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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1911)
7 ammmmmmmmmmimsR THE ttiS 1AY TJUK, MABCyniLI, ORfttlN, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1911-EVEllifi EDITION. ts MWW Ml I'T T t-- , J nH3BBHaHMHnBHHHM rJRjra.irsTvxWi ir YOU yikkVISIT OUfenrmiANAESlT 'VEVIk'L 6H0V YOlT'-FIIteT: THE itw unn or aerchlmmm: carried m this city., aext, "VtiiuL. show you- TJMT 1Y COKMRtfOrt, QU AlTiY VITH QUALITY Ati&m& VimPfflftC. TOMEfc? pY YOU TO BC4It WITH US. H0DBY STUrr IS EXRErtLYP 4X-Y PRICE, VEv CM SELL YOU OAItYriRST-CM GOODS. VE WISH YOUR-COiflrtUED -tiATOKA&t VC IMOW VE C.1A AM THIS 0UY BY i4SKIAG YOU A0BER4TE PRICES FOR WHAT VE SELL. MKlrtG AOAEY IS OAE 11A OF THIS ESTylBLISHAtEiT. BUT wE4'FEEL THJ1T vE CA HAKZ AORE AOAIEY BY SELLING OUR PylTROttS GOOD GOODS ATT AIR prices thah in Any other way. coae m jmb ve yin show you." THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SPECIALS . ' . ." 50 Dress Skirts will be marked out as Special for Friday and Saturday at ONE-HALF THEIR FORMER PRICES They formerly sold from $350 to $10.00 and at regular prices were excellent values. One-half price special sale will be of interest- . ' Neckwear Tho "TryBtlnB Place" of Pretty Bommotf Neckworl A lcautif nl garden Hjot of nil tliot Is now and MthorlUUvcly correct In tho realm of spring and summer neck wear fjuiIUoaA this latenwUng , uvvrtme. & Men's Furnishings Our stock of Men's Furnishing Goodn Is supplied each week with tlift nowcKt and most ftuililonablo cravat, GIotus, Uio newest sliapcn In Collars, and tlio latest designs In Slilrtfl, wfUi a range for velectioa larger than crcr before carried. Parasols Ono of these smart Parasols will odd tlio finishing touch to your Summer costumo. ,Ypu'H. like them- unusual Tarlety splendid iiuallty lower prices look them over and decide for yourself. MAQNES & MATSON Remnants Wo oro ready to dlcposo'of ML tho odd ' pieces and remalndera ,from,our recent Wash Goods, and so tomorrow women may cliooso tlio most fashlonablo of summer BIIIch for a fraction of tliclr rcg- ""? i'"w.. I . lUt, ' ,: TA i r-tfu'v & ti H?iV P & Hit n, .s'lfWlr) to 3 Stop and Think i .., n ri i Ar you' uslns tho samo cautloV In bo soloctton of tho meal elnep jon pre tntlng for tho protection of your health, that you "would ozorclso In selecting & trustee for tho protection of your ch? W It you do, select SOAP liAKIO 8AIT8 . for Rhoumatlsm, InOam matory and Muscular, Sclatlo and all othor Blood Diseases. Price 75 Cents FOR 8ALK AT TJIK "I1USV OOnXKK." Phono 208 Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUST COBNER" PRESCRIPTIONS ACCUIWTKLY COJU'OUNDED. We Wo . And Advertise T brlag a. sislsssir tor tko ftrst tlaie afUri iliat ha 'comai of. Ida I ownaccar4,4 Y kiow whyi if' ' ml. Ik . l.,..V.. 1 a . J.JIITV.1I HLK.&U1K, Ur WHO UIH,WO can't Ua.'. , , ' . "XIIIXK 'IT OVER MARY." Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE &IAIN S7-J FULE- K' k Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIADLO 4NI) J08SON CEMENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo Brick and all kinds ot builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Office Phone 191 Marshfleld Office H-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Gensral Agents "EASTSIDE" fyiod Livery Service iincy new rigs, good horses and pul drUers are now at the dls- .1 of the Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES. PkB or rigs with drirero ready for' 'trip anywhero any time. Horses rded and rigs cared for. Few hearse and special aocommo- 10ns prorlded for funeral partlas. W.L.CONDR.ONS LIVsWY AlfD TWXD arABLBS Would you Wee to have Electric Lights in your Country home? Find out the number of lights you would want and w will bo pleased to glvo you nil tho Information you ask. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. SAFE INVESMENTS. For Information concerning high-class bond investments, bearing C Interest net, wrlto O. B. Hinsdale, care J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angoles, California, UNIQUE PANTATORIUM Bring your dyeing, cleaning, press ing and repairing to us and bo pleased We nro exports. Carpets and Ruga cleaned on your floor or at our shop. Phono 250X, Central nvciiuo, near Second street ROSS & PINEGOR, Proprietors. ' la' CRACKERS - Hi IUmcmbor that wa are head- quartera for all kinds of wlobratloa gfods: i Crackers All Vlnitl AfVAloAT '.wiujianw V Got your Confetti botoro tho rush. tlo)MAke; Horma ra i COOS BAY ASH STORE Tho St oro That Saves You Monoy, GEO. N. BOLT, - - Manager. Front Street, Marshfleld. Blanchard's Livery wo bavo secured tho UVory busi ness of' L. H. Holsner and are pro parod to ronder oxcellqnt service, to the pooplo of Coos Bay. Cureful drivers, good rigs and everything tjiat will mean satisfactory sorvlcoTo the public. Phono us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed In tha livei'y lino. Vo also do a trucking business of all kinds, I1LANCHARI) BROTHERS. Jilrcry, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phono 138-J Never loavo homo on a Journey Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rom eily, ,It Is almost certain to bo need ed and cannot bo obtained when on board tho cars or steamships. For without ft bottle of Chamborlaln's salo -by nil dealors. WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzey, on of ths drivers nd the solicitor for us Is out for sundry. Watch him I he Is liable! to stop you on the street and explain all details ot Laundry and also to be , at your home any time. He knows Laundry business from A. to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry Rock Oysters Spiced and pickled. Cooked in their own liquid. Put up in fulljquart glass jars. A Coos Bay Product TRY SQME 60 Cents Each Lockhart's Grocery a Two Private Phonee 85 and 305 A t Personal Notes ALBERT SEELIO went to Coqulllo', this morning. i NICK BASTENDORF was up from tho beach today on business :MlSS NETA E'LLEIIBY was In tho calling on friends. of! Bandou was a city, today, callln tubVlJafalitor ,t M&ttfild vlltor yesterday. - . , flf-iitfcOUILtfXTSc' North Band want to Coqmllla this mqrnlng. . KJBLLT,'fc')awif na4 Ihalr Cwo A aklldraa Vast to HeatyTllU tals 'a&aralag. F. J. rUHNKT returnad to Bandon ttato n4.r?lagtaiUrn brlat stay la 'jrtarshBeld. ' ' JUDGE J, a COKE entertained a row friends at luncheon today at the Mllllcoma elut. II. KERN ot North Bend was In Mnrshflold this morning, and took tho train to Coqullle. Mrs. OLSON and baby accompanied Captain Olson on tho Nann Smith which sailed this afternoon. DR. W. CARLTON SMITH of Salom, Oro., District Deputy Grand Exalt ed Ruler of tho Elks, loft this morning. Ho will bo a guost of tho Rpsohurg lodgo this corning. $100 Reward, $100 Tho rcatleri et llili rpcr will bo plcicj to learn ttiat tiicro li at 1cm t nno dreaded dliearu that tclenco liai been able to euro In all it) tajtci.and that UUatarrd. Hall'i Catarrh Cure '! tho only poItlre cure now known to tho medical fraternity. Calami bclnc aeon lltutlonal dlieaio, require! a conntltutlonal tt.atroont. Ilall.i Catarrh euro Utakon Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and rnu. rotm lUrlacci ol Ihd aratem. thereby de atrurlnc the foundation of thedlataio, and giving tho Dailent itrancth in bulldltw un tho lonitllu tton and aiiletlrtg nature In doing Iti work. Tin proprle.nri bare io much faith In fti our. atWa powora that they cfTcr One Hundred Dot Jart for any cano thatlt fait to cur. Bend for K. J. Un KNKY A CO.. Tolado. O. Bold by alt Druggliti. 7Ac. JaH Jlalli' yanillyrilli lor connlfpatlon ft, iT '- RQJk PALK--WO acres nno fruit and berry farm. Immodlato possession given. Good torms. Address D. D. Bralnard, North Bond, Oro. FOn BALB fillghUy damaged door and camp stoves. Enqulro Rail f road' Dock. FJfiDJNa OKAll SOAIICE It U rc- '' ported that the supply ot Salmon Twine and Nets Is scarco In Snn Francisco and Portland inarkoti, therefore fisherman should place tholr orders for wants In that lino .. early. FpR. ,-)' ItHNT HouHckccpIng' rooms. i024 Elrod avenue. FOIt 1UCNT Small furulsluHl cot tago.. Apply 749 Fourth St. South. WANTED Private boiirOors. liH qulro Times' ofllco. FOK SALIC Furnlturo for six roomed house Also liouoo for rout If desired. Address Box 792 FOH SALI3 HomcHteiul entry, cheap Address "A" caro Times. FOH BALK Victor Talking Jlncli lno. Roosonnblo. Address "Pho nograph" caro Times. FOIt ItENT -rooni house eorner of Cedar avenue and North Broadway. Apply to Anoon Rogtrs. AUTO MNE Cars at auy Umo. Phono 23,1 R, after midnight 181X Ti-Olt HUNT Two unfurnished rooms Modern conveniences. Reasonable. Phono 19C-J. FOIt HUNT HOUSi; with 1- rooms nntl bath, hot and cold water. FURNISHED (hit with O rooms, bnth hot and cold water, gas rango. Apply to HOIIKIIT MAltSDKN. (These nro In tho best rosldonco part of town.) LOCAL di GLEANINGS , , LOCAL TkMl'EIUTUItB lUiji POIIT. t For twenty-tour hours ending at 4:43 p, sa June 31. ir Mrs. K. Mlngua, apetlal govarnmeat meteorological otierrer; ' Jttaxlniura.. ., v'l.i p..,.-.. U6,(4 Jfllalauja, ,-., ., ,fc,v, . 41 A) 4:43 p. m. 54 .Preolpltatlon., v , v, ,,., trace Wind, Northwest; cloudy, ' A. N. W. Picnic. A largo number of tho members ot tho A. N. W. Club nro enjoying a strawberry plcnlo at tho Dungan homo on C6os River to day. ' Sun-ey Btnrtexl. F. K. Gottlna and n corps ot engineers hnvo com monced tho work ot platting the Oregon Coal and Navigation property recently ncqulrod by tho Reynolds Dovolopmeut Company. Wins L'uropenu Trip. Miss Bron ta Jennings, a former teacher of Coob Bay and well-known hero, has won a month's trip to Europe as tho result of receiving tho highest num ber of votos in tho Motor & Frank teachers' .contest in Portland. Hor many friends will congratulnto hor on hor succoss and wish her a moot pleasant Journey. ItoHcburR Minister Here, Tha Rev. R. L. Dunn ot Roscburg will preach this ovonlng at tho Christian church In Central avenue. Rer. Dunn will also address tho congrega tion tomorrow ovonlng, and nlso on Sunday. Tho Christian church has no regular mlnlstor at present, and Rer. Dunn may bo nskod to occupy tho pulpit permanently. Flro Near Coqulllo. Anson Bros. Camp, near this city, sustained somo damago by a flro that burned florcoly for a tlmo. Tho camp was thought to bo In dangor from tho flames and far a tlmo It was fait for tho Inmates and many hurried from Coqulllo to fight tho flames but they were extinguished before roachlng tho camp. ( A num bor of tools wsro, destroyed and con alderablo damage deno. I ' For aummer- diarrhoea In children always glvo Chamberlain's Coll'ci'Obc lora and Diarrhoea Romedy and cas tor oil. and a speedy cure' Is certain. For solo by all dealer. ., .v i ii.i ,, .iiiJj noi-a-i iy , ,i FOIt JIKNT 10 ncro rwncli, North Slough D, Forguson. , WOH SALH My ftirm 000 ucw lu ono lot or will cut up In parcels to suit. C, W. Sanford, Marshfleld, What's More Annoying to Have Around The House Than Fleas? If you have over had any oxporienco with thorn you know how-hard it Is to got rid of thorn. We have solved tho prob lem and havo a pre paration which wo call Brown's Flea Bane It'll cost you 25c per bot tlo, and we guarantee it to do tho work, Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemist. 71 Market Ave. Coos Bldg. Phono 141 Do YOU Make Springy Loaves? You should use the flour contain ing the right proportion of high quality gluten to make light, elas tic loayea that keep freah. JSPERRY'S DRIFTED SWCW Light, White, Always Right t4 I 1 1 phok: - ITr r ' - ' tift vafcjiTMJVtMat M r t. ti iJviL. i mmmmmjtimimmm