The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 24, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 2, Image 2

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    HpwPWWi. Jim iiu
S A'
PERSONAL notices of visitors
In tho city, or of Coos Day pcoplo
who visit In .thr cities, togotbor
with notices vt toclul affairs, arc
gladly received In tho social do
imrtmetK. Tolophono 1331. No
tices of club meetings will bo pub
lished and secretaries aro kindly
requested to furnish same.
who deslro to rcvol In tho deep ovor
green heart of until ro and uowhero
are there bucIi wclcomo and bouI sat
isfying retreats as nround Coos Day.
The birds carol In ccstacy of nestling
! tondorncss, the 8inole,-hnuntcd woods
beckon tho world-weary to communo
amid their deep silences, whllo tho
trout lenp In tho shady pools, offer
ing alike rnro sport and charm to
tho angler to tho nrdent child of nature.
social happenings, Intended for
oubllcntlon In the society depart
ment of The Times, must bo sub
mitted to tho editor not Inter
thun fi o'clock p. tn. Friday of
oach wcok. Exception will be
allowed only In casos whero
events occur Inter than tho time
Togothcr we sat In a tctc-n-tcte,
Tho prettiest girl and I
Tho light was out and tho hour was
For tho time, you know, will fly!
Dy .Tovo,
How rapidly tlmo will fly!
Together wo sat In tho welcome
Alono, unheard, unseen,
Though her mother was In tho other
With a thin portiere between
I know that tho mother In nmb'usH
t lay
An mothers do, It seems
To carry the prettiest girl away,
Away to tho land of dreams, Dy
Jo vol
To tho wonderful lnnd of dreams.
man avenue. After n short business
session, games wero Indulged In, and
a social tlmo enjoyed. Those pres
ent were: Misses Kdlth M. Alger,
Kreda Ilnzer, Kdlth Home. Marion
Havener, Desslo linniel, Esther Im
hnff, Cnthorlno and Helen Moiulo,
Ornco Murr, Lennn Smith, and Mr.
nnd Mrs. L. A. Woldner, Mrs, Goo.
I Inzer, Hnlph Coke, Clnrcitco Covey,
Clyde Smith and Win. Woods.
U. M. O. Dancing club will hold
n dance Saturday evening In Logglo'a
Hall at North Bond.
Howard Imholt of Portland, who
has been visiting his mother, Mrs. A.
II. Imhoff of North Bend, returned
I Hov. Albrccht and family, who
have been connected with tho United
I Brethren church of North Ilend, for
tho past year, will "leave on tho next
The members nnd friends of tho
Ladles' Art' club, enjoyed an outing
Inst Sunday to tho Goodwill homo on
Coos Ulvor. Tho day was pleasantly
spent, nnd n fine picnic lunch enjoy- s.
oil. During tho nftornoon tho party '
visited tho Fish Hntchorles. Tho
guests of the club were: Miss 'Hunt,
Miss Ituth Wntklns, Mr. Arthur tllnn
chard, Mr. Geo. McCutcheon, nnd
Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Hoaglund nnd
friends. Others enjoying the trip
wero Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Shelly, Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. K. Warwick, Mr. and
Mrs. E. D. McArthur nnd family, Mr.
and Mrs. .1. W. Mitchell, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Flyo, Miss Besslo Flyc, Mr. nnd
Mrs. .1. W. Hlldebrnnd and daughter
Kdlth, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. H. G. Hoy.
On Monday afternoon of this week
Mrs. J. T. McCormnc nnd Mrs. M. C.
Mntonoy entertained nt tho McCor
mnc rcsldenco for Miss Elizabeth
liv Mra. f!. M. Tlvlop nnil Mm irnnMo
.,... 'Alliance for Washington, whero they
mens by Mr. It. A. Wemlch. Those w,n ocnt0( Uov Arccht ,mvnR .
present woro Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnrron ' CL,V0(1 a ca trom t)l0 clittrclt there.
Painter, Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Wer
nlch, Mr. nnd Mrs, C. F. McCollum,
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Bylor, Mrs. W.
Turpen, Mrs. I,. J. SlmpBon nnd
Mr. nnil Mrs. T. W. Hcnnle.
Tho club will meet next Tlyirs-'ny
evening with Mrs. L. J. Simpson.
Mrs. John Lnfon Jr., will enter
talu nt bridge Thursday afternoon,
Juno 29.
But the chcrry-llko lips of tho prot
ty miss,
Alas, woro a tomptlng sight. Kaufmnii whoso wedding to Mr.
And I Ventured to beg for n tiny Thomns Baldwin Brown of Chicago
Just one, boforo "Good night."
Tint tho prettiest girl rcsontcd that
In a way I'd novor dronmed",
will tako placo nt an early date.
Four tables of bridge woro played
and prizes won by Mrs. D. Y. Staf
ford nnd Mrs. B. K. Booth. After i
enrds n dainty luncheon was served
tfnr aim mirnTi n frnm ivlinrn U'n mill tilO honor ItllCSt BllOWOrCd With n
" . ... 'in nnil O 0,An. n .. .1 llnn A TJ
.......tin., nt tirnffv limifllnmlllnf a . Ultliuu 1J tj, 0klLl.b tlliu .11100 41. II
Sho which woro presented to her Inn tiny, stroot of Portland, brother and sis
And, what
At tho Baptist church tho Indies
havo arranged for a square deal so
cial which will bo hold next Friday
evening, Juno 30. Refreshments and
a program will bo speclnl fenturoi,
In addition to the splendid fellowship
which Is nlwnys In ovldcnco on such
occasions. No admission will bo
charged at tho door but each person
will bo required to havo his measure
ments taken for refreshments. Three
cents n foot, or therenbouts "accord
ing to tho mensuro of a man" will bo
I Como and onjoy nn ovenlng with
tho Bnptlsts.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Street ontor-
L. S. Street and Miss A.
do you think?
, By .Tovo I
Sho certainly did sho screamed!
trunk ombolllshod with whlto rlb-ltor of Mr- stroot' tho nnRt wooIt- A
,bonB, orango blossoms nnd tho lucky PMnnt outing to tho bench
nl.l .. Thnon nrnonnt .', Mlj nO Of tllO diVOrSlODS.
W.. C1..1.V. ..WBU 1.1VMU..V ".J
I caught tho coquotto In my. arms
Alack ".
For such Is tho wny of men
And gruffy demanded of her
And thon nnd then nnd
i Kaufman,. Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, Mrs.
D. Y. Stafford, Mrs. Colby Porry, Mrs.
iK. MlngiiB. Mrs. It. K. Booth. Mrs. H.
iScngstacken, Mrs. Mlllls Kennedy,
n Mrs. Anson O. Rogers, Jr., Miss Nol-
, llo Tower, Miss Lucy Horton, MUs
Miss Nnnn
Rush, Miss
Chnrlotto Murch, Mrs. P. M. Wilbur.
Mrs. Myrtle Johnson of South
'Mnrshlleld, who hns been spending
several weeks nt Myrtle Point, Ink
ing medical treatment, Is Improving.
The Presbvlerlnn Ladles Aid So
ciety of North Bend, met Thursday
nftornoon with Mrs. A. 11. Imhoff.
Tho afternoon was spent pleasantly
In sewing, nt tho closo of which a
social hour wns spent.
Thoso present wero Mrs. Geo. Mnn
dlgo, Mrs. W. A. Smith, Mrs. J.
Monde, Mrs. Homes, Mrs. Geo.
Ilnzer, Mrs. Chns. Murr, Mrs. C. A.
Smith, Mrs. Win. Murr, Mrs. W. It.
Simpson, Mrs. Henry I. Dclrs, Mrs.
Miller nnd Mrs. A. II. Imhoff.
Mrs. Mnry Mnrk of Pnclflc Grovo,
Cnl., Is visiting hor daughter, Mrs. G.
A. Bennett.
Miss Daisy Rush loft Thursday on
tho Nnnn Smith for nn extended visit
to Indiana.
Tho Methodist Episcopal Ladles'
Aid Society of North Bond, surprised
Mrs. V. M. Snydor of Virginia av
nuo, who oxpects to lertve shortly for
San Diego, Cat. Tho nftornoon was
spoilt plcnsnntly In sowing nnd con
versation, and dollclous refreshments
woro served. Among thoso present
woro: Mrs. Wm, NolUou, Mrs, C.
Ed. Bolt, Mrs. J. Leo Brown, Mrs. C.
M. Connor, Mrs. Geo. Cnpps, Mrs.
Chalmers, Mrs. Dal Cntltcnrt, Mrs.
Cnmpbell, Mrs. 0. F. Dillon, Mrs. T.
Daly and sons, Mrs. Arthur Drows,
Mrs. Eddy, Miss .losophlno Eddy,
Helen Estos, Henrietta Estos, Mrs. I.
E. Edmunds, Mrs. Flngg, Mrs. Foster,
Miss Fox, Mrs. Einiim Harris, Mrs.
Hodson, Mrs. Jonson, .Mrs. J. A. Lnng
worthy, Evelyn Lnngworthy, Mr.?.
Nelson, Gertrude Robinson, Mrs. Ross,
JRov. Rutlcdgo, Mrs. Rutledgo, Mrs.
Efllo Tuttlo, Arvln Tuttlo, Mnrlo
.. m - 4 fit '
TMomnson, Mrs. lorrey, ireu qua
ver, Mrs. Weaver, Whereat Boys, Mrs
Wright, Emma Lou Douglas, Mrs.
J Last Tucsdny afternoon, Mrs. W.
'F. Miller nnd fourteen guests enjoyed
n ride up Coos Rlvor In tho launch
"Beaver." After tho ride, tho ladles
roturnod to Mrs. J. T. McCormnc'ii
summer homo whoroliinchwnssorvcd.
A most pleasant nftornon wns spent.
Thoso Invited wero ns follows: Men
dames J. T. McCormac, E. Mlngus,
'A. II. Powers, W. A. Toyo, It. M.
Jennings, C. It. Peck, J. W. Ingram,
F. M. Parsons, E. F. Morrissoy, M. C.
Horton, J. S. Coko, I. S. Kniifman, W.
P. Murphy, J. W. Bonnett, nnd W. P.
Mr3. Clara Noah nnd Mrs. C. W. ,
tinrdnor will leave early In July for
n trip to Yroka, Col., driving ovor to
Glendnlo, Ore., nnd going from thoro
by train. They will remnln nil biiiii
mcr. Mrs. Elmer Jones of North Bond
wus hostess Thiirsdny nnd Frlilny
nftcrnoons nt two delightful par
ties, given In honor of her two
friends, Miss Mnrgarot Lynn and Mlns
Ethel Mullen of Portlnnd, who nro
making an extended vlBlt to tho Bay.
The Indies nro both grndunto nurses
of tho Good Snmnrltnn hospltnl In '
Portland. Tho decorations were
roses, red ones being used to
out tho Rod Cross Scheme. Tho d,
versions of tho afternoons were sew-"
lng nnd conversation. Delicious Tc'.
freshmonts nlso added to tlio afi
noon's enjoyment. or"
Tho guests Tliui'flilitv nfi
. """'oonaro
Uonnio, Mrs.
ns follows: Mrs. T. V.
(Coiitlnuod on pnB0 0.)
lieide Caps
All colors and nil bIzcs. They
nro tho stnndnrd of tho worli.
Up-to-dnto and nifty. jMIICHS
o.viiY nc io 91..-.0.
The Toggery
Formerly Geo. Goodrum.
A fnrowoll reception wns tondor- Wilson, Mrs. M. J. Chnppoll, Mrs. J.
led Rev. nnd Mrs. Albright Thursday A Woodhull, Mrs. Edgar McDanlol,
tjion Mnry Ellon Mnhonoy,
, Hrpwnlng, Miss Dnlsy
Holon Brndloy, a formor Coos Bav
ovonlng nt tho United Brothron
church of North Bond provlous to
tholr dopnrturo for Vlow, Wash.
Thoso present woro:
Rov. A. S. Hlsoy, Rov. and Mrs.
L. J. Summorlln, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V.
Hodson, Mrs. Fred Lystor, Miss
Flossy Hnyes, Sarah Webb, PnulWoI-
Her mothor enmo cruolly
And what do you think bIio said?
"Oh, como, llttlo Indy, kiss daddy girl, nnd woll known horo. nnd who .ling. Mr. Shustor, Carl Goldor, Evan
good nlRht." I has boon attending school In Port- Hodson, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Footo, Fre-
aiui cnrriou nor on to doii, oy jovo: iaua, grauuaiou irom mo wnsuius-
ton high school of that city this
mont Hodson, Paul Footo, Miss Luol-
And carried tho bnbo to bed!
"Honoymoon, honeymoon,
Toll mo why you fado so soon.
'HAT Joy and bliss this romantic
event conjures up In tho senses
of tho lovelorn In this henvon-
favored month of weddings mid bcth-
rothnls. And, whnt is more, tho Juno,
brldo hasn't chnuged n bit. SlhVs tho
sanio girl Just ns full of hope nnd
linpplnosH, life nnd lovo as sho has
been In nil tho Junos that hnvo gonoi
boforo. Sho Is one of tho things un
der tho sun blessod with poronntal
newness, n being whom ago cannot
wither or custom stnlo.
This year sho Is wearing white)
sntln gowns tiimmod with Inco, Just
ns If most brides down tho ngos
hndn't dono tho snmo thing, but ovory
ono of hor frlonds Is just ns anxious
to soo that gown ns If -It woro to bo
tho sonsntlon of novolty. Sho will
enrry a showor bouquot a gorgeous
cluster of trembling lilies or tho val
Ioy with a fow rosos or sweot peas,
Hns nnyono ovor lost Interest In a
brldo's bouquet?
Tho A. N. W. club hold tholr an
mini picnic nt tho homo of Mrs. Ada,
Dungnn on South Coos Rlvor on merlin,
Thiirsdny last. Tho Alice II was Summorlln, Miss Hnrmon, Mrs. Z. M.
rhnrtered for tho day and loft nt nlno Snydor. Mrs. Mnron, Miss Margery,
o'clock with tho club members nnd a Swenrlngon, Mrs. E. J. Coffolt, Mrs.
fow Invited gucsU. An outdoor sos- J- Cavanngh, Dorothy nnd Tom
slon of tho club was hold nnd a voto Coffelt, Olnlro and Hubert Cavanngh,
Mrs. E. J. Van Zllo, Mrs. F. A. Smith,
Mrs. A. F. Hlsoy, Mrs. K. V. Kruso,
Mrs. E. J. Covoy, Mrs. C. B.'RIcthoy,
Mrs. E. L. Wood, Mrs. W. F. Stovens,
Mrs. S. S. Frltcroft, Mrs. Lowls Ball
singer, Mrs. M. L. Grout, Mrs. II. II,
Poppormlllor, Mrs. C. A. Noll nor,
Mrs. Helen Wilson, Leora Chappoll,
Gordon McDanlol, and Elra Ballsln
Bor. I
0 I
Tho Ladles Aid Society of tho
Mothodlst church had a vory enjoy
able picnic to Allegany on Wednes-
la Hodson, Joolla Hodson, Miss Car
rlo Stephens, Graco Summorlln, Mrs.
Taylor, Joo Barber, Miss Stella Sum
morlln. Miss Boulnh Summorlln.1 dny( jno 21, In splto of tho fact that
Miss Irma Summorlln, Athol Sum- tho woathor wns not In thoiP fftV0,
Doris Summorlln, Glondn,AB it wna nilitocoo,. t,lf,,.ora
turned homo onrly, satisfied with tho
Let your fond fancy wnndor on tho
word. Sun-stroaked meadows, full
murmurous stronms, flower riots In
tho dnwnllght, moonglow nnd gossa
mer shrouds of clouds, dreamllght In
tho verdant dells nnd young lovo
etrolllug ninld tho tangled gloom.
Tho shimmering sea Is nddlng Its
luro to tho glorious spectrum of
ztiro sky nnd deep, scented wood
lands. And ns tho wnvos rlpplo tholr
crests Into myriads of dancing opals,
they niuriuur ecstatically, O, slush
ah! our unfathonied waters nro tho
big splash after nil.
Tho minimi hoglra to Coos Rlvor
of thanks tendored tho hostess for
hor hospitality nnd for tho generous
siiimly of strawberries and crenm
which sho furnished for tho lunch
oon. Thoso prosent woro: Mrs. L.
M. Noblo, Mrs. E. O'Connoll, Mrs. J.
T. McCormnc. Mrs. F. M. Frledbor?:,
Mrs. W. P. Murphy. Mrs. Fnnnlo
Hazard, Mrs. Mary McKnlght, Mrs.
Chns. Knlsor and dnughtor Theodora
Knlsor, Mrs. Chns. Stauff nnd dnugh
tor Margarot, Mrs. I. Lando, Edna
Lando, Mrs. G, A. Bonnett, Mrs. E.
Mlngus. Mrs. J. T. Hnll, Mrs. F. E.
Allen nnd son Donnld, Mrs. Hydo,
Mrs. W. F. Squire, Mrs. M. C. Malo
noy, Mary Metlln, Mrs. Mary Smith,
Mrs. Mary Mark, Mrs. Ellen Slglln.
Invltntlons hnvo been received for
tho wedding of Miss Lenny Maria Ny
gren formorly of Mnrshflold, nnd Mr.
Ernest Sandstrom which will tako
placo at tho Scandinavian Hnll In Ho-
qulain, Wnshlngton, next Saturday I
ovenlng. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hill of
North Bond nnd Miss Esther Ilend
rlrksnn of Mnrshflold will leavo Mon
day by way of Allegany to attend tho
The North Bond Brldgo Club wns
ontertnlned last Tuesday ovonlng nt
tho homo of Mrs. T. W. Rennlo. Be
sides tho mombers, tho club had ns
Its guest Mrs. W. S. Turpen of Mnrsh
flold. Tho rooms wero rich with tho
fragranco of roses. Tho parlors wovo
day for they aro looking forwnrd to
anothor day later on, when they will
ngaln enjoy a trip up South Coos
Rlvor. Thoso who enjoyed tho out-
Mr. Sudorlln, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thorpe, iK Woro:
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Wood, Rov. and ( Mr8. p. Ei A1Ioni Donn(j Allo(
Mrs. Albright, Mr. nnd Mrs. Elnwr Captain Anderson, Mrs. G. N. Bolt,
Wood, Ray and Tumor Albright,
Robort EgorB, Mrs. Fryo, Julln nnd
Horscholl Albright, Mr. Furious
Howard and Garland Fryo, Mr. Colo
man, Mr. L. Culbortsen, Miss Horrln, '
Mrs. Wm. Nollson, Miss Idn Nellson.
Miss Besslo Immol ontertnlned tho
Mlzpnh Blblo class of tho North
Bond Presbytorlnn church, Inst Tues
day ovenlng, nt her homo on Shor-
Fine Stationery
Most popular and up-to-date papctcrics in all tints
Monogram Embossers. Seals
and Fancy Wax
Engraved Calling Cards and
Wedding Stationery
Wo keep complete stock of FOUNTAIN PENS,
ijA .. ...INKS, PENCILS, Etc.
Red Cross Drug Store
I .. iilnl i,iHn n.i.l rlin .1I..1...V
. ... Jf,l ...... , t.J.V, ,.14 ...V ,.., .!
will probably bo postponod until nftor room In yollow rosos. A delicious
tho big colobrntlon when thoro will luncheon nddod to tho ovonlng's on
bo an acceloratod movomont of thoso joyment. Tho ladles' prlzo was won
1 1
Get an Option
option nt onco nnd tnko them home
and you will never regret it.
If you fall to try Stafford's famous
Candles, Dollclous, Wholesomo and
pure, thoy have won tneir wny to
popular favor by tholr genuine ex
Coos County's Largest
Furniture Store
or you are furnishing a Fine Home or just a small house or only ono
an do best at Goiner & Tlarvov's. Tho ivi'mlnm of nomine: to Going w
xiarvey ior nomo turmslnngs is forcibly demonstrated every clay to dozens w.
customers. A single visit to this great store will convince YOU of its ability to
give better value for your money, better furniture and better service, aneso
are considerations of much importance to ovory one who has a homo to f urnisu
nun r. hov monii immli fr
room you can
. .
tU UU,
Assortments and quality
Aside from tho fact that Going &
Harvey prices are always most rea
sonable, the assortments and qualities
afforded are of great attraction. For
every room in the home there are
varieties of pieces from which to se
lect, as well as great stocks of rugs,
carpets and linoleums, all at low cost.
Ilomcs Furnished Complete
Going & Harvey havo always given,
special attention to the needs of those
who are just setting up housekeep
ing, or who are furnishing a now
home. Inducements of tho osl'
tractive nature in p rice s, quality
and assortments invite the pntroW
of large buyers, i
Tents and Everything For the Camp at Going & Harvey" .
( omo and Inspect our stock You Are Always Welcome.
Going , Harvey Co.