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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1911)
id,T9iT-EVJJfSNGl5lTl0N; !f 2 THE COOS BAY TIMFa rrhpipw ORP ;& mim Let Omf Store E Your Store e July-Fourth Hf - -K 'ISK? ' ' hWJ iC11 iV'lA' 7' ror? STOPPING PLACE BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER, AND ALSO ON THE TWO BIG DA VS ,iSg).Nx j'l THAT COOS COUNTY WILL CELEB li ATE IN MAUS1I FIELD. ' JilM '0Ml il N 0 ILVCW PREPARATIONS TIAWJ BEEN IN PROVIDING FOR THE MEN AND-WOMEN OF COOS wmhh i'Wn couxrr- .. r'Wp' I I " . . J I ' . " For M in Let Your Fourth of July Suit Be a STE1N-BL0CH III our stock will bo found the choicest patterns of new styles. Your size- is here whether you are stout, slim or regular. In Shirts Neckwear Hats Gloves Walk-Over and Hanan Shoes we can please you with a complete showing of the uewest styles to be had. or W omen In our, special Fourth of July assortment of Silks Dresses and tailor-made Suits, Shirtwaists, Gloves and Neckwear will be found every fashion favorite. Beautiful garments that will add charm and pleasure to your outing. Exceedingly pretty waists in a splendid array or. styles that lit well and make the wearing a real pleas ure. Fine tailored models that have style and individuality well featured. Many little things and wearables that help so much during the summer time can be had at this store. Come and let us show you the very newest and best in Dry Goods and ready-to-wear Suits. Wo arc certain that wo will be able to please you. Our stock is conveniently arranged for your comfort in shopping and especially priced for the gala days the 3rd and 4th. AfPJMFQ M? If A TCfll 5 t-l V iCmULA ri iU It-sa r c M N COOS BAY TIMES tho city rapidly to tho front nml tho only thing required to accomplish tho Entered at tho postolllco at Mnrsh-laired result la 'for thorn to pull to flold, Oregon, for transmission gethor nt nil times for tho things through tho malls as socond class Umt innko for I)roBros8 and prosperity mall mntlor. I M. C..MALONEY DAN K. MALONEY Editor nnd Pub.! Ono'0' tno n,0Bt Borlous things In News Editor Ufa fe t offend a 'frlond. There nro so fow who aro kind nnd consldornto Address all communications to of your feollngB thnt you Bhould not COOS HAY DAILY TIMES, offend them. Somo ono hns been Mnrslillcld ;: :: ;: i: Oregon your ndmlror for years. If you of- ' " ' ' fond him It cuts deop, nnd ho mourns An Independent. Republican, news- ... ., Don.t ., ,t- no . 0.. papor published ovqry cyanlng oxcopt to )0op,0 Ronorolly n8 you cnn but Snndny, and Weekly by- ' I linvn ....,,,, , ,in ,.B11l1nr.(9 and npprcclatlvo' of your friends. CHAPEAU" IS FIGHTERS FIT ; FAR JTOO Wj raHJIG FRAYj WE LCO ME l'lio Coo Hay Thui'H Puhllshlug Co. Uedlcntrd to tho servlco ot tho people, that no good cnuso shall lack a champion, nnd thnt ovll shall not thrive unopposed Somo fool professor down east Is ndvocntlng tho establishment of a "school of kissing" whoro Lid 'For Local "Mercury" Fails to Fill the . Bill. CAP A covorlng for tho head, usually worn with a vizor but without a brim. WIND A current ot air. Tho nbovo In on tho author ity of Noah Wobstor, but what botweon SUIISCIUPTION RATES. DAILY. Ono yenr $0.00 , " r womnn who hns to loam tho I uiiiiuuiiii connection Is thoro young men nnd women may learn tho ' "Ca.)" nmj "wind." art of .kissing in a scientific and rnp- turous mnnuor. Humph! Tho young Per month 5.0 weekly. Ono yenr 91,50 When pnld strictly In advance tho subscription prlco of tho Coos IJay Times Is $5.00 pr yonr or $2.50 for six jnonths. Olllclnl Paper of Coos County n rm-r , official paper ok the city OF MARSH FIELD. OBSERVATIONS. art of kissing In a school will nover hnvo tho gumption to exerclso tho art on anything moro prepossessing than a cow. Nature may hnvo boon bnck ward In bostowlng somo of her gifts, hut hIio never tntondod thnt ono of her chlldron should bo compelled to learn tho art of kissing In n school proslded over by somo moth-enton nnd musty old professor, or somo sour vlsnged old mnld. To tho tnlo In order that "Bll IIo" Wilson, tho Morcury attached to tho local ofllco of tho Western Union telegraph company shall pro sont a military npponrnncb In keop- Scrappers Work Out Every Day Preliminaries Named. Fooling, ns John Horron oxpresso.1 It this morning, "as fit as tho prover bial fiddler," Guy Leo, tho clover Snn Francisco llghtwolght who Is sched uled to mix things with Rough-IIouso Chnrllo Burim at tho Rink next Mon day night, stopped ashoro whon tho stonmor Itedondo arrived at her berth hero Inst night, nnd, nftor n refreshing sleep,' started in this morning to work out for his coming mntch. Hough-housa Chnrllo Burns, who will bo on tho other sldo nt tho mitt dobnto, worked out yestordny boforo n local audlonco at tho rink and show- ALL Till: TIMU AT Till HUSV CORNER. Wo wish to nnuouuco thnt wo havo resorvod room for out-of town visitors during tho 3rd and 1th, and all the time for parceb;, suit cases, etc. Information enn bo obtained regarding tho celebra tion. Cotno nil to tho Ilusy Cornor, you aro welcome. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "TJIE BUSY C011NER" LEAD1NO DRUG STOKE IN COOS COUNTY. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCi RATELY COMPOUNDED. ing with tho dignity of tho peoplo ot ed such excellent form that many of The real ostnto donlor who boosts his own proposition and knocks his competitors U a good mnu to look out for. COUNT! HUES 1 GOOD SHU I ono of tho only two cities In tho stato nblo to support a dotachmont of tho Oregon Naval Militia, tho Loud Lnm and Grand Slam of tho purchasing depnrtmont of tho afore said corporation caused to bo deliver ed to tho local ofllco of tho company this morning n brand now uniform cap, bluo In color nnd having at Its tho locnl fans folt a momentary foar lest Leo, upon his arrival horo shoul 1 provo a disappointment, but theso fenrs havo all been dispelled by tho delegation who mott tho 'Frisco scrnppor nt tho dock, all ot whom nro of tho opinion that nolther man can tip tho boam on tho other on tho scnlo of merit. Both men nro working out nt tho Venezuela Fourth of July is the Over Three Thousand Bearing "1 rth but Coo Bay goos It ono hot- ( ' fr i ices in uoquiiie Alone. bow ond n cow-catchor of glistening nlnk nnd ,,, ordor to heml off conf. patent leather. Attached to tho 8lon Vromotor John IIorron ,in8 nr. ..ut Wl n.u uu,i , H uiiiuiiaiieu rnngC(1 for Leo t0 work out botweon metal pinto bearing tho nnmo of tho tno ,10UrB of j 0.clock nnrt 3 O.clocl company nnd tho number "S". ovory nftornoon whllo hls opponent, I nut Tho purchasing agent and nrns wHl ,mvo tll0 floor from 3 inu iiiuiur nun iuckuiiuu willioui t.i,. nn. ..i.iin i.,..u.i l VI.'WIV till. ItlU IflllJKU IliU IllVtkVll nilllo." and tho cap, satlsfnctory tn nn n, i,nv n !... ct.,nt. 1,1,11 tl10 standpoint of beauty and Tho ,tnors of fhn nInlc ....i, ,, tho envy of nil tho unfortunate opened on Mondny night nt 7 o'clock youths within tho corporate limits of 8nnrP .nml tll0 ,irbjrannry, a ton- .uiiiniiituiii viitilUOHS Ulll IQ rn.,,,,1 l,n..t l,ntivon Tn.n..l no' u. b.n fl g. t ! b O'X ng.tln net winter. Llko tho postal s.nlr :s bank quostlou, It will not bo Ri'tt'i 1 until It Is settled right. It t.ikfs a great ninny things to build a big city, but tho most osson tlal thing la the push and onorgy of Its people Coos Hay cltlzonshlp is mauo ot tno right material to Wilson and Wllllo Gnffoy will start promptly at 7:30. Loo ond Burns hnvo each posted a ?25 forfolt that they will bo ablo to mnko 133-pound nt C o'clock on fifth t ' ii i h.' It ou the Third ns well na tl.i l'lillltll. I Nn li.impuhlre has a new law uu- r w nit ii people wiio wnut marriage somo Iden of tho mngnltudo of call for n display of any or nil of a Hi ilis.s will hV6 to glVO llVO days' the fruit Imlllatrv n It Is now lmlnir .inlfr...... ,vno ,lln,.n,i i. -.. And In five days tho nolgh- carried on in this county may bo ernl sizes too small, ii bay an awful lot about them, gained from tho following statomenr, And that is whero tho wind comes mndo this morning by County Fruit In. Billlo Insisted on showing his imrcU post question will not Iu&poctor P. M. Hnll-Lowls, who has now possession off boforo tho lona iih of a hearing nt this sos- Just returned fiopi nn Inspection trip gaudllly attired, but aftor n fow trips tnVon ns an indication that olther luit It beema certain to como up of the country In nnd nround Co- on his wheel, dtirlnc which mm envm. mnr mnnnirnra n,. , . I"1110! ' hand was .constantly clutching nt tho bo ndded to tho local forco or olso "Within tho Coqulllo City and tho cap, tho messongor roluctnntly re- thnt with possibly President Vnll's platted ouvlronmont contiguous toturnod tt to tho ofllco whoro It will hat as number "1," Billlo Wilson Is It, I found 13S orchards containing .romnln In dry dock until somo kind olghth in lino for his Job.' 3.SS bonrlng trees of one species or neighbor olthor preesnt "Billlo" j Tho bollof of some, that Bllllo's re nnother." with a hnt-pln or olso furnishes the cont appointment to tho training vuv Willi nn oiasuc to in unuor tno stait or uuy Leo Is responsible for wearer's chin. 'tho falluro of hnt and head to Jlbo As to tho numbor "S," that Is Is not given credence. "MAUIIIOH put phoum tonight. COST13LLO" Or- THERE IS A REASON. WHY? Such woll-kiiown nnd successful dairymen ns IVY CONDRON. S. C. nODGEItS, II. E. BESSEY, CIIAS. MAHAFFY, aro nil changing tholr Herds so thnt thoy ovontunlly will havo notU lug but COOS COUNTY HOLSTT.IN COWS. These Men Know and You Will Also VICTOR STAUFF, C. JOHNSON, I. LANDRITIJ, I. S. SMITH AFTKK YOU HAVE TltlEI) Coos County HoSstein Butter Manufactured From Selected Coos County Herds Full Weight, .24 Ounces COOS COUNTY CREAMERY ASSOCIATION, MAHSIIFirXD. OH. " I COOS county PEAS, FRESH eve ry day. SACOIII'S Grocery. Don't forgot tho Turkish B Don PHONE 21X-J. .. -1.1 1