"1 .1 Wfmm tBIIo. Imam v-PTWpV" I","" "I HRIwiffiHlHMi n 111 UuWKLLHEIH i 1 m 15 '- K tn THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1911 -EVgWfWQ EDOTON. Snappy Individual Styles With tho Fit and Hang that como usually only with custom inndo clothing. That'a High Art Snits Elthor UubIucbs or Outing Styles. Excellently made, with clinging collar and hand made lapels, roomy chests and neat llttlng backs. Perfect fitting Suits that'B what you got horo. Make this store your storo for men's furnishings nnd you will nlways ho correctly dressed. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Portland Defeats Oakland In I Opening Game by Score of 7 to 3. TSie Toggery Formerly Geo. Gootlriiiu. CATCTIIITG IHLBT ITEMS. (Special to Tho Times.) Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wallaco aro Marsh field shoppers today. Gcorgo Ross left Saturday to at tend the Knights of Pythias conten tion at Astoria. Mrs. Nowland and grandson, Vorl Bonobrako, aro Marshflold business peoplo today. GOLD llHAOn GliBAlf IKG8 , (Sueclal to Tha Tlra.) Tho sloop IUndolf Balled Wednes day forenoon for Humbolt Bay. Tho funeral of Urn. Winnie Hor man Uanters took place at 2:30 Wed nesday. ' Mr. Simpson Is kindly dollvorlng milk at tho boat landing for Mr. Cox during tho lattor's Illness. STANDING- OF TDK CLUBS. . Per Won Lost cent Portland 44 31 .687 San Francisco. . 45 37 .549 ! Vernon 41 39 .513 Oakland 42 40 .512 Sacramento. . . 36 42 .4C2 , Los Angolcs. . . 30 49 .380 ( PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 21. -, Portland defeated Onklnnd In tho j jir8 ingglnson opening gnmo of tho series yester- dinner Sunday with Wo aro sorry to learn of tho acci dent which happened to Charles Cox last week. Whllo chopping down a treo tho ax glanced nnd Inflicted n painful cut on tho right foot which will render him unnblo to walk with out crutches for somo time. Mr. Williamson and family arriv ed Monday to spend the summer. Also Mrs. Balcntlne, Mr. Ralph Hart and wife camo with a yiew of locat ing hero In tho county. entertained at tho undcrstnn 1- dny at Snn Francisco by a scoro of )nB tjmt tl0 KMCBt8 would attend Snb 7 to 3. Tho results of gnmes played i,ntl, sci,00j. Tho "faithful few" yesterday In tho Coast Lcaguo nro woro Roy Jones, Clifford nnd Charlie uonno nnu uinronco wniinco. wo were very sorry others who woro In vited couln not bo present. rT"""iii'iir'rJLrnEjarajximtixj;iTmmMffln i htimm ::- IMSTITIITF: ,u 0 1 h W U t t i' 6 - O ns follows At Snn Francisco Portland. . . . Onklnnd. . . . At Sacramento Sacramento. . . Los Angeles . . At Los Angeles Snn Frnuclsco. . Vernon It 7 3 R 1 5 R 3 0 II 11 11 II 5 5 II 11 Our little Sabbath school Is flour ishing, thirty being present. Sunday , teachers woro chosen for tho differ out clnssos us follows: 10. L. Church for clnss No. 2; Mrs. Jnckson for class No. I; Mrs. Church for clnss No. 3. i nnd Eillo Church for class No. 1. THE WEATHER. ' Associated Press.) OREGON, Juno 21. Showers tonight and Thursday. Good . BIG BARN DANCE. N Director Withycombe Suggests One In Marshficlcl on July 20. .Tames WIthycombo,' Director of tho Oregon Experiment Stntlon nt Corval lls, writes tho chambor of Commorco that ho has a Farmers' Institute scheduled for Myrtlo Point on July 19 nnd suggests thnt whllo tho mom bors of tho station staff aro In this section thnt an Instltuto bo hold In Marshflold on July 20. Tho threo loading departments, Dnlrying, Agrl culturo nnd Llvo Stock Husbandry will ho represented. Thoro Is llttlo doubt thnt tho pro grosslvo fnrmors of Coos Bay and Coos River will avail thomsolves of this opportunity to sccuro tho latest scientific Idons relating to thoao lines of husbnndry, nil very Impor tant In this section. Tho mnttor will bo referred to P. M. Ilnll-Lowis, of tho Farmers' Union, Geo. Benlo, S. C. Rogors ncd other prominent fnrmors nnd a moot ing will doubtless bo called at an early day to discuss tho matter nnd porfect nrrnngomonts to make tho Instltuto a success. CHAMPION OAHSMAN HERE. Hex Coiiiint, Who Helped Win Na tional Climuplnnslilp, Coos Buy Visitor. Rex Connnt, n former stroke onr on tho crow of Stanford Unlvorslty, nnd captain of tho cardinal crow In Old Fashioned Celebration Hold tit Teiiipletou. I (special to tho Times.) ; TEMPLETON, Ore., Juno 21 One i of tho biggest social events In tho j history of Tempieton took plnco at j tho recent dedication of tho large now barn of Miss A. J. Robertson on tholr homestend nonr here. Tho bnrn which wbb built by Frank Yonkoy Is a largo, commodious structure nnd afforded nn excellent opportunity for a "Bnrn Dnnco" which -was tnken nd SPECIAL BARGAINS AS LONG A3 STOCK LASTS ki ft. uz nir o. u. liiituriwt, ... -, (i r, I, 'irfHiH- Itir II.. .....3(3 M NXUm) It. Ouiftrr UuiiihI. Vlnr1i. ..!,. Llln lrl,il flr. nor 100 ft. A,,$tl f(. kncllm. r M $11.00 A SOMH RECULAIt CATALOG PRICES I RS nrro l'i el I'"'", "tit iimllir. . Cnt'ln -o Vrmit lhrn..t3.wV ;' C-2 .rt mint 1rn . . .5.00 w Hf fU Wlmlnw Trim, wl, 1. it li.'Jr-- f.Vt IrIi!c IKxr rrirm-. i. i " Your Lit! for Eallmalliw FOR CATALOG No. n SCHOOL DfJiEGTOHY 1908, arrived In Marshflold yester-, vnntnRo nm, lnvltnt!on8 ,B8Ucdt Mo uny ironi I'uriinuu, aim win uuiy h weolc or ton dnys. Connnt Is ropro sonttng tho Flro Undorwrltors Asso ciation nnd Is horo for tho purposo of making nn Inspection of buildings and adjustment of rates. Besides winning n reputation for crow work nt college Connnt was a member of tho Portlnnd four-onrod crow thnt won tho championship of tho United States a few years ago. As soon as ho camo to town, Connnt lost no tlmo in looking up Tom Ben nett, who was n mombor of tho snmo class with tho big crow man. thnn 120 peoplo responded nnd had tho tlmo of their lives. Refreshments wero served to overy ono. CAUCUS AT BANDON. it Election Are .Near Oakland, California The only Woman' CoIIckc on tlic Pacific Cont. Chartered 1885. Near two urent L'nivcriltics. Ideal climate throughout tlic year. Kntrancc and graduation requirement equivalent to thoie of Stanford nnil Unlrcmlty of California. Laboratorlei for icience with modern equip ment. Excellent ojiportunltlei for home economics, library itttily, muilo nnd art. Modern irymnailum. .Special care for heattli of itudcntt, out-door life. Prealiltnt, Lurlla Clay Canon, A. If., I.itt. .. LL. D. lor catalogue aililrcit Secretary, Mlllt College 1' .. California. 'vrortlAnd. Orrron S - -'llMt.lent and Car Behool for Olrli iT' rnarav oi nipirrvcii . noun iiiiiit ir.c.Brviaiii CllilM.Acai(ml) aa EKmtalary DtparuuaM, Unit. Art. Ilocotlon. Oimstilam. For catalog addrcM TIIK HlhTt:it MU'UUIOUl Of Hro 79, St. Helena Ilnll AN IMPORTANT ARRIVAL. Birth of Son to Mrs. Stanley Delays Steel Trust Investigation. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) ' NEW YORK, N. Y., Juno 21. Tho arrival of n boy In tho family of Reprosontntlvo Augustus O. Stan ley nt his homo In Ilendorson, Ky., temporarily has Interrupted the hoar Ings In tho "Stool trust" investigation. COURT BRANTS NEGROES STAY Nerjroes Sentenced to Be Hanged For Murder Are Saved From Gallows. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TO INSANE ASVI.OI. Survivor of Rofjue River Pintles Be (lined Insane. A San Francisco paper says: "Unit ed States Marshal C. T. Elliott will take Goorgo Vab'ngton Wlso, tho pirate, to Washington next week to bo placed lit Elisabeth hospital. In structions came from the Attorney Ooiiornl ywterday ordering the re moval. The trial of Wise, who wns Hcousetl of the murder of Captain E. B. Wood of the steamship Buekiuau on the high seas, off the mouth of tho Uwpqutt River, Oregon, was Inter ritfittftl by the sudden insanity of the )1ouer. Pbyalrlnns appointed 'y judge Van Fleot reported that WUe would probably be pertunneutly In Mne. The trial was brought to au ead and the Attorney denernl no Hfljd. "French" West, who planned the looting of the vessel and who did tho actual shooting, jumped' lo tho m aud was lebt. Times.) OKLAHOMA CITY. Okla., Juno 21 Five negroes sentenced to ho hanged today for tho murder of W. II. Archie, a lumber man who was iCnmlltL-itcH For City I ' Named. J Tho annual city caucus or mass meeting for tho purposo of nominat ing candidates for city oftlco was 'hold In tho Bnndon opera hnuso Wed nesday night, when n largo number of Bnndon citizens wore present nnd a very enthusiastic meeting wns hold, Tho mooting wns called to order by E. B. Kausrud, city recorder; aft or which C. R. Mooro was elected chairman of tho mooting nnd E. B. Knusrud, secretary. Tho first In or dor wns tho nomination for candi dates for mayor. Tho only gentle men named wero Mayor Mast and former mayor Galllor, and thoso two gontlomon wero dcclnred tho noml nces. For city recorder, E. B. Knusrud, tho present Incumbent, was tho uu-, Homer Mnuzey, an of tho drivers nnlmous cholco of tho meeting nnd nd the solicitor for us Is out for norther candidate was brought for-j (Uum.y Wfltch , 0 ,8 ,abe For municipal Judgo, Goo. P. Top-tto at0 '0M tl10 strt'ot nlid explain ping was tho unanimous cholco nnd " r,e n' p "( Laundry nnd also to he was declared tho nominee. at your nonip any tl.ue. Ho kuows For city cnuncllmon tho following' .ltllll(,ry i,enp88 from A to z, gontlomon woro nomlnntod: A. S. El-', n , r. , , ., , ' llott. C. E. Bowmnn, H. Brown. Wm.i WarShflPifl klHf! anrf For lillli. Ccndunrd b the & SURS DF1HE (1(11 NAMES OF JESUS AND MARY. Cr.J,, jtttJmleni Ollitl'it Cnrui. Muilc, Art, Elocution and Commcp clil Dttlt. KjiUmtn J I) jj Siy J.mi.V.tliiti MotilinJ latelltrtiulTri!lnr.WiiteforAiinounttiiicn(.Adlifii tISTIK ZUn.KWK.Si.MittUJtiJnv, JSnUmd 'iWATCIi! NOTICE! Uufort. Bandon Rocorder. FAST TIME TO ROSEIU'RO BY COOS BAY AND ROSEIU'RC. ' , AVTO LINE. I.nnvn Mnislillrtlil nt fi.1". nnoii robbed and killed nonr his homo on.niornIIK nn,i rcnch noaoburs In S the night 1 1 March '.), wore glvun a I hours. Qlrrytr, I I' U1 C IMIOV 21..7 aundry now lense of life. John Henry Pru thor wns glvon n roaplto until July 7, whllo Chnrlos Dosoy, "Bub" John son, Elijah Turner and .Initios Hol mes perfeutad apiwilss to tiio criminal court of appeals, which acted as a stay. iSEfl HE KILLS RIDEH Loavo Roseburg nt 0:43 a. m. dally and roneh Marshtleld In S hours. Wndo .t Gnodalo, Marshfleld ticket olllco at Blanco Cigar Store. PHONE I. S. KAUFMAN & CO YOUR COAL UHIJKHS I..-0 l'ER'TO.N. After the show Phono 214- J. try a Turkish bath n JJR0FfTS.f.iavAI P'REOTORY j-R. (!. V. LluSLIi;, "" ()H'iiiat!ile Pliy.sicluii Graduato of tho American behool o, Osteopathy at Ktrljsvllle. .Mo. Ollln In Eldyrndo Bile. Hours 10 to 12; 1 u 4; Phono 281-J; Marslulold; Oregon piR. J. W. INGRAM, PliydcJan nnd Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Building hones: Olllco lOiJ; Residence Illlit W. BENNETT, I.nwyor. PUT i!A.V.V suvr MACHINIJ. ( Uy Asi)njad jiPress to Ooea Ua.r Tliiiae.) SACRAMKNTO. Cal Juno 21. Through tho operation of tho nntl slot. mnchliio law passed in the last legislature hundreds of slot mncn lues wero put out of business in this city nt midnight last night. , Motorcyclist Carries In Contv With Barbed Wire and Meets Death. ("By. Associated Press to Coos B. ' Times.) 8AI.INA. Kan.. Juue 21. Gei iv Higglus. custodian of the school., of L'oiuy. Kan., was beheaded tod.iy whon ho rode a niotoreyclo Into u harhod wlro strotchod across the county road near Colby. fjhhr'.es Quick, former county attorney., wrs rldlug with him. UNIQUE PANTAtORIUM Bring your dyeing, cleaning, press ing aud repairing to us and be pleased We me experts. Carpets and Rugs cleaued on your floor vor at our shop. Plume iiSOX, Ceutrnl' avenue, uenr Second ktreet ROSS & PIXEfiOU, Propriettirk, L"- Offlce over Flanagan & Bennett Bank larshflald Orogon J. T. MoCORMAO, 1 Physician aud Surgeon Marshtleld, Oregon. Qftlce: Locktwt Bulldlag, opposite Post OWie. Phone ids-J r UJ o X 2 O w Tho sloop Randolf arrlred and dla- t charged her cargo at Gold Boach Mon- UJ day afternoon. KiriKMf THE OXLY WAYTO 'FRISCO BAY" t t i ne m earner t3 iield SAILING FROM JJANDON FOR SAN FRANCIS CO THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 22th TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT HILLYER'S CIGAR STORE CO UJ o rr: CO I pmmmrwmlsm'lgla3Mma vmNyAssvin " icvv?-A4:xaai ' .mam,vs.n i u uj SBWmiJ )B Cs . it P O h r- .30. If UI HI I -J It I- 111 HEN A MAN Comes to us for clothes we expect him to ham M fidence in us and in our statements; and we meant" ubsoivu jjuuii uuiiuubiiuc. i iiore aie no facts abott the clothes we sell that you are not welcome to; one nice thing in handling Alfred Benjamin clothes is that inoy are ciouies we can iqii you tne truth about, We a.u juu w ,.u u,ai ,o ui.uN uui inierest In sell ing you clothes Is the same as yours in buying th-m We couldn't afford to take any other position, In mf. dition to our own assurance of quality, however we offer you the Benjamin label; it is as strong a guar antee of good quality i n clothes as you will, ever see Suits $20 to $35 "Money Talks" Hub Clothing aid Shoe Co, IVIAKSHNfcLU ' BANDON DRA1N-C00S BAY AUTO LINE- yiA ALLEGANY NOW HEADY FOR RUSINESS Leaves Marshfleld Daily HO.VT LEAVES ALERT LANDING, MARHIIF1EL1) ARRIVE DRAIN I l. M. SAME DAY. Qiao A. M. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT The Busy Corner Drmg Store PHONE 20H THE FAST AND Steamer R.edos.fio COMMODIOUS Wlrelw) Will nmko rt'Kiilnr trips cnrrylu imMcnxers both wnjs and freljU bclwi'cn Coon Hny und Sum Fraelsco. AllreBerTtlonforpnpf niiiilf lit Alllnnco Dock, MnnhHeld nad lnter-Ocfu Trnp. C I'nlon Sti-ci-t Wliurf No. 2, H-m Frnnelsco. For Infornmtlon, pboM 1 1.J or am. SallliiK from Coos Hay, Friday nt 8 n. m. INTEK.OCEAN TRANSI'ORTATIO.V COMPANV. "THE FHIE'D OK COOS ll.W" 3t ALL1AMCE j CONNECriNO WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT POI.TW SAILS FROM COOS BAY, FOR EUREKA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22nd NORTH 1'rtJlFIO 3TEAMSIH1' COMl'AM. IMIONE It C V. .McULuivu-, "o" rmHmmwmmmmmmvmwimrmmmmMMmmimmMKmmovmam&manmMM'a'mmmi " EQUIPPED WITH WIHKLKSS STBUMK BiE4KWA! ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND li., lit). n IS. 20, AT O A. M. ON JUNK - - "' riiF.TinEOX"- bAlK l'I(O.AI COOS IJAV AT SKHVllH "' " WIOXK MAI-V 33-1 -i i L, II 12, 17, 22 AND 27., . KKATJNCJ, AGENT . l ! " " con vth.KT cTrwrrn ta noSXUR.G --.-. .vt. , Out' uttnti lenvlnir Mius,lilleld nt O o'clocK l'u'' si'flt? necl with evening twUu to Purtluud, tlw mnw u- onto IIiH" COOS DAY ROSEIJUHG STAiih 11 J OT'IO SCIIKTTER, Aftout, C. 120 MARKET AW, Miitbliflcld. AKt PHONS 11 i.i m: . .... inn 1. U.IHA-".". , nosLiivno. oic R.edEs&afc , KUY NOW All Ulnds of City nnd Fnrm Prop erty. Roomlns liouso at n bargain. AUG. FRIZEEN 08 Central Ave., Marshfleld, Ore. CTatMaMiimiiammw irwmw M Jave See r-ll ha: s NOW Roof A pbouo rsa i ik i JkJtayL t(