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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1911)
5555?5SSE i ,i ii j vipiiwQpjppnppir ir '' t - Smm9 . - i -j : f 4 IP THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, 'OREGON, 'THURSDAYS-JUNE 22,' 191 1-"EVENING "EDITION; I j 'flP9Wl 1 ) ' i i.i i I ). m COOS BAY TIMES Enterodlnt the postofflco at Harsh fleld, Oregon; for transmission through the malls as second clnssr mail matter. M. OVMALONBY TOUtor.anQ Pub. DAN E. MAULVKY Ni-mn Kiting ENTITLED TO PREFERENCE . . . AMONG other features of a bill Introduced by U. S. Senator W. L. Jones of "Washington, pro viding regulations for tho Panama Canal, Is a paragraph undor which American vessels' ongagod In coast wlso trndo shall havo tho frco us'd of tho canal. Thfsrir6vfsion' Is wlso and Just. Unless oomo such preforonco Is given to Amorldnn 'coasting vcssolo, it Is bclldved by those who JmVo studlod the situation, that tho canal will bo of far greater benefit to foreign countries than to tho United State. For instance tho lumber manufac turers of British Columbia can ship their products to tho eastern coast of tho United States through, tho canal In foreign vessels, while manufac turers In American territory will lave to employ American tonnngo cxcltiBlvoly, as tho trado between tho cast and west coast of tho United States, via tho canal, is coastwlso and forcogn vessels cannot participate therein. This ought to lllustrato tho necessity for giving United States tonnago a differential. OtbcrwUo tho canal mny provo a detriment to his coast Instead of tho great benefit which It Is hoped It will be. For years tho Navy Department bns vio lated tho nnvlgntlon laws of tho United States by shipping coal for tho navy In foreign vessels from the Atlantic to tho Pacific coast. Itn or cubo Is that It cannot net merlcun vessels to carry Mils freight at a rate of 50 per conr higher, nllowod under tho law, than that paid foreign toa in nr.imr fTTir rriiinrirav 'n., -i. :.! The Great Savings at the ston Go Like Hot Cakes -1? , --If, - -, X ,.. ' k f Evciybodj'' is talking about The Bostou and the Boston's wonderfully low prices. You save from 20 to 60 j)er cent on every article you buy here. Hmidrcds of items ns low ns theso shown below; tfeir'brirgnins nro boing nddod' every day. I 09 UJ O X CJ o Hi' WH r HU A M &v& w - H Mi 0 z Comes to us for clothes wo expect him to havn iH fldence-lri us and in our-'slatemcntsj and we mean t " j-; aeserve such commence, i nere are no facts about "J thfi nlnthns wr sgII flint vnn nrn nnt uinn. i.. 2 o. , ., .,, .' . , "WWIIIB wi one l nice ming in nananng Aiirea Benjamin clothes Is that w they are clothes we -can toll you the truth about W w want you to realize that Wd'thlHk our interest in sell- w . ? Telescopes in Every Size from 14 inches to 26 inches. WortliS A QA 50c'to $1:50. Special." W cvC Washington and Bradley Loggers. Sell everywhere at $7. ' Our &A OC closing out price, pair. . .NpHrckJ Knltfng Yarns, nil kinds in stock, in al most any desired shade. Skein 9c Plain Colored Dress Linens, 31 inches wido. Mnny colors. "Wn 35c. 4tf" Now, yard . . ,, I Jv Silkaline Covered Comforts in cotton filled. Light and dark pa t terns. "Worth .$2.25. Each 1.65 Corset Cover Embroidery in 18 to 21 inches wide. Worth 50c and 65c. Yard 19c nr1 t bi m i hjjl Don't Buy It Elsewhere If You Can Get It Here 4- f. tK L -4- rti ito K ft W M H x ffl K ft l7 mJ! Snappy Individual Styles With tho Fit and Hang that como usually only with custom nindo clothing. That's High Art Suits Klthor Dusluoss or Outing Styles. Excollontly made, with clinging collar nnd hand mndo lapels roray chests and neat lilting backs. Perfect fitting Suits that's what you get here. Mnlco this storo your storo for men's furnishings nnd you will nlways ho corroctly dress od. TheToggery ronnerly Geo. Goodruni. CiW Jf II fl. as "Every Article a Big; Bargain" The Greatest Bargain Center in Southern Oregon nnge. Thoroforo, It Is n safo assump tion that British Columbia manufac turers will ho nhlo to securo'fordlgn tonnago 50 per cont cheaper than can United States inlllmon, In ship plug tliolr products to tho Atlantic. Tho Unttod States manufacturers will bo compolled by law to uso American vessels becauso they will bo unabln to ovado tho coastwlso law ns has been dona by tho Navy Department. r.' o. w. ihsluc, - 0.i(copntlile riiyslclnn Orndunto of tho Amorl:an school ol Osteopathy at Klrksvlllc, Mo, Ofllee. lu Eldorado Ulk. Hours 10 to 12:, 1 to ti Phono 1G1-J; Marahriohl; Oregon I yU J. W. IN(JHA.M, Plislelnu w Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Uuildlng hones: Office 102-T; Itcsldctico Wi. - - A Flanagan & BenneitBank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus anil Undivided Profits Over ..... $100,000 As'sets'Over ...,". .'$500,000 o en iri o I I i UJ O X CO : ing ydu clothes is thfl same as yoOrs in buying tfi, in ' ' Wo couldn't afford to take any other position, In fid H ; ditton to our own'assu ranee of quality, however wo offer you the Benjamin label; It-is as strong aguar- antoo of good quality i n clothes as you will oversee -i Suits $20 to $35 U M npj Talks 5 Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. H V) 0 2 S MARSHFIELD BANDONw j Interest Paid on Time'Deposits J; w. IVknxett, ljuvyor. Offluo ovor FlaiuiKan & Dcmptt Dank (nrshllold Oropon plt. J. T. SIcCOUMAO. - Physician nnd Surgeon Marshlleld, Orogon. OUlce: Locklnrt Hulkllng, opppslto Post O'llto. Phouo 10B-J A 24Hour DayJight Stare, There is a forceful chapter on "Success" in the following letter written by Sol, C, Colin & Company, one of the lead ing merchants of Fort Smith, Aik, .Pead It "We havo just completed our clothing store, and our.' immense glass front gives us all the light necessary for day time, To make our store a twenty-four hour day-light storo, wo had tho lighting company plan our night illumination, and we are pleased with tho same, People come hero every day and compliment us on our swell night display in our windows, "Wo assure you that we believe our light ing display is our best advertisement, Fort 'Smith is proud of her Light & Traction Com panyone of her greatest boosters,-" (50N'IK.VSKD STATCMlCVT (W'TIIK COMMTld.V OF THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OK CQOS HAY AT MARSIIFIKLD, OREGON, at tho close of business, Juno 7th, 1011. UKHOUltOESs MA1IILITIES: Loans, nnd discounts $180,015.32 Overdrafts ,4S U, S. Bonds and pre miums 25,250.00 Other bonds 77.-U2.50 County nnd school warrants. . . . 2,571.78 Bnnltlng houso, furnl xuro nnd fixtures. . . S2,0S9. (5 Cash and duo from hanks 1C0.5S5.12 Capital stock. . . .$100,000.00 Surplus and profits.. 7,145.95 Circulation 25,000.00 Doposlts. . 305,778.70 DHMN400S BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY XOWRKAWY FOR IIUSINKSS Leaves Marshfield Daily HOAT LKAVKS ALKRT LANDING, MAHSHFIKIjD B:!W 'A. 31. ARRIVK DRAIN k.V. M. SAME DAY. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT The Busy Corner Bmg Store PHONE 208 THE FAST AND COMSIODIOl'S Steamer Reilandb WS ,T,lU Will ninko regular Jrl,m currying pmvfcr both xrnj nnd freljM beiweeu Coos liny mid Suu FrsmtUeo AHrerTNonforfanRert iniiilo nt Alliance Dock, MiirphUeldl d Ular-.Oeean Transp, Co. Union Street Wlmrf "Ko. 'a, "Hnn VrBiw:o.' For Information, pUow A UJ or liH5. Sailing from Coob Hay, Frtilii)' nt H I'. M. INTER-OCEAN THANSrOllTATIOX COMPANY. Ssa7,oa i.b! 337,021.03 Cn8h rcsorvo i0rp of deposits. W Invito your attention to tho strong condition of this hanlc ai Indicated In tho nbuvo statomout, also to tho porsouuol of Its di rectorate Does a general banking business. Iutorest pnld on tlmo nnd savings doposlts. OFFICERS: "W. S. CHANDLER, President; M. C. IIORTON, Vice-President; DOltSEY KUEITZER, Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. S. CHANDLER, JOHN S. COKE. W. U. DOUGLAS, F. S. DOW, WM. GRIMES, JOHN F. IIAU., STEPHEN C. ROGERS, ' P. MURPHY, M. C, HORTON. 'THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY" ALLIA CE CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH DANK ROAD AT I'OIITbAXD SAILS FROM COOS DAY, FOR PORTLAND, TUESDAY, JUNE 27th NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE U C. F. McOnOKGE, Age "FIFIKliD" THE ONLY WAYTO 'FRISCO RAY" The er FraeJ SAILING FROM BANDON FOR SAN FRANCIS CO THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 22th TlCKKl'S FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT HILLYER'S CIGAR SI ORE. ""i EQUIPPED M'lTH WIRELESS IMim BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME " SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT O A. M. ON JL'ND 3, 10, W, - SAILS FROM COOS HAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE OX Jl" 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 AND 27. L. H. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN 854 Let our tjew Business Depa't.nent assist YOU, r TELEPHONE 178. Oregon Power Co. AIARSHFIEI.D'S I'OP'LAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD ESTSf! ?', 1,,eas- whohRvoBoma Inventive 'uUiit - 1 FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our stnses leivln .Mnr&lilleld nt (I o'clock cciy morning con nect lth evfiiliis train to PortJniitl, (,0 sjun0 1IS nuto lines. Faro COOS HAY ROSERURG STAGE LINE OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, O. P. HARNAR"' 120 MARKET AV., Alnrshfleld. Agent, ROSEIH'RO. ure. PnONE 11 writo .l'ht.Li:y A MrlNTIIl, ..v...vrf nuiUEiuilt If Ut - FOR GOOD WORK Rntes leduced to' tj- 50c, 7fig npd ' ng your clotnes to us. Cleaning $1 00; week- $2 00 to $5.00. Houso- pressing and repairing a specialty, kerning aj'rtiiui.t with Saa rimgeh by experienced men, Satisfaction ?0.00 to $,8.Q0 per uifl'uth. REji: , guaranteed HLANCHARD & DOD UATHS- -H. SULLHAN, Prop. 'SON, Alliance Bldg. Front St .eal Esfcatpe x Hl'Y' NOW All Klndq of City and Farm Prop orty. Rooming houso at a bargain. AUG. FRIV5EEN 08 Central Ave., Maishllcld-, Ore. Have That Roof F NOW . See CORTHELL Fhone 3121 , ,., IJfr