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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1911)
av i .; wmiwi , mm,, -M, ll uetlmM eoi ta- , under tno to 9 greatest lied iW- . jnJ v1 ndersu3: . to a wl tbl W' -ReU ' l,nt noW .1. (it for l mid , anjel to dread ' et Tittup .fbUif1"- laylwt '. hlj cBlK UDfcatJ must W "" m Star. Crowd- 'TTfi wjwsewy- , ; 1 u.n i 11 i i ivi v, TFT 4-.$r- Mf-s. -y ytwv,.sw.j THEfc908 Mf VlMES, KAMHFIELD, QREQQN, FBIDAY, JUNE 30, 1911 EVEtflNa BMTION 7 -t"V"ni' (Jfl!i - -,.- ! T1IK TWO KXTItEMES. T nnd glvo n domonstrntlon of sense of. long ngo tho old time nidqrntt0n that sized up con and pro. WALT MASON. Wo nro not acquainted with tho author but this Isn't so bad: "Back ward, turn backward, oh time, In your night, and give us a maidou drest proper and right. ve nro so weary of switches and rats, nilly uurKo clusters A statesninn, wlso nnd hoary, getB lip somo wondrous scheme to help' our land to glory, nnd mako llfo seem a dream. Tho people then dis cuss It about tho clnnglng ninrt, dis sect It beam nnd gusset, nnd tnko Hi nil apart; some sny It's wild and wooly, a silly lqt of Junk; one sldo declares It bully, tho other Bays It's punk. The man of moderation cash-1 hats od In long, long ago; ho gave things ,rlblo pile, stacked on their heads to meditation, nnd ho wns always slow In tho height of a mile. Something is forming his decision Important things wrong with the runldcns, wo fear upon; with clear, untroubled vision glvo us tho girls ns they used to np ho measured pro nnd con. But now pear. Glvo us tha girlies we on:o wo break our tether when something knew of yore, whoso curls didn't grcoto our" eyes; wo damn It nil to gether, or laud it to, tho skies. A treaty with tho Gorman, n work by wera ample enough without nddl tlons of make-hellevo stuff. Give us tho days when tho lints women woro were not tho real reason Chrlstlnn men Bworo. Over our wny such a fnlr maiden steer es, glvo us the girl" r.3 sho used to appear." The UAITIST cordially IXVITIJ YOU to spend tho evening with thorn tomorrow night nt elKht o'clock. A nnd peach basket sntinro deal soclnl will 1m imiii. Vn Wads of jui0 hair In a hor-ndmlsslon will be asked for but each ono will bo charged threo cents a foot "according to tho mensuro of n man." Dr. Cook, n policy or sermon, n ball tenm or n book, wo cither praise it como from n hair dressing store. Mnldons who drefct with a sonslblo view. And Just ns damo Nature In tended lliem to. Glvo us n girl with ft flguro her own, and fnniilnnnii Rend tho Tlnioa' Want Ads. imiy, or sny inni u is junic; ono siU0Uivinciy uy nnturo nlono. Femlnlno declares it bully tho other says It's styles, getting florcer each year Oh, punk; I'd llko to meet n fellow who'd glvo ub the girls bb they used to np tnko tho middle viow, and wnlvo his penr. Opo of.tho.Twcnty-flvo years umbrollow, and talk an hour or two, ago kind. Ono wliose fnlr tresses Store Middle Aged nnd Elderly People. Use Foley Kidney Pills for quick nnd pormnnent results in nil cases of kid ney and bladder troubles, and for painful and annoying Irregularities. They contain Just the ingredients nu coBsnry to regulato and strengthen tho nctlon of the kidneys nnd bladder. They nro tonic In nctlon, quick in re sults. Try them. "Red Cross Drue &fa M J MMAM M m.s&wm -F roBfi. M j k w&i mwm , w. L JL-'ZZr ' i Jl-WiV iff AUWUUfMU ...www SMlWHBM -" ViJJ crmicn. mt it BSrl lump Montna clctnd.ii iai,rutt KM uuuiu KC' ool Suite 'or Men From 0 W7 I r 1 4AO IstJ Utt !ll Ivaja -v.u.nxu uy mMja and Seller 369 Front St. F XUP Opposite Breakwater ' Office We Are Eefter Eqiipj Thah Ever to ' Take Care of Your Wants Besides the Large Stock Always on Hand "We, Have Just Received New Rugs, Room Size, i Prom $4.50 to $50 ped 1 'I I nf ! ! Jet rcmxcSf I J r fTi-rMiii""i lr ' ' i Hi rfffiirniPc v- ?3 ,7? iih m &? ih - - gsSsQSi I a ! j if New Bed Room Furniture iiSt Ei & L' I & ..' ttsfr-zt?. js-2i New Brass Beds $20.00 to $25.00 And Many Oilier Articles of Furniture- It makes no -difference what yoti want, give us a call, we will be only too glad to quote you PE OES-THE LOWESTALWAYS. &'?&mss8!m SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR NEW GOODS T, Going 8& Harvey Company COMPLETE H3USE FURNISHERS . , r ": L" ' """" M-l,-.... ... . , . jmmOi The Name of wMSmm wMLMi Wwi MMl Mm W iW li it rtf r'f x -sOId Glory From "Homo Folks." by Jamei Whltcomb Ulloy. lopyrleht, 181,7. Used by sreclal permission ot the- publlshirs, the llobbs-Mcrrl'l company. OLD GLORY, sy, who, Dy t,ho ships and tha crew And the lona.-blonded rnke of the ory and the blue . Who gave you, Old Glory, the name that you bear With suoh pride everywhere Ae you oast yourself free to the rapturous air And leap. out full length, ae we're wanting you tot Who gavo you that name, with the ring of the same And the honor and fame so becoming to you, Your strlpoi stroked In ripples of white and of red, With your stars at their glittering best overhead, By day or by night Their dellghtfulest light Launhlna down from their lllllo square heaven blue? . Who gnva you the namo of Old Qlory7 Say, who Who gave you the name of Old Qlory? Tho old banner lifted nnd, fcltorlngi then In vague lisps nnd whtspsrs fsll silent ngaln. Old Qlory, tho story we'ro wanting to henr Is whnt tho plnln facts of your christening 'were, For your name, Just to hear It, Ropent It nnd cheor It, 's n tang to the spirit As salt as n tenr, And, seeing you fly and the boys marching by, There's n shout In the throat, nnd a blur In the eyo, And an aching to llvo for you always or dlol . If dying wo still keep yo'u waving on high. And so. by our love For you, floating above, And the eoars of all wars and the sorrows thorsof, Who gavo you tho nnmo of Old Glory, nnd why Aro wo thrilled at tho name of Old GloryT Then tho old banner leaped, like a sail In tho blast, And fluttered an audlblo answer ot last. And It spake, with n shako of the volco, and It ssldl Dy the driven snow white and the living blood red Of my bara and their heaven of stars overhead Dy tho symbol conjoined of them all, skyward oast, As float from tho steeple, or flap at the meet, Or droop o'er tho sod where tho long grassee nod My namo Is as old as the glory of God. So I cams by the name of Old-Glory. feit ilftstte fr; j.,1. ir.'i..j tm .5":' 'j.v y,rnij sf.AJT. .' umurwivxTAjn a,.t AiiEi.Bi'ama The 8ulcldo of Hannibal. Dofen tt'il ut Zitiim, Iliiiinllml lied to (ho 'iist to avoid MIIIiik' into tho linmli of tho Itommix and found fniporarj Bccmlty In tlio dominion ot Mlthrl da ten. IIo Incite.' tliU monarch to en KiiKo In n Itonuui war, and, Ills nilvlco ns to 1(8 conduct liolntf rejected, tho war proved unsuccessful, nnd Mltlui dated was required us ono of tho con ditions of petico to deliver up Hannibal to liU enemies, the Itouimis, The un fortunate Cartlmclulan heard of liU npproueliliiK fate, Hwullowed the poison which for years ho had carried about his person and expired Just as tho en voys arrived to take Hilin In cliarKu. Ancient Kepartee. A union of dlscordunt particulars U laughable, aw, What I wanting' to hui except fortune uitd virtus? Similar to this N frleudly admonition, by way of glvliiK udvlce, us when CSranliM pei-suadetl n had ploadar, who hud mado hlniHelf hourto with Bpaiikliii;. to drlnlc u cold mixture if honey nnd vWno as soon us he got homo. "I lmll ruin iny yolco." said ho. "If I do bo." "It will bo bettor." said arniiliw, "than to ruin your clients." From Cicero's "Oratory." ' An Exciting Contest. Ilonson I liet my wlfo that I could thread n needle beforo ho could tlmrpea n lead pencil. Ilcnsoii Which won? Ilenson I won In exactly tlilr- teen minutes, but I believe I'd have lost If sho hud not run out of pencils at tho end of flvo minutes. Chicago News. Still. Stronger. Orocer Good morning. Mr. Topple. How nro tboso eggs I sent you? L'op-ple-netter. thnuk you. They nro gaining strength every minute. Llfo Is n plant that grows out of doatli. needier. I no Home Place. . If this old workl's no friend to craco It's stilt a feller's dwellln" place. And. though deep trouble still we weave It, Few aro the folks who wish to leavo it. Atlanta Constitution. vwm M )K Willis fro PA dial jroungiten nowadayi Ain't nothin' lite they uie' to be. "Die have lucli wild, mnbunctiom wayit They think of nolhin' but to rtiK A cltcl all the lime," tayi he. An' 'rn he kill ui how ihey done When him an' Uncle Joe wai boyi An isyi llwy had mere umple lun An' didn't madden every one Dy matin' audi an awlu! none. lliim nawRin) 1 Mff V'ii-'fisT M Will t Come to This? "She's very domestic In her tasto3, Isn't she?" "Decidedly. They say sho really en joys her husband's cooking." Life. 'tfr(jtr.3nwiM HE ayi that Independence day Hai growed to be s dictful bore, With all ill silly whoop-hooray. An' vowi that if he had hit way The' wouldn't be no Fourth no more. To hear him talk you'd ihwk thai he An' Uncle Joe, when they wa boyi About the tile o' Rob an' roe. Wai jut ai careful a could be .To never nate bit o' noits. BUT Unci- Jre Wai Iwe U' nht When K-b an' me had gone to bed. An' him an' pa they talked a lyl't, Tliintin' ,lliil we war !repm' liHt. Hal Rob an me heard all llicy uuL They taltrd ahoul ilia happy lima When lliey wn younjiteri, free from care. An' ue' lo run an' romp an' climb An' fit ihrir clo'ri all over fnmo An' yell s,'i(n gran'ma combed theu hair. THEY talted an' laughed al-ojt tho n'ight Before the Fourth, one yea, when they Had give the town an awful fright By yellin "Firel" wJh all Iheii might An' act folki runnin' ciey way. So now what I can't tee U all li how it come, when they wai boya, , They uie' to run an' climb an' fall An romp an' itomp an' U aj' bawl An' never mate a bit o' nous, ""' LIBERTY SENTIMENT BY THE LATE JOHN HAY. CO all in vain will timorous ones essay To set the metes and bounds of Liberty, For Freedom is its own eternal law. , . . t For ever in thine eyes, O Liberty, Shines that high light whereby the world is caved. And, though thou slay us, we will trust in theel J ii I. 1 . .-t. ,