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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1911)
wmh' ly s -Z-2L'1 v ' THE C0( S T?fsf JVIARSHPIBLb; ORHSnv 5ffl6AYfTlE 30, Ml EVENIM& EDITioNT r ..r t" Oopnlsht Rut Sohfiner A Man InVC WO IVflFl VCA1 IV JO WV. If trail. JfUl it 10 a.m. tomorrow F. S. Dow OK SAIjlJ Glen kiiiiUmih, !l Jicrvs near contor of town, urn ni uui Sixth street 311 RENT Six" roomed houso on i First stroot. Apply Mrs. A. chesnn MXTED A much linnil. Ono who can milk. J. W. Russell, Coos Rlvor. North QH SALE Modern eight room apartment houso, all rooms occu pied, will bo sold at bargain if taken Immediately. Apply "Oppor tunity" Times' office. PK SALE Residence. 5 rooms fur- Iclabed or not, 435 So. 8th St. Also i torpedo modol C-H.-P. launch. e Dr. R. B. Golden. ANTED Teacher qualified for Mnth grado work. Salary gorornod py ability and experience. Man Preferred. Address Leo Webster, rk Dlst. No. G, Empire, Oro. itED 100 Hoys. Seo F. S. Dow Murday at his ofllco In old First Nlonul Bank building on Front ftXr pTKO Girl for light house- PMk. Threo In family. Wages ?25 ! month. Apply Mrs. W. G. Des- T, Marshfleld, Oro., Phone 316X1 IXTED Girl for general house- Prk. Annly Mrs. A. H. Powers, pone 207. It SALE 80 ncres flno fnilt and ry farm. Immediate possession pen. Qood terms. Address D. Bralnard, North Bend, Ore. SALE Sllchtly dnnwscd doors M camp stoves. Enquire Rail- 4 Dock. INLINE Cars nt nny time. e 231 R, after midnight 1S1A L GIyt ixn t nn tT T kk auto-1908. at a great sacrl-1 1 i t I I 10 .c ., M flee. Will soil or (rndo for town proporty. This nuto has just beon newly painted nntl englno put In first class ordor. For rcforc;ico call or addrcs John L. Koontz, Marsh fluid, Ore, or It. A, Church, Box 17C, Mnrshfleld, Ore. W'VNTED To o.xchnngo 10 acres In Imporinl county, Cal. 8 acres In oranges and grapes. Rest In alfal fa. Ideal winter resort. Wnnt Im . ..... proved Coos property. "A 03", Times'. I.O.ST A K1 veil pin. Finder it- turn to Times' and recolvo roward. WAXTKI) Walters or wiiltrcuseH nt Raltlmorq Dairy Lunch. iiut-jWAXTBIl fllrl of mo experience "l owis coniccuouory. FOR BALD My form 000 acres In ono lot or will cut up In paraols to cult. C. W. Sanford, MnrshOold, FOR RENT 10 ncro ranch, North Slough D. Ferguson. FOR RHNT HOUSE with 12 rooms and lmtli, hot and cold water. FURNISHED lint with 0 moms, lmtli hot and cold wator, gas rango. Apply to ROllERT MAHSREN. (Thoso oro In tho best resldonca part of town.) FOIt SALT' Largo 12 roomed house and 4 lots In South Marshflold. Very desirable Rensonnblo for quick sale. Apply Mrs. M. F. Campbell or Phono 119-L. FOR SALE A cholco liungalo, with clin'rmlng grounds, on Coos Rlvor. Also 100 by 200 feet In Empire nt a bargain if takon at once. You may novor have another suoh chnnco to buy In Empire. I. S. Kaufman & Co. SPECIAL TRIP. Pnrtinh ilnslrinc to go to Rosoburg early tomorrow morning leavo word nt Blanco Cigar Store NOTICE OF REMOVAL. n. o. Hall has removed his real ostato and employment ofllco upstairs ovor McArthur's drug store Tol- phono No. 1G9-J. WINCH HSTER-Savngo and RE MINGTON Automatic RIFLES t MILXEH'S. "IKES Auto" ORPHEUM Tonlghc. RlAo CAOTBIDGES at MILNER'S. jF COURSE your'e going to spend the MarshfielcL But wherever you spend it you'll be showing your good judgment by coming here and buying Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. You would be in style anywhere on earth where well dressed men are Suits $20 and Up Here also you'll find the best in men's furnishings, including FJor- shein Shoes, Mallory and coma hats Woolen Mill Store This store is the Coos Buy home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. The LADIES All) Sowing Society of Finnish Society will hold an auc tion and DANCE at Knights of Fin land hall SATURDAY EVENING nt , 8 o'clock. Proceeds for benefit of Knlglita of Finland. Evoryono In- Ivltod. i , I Polnrlno AUTOMOBILE Launch OIL at MILNER'S. and The Coos Bay- Boise Railroad Is Coming But, whtlo you nro straining your ears to hear and eyes to seo, and to welcomo tho first rcnl train ' to Marshflold. .Wo 'would llko to welcomo you nt our storo, to provo to you that our goods aro of tho highest quality and our prices right. Somo of these would mnko you a nlco Sundny dinner: Vegetables.' Coos Buy Given Pens Coos Bay Cm-umbers Coos Bay Cabbngo Coos Bay Carrots . Coos Bay Turnips, largo. Coos Bay Radishes Coos Bay New Potatoes Coos Bay Lettuco Coos Bay Rhubarb Coos Bay (J iron Onions Wav Beans Asparagus Rol WenthorlloJd Onions Silver Skin Onions Cauliflower Fruits Coos Bay Cherries Coos Bay Strawberries Ponchos Cantaloupes ' ' Oranges Bananas Another high grado vacuum pnek steal out coffee added to our alrwidy Iftrga stock. Harrington Hall ooffoa Is a qem. or. Beat on the murkot, Que triad always used. Wo hnvo tho oxelu- siva solo In Marshfleld. Como. glvo us a month trial, snd tho children. Wo always try to give tho host of servlco. Cook's Grocery PHONE 180 Corner Fourth und Central Avenuo FOURTH in S LOCAL & GLEANINGS THE WEATHER, (By Associated Press.) OUEOON, Juno 30. Fair to- night and Snturday; slightly coolor on coast Saturday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 p. in., Juno 20, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government motoorologlcnl obsorvor: Maximum. CO Minimum CO At 4:43 p. m CC Precipitation C9 Wind, NorthwoBt; cloudy. Protecting Hnnoh. Anson Rogors Is hnvlng piles driven along tho bunks of his ranch on South Coos Rlvor to protect It from tho ravages of tho tides and floods. Gcorgo Nay Is doing tho work. RlK Comedy at Orphoum. "Alkali Iko's Auto" nt tho Orphoum theatre tonight promlsos to bo tho best come dy of tho yenr. A picture of continu ous lnughtor. "A Dead Man's Hon or," a now drnmn Including all of tho popular Vltagraph actors and nctressos, makes up tho best bill of tho season at this popular houso of tho photoplay. A. H. Powers Arrives Home After Attending .Convention. Aeeompanlod by the MIseos'Hnzol and Lucy Powers, A. II. Powors of the anilth-Powera Logging Company, nturuod to -this city Woduoudny night from Vancouver, II. C, whoro ho attended a convention of lumber men and Joggors. "Thoro were about 280 mon pre sent nt the session," said Mr. Pow ers this morning," and nlmost ovory timber district In North Aluorlca had onfe or more representative thore. Different ways and methods of logging and plaolng the resulting lumber on tho markot was tho prin cipal subject takon up and discussed. IS 1 Personal Notes A. J. NESS wont to Coqulllo this! morning. J. J. OTT of Allegany Is n guest at tho Dlanco. It. J. MONTGOMERY enmo In from Tern Mile today. OTTO ELK1NS of Falls City, Ore, Is a Marshfleld visitor. R. E. SHINE was over from Coqulllo yesterday on business. VM. DENNING wns up from tho Arngo light house yesterday. GEORGE U. WASSON of South Slough is registered at the Blanco. J. N. REAL was n passenger to Co qulllo on tho morning train today, R. A. WERNICH was n business vis itor In Mnrshllcld today. J. J. CLINKENUEARD of Daniel's Creek Is In town on business to il ny. H. A. DOSKOWITZ of San Frnnclssa was a passenger on this morning's train. MR. and MRS. E. C. PADDOCK ro ' turned yootordny from a visit to Bnndon. REV. H. CONANT of Portland loft for Gardiner on tho stng'o Inst . night. W. J. McPHEE Is among tho arrivals on tho Rcdondo registered nt tho Chandlor. J. C. SAVAGE, editor of tho Coqulllo "Sentinel," spopt todny In Mnrsh fluid on business. JAMES BARCLAY lcnveB Boon for Gardiner to do somo work- on tho now hotel thoro. VM, VAUGHAN has taken his fnm lly to his Daniel's Crook camp for tholr summer out,lng. , C. J. KEANB loft yesterday oh an extended visit with rulntlvcs nnd frlonds nt Onkland, Cnllfornln. MISS ELIZA LONG8TAFF and Miss BobbIo Ayro will lenvo Sundny for n vacation trip to Snn Frnuclsco. J. S. WHITTAKER of Myrtlo Point Is registered nt tho Chnndlor. Ho arrived hero on tho "Rcdondo Inst night. W. If. TREKCE, n trnvollng man from Portlnnd, loft tho city this morning for n trip to Coqulllo and Bnndon, MR. and MRS. A. DAWSON hnvo ro turned to MnrHhllold following n . two wcoks trip to Coqulllo , nnd Bnndon. MRS. E. BAIILMANN of Rosoburg nrrlved on tho ntngo last night. Sho Is registered nt tho Clinndhr Hotel. .' AASEN of Coqulllo, who hna beon n guest nt tho Blnnco hotel fof sovornl days, retumod to IiIh homo this morning. i A. N. DENNY, manager of tho Ed- wnrds-Donny nuto stngo lino nt Drnln spent yesterday and today in tho city on business. ,0. P. NOAH will lenvo shortly for Portlnnd whoro ho will nttond n two months camp mooting of tha Apostle Faith Mission In that city. JUDGE JOHN S. HALL, who with Mrs. Hall, Miss Roxlo Hall nnd a nloco, Miss Elslo Hall, havo boon visiting Portland and Salom, nro oxpoctod to return homo tomorrow. MR. CLARENCE L. BALDWIN of Eugene, Ore, enmo In by tho Drain stago routo to visit hla uncle, I W. Langdon nnd wlfo. Ho ox pqcts to spond most of Jho summer hare MRS. A. M. DUNTEN, who has bpgn visiting 'in "Coos county at the Geo. Ayrqs' home In Marshflold nnd with Mrs. Ruiwoll nnd Mm. Ilolmos In Boavor Hill, will loavo for hor homo in Seattle on tho next Bronkjvntor. W. J. SMITH of North Bond, more familiarly known to his many friends as "Big Bill Smith," is rq portqd very III at Moroy hospital as a result of blood poisoning. Ho suffers much pain and thoro is sorao concern about his condition which Is said to bo critical. W. J. McPHEE, a San Francisco at torney who is n great believer In Coos Bay and who owns somo tlm bor claims In this section, arrived on tho Hedoudo. REDUCTION SALE on hoiiBedres- 609, linen dresses, white dresses, SILK DRESSES, linen and silk coats and TAILOR MADE SUITS at MRS. EL ROD'S. DR. McCORMAC and eon, Fred, re turned this morning from Ten Mllo whero the doctor has beon visiting the schools of Ton Mllo, North Lake, North Slough and other settlements In thnt vicinity. . Fred reports tho Ashing as excel lent iiml brought bnck n string of trout to provo his statement.. North Bend News Mrs. E. E. Hayes wns shopping In Mnrshfleld today. Mrs. C. Cavanngh was a Marshflold visitor yesterday. Chas. Cavanngh is n business vis itor at Ea'stsldo todny. Mrs. J. E. Edmunds nud Miss Ma rio "Thomnson of South Mnrshfleld will leavo next wook to visit rela tives In Sntom. Tho tug "Columbia" will tow tho schooner "Arago" qut over tho bar this nftomon nnd will afterwards proceed to Snn FrnncUco. Tho Ara go Is lumbor laden and bound for San Pedro. ' On tho Columbia on her trip south nro Cnptaln Bondcgard, Robort Simpson, Jr., nnd Gcorgo Morso. Mrs. Myrtlo Johnson, who hus spont a month In Myrtlo Point, re turned to tho homo of hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Abbott in South Mnrsh fleld today. Tho Luthoran church memboni gnvo a social at tholr church last Snturday eovnlng. A very onjoynblo evening wns spent. Aftor a good program, games nnd otlior diversions wore Indulged In and refreshments wore sorved. About sixty pcoplo woro prcsont. . U BALL SCORES PORTLAND TEAM AGAIN SCORES VICTORY OVER SACRAMENTO NINE vSCORE (I TO 1. ' STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Per Won Lost cont . Portlnnd 40 38 .548 ., Snn Frnuclsco. .48 43 ,C87 .Oakland 48 '41 .543 Vomon 4C 44 .000 Sncramonto. . . 41 40 .171 Los Angoles. . .30 03 .30$ (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) . PORTLAND, Ore, Juno 30. Port land again provod victorious yostor day hi (Wonting tho Sncramonto to urn by n score of C to 1. Tho othor games resulted In Los Angeles winning ovor San Francisco nnd a victory by Oakland ovor tho Vernon team. Tho scores for yestordny follow;: Los Angoles 13 13 Snn Francisco 37 Sncramonto 1 4 Portland 0 12 , Oakland. ... 4 13 Vernon ' 0 3 .MEETING POSTPONED. ' Coos County Medical Association Held Up by Mud. . Travol of any othor kind than tho npoudy vnrloty furnlshod'only by tho honzlne reuto bolng far too slow for olther Dr. Dlx or Dr. Mlngus, nnd In vlow of tho faot Hint tho roads b tweon horo nnd Coqulllo nro too soft to permit of tholr uso as speedways, tho meeting of tho Coos County Medi cal Association, which wus to livo taken plnco nt tho county sont today, has boon postponed. Tho postponed mooting will ba called wlton tho roads again hooom passable. Tho ALERT will leva Allegany nt 5 P. M. on tho third of July ' Marshflold. loavlng MuraUflold Pfl,f- turn trip at 11 p. a- , Hnvo u laugh OHPHHUM' tonight. "Iko's Fu7n Auto" ORpilBUM tonight. GO