The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 20, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Image 1

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your Htore-ncuH, hIioiiIcI appear as
icutiloi'ly iih does (IiIh newspaper. If
n newspaper "milled " Kmio now
flml Hteii even for mi weighty a run
gon t tvnrUi'A (hut it might rain
It would not ho a koi! newspaper.
"A Htoru's advertising npnco in
neuspitprr, compared with llio spnco
lined hy other stores, c'luultl clefluo
its eompurntHe Importance in tho
coit'tuunity! Doom your store's ad
viTtN'i.jt pp.tcc do that?
Established In 1H7H
as Tho Const Mall
A Consolidation of Tillies, ('mini .Malt
and Coo si Buy Atli
No. 135
7) ! "" T ;
Hilt II
JUNE 20, 1911
pt AviTvjn. tri7 nAMP bHIbnuU I lUULliIu b
Carries In Only One District of
Four Voting on '
New Directors and Clerks
Chosen In Many Dis
tricts Yesterday.
Tho consolidation of tho South
Coos Rlvor district hoIiooIh was badly
defcatud In yesterday's election. In
Oratory to Be Encouraged by
Coos County High
I At Inst evening's school mooting
'mi Important action was taken to
stlinulnto Interest In oratory In Coos
'county high schools. It Is proposed
that tho plan first Instituted by L.
only one district No. 35 was tho scn-jA( proy Qf NorMl I)ond n offcrlnB a
timent very ntrong in favor of tliol,,r70 cl, for n coos county high
now departure In tho othor thrco , school oratorical competition be con
dlstrlcts It was benton. In district tinned by the. high school districts
No. 1 tho vote was C for and 7 themselves providing tho fund. Tho
niinnnuMnii nniiiA ntittrl unlit t rrtTll T?
. ............ X... ..,' ....l 1 f,. h """" ".'"". '-
agaiiisi; uihmivi " "u "
and 7 ngnlnHf, In district Xo. 39
It wns 10 for to
L. Knowlton of Coqulllo, whoso
high school won tho Frey cup by
C ngnlnst; In dls-' thrco victories. Mr. Knowlton
trlct No. 35 It wns ovorwholmlngly
In fnvor of consolidation.
According to tho conditions of tho
election tho voto hnd to bo fnvor
nblo in each soparnto district to
inako tho plan offoctlvo.
.Miirsliflcltl's New Teachers.
Tho board of education nt a meet
ing last ovonlng engaged threo moro
teachers for tho coming yenr: Mr.
A. L. Barker ns principal of tho
high school, and Miss Inez Baldwin
and Mrs. Evn Pennock ns teachers
In tho prlmnry dopnrtmont.
Mr. Barkor graduated from Bat
tlo Creek, Michigan high school In
1304, and from Olivet College Mich
igan In 1908. Immediately follow
ing grnduntlon from collego, ho wns
electod teacher nnd nthlotlc conch
In Bnttlo Crcok high sohool In which
ho hnd boon n former student. Ho
thought tho fenturo such nn excel
lent ono that It should bo continued
and pledged hlmsolf to donato $20
If each of tho other districts would
do tho same. Dr. J. T. McCormnc of
tho Marshneld school board offered
to do tho snmo for his district but
when tho matter wns brought up for
discussion last ovonlng It was
thought by tho othor mombors tun'
It would bo a bettor plan for tho vari
ous districts to mnko tho nocossnry
contributions rather than individu
als as It would thus place tho matter
entirely under tho Jurisdiction of tho
school boards. Accordingly tho sujn
of $20 was voted by tho Mnrshflold
district nnd tho mnttor will now bo
tnken up with tho North Bond, Myr
tlo Point nnd Bnndoir bonrds. It la
thought thnt their action will un
doubtedly bo favornblo and tho ora
torical contest ngnln instituted nnd
contluuod. It Is prebnblo that tho
stato rules nnd regulations will bo
served In thnt capacity two yonrs.
I.nt vwir tin wnu nleclod assistant
v.,. ..- adopted if tho plnn Is successful
... - .. l . L
responsiuio ror mo management m
380 pupils. Whllo performing his I
other duties Mr. Barker found tlmo
to organlzo a Gormnn club nnd n do
bating society. Ho is mnrriod nnd
about twonty-flvo years of age. Gor
man, mathematics nnd sclenco nro
his teaching subjects. Ho should
prove n good teacher nnd friend of
Mnrshflold's young people.
, Miss Inoz Baldwin graduated from
HII'Bdnlo high school, Hillsdale,
Michigan, In 190C, ami from tho
prlmnry course of tho Michigan
Stato Normal College nt Ypsllnntl in
Juno of this yenr. Sho holds n llfo
certlflcato nnd hns hnd ono year's
successful experience. She will suc
ceed Miss Mnrgnrot TtnndaU in tho
South Mnrshflold school.
Tho superintendent was Instruct
ed to purchase supplementary read
ers for use In tho lower grades, nnd
Fishing Without a License
Brings About Arrest of
Two Persons.
Two arrests for violations of tho
fish and gamo laws woro made yes
terday by S. Powoll, a deputy In tho
ofllco of W. L. Finlny, Master Gamo
Warden of tho State, who was re
cently assigned to tho Coos Bay coun-
crs for uso In tho lower grades, nna i . to mveB,lgnfo conditions hero, andi
1100 was appropriated for tho pur-l headquarters nt I
PORf. Supplementary readers nr0' ...
vonsldored sjntlal .to modern! ' Pn,.cht Ashing
IV, lltll. -
on tho Coos River abovo Allegany
without n license and when brought
before Justice of tho Pence-Pennock
wnc assessed a flno of $25 nnd costs,
which amounted to $3.50.
Powell camo upon Harrington
while tlio latter wns clennlng a batch
of tho fish ho had caught, nnd placed
him under nrrost.
M. A. Plorco wns nlso nrrested by
Powell Inter In tho day for fishing,
without having n license and was
taken by tho deputy for Justice of
tho Pence Pcnpock, who assessed a
fine of $25 upon Plorco.
teaching nnd nil good schools uso
the l-snmo schools having six or
moro sots for tho lower grndes. It
has como to bo evident thnt ono of
tho best ways to learn to read Is to
read, Rondlng 13 fundamental to
every other study n poor reader Is
likely to bo poor In everything.
There seems to bo n certain absur
dity about tho old way of spending
nine months upon ono smnll book
until the child Is thoroughly tired
of tho book nnd Its contents. Much
aore Is gained by keeping up tho
child's Interest by a change of text..
By a unanimous voto C. J. MUHs
was reelected director for n term of
threo years and John F. Hall was re
elected clerk of the Marshfleld school
l.-nv Mnrahfleld nt 0:15 eh
-morning nnd reach Roseburg In 8
,abl t novo nneninirer nt G:45 n. m. dally
evening. Tho meeting was not lar- nU(J reach jjnrshfleld In 84 hours.
Eely attended, only twenty-two being Wado & Goodalo, Mnrshflold ticket
Present. I office at Blanco Cigar Store.
See tho McCORMICK lino of Mow
ers, Rakes and Tedders at MILXER'S
'strict at the annual election
M, Q. Horton, president of the
(Continued on page 2.)
MARSHFIELD has within tho past week felt tho first fntut vibrations
of a new awakening. Somo call It u boom, others progress, enter
prise, development. Boom Is not n nlco word nnd booms nro not
nlco things. Boom suggests n loud report but there Is nothing to It
but noise. Tho bullet docs tho work but tho boom of tho gun's report
Is only hallow Bound. Sometimes onterpriso nnd rcnl development nro
miscalled booms because tho first premonitory symptoms are about tho
same. Both nro accompanied by activity nnd somo excitement but un
less tliero is something substantial bnck of tho nctlvlty It ends In empti
ness nnd disappointment. That Is why It is known ns n boom. Rcnl en
terprise nnd development mnrches bravely forward nnd leaves a substan
tial structure to mark its advance. Tho difference Is somothlng llko
tho cynic's definition of speculation and gambling. If your investment
Is n success and you win it is speculation, If you lose It is gambling. If
onterpriso nnd development accompany n display of nctlvlty It rtiny bo
known ns real constructive work,. If It Is moroly ronl cstnto speculation
It Is a boom. May tho Good Lord deliver us from booms.
For rcnl development of Its resources Coos Bny Is white unto tho hnr
vest. It Is to bo hoped theso first faint vibrations nro the heralds of
Mio coming of that for which wo hnvo waited long somo very long.
There nro men, nnd thoy nro men of substnnco and achievement, who
sny that on tho shores of this bny with Its magnlllc'ent harbor a great
city will bo built. Not a merely prosperous country town of 25,000 or
50,000 population- but n real metropolis, not tho second city In Oregon
but tho first. It sounds largo and looks llko a dream. Men who have
made the predictions hnvo boon denominated dreamers. Men who lack
tho power of vision laugh nt dreamers but dreamers of today nro tho
builders of tomorrow. I ennnot resist quoting nt this point, It seems, so
truly applicable to tho men who bolleyj In Coos Bay's great future, Ro
glnnld Kaufman's npostropho to tho dreamers:
"They nro tho nrchltccts of greatness. Their vision lies within their
souls. They nover sco tho mlrngcB of Fact, but peer beyond tho volls
nnd mists of doubt nnd plorco tho wnlls of unborn Tlmo.
Tho World .hns nccolnded thorn' with Jeor nnd sneer nnd glbo, for worlds
nro mndo of llttlo men who tnko but nover give who shnro but novor
spare who cheer a grudgo nnd grudgo n cheer.
Wherefore, tho paths of progress hnvo been sobs of blood dropped
from their brokon hearts.
Makers of empire thoy hnvo fought for blggor things than crowns
nnd higher sents than thrones. Fnnfnro nnd pnKoaijt nnd tho right to
rule or will to lovo nro not tho fires which wrought their resolution into
steel. Orlof only streaks tholr hairs with silver, but has novor grayed
their diopes. 'i
Thoy nro tho Argonauts, tho Bookers of tho priceless fleece tho Truth.
Through all tho ngos thoy hnvo hoard tho voice of Destiny cnll to them
from tho unknown vasts. -They dnre -uncharted-sens, for thoy aro mak
ers of tho charts. With only cloth of courago nt tholr masts nnd with
no compnBs savo their dreams, thoyj sail away undaunted for tho far,
blind shores.
Their brains have wrought nil humnn miracles. In laco of stono their
spires stab tho Old World's skies nnd with their golden crosses kiss tho
Tho belted wheel, tho trail of stool, tho churning screw, aro shuttles
In tho loom on which thoy weave tholr maglcTtapcstrles.
A Hash out In tho night leaps leagues of snarling seas and cries to
shoro for help, which, but for ono man's dream, would novor como,
Their tunnels plow tho rlvor bod and chain tho lslauds to tho Mother
land. Their Tvlngs of canvns bent tho nlr nnd add tho highways of tho ooglo
to tho human paths.
A God hown volco swells from n disk of gluo nnd wells out through n
throat of brass, caught sweet nnd wholo, to Inst beyond tho maker of
tho song, because a drenmor dreamt.
What would you have of fancy or of fact if hands woro'all with which
men had to build?
Your homes nro sot upon tho lnnd a drenmor found. Tho pictures on
Its walls nro visions from n drenmer'n soul. A drcamor's pain walls
from your vloljn.
Thoy nro tho chosen fow tho Blazers of tho Way who novor wonr
Doubt's bnndngo on their oyes who stnrvo nnd chill nnd hurt, but hold
to courngo nnd to hope, becauso thoy know thnt thoro is nlwnys proof of
truth for them who try that only cownrdlco nnd IncK of faith can keep
tho seeker from his chosen gonl, but If his heart bo strong nnd If ho
drenm enoughnnd dream It hard enough, ho can attain, no mnttor whoro
mon fnlled before.
Wnlls crumblci and omplres fall. Tho tidal wavo sweeps from tho sea
o,i ! n fnrtross fmm Its rocks. Tho rottliiK nation drop from off
Time's bough, nnd only things tho droamors mnko llvo on.
Thoy nro tho Eternal Conquerors tholr vnssnls nro tho yonrs."
Coos Bay hns hnd threo booms nnd thrco times sho hnB gono down but
sho hns novor boon counted out. When tho smoko of tho booms sho hns
had clears nwny it shows that thoro was always somo real advancement
and dovolopment whloh provos tho solidarity of hor strength nnd tho
Eiibstnnco of hor rcsourcos. Sho has beon'strong In advorslty. You can't
bent or keop down n plnco with Coos Bay's God given heritage. Llttlo
mon may harrnss and hampor hor progress but thoy enn't stop hor. Hor
days of adversity have bcon only tho test-tubes that proved hor worth.
That same vlrllo writer Kaufman says:
"How many times enn you tnko-a drubbing nnd still tnko hoart? Wo
vint to discover how you recover. Wo can't toll whoro you stand un
til we've seen you fall.
Tho tost-tubo of adversity provos your real colors.
When you're drenched with troublo and wrenched with despair, thon
wo can tell If you nro truo bluo or Just plain yellow. '
If you can hold to your courago dosplto setback If you enn mnlntnln
your enthusiasm In tho face of Incredulity If you can boliovo In tho
.rainbow In. tho turmoil of tho storm if you can find a guiding star In
ho night of black doubt If yQU can kogp your Jaw squared andyour, will
dogged whon you aro alono and unencourngod, tomorrow belongs to
.you you're n fighting man a solf-sufllclont, a solf-rellant son of Dare.
If you are ronlly competent you will repoat. If you can't cpmo back
you must stay back.
How can wo bellevo In you If you lack faith In your own power nnd
your own destiny?
Wo nro content to servo tho strong, but those who ennnot
thomselves may not master us. , . "',''.
Only sturdy timbers and .aUudy shoulders, are fit for posts of respon
sibility. ' ,
Wo reject armor plate If It can't defend Itself against our Incredulous
Wo won't buy a motor far without a record for endurance.
Wo don't accept wool, as wool until a caustic has searched for the
Convicted Forger Violates
Rules of Freedom and
Returns to Jail.
Robert Bice, nllas Robert Brown,
convicted of forgery nt tho Inst term
of court, 'having pnsscd forged chcckB
In Mnrshflold nnd Bnndon buslucsu
houses, but pnrolod by Judgo Coke,
yesterday violated tho terms under
which ho enjoyed freedom nnd hns
bcon returned to Jail nt Coqulllo
from where ho will bo tnken to tho
Stnto ponltentlnry. ""
When Blco wns grnntod his condi
tional pardon, ho promised to rofralu
from drinking nnd report his resl
donco nnd actions to tho Court every
mouth. Lutor ho wns tnken to Rich
mond, Cat., on a crlmlnnl chnrgo but
was not convicted nnd ho returned to
Coos county whoro ho hns been work
ing In tho logging camps. Yester
day ho went to Bnndon nnd proceed
ed accumulated n fighting Jng. Ho en
gaged In an encounter with n logger
In n saloon nnd whllo his nntognnUt
was much smaller ho gnvo Bleo n
beautiful bcntlng. Blco wns thon
taken to tho Bnndon Jnll but wns
Intor ballod out by a friend. Ho thon
announced his Intention to clenn out
tho pollco forco of Bnndon and eve
ryono who opposed him. Tho city
mnrshnl did not provo tho rnsy mnrk
thnt Bleo had counted upon nnd soon
tho foxy fighting forger wns ngaln
languishing In Jnll. Tho city mnrshal
notified Sheriff Gngo hi Mnrshflold
and tho sheriff ordorcd Blco remand
ed to tho county Jail In Coqullls.
Shorltf Gngo thou notified Judgo Coko
of Blco'a actions nnd Judgo Coko an
nounced thnt his pnrolo would bo
revolted. It will then bo up to Mr.
Blco to study scientific boxing In tho
Stnto ponltentlnry for two years.
Remarkable Conditions Creat
ed by a New Anti Noise
New Rule Was Passed For
Benefit of Night Workers
In City.
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bny
CHICAGO, 111., Juno 20. Tho
peddlers who hnvo gono on strlko
hoping to forco tho repeal of tho
autl-nolso ordinance whloh pre
vented them from crying tholr wares
today began acts of vlolonco to forco
loss the domonstratlvo mombors of
tho trade to Join them. When tho
peddlers gathered In tho big Ran
dolph street market at daylight tho
I wagons woro overturned, fruits and
vegetables scattered about nnd driv
ers who refused to strlko woro driven
from tho wngons. Moro thnn n
score of nrrosts wero mndo boforo tho
strlkors deserted tho mnrkot plnco.
There nro snld to bo ten thousnnd
peddlers In Chicago. Tho antl-nolso
ordlnnnco wns passed for tho bonoflt
of night workers of whom thoro aro
a hundred thousnnd hero, and whoso
dnys of rest hnvo been brokon by tho
cries of tho peddlors.
Martin Allison Is Arrested on
Charge of Not Having
Store License.
Arrested for soiling fish without n
store Uconso, Martin Allison was
tnkon boforo Justice of tho Penco
Ponnook yostordny, nnd flnod $50.
Allison wns urrostod by Gamo Wardon
G. Noah. Ho had n Uconso to paddlo
fish, but this did not gtvo him the
right to opon a fish mnrkot, n store
Uconso bolng nocassary for that pur
Arrives In Bay Early With
Thirty Passengers and
God Cargo.
Tho steamer Alllanco arrived In
Coos Bay early this morning from
Portlnnd with a list of thirty passon
gors, nnd n good sized cargo. Fol
lowing is tho pnsHengor list:
A. L. Kelloy, T. W. McKoy, Mrs.
B. Aokormnu. F. E, Allen, 8. C. Shor
rlll, Mrs. I. Vnsson, Mrs. N. Motcnlf,
a. W. Holllster, II. B. Hoffman, J.
B. Berry, A. Qunrtormas, C. W.
Quartermns, A. Cunon, J. Holt, O. A.
Park, G. O. Hangonson, J, Mooro, Mrs
J. Pool, Leo Gray, Josso Mnckoy, II.
B. Potro, F. Wnnsky, Mrs. N. Fran
cis, Ruth Boyd, F. Hodatrom.
J. W. BENNETT returned Inst ovo
nlng from nn oxtoudod stay in
Portlnnd, Ho was nocompnnled by
Attorney J. N. Teal and thoy
startod this nftoruoon on n fishing
trip of n fow days nt Ton Milo lake
cotton thnt mny bo burlod In tho warp.
This Is n "Show us" ngo. Wo'vo paid doarly for woodon nutmogs,
coats of paint, flnwod scantlings, dross pnrado soldlors, nnd counterfeit
,'Wo'vo bcon burned until wo'vo learned to tnko nothing for grnntod.
"Cnvoat emptor" stands bosldo "fi Plurlbus Unum" on the national
shlold Wp nro, wary buyors of performances ns woll as of nierchnndlso.
Vo nro not docelvod by surfaces. We fear tho voneor. Wo will not
pay ns much for grnlnod wood nnd wood of grnln.
Your morlt must bo moro thnn skin (Imp. You won't do If you don't
come through. Wo can't toll whnt'n hlddon under your hide until wo
loam how you net undor n. hiding.
Whon thoy strip you but oan't whip you, wo'U wrlto "Wolcomo" on
tho doormat of Opportunity and hand over the pnss-koy to ''tho future.
Wo can always trust pluck. A man with grit novor did grow crooked,
Dlshnnosty is a wonkllng's compromlso with ronl endeavor. It's a cow
nrd's confosslon of his inoflloloncy. v
Thoro Is no more sntlsfnctlon In cheating nt tho gamo of Llfo ban
dhaatlng at a game of solitaire. .
' U S$i$ 4'orslst and glvo tho cards a chance, thoy'ro bound to work
out right". Keop plnylng tho game.
Coos Bay will como out right. Wo must not loso our heads ovor a
dovolopment thnt Is ovorduo neither must wo discourage It with doubt
nnd unbelief "Welcome" Is now written on tho doormat of Opportunity
nnd Coos Bny'H pass koy is marked "confidence" Wo must not low
it or throw It away. Keep playing tho game. i ,