenjiunlu Franklin. Thomns 1'nlu.e, Thomas Jef- Ienou. James Madison, James Monroe, Patrick Henry, Buinuel Adams and George Masou. will become tho patron taints of a new school of liberty. Their Concepts of a truo republic nro as vital today as they wero a century ago. They nro tho ones who remained loyal to the spirit of the Declaration of In dependence. The future, which is to be rededlcated to tho liberty for which tboy stood, will do Justleo to theso men. Just ns society finally has dono justice to Its other benefuctors, even though it was centuries after their death. Monroe wus one of the whitest nnd truest souls in the group. He never Mverved tn his fealty to the causo ot the people. Whether In France or America, be stood unfalteringly for bis principles. He opposed what he con sidered Washington's reactionary nud monnrchicnl tendencies nud even went against his best friend. Madison, when he thought Madison was being led too much In the direction of centralUsi'd government Monroe Joined 1'ntricU Henry nud George Mnson in Hunting the. adoption ot the constitution be cause he thought it opposed to tho rights of the people. Though Virginia accepted the constitution, it tumeo down Madison, the champion of that instrument, and elected Monroe to the seunto. James .Monroe jYvob bortl In West moreland county, Vn., April 28. 1753 He studied for n time In the Col lego of William and Mary, but In 177(1 became a lieutenant In a Virginia regl meut In tho ((evolutionary war. Ue wus In the battles of Harlem Heights and White. Plains and especially dls tluguistied himself tn the battle or Trenton, where he wus wounded He then became n major on the stalT ot Lord Stirling, serving In the battles of Drnndywiuc, Germnutown nud Mon mouth. Hecnuse of the fact thnt ho had ncted as stalT olllcer he was shut o!T from further promotion, and after fulling to raise a regiment In Virginia he left the iirmy Thomas .letlerson wns then governor of Virginia, and under lilin Monroe tool; up the study of law Ditrttiu the Invasion or Vir ginia. lioweor. he hud an actlu part lu raising the mllltm and gained titc title of lleutoiuut colonel lu ITS-' he wns elected to the Virginia legislature nud u'n also appointed u member of the executive. council In 17MI Mom pu entered rnncrets, where he advocated an I'Steumon of Hie powers of the body, which ptoved a first step toward the tomuutlon of the cotiHtluuion. In I7ttl ho retired lrom congres'j nud again was elected a member of the Vliginla legislature, in which enpticlty lu 17X8 he opposed tliecoiiMtlmtton that was tlually adopt ed on the ground (hut It was undemo cratic nud guve too much power to the courts, which wero removed too tu- from the people. In 17IM) he was elected to thu United Htntes senate and sened till 17IM, whuii ho was , made minister to Franco. i Monroe reached Fiance whllo the ' French revolution wns still In prog- t ress mid wus enthusiastic In his ex- j presslons ot approval of the friends of ' liberty. This gave ofTenso to Wash- I Ingxm. nud Monroe was recalled nfter two yenrs. When he returned to this country he wrote a defense of his con duct, which received tho enthusiastic approval of the people of Vliginln, who In 171HI nloctod him governor ot the state. In 1803 President Jefferson sent Monroe to France to uegotluto the Louisiana purchase, nud arte that wus carried to a succoful conclusion the presldei) commissioned him mlu Istcr to England. A short time later he went on u diplomatic errand to Spain, ifftei which he returned to Lng laud und negotiated u tienry which was the occasion ot another rontro vorny and resulted lu Mouioes recall Again tie rlcfoudcd tils conduct In ti IMinphlct, nnd again Virginia showed her approval by electing him governor lie hcrvcd lu this otllce nut a short time.' however, when President Mad! con appointed 'ilni bocicary of state lu this position he did much to pre cipitate the war with Kuginud, which ho was largely Instrumental in bring BlMBK-" r'u?iff ifAWvA' 'i 'mmWmw imim , -w.. TOM II OP PJlK.SIllE.Nr JAUE8 MOKUOli AT , 1IICIIUCNU VA. lug to n successful conclusion. In the darkest days ho ncted not only ns sec retary ot state, but also ns secretary of war. und li 1814 and 1M5 .the con duct of the campaigns rested largely ou his shoulders Monroe's first overwhelming election to the presidency occurred lu 1 S 1 it. nnd lu 1S20 he wus re-elected by practically n unanimous vote, receiving eveiy rote lu the electoral college but one. Tho rhlef events of bis administration wero he passage of the Missouri compro miho, tho promulgation ot the Mouroe doct'Ine nud the visit ot Lafayette to the United states. In the happier days that are to come, I when the bitterness ot party prejudice gives way to the common bouse und in telllgence of Independent voting, the death of partylsm under President Monroe will be regarded as a foreiun uer of that better age. (f human be ings over learn enough to enthrone per niutient petce In tho world then Mon roo's "ern of good feeling" will appear to have been a prophecy of what man can be when he recovers from his ob eisslons and Insanities. W iBi " " I 'i i 'n i I t - WHn Midsummer Clearance Sale .Every morclmiit iiccuniuliiics Stock in the com'so ol' business that ahoulcl be sold, tie buys more ojJHiilil1 lines than he sells. Then it becomes a quest ionoiH ryiiiq them over for another year at the rcpulai' prices or closing them out at a special price. AVo liavejietor; mined to make n sacrifice. We believe it is bottcrto have the money than the goods. The customer profits by purchasing goods at prices that lie cannot get at any other time or in any other way. We offer only stand ard goods at prices that miinot bo duplicated. This salcTwill last for ten days. During that time you can get these articles at t hose prices and only during that time. " mM$mat&&&& Here X AttrSa i0 RW SHIRTS 50 Men's nnd noys Work Shirts, sold rogulnily ut OKf 50 cants, midsummer c oarnnco price, only & Jii ...95c $1.20 $1,25 XcgllKOo Shirts, snla price $1.50 Negligee Shirts, mile price $2.00 Negligee Shirts, sale price 75c ninck Sntoon Shlilij price .-, $1.00 Illaclc Sateen Shirts. price $1.00 Monnich Shlit. Midsuinmor Clearance snlo prlco $1.50 Ciiiott Shirt. Midsummer clearanco sale prlco Mltlsumniur clournnco MldHiimmor clonrnnco MldBtinuucr clearanco Cloarnnco snlo Clenrnuco snlo 55c 80c &zmm ... 80c $1.15 $2.00 Cluctt Shirt. Midsummer clenrnuco snlo ptlcc $1.45 MEN'S SHOES $5.50 Men's Patent Colt, Button and Dluchor '91.10 $5.00 Gun Metal, button and Dluchor 9i.K3 $-1.00 Gun Metal, Vlcl Calf and Vlci, button anil bluclior . . . .T. S-.IK5 $3.50 Gun Motnl and box calf, bluclior. . .$12.75 $11.00 Box calf and vlcl, bluclior $2.15 $2.50 Box calf, blnchcr $1.05 $3.50 Tan RusBla Calf $2.75 $2150 Boys' Box Calf '. $2.10 $5.00 Tun RtiBsIn Calf, bluclior and button $:.N( $-1.00 Tan Itussln Calf, button $2.U5 $2.75 Boys' Vlcl Calf, bluclior wcltBolo. .$2.:i5 $2.25 Youth's Box Calf .' SI. 00 MEN'S OXF0R&S $5.00 Patent Colt, bluclior $1.00 Gun Motnl, bluclior .$:i.H5 .$2.05 $4.50 Oxhlool, bluclior $;t.-!5 $4.50 Gun Metal B.ittou $:t.!5 MATS $3.00 Thoioiighbrcd Hnts $2.U5 $2.50 Statesman Hats .$1.00 CAPS 50-ccut Caps loo 25-cont Caps 20c' 25c Values in Ladies', Misses', Boys' and Men's Hosbry. Clearance sale price 20c MEN'S UNDERWEAR : 50c Men's light nnd henvy undorwonr I!c 85-cont8 'light Dorby Illbbcd underwear ...05c $1.25 Modlum-welght Dorby rlhbod $1.75 Mcdlum-wolght Morcorlzed Underwear ()5c Underwear $l.:to $1.50 HIbhud Union Suit HI 2.) $1.00 Wool Undonvenr HOo $1.25 Wool Underwonr 05c $1.50 Wool Undorwear $1.20 ouu r.Niiiti: iasi: ov no ckxts xi:cKvi;.vit ;i5c WHITE AND FANCY VESTS $1.50 Vnluo for only $1.10 ( $2.50 $2.00' Vnluos far only $1.:I5 $3.00 Valuos for only , 81.00 Vnluos for only $ FAMOUS J5 CP..NTS AKIIOW ItltAM) COLLAIIS. CliKABAN'Ci: HM,V. V1UCIZ .10c MEN'S PANTS Wo linvo nn odd lot of Men's Pnnts that wo will close out at money saving prices: $3.00 Values for only $2.25 $4.50 Values for only 83.83 $4.00 Values for only ,$.1.00 $5.00 Values for $iJ.75 Don't Overlook This Opportunity to Save Money THE BAZAR PHONE 02 HOUSE OP QUALITY ALICE II Tho Popular Picnic Ilont, Now makes regular schedule on tho South Coos River run. Leaves Marshflold week days at 3 p. m. Ar rives in Marshflold at 8:45' a. m. Sunday, leaves Marshflold at 8 a.m. Returns at C p. m, LEVI SMITH, Master. SAFE INVESMENTS. For information concerning high-class bond Investments, bearing 6 interest net, write O. B. Hinsdale, care J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California. Lots 1 and 2. ninM, v JT" ' with 4-room h" elonrod and In strawLcr lea p $1,500, tortus $300 cash n i f " r boforo live Jr8 ba,anc "'COM v"TTU & AU3TACT Ult NUIOIIimii-u ., a How you my proilt by t. T.k ' ,E KUney Pills. llwB.n.wS Willow Bt.Akn,n,o., uX'Z , ," "n" n vcry Mrioua case of icldnoy trouble and I BuBerod ;j backaches am, dv hoadach;aWU; had Hpccks floating teforo my eyes " I foil all tired out and mJrab? I -aw Folo, Kidney , and got a boltl8 and look thom J cording to direction, Rnd ro8ul g allowed almost nt once. Tho pain and dlizy headaches left me, my eye- uctnino ciear and today I can''' sny I nm a well woman, thanks to Foley Kidney 1'IIIb." - Rod c Drug Storo. A TUIlKisiTnATII will do von GOOD. Phono 214-J. CHOICE lUKIHI'A'Ci: 8.VAP. """ " ii i . "I'ortllinil. flnmn IVotJfiit nj I).r Bchool for OlttiTS'J' chann of Hlttrraot St. John IltMlmrDlMnN ooniiitit. Actttmlo till tl.m.oUtT Dip.rtoiiu Mule, All, tloiiUu, aiuulta. XoreatiloRkdlrrMlllKHinnitUl'GniOn Olflro2J.HI.IIl.n.HU ,0n I After the hIiow try a TurklahTatH Phone 211- J. WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mnuzey, an of tho drlten ml tho solicitor for us Is out for .tiundry. Watch him! ho Is liable to stoji t)ii on thu street nnd oipliln all dtjtal s of l.aitnilry nnd also totx nt your iiojni nny tlaic. Ho knon Laundry busliicss from A tj Z. Marshfiel Hand and Steam Laundy PIIOV 21'O.J Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good homci ut aroful drivers are now at tho dli osal of the Coob Bay public a( ItEASOXAIlLK ItATHS. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for j any trip nnywhero any time, Umm.I boarded nnd rigs cared for. iU New hearso nnd special nccomis dntlons provided for funeral pari! W. L. CONDRON'S ; LIVEItV AND 1'KKI) STAI1LES ' PHONE 273J ,', PROFESSIONAL OIRPOTORV D K. G. W. I.KSMi:. Osteopathic I'liyilclau arndunto of tho American school rf Ostoopnthy nt Klrltsvllle, Mo. 01 , In Eldorndo lllk. Iloiys 10 to !!;! 4j Phono 1C1-J; Mnrshtleld: Oreg- u. ,i. v.ixnii.M, Pli)hlrlan mid Surficon. 209-210 Coko DiilidlDS Iioiich: Ofllco Hiilli KeildmcB 1 W. BENNETT, Luujcr. Ofllco over Flnnngan & Dennett P IU.BIUIUIU D It. J. T. McCOItM.M. Physician nnd Surgeon Mnrshflcld. Oregon. rvm... I n,.l.-lnrf Ilulldlng, opposite Pot Mj Phono 105-J 1 Have That Roof Fixed SOW See CORTHELI, Phono 31S1 ir vou x Want n Cook AVflnt a l'rk K Want a r"" Want a SUB,,0,U1 Want n Servant 'fi'" Want to Sell a Wo Want to Sell n0.rrlg Want to H tounlToFrtr Want to Sell your Croceri Want to Sell Your BJ W.n Custom torjgW Advcrtlslnglhoyn, Advertising brings ch; AdvcrtisingUeepscu Advertising lnuiWV Adtcrtblng shows esergf AdvcrtlslngghoWSpIf Adicrtlslng I ' Advertise or I! Advcrtlso 1 Aihcrtlso well AVEIW'SB At Once IN THETIM! te