"nnmyiw' Clv H '--2 VK1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 191 1 EVENING EDITION. )'!J !! ' TTT :o PE (Ls?li4rJLg SALE OF NOTED fry this test in a "Wear-liver Aluminum Utensil tfg w 4P Li F., MWWHAMWMiii V9 1T2OTM'- rrsrnr-m; KB "' r f-tt(thoftliorolateina"Vat-Eva" Lwl e'lVut ptat'ittf. Without adding Ji'f gvii fort foe, u'Uhoul stirring. faJiHntlnol turn. 1ECAUSB aluminum hcnt quicker I inJ retnint nciu ioiirit mint timer EVER Aluminu::a Cooing Utensils soil One-Quart "W c a v-E v c r" Lipped Sauce Pans Kegular price r.lfln Coniplcle "Wpimv 5I IS DEAD Daughter of Chief of Coqtiillo Tribe Passes Awav -Over 100 Years Old. I Hessna, meaning "Medicine Wo jnnn" better known as "Indian Mary" i tiled near Randolph, Tuesday, axe fiiil now, n, but believed to be const der-Ulv over 100 years. 8'e was the "dan-Mc" (' f"'"' .T- in of f'e Co. qnlllo tribe c.r Hdl-tia, known as "Xa-So-Mah", who owned all of the west aide of the river to Randolph, and Hllch Worn, "short woman" who t- ji Hiiicniou mo vuah muo dl m river During illlS SIUO WO Will' from her father. when a young woman, lior father Chief John, led a band of his braves against the white men nt the forry which was, at that time, located where the Hotel Galllor now stands. According to'trndltlon, whoro the ,-,- p ., aSSa I "u'es poriion 01 iinnuou now 00i l()l PXj stands, was at one tlmo nn Indian ,, burying ground and on sevornl 00 "' i rnslons lionort ltnvn linen unnnrMiail (fillip Cooking Olll lit for iVO t,lnt Vcak vividly of tho forgotten past. Indian Mary also rotnemherod when a young girl of accompanying her father, on horseback, to Gold Bench and reselling two Spanish girls tho In- pt'VHOllS. Peirulnr n fT jT 4 f wllUll U 1 M JLL a price $10, for.. J)XW Containing the following wimili ot wliicli cooklnjt uien-lh I u,,,,,!,,.,. ()j- Ulonsils till to fit . uho lln,,,,,efn cnpturcil by nJc. iuii can iwo lit Icait lia . ., , .,..,. Lilians of thnt section. ml.lt. mil rtci in cooking cuuh incnl lono!T)our cur's fuel bill. iFAIbEWft" Alumiiiuin Conking Mn!i iac loud ion, mid expenso fur J Lcwfutcnuls worn out or uurnt out. tvtpti't'iculh irdtitrcctllle. lEAR.rVl'll " wnro cannot rust. Is iftclfJty liurninii, is MroniJ, Italic lo iJlt tad ttoA (Jumble, wiin uiuminum iinouan, v ol poijontrn compounds el wills acid fruilN or foods. Replace utensils thnt uiinr out nun utuisils that "Wenr-Ever." leiiDrotr vou with WEAR-EVER i one-quart inuco i sJ'crtited in tho tutn'i publlcntlons 111 ilow you other I'iiiJi bearing tun 'tu.Ecr" trade uL in the large Cooking Pot Total weight u 3-1 lb. l-T'i-ineh Cooking Pol and Cover. 1-8is-ineh Cooking Pot and Cover. I Coffee Pot with Folding! In 190G, when money was being raised for tho erection of n bronze stntuto of Sacajawea to bo unvollod nt tho Lewis and Clark Imposition, tho Coriulllo Study Club gnvo an on tortnlnment, In which Indian Mary clad In n deer-skin dresH and bodoek cd with bonds, danced tho Sacnjawun dance. Bnndon Recorder. 1 I Handle, S'Wneh. coos county peas, fresh cvo- Pail Wil 1 Detachable day. SACCHI'S Grocery, Handle, S-inch. -t.i - -s 7PADE.IAEJC Pioneer Hardware Co. I" ...-infill F?nvls fel'J-i,s-inch Cups. TAC.U.Ca 12-9-inch Plates. 1-Pr. Salt & Pepper Sin 2-Knives and .Forks. 1 2-Tea Sioons. -TableSpoons. .Total number of picees- Trv TfmeB' Wnnt Ads. aker Get &!! Opfel -i i 17. i Pioneer Hardware Co. 1 H1IM1WW111WIW HIMamswarMWWgT Stop Seaisiclkiniess ! kiuslcs MOTIlintSILLS, tho only remedy which provonts and turci In every cnao whon taken according to directions. Always ld lth absoluto guarnntco of BatlBfactlon or monoy rofundod. Cuiranlccd not to contain Cocalno, Morphlno, Ojilum or Chloral. No tod or unpleasant aftor offocts to tho heart, liver or kidneys. In the fall of 1908 Mr. Mothorsill gnvo a sorles of demonstrations on tie English Channel, Irish Soa nnd Ilnltlc, which woro moat sut ceutul. Now usod by tho British War Ofllco, Salvation Army, tho Polytechnic Inatltuto .of Groat Drltnlu, etc., In conveying largo par ties on tho oconn. Price 50 Cents Wit SAI.I3 AT Tim "IJUSV COHXKIl." Phono SOH Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "TTIB BUSY COIiNEll" lMlKSCItlimONS ACOMIATKIA' COMl'Ol'XDEI). On n box of STAI'I'OIID'S IJI'ITUll SWt:iCT CIIOCOIiATlS. Closo tho option at onco nnd tauo them homo nnd you will novor rogrot It. YOU WILL MISS A GOOD THING If you fall to try Stafford's famous Cnndles, Delicious, Wholcsomo nnd puro, tlioy lmvo won tneir way to popular favor by their gcnulno ex cellence. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AT TWO STORES. iliis- TWO STORES SX Phono 231 R, after midnight 181X FOR SALT) Uonthoiise, 1131 ft., now 2 h.-p. gasollno launch, Cx22 ft. Pull equipment. Sncrlflco price. o. O. Lund. 215 South Broadway FiXTED To rent modern cottage ' , four or flvo rooms by couplo roIl 1mjvTTwo unfurnished rooms "to no children. Address Dox 832 "Wjhfleld. jJ-MdT Homestead entry, clienp duress -A" caro Times. 1 6.LTJ Itlwxio islnnd chicks, hatched 12 apiece. Mrs. E. ton McCrary. f ItEXT House, also 6omo fur- "lre for sale. Apply to Mrs. ree Farrin, 729 Fourth St, So. Modorn conveniences. Phono 19C-J. Reasonable. FOR KENT HOUSE with " rooms nnd bath, hot and cold water. FURXISIIKI) lint with O rooms, bath hot and cold water, gas range. Apply to ROBERT MARSDEX. (These aro In the best residence part of town.) S.lirvlctor Tftijji11K Much uea8onablo. Address "Pho-i uPaph caro Times. FOR ItEXT 10 aero ranch, Slough D. Ferguson. North 'TED Experienced woman do-! " placo In dining room or kltcta- la or hotel or restaurant Address jt aro Times. ' aEXTw Aorrvrm lirmiut nontcr of 4r avenue nnd North Broadway. 7 to Anson Rogers. TlYosui3 wmu io e 'housework- S3 6 nd rrteody "Ployment to apriBed party. J;1, P. 1L IU11-Liw1b, PlbOae m IOR SALK Four-yenr-old mare, and ono-year-old colt. John Stam sos, Kentuck Inlet. WANTED Vork on ranch by man and wlfo Inquiro caro Coos Bay Creamery. FOR BALE ily arm COO acre in one lot or will cut up in parcls to ouit C, W. fianford, Marehfleld, " i jjOBTA. cttrd cob containing Infor mation valuable to owner only, JTlBlr )1wn NtHrn ,to Time ol- Hello! Hello! Housewives of Marshflold une Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocer does not keep it call up PHOXK 73-jr. Freo delivery 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. also STERILIZED CREAM & SULK ICE, BUTTERMILK, COTTAGE CHEESE alhp Personal Notes Angnr of Portland arc Sumner guests at tho Kruso ranch on Isth mus Inlet. JUST A WORD PERSONAL. UK" l, v ' at E. RE- Dan E. Mnlonoy, who for the past three years hns nctod In tho capacity nt n.al.fnnt ...111.... .r nM,.. rf1l. .... 1l. . ... ..oniotinn. vimui 111 niv 1I1I1UB, 1UJI !thl8 morning on a brief but woll- tamed vacation of a few weeks which tj:mpkrati're PORT. For twent-four hours ending I .i p. m . .lime 19, by .Mrs. O he will spend at the old home back yiumu. special government li iwn. i .... w,i..tt., ,.... ... ...... kt t, cM--tii licit nn- t metecroloKleal observer: j tklll beoauiw In addltIon l0 ,,,, ,,,, Minimum r,c " has also offlclated as reporter, awlst- At 4 43 p. m. . . , 56 nnt proof reader, manager of drctilu-, rreeli Itatlon none ,tion, mall clerk, news boy, collector i Wln.l. Northwests clear. and special city council reporter. I1 tam crtHm the r0aders of The Time I iMrtle.' Picnic. Ml. W. F. Miller,' wm ,w w,Illg lhnt hc 8houltl hliX9 a Is entertaining a number of friends ,,rlof perlo(, of vni a(, , nation' louny wiin an ouung up uoos itiverln,i -m ,,. ilwjlffont If thnm U n REV. FATHER DONNELLY Is ex pected hero shortly from San. Francisco for u visit with his sla teis, Mrs. Early and .Miss Donnelly ami Coos Bay friends. RAY OLL1VANT returned yostorday front a visit at Portland and Ro sebiirg. coming in via auto in about eight hours over the old Coos Hay Wagon road. GUOnGlS MYQR8 and family lift yesterday tor a visit to the .Tni. Landrith home on Coos Rive, prior to their departure for an ex tended visit to their home in Michigan. in the launch Beaver. Wli-o Trouble. The high wind put the Western Union Telegraph wires out of commission this afternoon and as n result The Times received only a part of Its Associated Pro report In tlmo for today's paper. Hold Picnic. The Ladlos' Aid So ciety of tho Marshflold Mcthodlat church will hold a picnic tomorrow to Allegany, leaving on tho Allco II at S a. in. shnrp. All members and friends nro cordially Invited. Bring n basket lunch. Tug of War. Frank Hnguo, chairman of the commltteo on sports nt tho coming Fourth of July celebra tion sunt Iotters out todny to tho fore man of every logging camp Inviting (thorn to pick tholr -best mon for participation In tho tug of war for tho Coos County chnmplonshlp and n purso of $!i0. Change In Time. Tho Drnln-Allo-gany Stago line nnnouuecs n chango of tlmo In tholr schedule commenc ing today. The tlmo of leaving Marshflold is now r:30 instead of 0:30, it bolng made one hour earlier to lnBiiro catching tho 3 o'clock train at Drain. Strawberries Scare. Strnwborrlos nro going to be scarce UiIb season ac cording to John Peart, tho strawber ry king of tho Coqullle who has twelve acres of the luscious fruit. He mndo a small shipment to tho Bazar yostorday and stated thnt tho crop was very light and ho did not oxpoct to ao much more than enough to supply his locnl market nnd thnt very few would bo shlppod. LiiscIiiiih Berries. There are tlmcB whon It pays to bo an editor nnd ono of theso times was yeste-'ay when tho editor wns romomlrrod with sonio largo delicious s'-tvbor-rles sent to him by D. D. Brnluard of Haynoa Inlet from his flno strawbor ry patch. What with bouquots of roses and plenty of strawberries life Is becoming a bnnquot of fruits nnd flowers for tho editor man. I guess that Is considerable flno job, oh? Telephone Fight. Ed. Richmond of Ed's Bllltnrd hnll, got Into nn al tercation with a tolophono oporator last evening nnd used profnnlty In a mnnnor conaldorod Insulting by tho young lndy. Sho turned him ovor to gonornl Mnnngor Lnnglcy, nnd nftor a brief colloquy on tho wlro Mr. Rich mond announced his Intention of coming up nnd donning out tho tolo phono otllco. Ho nppoarod promptly and aftor a brlof but heated discus sion thoro was a (1st fight in which tho tolophono manager Is roportod to bo victor. No arrests havo been made. FmnlNNORTHlJEXD. A blnzo was discovered this aftor noon In tho mill of tho North Bond Lumber Company at North Bond, but wns extinguished before damago to any oxtont occurred. Workmon in tho North Bond Iron Works, which la noarby, dlscovorod tho flnmos, and turned in an alarm. 'A wind was blowing at tho tlmo, nnd had tho flameB made any headway It is not unlikely that tho damago would havo been much greater. little less news In their paper for a few weeks. Altho I think it Is Elbert Hubbard who says that the only time a man should take a vacation is JiMt to let tho boss know that the estab lishment can gel along without him. For Hint rouson I want all tho road-' ... . . ... i ' ' era to liolp out n little bit whllo Dan la away Just to show hlni thnt the paper goes right ahoad even whllo ho Is lolling about tho clover Acids of tho Hawkeyo state. If you know nny news, or nny Items that will bo of Interest tolophono 133, bring them to tho oIllCo or drop them In tho mail with your name nttnehed. Do not lot nny false modesty provent you from giving personal Items about yourself, or your family or friends visiting you. Thnt's what makes ' I your pnper Interesting for It Is still' ,MR8. POTTER of Isthmus Inlet, was In the cltv today accompanied by Mrs. Crawford of Myrtle Point, who has been visiting at the PotUr home and who returns to Myrtlo Point today. MEYERS of Oakland, California, arrived last night for a visit to ft. W. Kardell and family. Mr. Moyora has not been In Marshfield for seventeen years, nnd was sur prised at the great chango thnt has occurred In that time. Ho was a pnsscngcr to Coqulllo this morning where ho will visit old friends nnd acquaintances. Tho most boautlful assortment of HEfSEY GLASSWARE at MILXER'S Wednesday Specials Dundee Marmalade, stone jars 25c iWrights Homemade Marmalade, pints; 120 Tillmann's Marmalade and Preserves 20c Libby's Apple Butter, gal. stone crocks. . . .35c Bishops Apple Butter, 'qij'art 'cans. , . . . ,, w . v15c Lockhart's Grpce 7" v r . Two Private Phonca ' A 85asd305i - v'hJ your pnper ns I urn only n trusteo. Whllo Tho Times has not nttnltud nil tho high Ideals It has set for Itself It has honostly striven to nchlovo them nnd I bollovo hns been n bettor newspaper for tho effort. It has never nbnudoncd any of Its Ideals and If at times the wny has been hard nnd the ltnht dim, ovor through tho dnrknoFS of doubt hns gleamed tho rays from tho star of hope of tholr flunl attainment. I have never wavered In my belief that succosh Is the handmaiden of sincerity, honoat endeavor and persistence And now that ovory rondor Is com missioned ns extra reporter anil spe cial contributor I hopo The Tlfhos col umns will so bristle with brightness nnd teem with news thnt Dan, whllo ho will bo missed, will bo puzzled nt tho progress of the papor whon a mnu of so many and multifarious duties Is absent. WATERFRONT NOTES. The steamer Redondo sailing from Snn Francisco Sunday aftornoon Is expected to nrrlve horo late this aft ernoon. Sho wns to have arrived hero this morning, but the heavy winds of yesterday retarded tup pro gross of tho Htunmor to some extent. Tho Nnnn Smith sailed from San Francisco Sunday morning, nnd Is ox pectcd to nrrlvo In Coos Bay somo tlmo today. ' . KLKSl ATTKXTIOX. Don't forgot to Morrow evonlng -Wednesday, Juno 21, 1911. J. H. STADDEN wns a passenger to Coqulllo todny. CAL BRIDGES of Coos Rlvor was In tho city todny. E. W. KARDELL wont to Myrtlo Point this morning. G. W. SHELLEY wns a pnsaengor to Coqulllo this morning. G. W. HOLLISTER Is bnck In Marsh flold from Portland. F. E. ALLEN, who has been In Port land arrived homo today. A. R. McCOMB wont to Norway on business today, and will probably return this evening. ROBERT HOPE nnd Win, Watora of North Slough woro business visit ors in Mnrahflold today. FOURTH OF JULY MEETING. A mooting of the luminous mon nnd citizens of Mnrahlluld wilt be hold at tho Marshflold Chamber of Commorco nt 8 o'clock Wodnosdny evening, Juno 21, for hearing reports of commit tees on tho Fourth of July colobrn tlon nnd the transaction of other bus iness. Everyono Is urged to bo pro aont. VIOLET HENDERSON, Sec. PHONE I. S. KAUFMAN CO YOUR COAL ORDERS 9 l.RO PER TON. Quality Candy MISS MARIE MALONEY nnd brother Dnn Malonoy loft this morning on a vacation visit to tholr old homo In Iowa. O. J. WOODS, Arthur Colin, and S. II. Prehr woro among tho outgoing passengers on tho Allogany-Draln stage this morning. W'LLIAM CANDL1N of Coqulllo, who has boon visiting friends In Marahflold for tho past few days, returned to tho county seat this morning. MRS. BEN VAN DE CARR of Mod ford, nnd Misses Daisy and Alta Look prettiest. Taste lest Assorted most literally ffi0g0 . CHOCOLATES JJ CONFECTIONS Brown Drug Co. J Do YOU Make Springy Loaves? Jon should use the flour contain ing the right proportion of high quality gluten to make light, claH tic loaves that keep fresh. BPERRY'S BRIPTED SttCTvT Light, WWto, Always jKtyftt ... . - ., i n ; i '1 r' ,' lS-Qmm . m v t'i r;f i i ft -rat iM-f'ay. N c'Cej WW'flRJ'SJTCTSf'SSAaSSJjTJS!! m A- i. --