gj ftMCMf ftm-inTCTl 'r?n rcpM-.- THCflOS.B&XJlMBS, M.ARSUFJELP, QREQOjN, WEDNESDAY, JUE.21,4911V,EN(N(G(EPT!0N, , i ' '' tw . -t 7 A TT boon accepted and tho Al I I YB?mL j. i ' k i I 11 II I . I linnn artin trwl trv tr rl n ki :j 1 ','' c U riTH, every one of our Clothcraf t suits you get this guarantee It is signed by the makers and backed by our mutation i Kjr SX H A Sip boon accepted and tho AHco II has been secured for the day. Each per son going will prepare a basket of lunch. Tho boat will leavo tho foot of Mnrkct street at S:30 a. m. sharp. . .. it .. WMuk Glint It rr aft C5uarr:::ii Mmm. IStoKf fatirrfes,Osi6JatcCit Attn ' . vootCsdott. 45$kfS W&& vtrAWttrraivfrrsSKfi, rim hiJMtrif'iwrna,7iAiisv.i.iJ ?i4 i8P " tftftfrnttMtiJrmmif.Mtvitfa vi jW&$ flucar,&ntss'flwclt4j.(fr?)'it .IrrvicrS fuErTKarcjM' The prices of these suits range from $10 to 25. rhat better can you ask? Woolen Mill Store ilKo-Man tlothlcr LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending at 1:13 p. m., Juno 20, by Mrs. O H. MIukus. snoclal government ,- O 0 o Personal Notes Marshfield Oregon I FOR BABY'S SAKE Use NyaFs Baby Talcum Powder A limitary powdor for tollot and nursory. Uso, after washing tljUbr, freely to absorb molsturo. Ry ho doing nil dinting will kiroldcd und tho flkln loft smooth and velvety. For adults It Is also of groat vnluu, ns In addition to general toilet Dies It Is unoxcollcd for Prickly Heat. Rn'uh, Sweaty Feet, tt, u well as useful for Ilurns . and Scalds. Delightful after lining. Price 50 Cents a Can FOR SALE AT THE "1IUBV COllNEH." Phono 20H ktori-Parsojis Drug Co. "THE JiUSY C011XE11" l'ltKSCHIPTIOXH ACCURATELY COMPOUNDER. North Bend News ft Work tid Advertise ibrlagn customer liero tho llrxt , liter (hat ho cornea of Ills Wwtcord. Von know why. 3iui:it ! It no kink, or cuo that wo lido. IHIXK IT OVKll MAIUV os Bay Steam Laundry IIIU.M; .MA1K OT-J ncharcTs Liverv M bsve 8curod mo llvory bimt- w L. H. Holsnor und aro pro- to render exeollont servIcjL,to tpie of Coob l)ny. Careful Wp good rigs and overytblug iilllnean satlsfnctory uorvlco to UMlc. l'liono us tor a driving rig or nnythlug neoded In "r lino. Via nlno do a '&S business of nil ldudB. "UNCHAUD RROTHERS. '''(rr. I'l'l'll mill Gnlnn Rnrlpi. "1 First and Aider Strootu. Phouo 138-J rmmfM v&m m WVj-cfC, for 10! 'a&lfi-t&i PlZrtfiAWl VJ JW-I ?!Kn :dcr . . ItENT UouM-keepIng rooms. 24 Elrod nvenuo. W&L m FOR HEXT Siiiiill furnished cot tage Apply 7-19 Fourth St. South. FOR SALE Household furniture, nearly now, good rnngo. Will bo sncrinced as party Is leaving town Friday. Must bo sold tomorrow. Call lmmodlatoly 015 SqcoiuI streot WAXTIIl) Prlvnto boarders. In quire Times' ofllco. FOU SALE Furniture- for six roomed house. Also houso for ront If doslrod. Address Ilox 702 Livery Service Ir new rigs. Kood horoe3 und W drivers nro now at tho dls- UhoCoos Day public at REASOXAIILM HATES. H'Orrlca U'lHi drlirnra ronilv far WP anywhoro anv tlmo. Horses Wt& Jnd rlra rniAfl tnr bearse and siiBclal nccomnio- ' Provided for funernl pnrtles. W.L.CONDRON'S l,lV AND FEED STAWjES I'HONE 2731 FOIt SALE Homchtead entry, clicnp Addroea "A" caro Tlmes T.vki? c a i.i.' Victor Talkluu Much i,,o ' Hoasonnblo. Address "Pho nograph" caro Times. IOIt BRXT roin Iioiibo ooruer of Cedar avonue and North Drond'wny. Apply to Anson Rogers. Mrs. J. W. Rlggs of Marshflold visiting rolntlvos hero today. Is Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Denning and Alive, daughter of tho lighthouse, nro visiting rolntlvos hero today. Tho Mothodlst Episcopal Ladles Aid will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. William Noll sou, on Meado nvenuo. motoorologicnl observer: Maximum GO Minimum 39 At -1:43 n. in C5 Precipitation nono Wind, Northwest; cloudy. HORN. 4 4 dOODALE To Mr. and Mrs. Tom doodnlo nt their homo In West Marshflold, Tuesday evening, Juno 20, a young boh. Mother and child aro doing well and Tom Is so proud of his chnuffour thnt ho promises to cut down tho running tlmo between Marshfleld and Rosoburg to four hours. It's ono auro thing that ho will hit only tho high plncos tho next fow trips and if ho escapes arrest for speeding in tho city limits, It will bo only becnuso Marshal Carter knows how It 1b himself and will excuso him. JAMES FERRY, jr., went to Henry vlllo this morning. A. X. W. Picnic. Tho ladles of tho A. N. W. club will picnic tomorrow nt Mrs. Dungnn's homo on Coos Riv er and lndulgo In a riot of Btraw-borrlos. Huimuio Society. Harry Wlnklor hnB bcon very Buccessful In getting signatures for his proposed humnno Bocloty In Marshflold and has Bufl) clont now to assure Its organization. AnvsttU by Carter. James Was son, M. F. Fltzpntrlck and S. Steln borg wore tnkon In custody by Marshal Jack Cartor this morning on tho chnrgo of bolng Intoxicated, amr when taken hoforo Rccordor Butlor each was assessed a flno of $5. Mrs. Florcnco Chapman of Mcndo nvenuo and Miss Rcsslo Immol of Qlinpitinn nvnnnn ntwl Mlagna TllnnpYin ' ' and draco Williams and Hlcklngs loft lluby Hoy Horn Friends horo hnvo today for Coqulllo to attend tho bcon apprised of tho arrival of n teachers' oxamlnntlon. 'young son at tho homo of Mrs. J. W. - """ Ross in San Francisco on Juno 11! VOl'Il XKIRlIISOirs EXPEHIEXUK v. Hosh will bo hotter romombor- How you may profit by It. Tako Foloy cd by many former Coos Day friends Kldnoy Pills. Mrs. E. C. Whiting, 300 as MIbs Nottlo Roattlo and cousra- Wlllow St., Akron, 0 snys: "For tulntlons will bo numerous. Bomo tlmo I had a vory oorlous caBo of kldnoy troublo nnd I Buffered with Altar Oiilld to Meet. l no insi linnl.-nn)insi nml 1II77V )inni1notin. T mpnttnf? of tho Altar dUlld 01 1110 had speckB floating boforo my oyea Episcopal church will bo hold at tho nnd I foltnll tlrod out and miserable. : homo of Mrs. J. v. uonnuu mi I saw Foley Kldnoy Pills advortlsod .Friday aftomoon. Rofroshmonta nnd got n bottlo nnd took thorn ac- will bo sorvod from 3 until 5 o'clock. cording to directions and results i A genornl Invitation Is oxtondod to showod almost at onco. Tho pain .tho lndloa of Coos Day to attond. and dizzy hondachos loft mo, my oyo- TOM NICHOLS wns n business visit or to Myrtlo Point this morning. deed bo a great addition to tho muslc-llfd 'of Coos Day. Anybody who mny wish to study with him during summer will plonso call phono 307X1. i GUS 3ROWN nrrivcd on tho Nann Smith nftcr nn extended stay In California. Ho snyB a little nb-j sonco makes tho heart grow fonder of Coos Day. GEO. GOULD camo In from Portland last night via Allegany. P. A. DEVERS, a former Coos Day boostor and present head of tC large Irrigation project nt Pasco, Wash., arrived on tho Drcakwator. Ho says ho Is still optimistic of this section. MRS. WM. DONEDRAKE of Catch ing Inlot wns a Marshfleld shopper today. MISS ORA J. WOODS left this morn ing for Portlnnd going via Alio-gnny. MISS EDITH HORN of North Dond was In Marshflold yesterday visit ing friends. MRS. JACK ADDOTT, and Mrs. A. Pnntor of Myrtlo Point nro Mnrsh flcld shoppers today. PROFESSOR A. J. RAAD of North Dcnd schools wont to qulllo this morning. tho Co- MR. nnd MRS. E. M. ERICSON re turned yostordny via Draln-Alloga-ny- stage from n trip to Portland. MRS. SELMA THOMAS will com nienco a torm of school In District No. 83 near Ten Mllo next Mon day. MR. and MRS. R. T. STREET and Mr. Street's brother nnd wlfo of Portland nro spondlnn tho day at Charleston Dny. HENRY PLOEGER of Myrtlo Point, who hnB been vlsltlngMioro dur ing tho past fow days, returned homo this morning. MR nnd MRS. E. S. Dnrzeo and Max Tlmmormnn and family oxpect to GRANT LINCOLN, formerly editor of tho Klamath Falls Chronicle, nnd an experienced nowspapor" man Is In tho city looking ovor th Coos Day country. Ho expresses hlniBolf as plonBod and surprised at tho business nnd prospects of this section. Mr. Lincoln Is also In terested In tho moving plcturo bus iness In Rosoburg. MISSES LILLIAN and Hazel Merry man, nnd Mr. Nelson Goo, nil of Chlco, Cal., arrived today to spond" their summer vacation on Coos Day. Tho Misses Morrymnn nro Bisters of Mrs. F. C. Durch and nro guests nt tho Durch homo. Miss Hr.zol hns just graduated from tho Chlco high school and Mr. doo has Just received his diploma from tho Chlco normal. L. D. WALRATII and wlfo nnd throo , children of Rosoburg has arrived on Coos- Dny to spend tho summer nnd mny locnto horo permanently. For tho presont they hnvo taken npartmonts on South Drondwny. Mr. Wulruth Is ropresontntlvo of tho Oregon Llfo InBurnnco Com pany In tho Southern Oregon dis trict nnd will mnko Mnrshflold his headquarters for tho Bummor. MAXY fiO OX 1MOXIC. Lmlk'H Aid Society nnd FrlcndH Con- Vt'jfd Up Coot River. Undor discouraging weather con ditions, tho members of tho Method ist ladles Aid Socloty hold their plc- nln nml out In c tndny on tho Coos V lonvo about July 1 for a camping .Rlvor near AIpgnny. Somo sovonty- trlp to Wngnor Springs, Southern Orogon F. A. FORD, A. J. Wngnor, R. A. TCiiirniiun nnd O. D. Whcntcrop woro among tho Portlnnd pnsson-inuo wharf whoro tho Allco II flvo mombors nnd their frlondB braved tho throntonlng weather, and went up tho rlvor. Ab early nB olght o'clock tho plc- nlckorfl gathered at tho Market avo- wns Bight bocamo clear and todny I can Morv Cluster Lights. A forco of say I nm a well woman, thanks toimon woro "at work on North Front Foloy Kldnoy PIUb." Rod Drug Store Cross Goose For Canning Btreot today who woro arranging for putting In tho now cluster light posts for tho Orogon Power Company. donornl Manngor R. M. Jennings was locntlng tho posts. Ho hopes to hnvo thorn all in operation In tlmo for tho colobrntlon. WANTED Young woman for gb oral hoiiBOWork. $26 aud Btoady omployraent to oxportonood party. Mrs. P. M. Hnll-LowlB, Phoao 314X1 AUTO JANE Cars nt uuy time. Phono 231 R, after midnight 18 IX bAPrc m'nmnjvra. r Information concerning ""class bond Investments, 5?rlns r,"c interest not, '"' 0. B. Hinsdale, care J. " Warns and Compauy, Los i8Rlej. PnHfnrnln JW ijnu Wee to have J'Wc Liylits in your j1" out tho uumbor of yon wo.ild want nnd w Q bfl !.., . . InfnrinnHnn vnn nfllf. N Bay Wiring Co. L l'HOXE 237J. FOU RENT Two unfurnished rooms Modevn conveuloncas. itoasonauio. Phono 19 6-J. " FOR HUNT HOUSE with 12 roojns nml hntli, hot and cold water. FUKXISHEI) flat with O rooms, bath hot and cold water, gas range. Apply to y IIOMUVr jrABSDKX. (These are la the best residence part of town.) We have some fine ones at 40c per gallon The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY PHOXE 32. gora on tho Drain this morning. Allegnny stngo MnS. II. II. ROGERS oxpectB to leavo on' tho Redondo for Snn Francisco whoro sho will romnln with hor daughter, Mrs. Nolson Bovoral months. MISS LYNN n professional nurso from Portlnnd, arrived on tho Dronkwator this morning for a vis it at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. 11. Jones of North Dond. fliiRo After llnmlltH. Shorlff Gngo and Frank Ongo loft this morning for tho Loon Lnko country to con tlnuo tholr search for tho bandits who robbed tho mnll car at Drain. Sheriff Gago had n tolophono mos- sago from Shorlff Rinno of Rosoburg saying tho bloodhounds woro still on tho trail which Indicates that thoy aro continuing tholr way southward townrd this section. Presbyterian Picnic. Mr. nnd Mrs Mahaffy of North Coos Rlvor havo oxtondod nn Invitation to tho Proa bytorlana nnd tholr frlonds to como to tholr homo on Friday, Juno 23, to oat strawborrles and cream. This sonorous nnd cordial luvltatlon hns FOR RENT 10 ncro ranch, Sioiun D. Ferguson. Xrth FOR SAL ly tmem 600 wow in one lot or will cut up In paroels to ' ault. C W. Sanford. Marshfleld, WANTED Work on raiyh by man and wlfo Inquire caro Coos Da.. Creamery. Clierries tricots &U5& Aild All Kinds of New Vegetables Locklr rt's Peaches tMfx si y FMIMS All Cantalou j. rocery Two Private Phones .-5 and 305 F. M. FRIEDDERG nnd family loft today for tholr suminor homo on South Coos Rlvor for nn oxtondod outing. Thoy nro among tho first of tho summer campors to movo from tho city. waiting to convoy tho crowd up tho rlvor. A Jolly tlmo Ib anticipated. Whlto thoro woro clouds In tho bIcIob thoro was enough sunshlno in tho Binlles of tho ladles to dlspol tho wenthor man's gloom. WATERFRONT NOTES. MR. nnd MRS. LEO J. CARY, who havo located In Coqulllo, woro in Marshflold today. Thoy oxpect to leavo In n dny or two for a brlof visit with rolatlvos and friends In Grnnd Rnplda, Mich. Whon thoy rotum thoy will bring their baby with thorn thnt has boon nt tho homo of Mrs. Cnry's nunt. PROF. HENRIK GJERDRUM of Mo-c-Ico, Missouri, hnB nrrlvod In North llnnil mill In tlin cuost of Mr. A. O. Tho Installation of wireless appa ratus on tho stenmor Alllnnco will bo postponed until tho Btenmor returns to- Portland. Tho wireless wna to havo been Installed tho Inst tlmo tho Alllnnco docked nt Portlnnd, but her Btny thorc wns too limited In which tlmo to Instnll tho wireless plnnt. Rattling ngnlnst a strong hoad wlnd, which wna oncountorod by tho ship nftor leaving tho Mondlclno const, tho Nr.nn Smith nrrlvod In Coos Day at dny light this morning. Tho fact thnt tho vossol had only n small cargo of gasollno for tho Stnnd nrd Oil company mndo tho trip rnth or rough for thoso aboard. JAVA COFFEE HOUSE TO ME OPEN NIGHTS II. A. Wolls announcoa that tho Java Coffee Houso, tho popular short order houso and rostaurant, will bo - - .. i .... .. .. i i.rt KJolland. Mr. GJordrum will ro-(opon nlgiiu from now on. i-ul u.u colvo n limited number of pupils last fow months, tho place has boon In plnno for a summer coiirso of closed nlghta owing to tho dlluoulty lessons. If conditions provo favor-, In obtaining good holp. Carl B. nblo ho Intends to nottlo horo InlStrlplln wllf have charge nt nlghta tho future Mr. GJordrum nl- and the best the market affords will though n young man has galnod an bo iorved. onvlnblo reputation na concort per-1 - former and tonohor. and ho will in- Try im "' "Uk """V " .. ...mjMJMM .M.., wr. t-.irrrrSiMrtW.PW tm iwW wiwi Bo YOU M iaice ipringy Loaves? You should use the flour contain inv tho. viL'lit inopoi-tion of hifth quality gluten to lriit'c litjht, i'ln ;,. i.ui'vpk thnt kt'cn fresli. Light, White, Always Li CTlOThrrJui iJt'jfj 'JTjjffr iiight i i i i i !.l .. v&