THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, .OREGON,, TUESDAY, JUNE" 20, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. " ? III1IIIIJMMMIM HIIMIIMTOIIMIMIIU.U B i J""'" ""," , 1 f fl ; ra HHB M m is: km u vm m flUffl K COOS BAY TIMES Entered nt the postofllco at Mnrsh- fleld, Oregon, for transmission throiiKh tlio mnlls ns second class moil mnttcr. 3C M. t D.VX MAI.OXKY k. maldnky Editor ami 1'itlt. Xous Editor Address nil communications to COOS IJAV DAILY TIMES. MitrNliHoM :: :: :: '.: Oregon nogmni infflTinni naif I riniir 1 'g I is I I ll I 1 If Hi E I I I Rfl U H w I L Dl I I B L m rsn V 3 m at h il H ti H HI A MJLL.i ffl QMMii4.,M.J. i uynwuuiwmiwi. "'' .-.ww. W P OI'lI flT BT t tn T C ffi RHinMl? 1111UB1W fr . .....-...- B jrm. avmh.r.imqw juwr iulujulw so s n i f i n d1 miu ii A a "" id utraitu d runmcu TO r- 'fcJWV M2.& u aa jwk w v auf m mm An Independent ltopubll"an news paper published every evening except Sunday, and Weekly by The Chow Hny TJihoh Publishing Co. wero board, presided and John V. Hall net ed as clerk. The only nominations nut do those of Mr. MRUs and Mr. Hall. liL'XKKIt.JIIIiTi. John A. Parker was eloqjed direct or for three yonrs to succeed Axol Eiickson who was not a candidate Four Clubs Will Inaugurate Season's Games Next Sunday. At a ,meetlng in North Uend Sun dny, arrangements wero perfected for the formation of a baseball league on Coos Hay consisting of clubs from Seldom 1ms juiylliiiig n roused ho much inlcrosl ns our extraordinary low Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good cause shall lack fur reolocUon MrSi v g ,' Mnrshll'eld, North Bond, lfoittlile. and 'call ol it lu'Vt .h.mKlH mm1 (ttnf nttl at It all Mrtt- ' n UUHIIlJIIUUf HUM tllHfc OIU Siinsi ssvk ,, , . I liiriYH unoppubuu hijjli standard liuM'chandiso. People come affliin, mid affliin for they realise Ilmm miimviHiiilv The Boston Store offers to save money. Don't buy elscw Hundreds of other ilein just ns low us these. J'i'ii'es on i:, niateh- I' if you SlUSCltllTIOX RATES. DAILY. One year . ?G.00 I'ar .month GO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In advance tlio subscription price of the Coon Day Times Is $5.00 pr year or $2.50 for six montliH. Olllrlnl Paper of Coot Ctnuity OFFICIAL PAPER OK Till: CITY OK MAItSIIKIK.Iil). OXLV A SIAX. T was also unanimously reelected to i succeed heroelf as clerk. N'o other j business was transacted, .1. I). Mc Neil was also a candidate for director XOMTH I1KXI) KMCCTIOX.. The election In North Uend yes terday was without excitement or any speclnl featured of Interest. There was n fair turnout and L. P. Falhens teln ns director and C. 13. Mnybee ..3 clerk we're unanimously reelected to succeed theniHolvos. Till-: llMIMIti: KM-XTIOX. (Speclnl to Tl'o Tlmos.) KMI'IltK. Juno 20. At the achool election hold horo yoaterdny tho fol- jlowInK olllcers wero elected: j Cnpt. Jns Jlageo, director for thrco 'yonrs' term. Wm. Saunders for two yonrs' term. Leo Wobstor, clerk. TWO KCIIOOUS FOR AMiKOAXY. 'IOUSANDS of dovotod womon tlirouKliout the country boenmo enlisted In tho Amorlcnn Worn- 1 nil's League and worked hard for tho ! In tho achool election yostordny, Ed success of Unit organization. A chap-'Noah and Uort Gray woro candidates tor house was usually tho goal for to succeed Mrs. Edwards as director which tho ladles struggled. On Coos for tho throo years turm. Mrs. I2d Uay tho movo received tho bupport of wards refused to bo a cnndldato but many bocnuse of the pro in I no of such lomo enthusiast Insisted, on glvlna n building. her n complimentary voto. Kil Noah If the litigation Into which the wns oloctod director over Bert Gray l.owls seheines liavo hocome luvolvod by small majority. Mrs. M. D. 1'rlco Sumner. Tho schedule for tho season has -n "' not been completod but games wero j arranged for next Sunday at the Men's $3.50 to $5.00 Derby Hats. Marshlluld and Sumner ground. North Uend plays Knstsldo on tho Mnrshlleld grounds whllo Mnrshflold and Sumner will cross bats nt Sum ner. All tlio clubs nre strengthening. up their tennis and Bomo Interesting I Fjne Swiss Embroidery games are oNpecteu, Jiest blocks. All sizes. On sale, eneh only. $,oO COAST LEAGUE ' BSLL SCORES Portland Loses Again to Ver non by a Score of 4 to 2 at Los Angeles. moans that the league will fall and that the chapter houses will not be built then the news Is much to bo re gretted. Yet what (loulil the ladles hare expectod with a mero man nt the head of their organisation? Tlwy liould havo selocted a businesslike 'woman for their chief executive and perhaps their dreams would have wns unanimously rocloctod clork. Tho district nlso voted to provide two teachors, ono for n term of six months at tho prosont school and tho sum renialulng to lie used In hlrlm; a teacher for another school to be established in the Mlchelbrlul; neigh borhood. Miss Merle Hndabniigh wns re- STAXMIXa OK Till: CIjUIIS. Per Won Lost cent Portland -13 31 .fiSl O Snn Krnnclsco. . !! 37 .513 Vornon 12 3!) .ill 9 Oakland II 38 "r.10 Sacramento. . ..3fi II .KiS O O Oakland 29 10 .372 'con rrn'.lsel. ny riRU who seeks engaged to teach In tho present school to head a woman's organisation mid Miss Ida Mitchell of North llond should be viewed with suspicion. Ho will tench the now school. la llcililn in ImiAiii tiifiin ulinlit ttatlwi ' an iiniiin iu mii'i niutu tiuuiu ii.viiv- loxy Minn llnnnca 01 ! BCI1 Twtrvwrrrr,t'srtr'.'r.r;?.,.' KASTSIDi: KLUCTIOX. Martin McLnggou, ns director, nnd C. 12. Georgo ns clork, woro unnul- Itlnliall (.linonn m Ditrnn.1 Hintiiafilt.nj I! to tholr rospoctlvo positions. ! I ,IJ u mm . i HKSUIr IX COOSTOX. In Cooston Mrs. Kthul Alexander was oloctod to succeed O. K. Ivorsou nnd Wm. Hommo wns rcolectod clork. DMi'lel Xo. :(. In district No. 3C R. L. Ilessey wns (I5y Associated Press to Cum IIhj Tlmos.) POIITLANI), Ore., June 20. Only ono game was played In tho Pacific Coast Leaguo yostordny, Vornon de feating Portland nt Los Augolos by u scoro of I to 2. At Los Augolos It II Portland 2 S Vornon 1 S A TUKKISII HATH (IOt)l). Phono -214-J. will do yon ;nin pullsiax dixixo cam On North lront Street 11ns lleen Iti:OPi:Xi:i) by Smith Bros. Tho host Stabs Garage Propretor In the Heart When Requested to Move On. (lly Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) TIIOHNDALI2, Toxns. Juno 20. Ilecnuso Charles Zoltung, n gnrnso lirojirlotor protested to an unldentin- J ed young Mexican against tho lattor litorlng up tho front of Zoltung's ; garngo with shnvlngs ns a result of ' Industrious whittling on n stick, tho youth turned on Zoltung nnd stabbed him through tho heart. Tho youth wns nrrestod nnd lodged In tho town Jail nt Thorndalo whoro last night tho jnob gnthored nnd stormod tho pris on. Thoy secured tho Moxlcnn nnd hnngod him to n tclophouo polo In tho principal streot of tho town. .... , - oioctoti uirector to succoed rrniik i(o-'outing plnco In tho city. Short gors nnd Goo. Ilonlo reolcctcd clerk. Iordors n spcclnlty. Tho prices nnd District Xo. I. th0 cpoklng nro both right. Coll In district No. 1 thoro woro two ftnd Seo. vacancies to ho filled, ono being oc casioned by tho resignation of J. W. Hiissoll. Sam Shook wns olected for tho two yonrs' term nnd Will Smith for tho thrco yenrs' torm. Chnrlos Mnhaffy was elected clork to succeed Mrs. Jennlo Lnndrlth. in width l to 8 inches. Worth 20c to 25e. To A ,J close out, yard j y(4 Bathing Suits for Boys and Men. Wero (55c nnd 75c. Sixes 2(5 to 40. H) f Blnek or navy. Suit 33C Women's Pretty Long Kimonos. In ico patterns and mate rials. Were . Now Women's Fine White Petticoats. and em hroulered. Wert' $2.50 to $3.00. Now " size. $1.45 Laco v m 'y U tJIJ Men's Fine Dress Shirts in and $1.75 grades. All sixes. Neat patterns , regular $1.50 The The Greatest Bargain Center in Southern Oregon too Store Bos "Every Article a Big' Bargain" W. F. IRISH, Manager Cor. Broadway and Commercial asswaire Bargains Wo havo Just received direct from tho factory n lino of dltiss nil plows to match cheap In price but not In quality. (Jlass Top Halt mill Pepper l.'e eucli Oils a.1f eneh , J Piece Sets . . . 7.1c het S Sugars -."c encli CivaniN 'Me ouch I. hull I'riiits :t." Mt IMnch Kuilts -."Jc encli OOS BAY ASH STORE Tlio Storo That Saves You Money. UKO. N MOLT, .Mntiagei- Front Sttvot. Mai-Klillcld. tnu f m nanasan a oenr Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over .... Assets Over left Kami $100,000 $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits F y OF e $100 Reward, $100 TIh ifiiilom ol this iii)nr wfll bo iileanoil to lenru Unit llioru U nt U'nl one ilronU'l itlfi'aro that h'Umu'o Iih Iiooii nlilo to run In nil Its tHi;o. Rinl t lint W f'Hinrril. IIhII'k Cnlnrrli Ouru U tlio only poMtUooiro now know n to tho nusllciil frukriill) Ci!urri botuu con ullliillotnil illnMin'. rciuitroi' n ron.tltiitlonul trt'titiuoiit. llall.h Cuturrli i uro Is takvu Inter mill)-. nrtliiK illrivll-iiron tho blooil mul uni co uk iirluei's nt tlul ) bli'iu, thi'tohy leiro lui: tho (oiuiilntUin of tliiil.v.o, ami clvinit tho pn lent tlroiiKlh (tl tiaildliu up tho rontltn. ttoil nul nnU'll'iK nitiiroln UoIiir Iu work Tho proprietor Imvf to mneli (nlth In In cur atlo iKiuvrk that they offer Ono Hundred Dol lar for uny riio that It fiilln to euro, fc-'eml for Hut of tettlruonla . X. J. lMJrNKY & CO,, Toleilo, O. HoM tiyoll lrui;i:ll.7.V Tako lIiilU' l'umlly I'llU lor constipation Don't forgot 1'IIOXE 21 1-J. the Turkish Daths. Union Oils GASOLINE niSITIiIiATK IW2KKINH KiatOSIOXK BAMSON GAS ENGINKS iwfr dtKsiuFuoAL JMIs Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. BrawihicM, On, I'lIONE OOZ-3 IfrnU Orde- Solicited, Jl BaTf mtmr by troBrskaf Tin Thomas Douglas Was Namo of Logger Killed on the Coquille River. Tho loggor who was Instantly klll od nt Scoloy & Anderson's Logging Camp on tho lower Coqulllo river, wns Idontlfled as that of Thomas Douglas, about forty-nlno years of ngo. It Is bolloved that Douglas has two sisters living somowhoro In the stato. No othor particulars aro known about tho dead man. Thomas mot his death In a rather singular way. Ho was engaged In felling a big tree, whon tho tree stnrtod to fall, and striking another tree, Its weight battered the other treo down, Thomas was struck by tho falling treo, and -was killed In stantly. Tho funeral was held In Dandon this aftornoon at 2 o'clock, A 24-Hour Daylight Store There is a forceful chapter on "Success" in the following letter written by Sol, C. Cohn & Company, one of the lead ing merchants of Fort Smith, Ark. Read It I Mill I . I.I I . , I I "we nave just completed our c i o x n i n g store, and our immense glass front gives us all the light necessary for day time, To make our store a twenty-four hour day-light store, we had the lighting company plan our night illumination, and we are pleased with the same, People come here every day and compliment us on our swell night display in our windows, "We assure you that we believe our light ing display is our best advertisement, Fort Smith is proud of'jier Light & Traction Com panyone of her greatest boosters," At Let our New Business 'Department assist YOU, TELEPHONE 178. Oregon Power Co. COXl)l.Si:i STATKMKXT OP TIIK COXDITIOX OP THE FIRST NATIONAL HAXK OP COOS HAY AT MAUSIiriHIjl), OHKGO.V, at tho closo of business, Juno 7th, 1911. HKSOUltCKS: m Loans nnd discounts $180,015.32 Ovordrnfta iS U. S. Donds nnd pro- mlums 25,350.00 Othor bonds 77,412.50 County nnd school warrants. . . . 2,571.78 Banking house, furnl- turo nnd fixtures. . . 82,089.45 Cash and duo from banks. , 100,585.12 LIAIULITIKS: Cnpltnl stock. Surplus and profits.. . $100,000.00 7.H5.95 Circulation. Doposlts. . 25,000.00 , 395,778.70 $527,021.85 $S27,t)21.5 Cash rosorvo 40 at doposlts. V Invito your attention to tho strong condition of this bank as indicated In tho nbovo statement, nlso to tho porsonnel of Its di rectorate. Does n gonornl banking business. Interest paid on tlmo nnd savings doposlts, OFFICERS: W. S. CHANDLER, Presldont; M. C. HORTON, VJco-rresIdent; DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. . DIRECTORS: W. S. CHANDLER, JOHN S. COKE, W. U. DOUGLAS, F. S. DOW, WM. GRIMES, JOHN F. HALL, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, W. P. MURPHY, M. C. HORTON. UNIQUE rANTAtTOmUM Bring your dyeing, cleaning, press ing and repairing to us nnd t pleaaod Wo nro cvpwfH. Carpets trad Jtaa I cleaned on your floor or at our tho ' Phono 230X, Central nvenniv Soooml strM "r " & PIN. j, ' Fronricor&. Hare your Job prtnttng o.c at Ttases office. v Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIADLO 4ND JOSSON CEMENT. Tho test Domestic nnd lmoortod brands, .latter, Llmo, Blclj' 'and all kinds t builders laptorial HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. nENllY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Offlco Phone 191 Uarshfleld Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal nnd Platting Lands a epclU7' Gensrnl Agsnts "EABTSIDK" FOR GOOD TORK irins your clothes to mo. Cleaning, rrMlnr nnd repairing a speclaltyj 6y rxyerlenced na. Batlslactlon Smmt!i SLAVCHABI) A BO. MAlUSHFrELD'S VOVW& VAMILT Umim Rates rdmeed to: Day - ' , kvla prtemt with j fl o 118.01 irJTJL, V9Jf aMIM VMi rOTMttivi m. m "- ; rat r-- ri , r w