p" . 4 r v ja- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1911 EVENING EDITION. IP M l'i ffiH Hkhh NHHDHn !!lffll ;w . ; ?? m i V.; l JKlri i-M' ..V..O icn.'!' in tttfai.U. ' C"'-VI) k"t mm t .1 an ....!' in nniiWnniifiT iTiTifTiRniif-" uuub uuu i ! hl u r JUU DDnnrrn rjpp aiita toiiuci rnUULLU HuO Huiu iSIHIlL synopsis oftiie county court proceedings. ADJOURNED MAY 11)11 TERM III lie Circuit Court. April 1911 Term, Jurors. Phil W. rcarBon. W. II. Klnncdy. $11. -10 36. CO aTh. Hodglns 39. CO Fred X'osler. . E. H. Kern. . 39. CO 39.00 E.S. Harzco i0.20 Win. Oddy 39.00 Gcorgo Griffin 29.80 Wm. Harmon 35.56 Lloyd Spires. W. L. Mast. D. C. Krantz I. T. Weekly. 22.80 22.80 1G-"'0 12. CO Gco. E. Plko 39.00 A. M. Itoss -12. GO CD. Garoutto -11.20 Joseph A. Collier 39.00 II. A. DoLonff 11.00 D. II. Lewis 11.10 A. E. Noff 33.C0 George Doll 21.00 W. O. La whom.- . . . J. II. James. . v. . . . Special Venire. 21. CO 15.00 J. E. Paulson. . Myron Wlckhnm. T. A. Walker. . ?o.on o no "nn "v L. I). Smith 3.03 J. A. Roomer 9.00 J. S. 1 avrenro 3.00 John E. Paulson 2.00 Henry Hnlverson 3.00 P. E. Drnno 3.00 Robt. Train 3.00 J. D. Harklow 3.80 ekookum Itestaurant, meals for J,,rors 6 J. F. Stolnman. . . . ; CfiO Tho Fields Timber Co., vs. R. D. No. 11 Coos Co., ot nl. ,2 4.20 4,2 4'0 Witnesses. Otto Enps. Geo. W. Norrls. Walter H. Norrls. J. D. Dcnham. . In It Oftlccrs. Clnudo L. Kidder, labor, sheriff's ofllrc Ada .McConnoll, labor, sheriff's offlco C. H. Jackson, nsslsslng, as sessor's ofllec $1S.OO . 12.00 i .180.00 Clnudo Ij. Kidder, labor, nsses- sor'R ofllco 20.00 Mlnnlo McCloskoy, grading Sth grndo MSS, Supt. ofrico. .. 9.00 Delia Clinton, grading 8th grndo MBS, Supt. Ofllco 9.00 Mlnnlo Hormnnn, grndlng 8th I grndn MSS, Supt. Ofllco. .. 9.00 Lena Hollonl, grailliiK Sth grnde MSS, Supt. Ofllco. . . Til He Mlhi'tdlaiieoix, doo. and E. D. Ooodmnn, hnlso- 3.00 mlno. vnrnlshlng $231.50 RoM. C. Train, wood for Court Hoiiso 90.00 in He KniMis niul untitles. Chris. Rlchert, lumbor R. D. N'"- 1A $211.57 Marshlleld Hdw. Co., powder. 552.10 Lloyd Spire, viewing nnd Ml. Leneve Hill ltd 12.00 C. It. FlBiincnn. vlewhiK nnd Mo. Lenove Hill Itil 11. CO Douael K-n ehnliuiian. view- lng and Ml. I.onovo Hill ltd. 0.00 Lorh'i Knv. enlninnu. vlowlng nnd Ml. Leneve Hill Hd. . . 0.00 Tlios. Devereiix. axmnn. viewing nnd Ml. Loneve Hill ltd. .. 2.50 Ilenrv VIi'rII. sndwui. vlowlns nnd Ml. l.cuovo Hill ltd. . . 2.50 A. X. Onuld urveyluic, etc., T.enovo 11111 ltd 20.50 Llovd Spires, vlowlng and Ml. North Slough ltd 21.40 C. H. Flanagan, viewing and Ml. North Slouch Hd 1 1.20 C. E. llau'son. elinluman, North Slough Rd 5.00 J. H. "Water, ohnlnmnn, North Slough ltd 5.00 G. C. T'otsrgon, axmnn, North Slough ltd 5.09 C, II. Dear, axman, North Slough Hd 1.00 A. X. Gould, iiirveylug, etc., North SIoiikIi Hd 11.00 Lloyd Spires, vlowlng & Mo. A North Fork Hd 12.70 tbi ", R Flanagan, viewing and Ml. y roati XortlFork Hd r ; ' n inrkor, elialnuiHu, Xorth j j Fork Rd lo Min a. narkor. chaluman. Cll d f North 1,'oik 1?.l ........ - ., C. O. Crosbv, axman, North Fork Hd T. II. Henham, aMunn, North Fork Hd N. Hono, axman, North I Fork Rd 2.50 .A, VI, Gould, surveying, etc. Nerf-h Fork Rd 30.50 i w Rpnnott Tnlk Pnrthnrlpr" vv. Dennsu i ens roriiaiiaero How They Can Reach God's Own Cotllltry. Ucforo leaving Portland J. W. Bcii nott sent a mossago to tho people of Portland through tho columns of tho 'Joliri",l' telling of Coos county's at tractions and how to reach this sec tion. Ho talked autos instead of rn.iiv.-nyB and yesterday boforo de- ,mrtng for Ton MIo on a fl8,n trip he reiterated his statements to a Times reporter and said ho had noth ing to say for tho present about rail ways. Tho following Is tho state- mcni t)10 journal: 'So much has been said In tho papers as to what Is going1 to bo dono In tho matter of railroad bulld- Ulg wthn tho 8tfUo ()f 0rogon nn(1 g) ,nny 0f BHcn prophecies aro still (1It rtilfll lctl that It Is now nbo.it tlmo," snld .1. W. Uennctt of Coos Uny( ..tlmt wo bes to tnlk about Wliat hns Wen done, and from that j1I(Ig0 of tho fUtHr0f .Coo8 )iny'is ot BiifforliiK nt tho proscnt tlmo for tho want of imssen Kor communlrntlon with the Interior of the state. There aro at present In operntlnn four mentis of communlc- ., ... ., ., , tl0" Wlt" th.slho I'nclflc upon which nutomoDiios ato operated, and tho?o will undoubtedly continue In nctivo operation until tho rainy sea- uon sots In nnd norhnns loncer ns the c011tv court of Coos eountv In tnk. ng nctIvo 8tol)8 ,0 com,,ioto nn njj. wlnter rond over the old Coos 13ay wngon rond to ItoBoburg. "A lino of automobiles Is ojiorntod between Iloscuurg and .Mnrshflold on Coos Hay, leaving Itosoburg and Mnrshflold every morning nt C:30 a. m( rcnc,ng tho opposlto point of ;tho rou to tho snmo evening. The lines of theso roads aro traveled so that during tho hot portion of tho jjny tho trnvelor Is passing through tho heavy timber whoro It is cool, whoreas In tho evening and In the morning they nro In tho vnlloy or nlong tho waters of Coos Dny, whore it 8 pleasant and enjoyable. The river along tho grenter portion of this routo abounds with trout nnd ninny peoplo take advnntngo of the beauties of tho locality to Bpend their vacations there. "Tho proprietors of this routo iro tho ownors of two 1911 40 horse- powor Bulck machines and two 1910 30 horso powor Chalmers Detroit machines. "Thoro is n now lino of nutomo- biles from Drain to Allounnv on tho headwaters of Coos Rlvor nnd from thero they nro tnkon down a dls- jtnnco of 20 miles to Mnrshflold by stenmor. This routo hns Just been established and passes through one 'of the most nttractlvo nnd beautiful locations In tho stato of Oregon. jThon nnother automobile has been put on between Drain and Scottsburs, whoro tho passenger Is tnken down the Pnipqua on tho rlvor boat and from the mouth of tho Unipqua by tne down tho beach to CoofuIJay. This Is n molt enjoyablo trip 1 the .' summer tlmo. "Automobiles ninko numerous trip between Uoobiirg nnd Myrtle Point nd from thoro to MarshfleM But whether or not a regulnr auto- nolilM lino hns hoon established on A. X. Gould, surveying, prollloi, etc., various Hds Ill'.OO Siik.nu O. Ensign, damages and costs, EusIku vs. Coos Co. Ore 205.91 in He Spoelnl liiipi'0eiiiciits, A. X. Gould. survevliiK Ilrowstor Canyon, It. n. No. 12. . .. 5.00 A. X. Gould, .surveying, etc., Cherry Crook Hill Rd. I.flo-!.nwhorn Hd. It. D. Xo. 30 53.50 State of Orogon, County of Coos. j I. JAMES WATSOX, County Clork for Coos County, Stato of Oregon, ex- oftleio Clork of the County Court for Itl County and State, custodian of the records, archives and 1118 "of sllt County, do hereby certify that tho foregoing Is a true nnd correot statoment of tho amount of Hills of 15.00 Expense, In whose favor drawn or nl- lowed, on the various funds of the 2.50 County as audited by tho County i Court of said County and Stnto at 2.50 tho Adjourned, May 1011 Torm j thereof, ns tho snnio nppoars In the 2.50 Journals of said Court now In my lotllee nnd custody. 2.50 ' WITNESS my hand and tho seal of tho County Court nfllxed this 14th day of Juno A. D. 1911. JAMES WATSOX, Countv Clerk. this rond, I mn not nblo to say but nndorstciid it has. "Two steamers ninko regular trips from Portland to Coos Hay, nntl therofoio there Is no good reason the prevent tlmo why the resident the valley should not llnd niTd use an i enjoyable method of reaching the 'many attractions which the Coos liny ' C0l,lUry nttimU' A br,(,BC lui9 1,co" p,1Btrllpn.i npm nm nmii intnr f p008 ""' ""J ti.t automobiles and teams can drive to Capo Arngo, where there are many lovely locations for Irnmnlni? for the Rummer nntlntrs mi - ;tho ocenl,8 bcach, Thcg0 Bnno ,,,, can bo easily reached by automobiles for parties making their headquar ters nt Marshfleld. "Beautiful Uundon-by-thc-Scn Is located nt tho ontrnnco to tho Co qulllo river and the bench thero pos sesses attractions which can not bo excelled anywhere. "Tho pcoplo of Mnrshflold are planning for a mngnlllcent celebra tion on tho coming Fourth of July and It will pay any ono who can spnro tho tlmo to ninko tho trip nt that time and for that matter .ill during tho summer months to tnko n trip to Coos Day." JAVA COFFEE HOUSE TO HE OPEN NIGHTS II. A. Walls announces that tho Java Coffee House, tho popular short order house and restaurant, will bo open nights from now on. For the 'list fow months, tho placo hns boon closed nights owing to tho dllllculty In nlirnlnlinr lrnnil linln. Curl K. ......... . ., . ...... ompiin win imvu cinirKO lit nigum lim, 10 boflt tho nmr,ct affordB , Do served. Save innnnv by Tlmos ndvertlsors. paironlzLig Tti anitf f RAISES tie DOUGH 'Better than other powders 'producing light, dainty, whole. some cakes nnd pastries r CRESCENT BAKING POWDER 'Is hlcli grado andl 'moderate in price- 25c lb. tin at srocers. 'CricntMff.Co.,Sllla FIRE- CRACKEItS nomombor thnt wo nro houd quartora for nil kinds of celebration soods: Priicherx Horns All Kinds of Xolho Makers Got your Confetti before tho rush. rOOS BAY -ASH STORE I'lio Stoi"o Tlmt Saves You Money. KO. X. Il()lr, . . .MumipT Front Stivet, Mar.slilleld. SCHOOL DIRECTOliY Yot l.iili. Conducted bribe SlbKRS OF THE H01V NAMES OF JESUS AND MARY. CuJ,, AudmUtni Lti.iii.tn uurui. Munr, An. llocuilon ana Ccomcr cltl I)cpti.ftiJ'jJ)F JxuV.mj.KcfincJ HonltnJ lotell(CluilTnlilii(.WritelorAnnoiinceisci)I.AilJr(ii SISTf R SUPERIOR. St. Mat,', AtJm, ft.ij.J Near Oaklund, California The only Woman's College on tlie Pacific Caait, Cliartcnil 18tJS. .Near tna Krtat I imimitiin. Jileal climate tlirciifhout the ycir. l.mr.uK'c niul erniluation rcmnrcmuitt miilviUnt t., thoie of Stanford nntl I nivcnlty of L altforula. Laboratories for science uitli modern equip ment. Excellent orportunitlcs for liomc economic, library study, muslo nnd art Modern gymnasium. Special care for health of studenu, out-door life. I'reiideut, I.uilla Clay Carton, A. !., I.ltt. !.. I.t.. D. For rataloRue address Secretary, Mills College 1 v., California. PROFFSsmrjAi niRcTnov rR. G. W. LESLIE. - Osteopathic I'liyslcltui rndunte of the Amerban school ol Osteopathy at Ktrksvllle, Mo. Olllif 11 Eldorado Hlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 tr I; Phono 161-J; .Matslii1ld: Oregon rx. ,i. w. iniu Cliysli'lan m INMRAM, ind Surgeon. 209-210 Coke Uiilldlng hones: Olllce H12.J; ReMdciiro 1021 J W. DENNETT, Lawyer. Offlco over Flanagan & Dennett Hank Tnrshfleld Oregon rR. J. T. McCORMAC, '-' Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. Ofllce: Locklnrt Building. opposlto Post Ofllce. Phone 105-J i at ' of i A Welcome Change . SmnlfP rnrlinnr ud from the farmhouse chimney as the men fields, gives a pretty suggestion or a gooa sup per and a comfortable home. But it also means a hot, tired woman, working hard over a blazing fire. Your wife can escape this with a New Perfection Oil Cook-stove. A New Perfection keeps n kitchen many degrees cooler than any other range, yet it docs nil a coal or wood range can do. It saves time, labor and fuel. No wood to cut ; no coal to cany ; no ashes ; no soot. Willi the New Perfection oven it is the best cooking device you can find anywhere. MJ wfih I, 2 anil 3 Lqrnrr), vriih toag, turauou Llue fiumitn) thimnryi. M.nu WesrccS: RTK-aSTTTftJ.iULlil 23EE31 -j .... a --'jr I cc I i iij.aJi DRAIN-C00S BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY NOW HEADY Leaves Marshlield Daily HOAT LEAVES ALERT LAXDIXO, MARSIIFIELD ARRIVE DRAIN i V. M. SAME DAY. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT The Busy Corner Drug Store lMlOXE 208 THE FAST Steamer R.edoi-do Will ninko regular trips carrying passengers both ways nnd freight between Coos Hay nnd Han Frnuclsro. All reservations for passengers iiiiulo nt Alliance Dock, Mar.slilleld niul Inter-Ocean TraiiNp. Co. Union Street Wlmrf No. 2, S-iii I'rmiclsco. For liiforniatioit, phono i l J or 2H5. .Sailing from Coon Hay, Friday nt 5 1. M. INTER-OCEAN TRA VSI'OItT TIO. COMPANY. 'THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY" A W COWFiTIVG WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT CORTLAND SAILS FROM COOS BAY, FOR PORTLAND. TUESDAY, JUNE 27th NORTH CawIFIO STEAMSHIP COMI'ANY. ,,,,0N,': U C. F. McGEORGE, Aent EQUIPPED STEM wr mi ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 1) A. M. ON JUNE B, 10, 13 "0 2A, :5i. SAILS FROM COOS HAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON JUNE 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 AND 27. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN 35-L FAST SERVICE Our stages leaving Mnralillelil nt O o'clock every morning con nect with evening train to Portland, the same us nuto lines. Faro m COOS HAY ROSEHURG STAGE LINE OTTO SCIIETTER, Agent, O. P. HARNARI), 12(1 MARKET AW, Marshlield. Agent, ROSEHURG, Ore PHONE 11 lied Esiaie" HUY NOW All kinds of City nnd Farm Prop erty. Rooming house nt a bargain. AUG. FRIZEEN 08 Central Ave., Murshlleld, Ore. After tho show try a Turkish bath Phone 214- J. are coming in from the fonwly hniihtd llirouoKcul. j Ix 2 .ml 3 burner tlurri cn 1 ii.ij vriih or wiihoul (tiinct lop, winch ii tllcJ Willi drop ilxlvci, lowclncki, ele. r. i i - .... I .1 ! lyf.irn rTrrywncrei or win. inr uriuiy- omnucu u ju uiupuny itncoritoriitctl) FOR UUSIXI&S ri:au A. M. AND COMMODIOUS (Equipped rUh Wireless) WITH WIRELESS TO ROSEBU&G ofldras.whoho.omolnventlvonblllty steY,teVKLA.J:L .!? - ' UNIQUE PANT.YVORIUM Drlng your dyeing, cleaning, press- Ing and ropnlrlng to us aud bo pleased Wo nro experts. Carpets and Rugs cleaned on your floor or at our shop. mono -iOA, Central" nyenuo, near occonu siroot KOSS & WNEGOR. LLIANC AKWAT Proprietors. Find Rollil n.ir..t ..... 7 ",t,l"u "ii-faction oi'it Fii;mn, iiintlo liy tlu l.. ,, uanuhctur. ers It combine..,), nnco dura- u.m .mi. conitort our B00(H being substantial;, nudo will retain thulr lino oie8ant nnsh and last a lifetime and always prove u Bouicu of pntlsfnctlon Another Important fact h that our prices aro no higher than for poorer quality nnd trashy goods. Ut us llkuro with you when you want nnythiiit; from a kitchen chnlr to a complete outfit. C. A. Johnson, Oldest riirnllure Storo on Coos Hay Have You Seen Our New Market? Wo nro now nicely located In our now shop and extend u cordial Invitation to every one to call. Wo handlo onlv tho REST MEATS nt ronsonnblc prices. When you want a Juicy steak, a nlco mutton chop, sot.ie tendor lnmb or good veal call us up by phono. A trial order will convlnco you. Enterprise Market EO. W. KING, l'rop. rilONK IJ2.J. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono .1121 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TJIR STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FI.VAh ACCOUNT. In tho Matter of tho cstato or F, B. McCAULEY, deceased. Notlco Is horeby given to all whom It niny concorn: Thnt on the 31st day of May, 1911, I. Cora A. McCauloy Ploren, administratrix of tho estate of F.'E. McCaulcy, deceased, filed In tho County Court of Coos County, Stato of Oregon, my final nccount ns such administratrix and thnt said Court thereupon on snld dny duly mado nn order directing that tho no tlco of tho filing of said final account bo glvon by said administratrix In ' tho snmo mnnnor ns tho notlco of tho nppolntmont of nn oxocutor or ad ministratrix ns required by Inw to b glvon and furthor ordering thnt on tho 3rd day of July, 1911, nt tho Court-houso n Coqulllo City, Coos. County1, Oregon, snld Court will (at , that tlmo and placo) hear any and nil objections to tho said Anal nccount and tho settloniont thereof. Dnted this 31st day of May, 19U. I OHA A. McCAULEY-PinnXi Administratrix of Estate of F. E. Mc Cauloy, deceased. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given thnt on th 1st dny of July. 1911, nt the hour ot 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said dny nnd In front of my stor building at Xo. 215 Broadway street, South, In tho City of Marshfleld, Coos county, Oregon. I will soil nt public auction to tho highest, best and last bidder for cash In hand ono Ladh's Whlto Alaska Fox animal scarf; tho samo to bo sold under n Hen claimed and hold by mo thereon for labor and work performed nnd bestowed In dressing, tanning, preparing and making said scarf from the fur In tho original stato, at the lnf'nuce nnd request of Maudo Elliott, the owner thereof: the same having been so , ''"" by mo In December 191 and helrt b' mo P tllO COSt and expensO of said labor In tho amount of Nine- , teen Dollars, together with costs and ' expenses Incident to sale thereof; a Hen being expressly retained thereon to secure tho said amount and tho same being sold for tho purpose of ' paying said amount of Hen thereon. DaTVd at Marshfleld. Oregon I 3rd of June, 1911. t&jm T ,-i-ki---. ,A - .-i