The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 19, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Image 1

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    I . I ' .J
your store-news, should appear as
regularly an does thin newspaper. If
n iii'vMinior omitted mi is.suo now
mid tlioii even for so weighty a roa
sou as fearing (lint It illicit rain
It would not bo a "' newspaper.
"A store's luUcrtlsliiK space In n
now.spnper, i-ompuvoil with llio space
used by other stoics, should doihio
lis comparative Importance in tlio
ccmniunt;yl Docs your store's ad
vertl iik ft'-ace do tluitV
Kstitlillslicd in 1H78
uh Tlio Const Mull
A Consolidation of Times, Con "t .Mull
mid Coos liny Advertise:.
No. 134
Pr i jSI yj iTi
G. H
Reynolds Development Com
pany Buys It as Real
Estate Speculation.
Jay Lawyer and W. H. Kiernan
Say That No Others Are
Tlio Reynolds Development Com
pany, tho inomborB of whom nro Jny
;'...- .,! W If. Klnrninn of Kno-
OF 0.
kinc. hnvo piirchiiBcd tho Oregon to forco " -M Mil on JudRo Coke,
i ".' i vn..i.min,i .i.mnniiv'0 iiniti.'iH regnrded by tho Btnto nt largo Is
u.. nit ritiiH Ilnv
i ..u i, ( authorized
today by Jny Lawyer of Spoknno who
.rrivni horn Snturdny morning. Tho
:.".: nllrm. Htn r,.nnrt nf till) I
to Saturday nnd clears tho spocu-1
J .......... .1... 1.1 vr Mm mi-.
IUMUII " .. ...v..-.-,,
Mr. Lawyer stnted thnt tlio conv
panr hnd bought It purely as a spe-
?..,.,..? it., fi.witnr Mint
culatl.n. Ho stnrted furthur thnt
J?,,M i i . Xnn i i work t from tho bench simply on tho ground -own except n retusal of a young
,h05 ' ""l w, , i dlvhlo't'-"1 ""mo one does not fully agree i woman to danco with him. when ho
onCo'nnn .r C ,h, nurnolo 5 wlt" " cnnatrnctlon of tho law as ;lcwed "some one Is going to gel
the 2 100 IICrOH 101" till) purpose ',.. . . ,... ., . ..tiitrt" tilt. lmr.Hmr rnUmi'Ait
-....!.. i. .. .1 .l,i ... m.n. rrim
puiuii, t hi ii.u """" ";',,; , "'evoryono knows, when a Judno In
tompnnv has Ions oil a roo: In tie
rhn,or for tl !, 'ni oSco't" coii.truct tho law that tho jury
Chandler for two oars os oiuco. U inn,o m ,,,, , judRnB the
rMr8' I nwvnr nlso stated thnt tho'ovl'onco nccordlng to tho law, and
nS m ?' V Xnrnrnnotln J tllO COUrt'8 ktlOWlodgO of tllO lllW t
R, BmlMi or V. A. Warner, nro not in- . ,,.,, , ,., ,,., ,,np(M..
tmntpil with them. Ho said thnt ' V0"C.,.,., "i0.." "" . .....!l3?:
Mr Warner who I" "n-in-: n
,CvA'S" U;n" ,i
c noKollPtlona nnd seemed tho op-
"ih1 .i . 'Z: rn , rZ
icllInK tho Inst of threo or four lnrKo
.. r.. . . ...... ..1...I..,1 f
.IIHt !- A. II 1 1 .. .. vttni-
Sacramento Vnlloy In Cnllfornla. hay-
Ins recent y bought 12.000 ncres m.
One Unci lllOrO.
Mr. Lawyer Is enthusiastic over.'
the outlook hero. Ho vlBlted hero
last April or Mav and was horo again
h nrtni or A Am iirosont doal
.m-Y ?w L 1, nvU
.made only after careful Investig-
HcbPllcvcs thnt Coos Bay Is ono
, il. .!..... .. . nnnailnlf.liii
i uiu uiiwii ui mi urn ui .........."
qqi ons l ""n "" ' '" "7','kcs set forth In tho form of petition
ktt there. They nro nlso IntorcB ted Co0 nr(J ,oo.
In an Irrlgnted lnnd project In tho . , ,, Min Rnlni ,nu.vnrH . ..,,.
development. (luct jl(8 court n8 t0 j,ienso;ovorybody,
SKIJj T1I)K VIjAT. not to ofTond anybody. If ho cannot
""' && cSLf-. &JSR-,tsr k:k
ISnn. n? m, 'j "on ncfn wford'H torB. Jii(lge8 and all odlcors under
Pcfnt! K8 norhflfahoCru;rotho system who do not
Coos niver nnd on tho east sldo of01"",., .... ,.,... ,
Ithonav, hnvo prnetlcnlly boon clos-I ' VVa 'ho forego
S,n T" ' T' ft r'bnr ' now i ! T. w t to "dS alSfy and sarens
; " WaS,Cmi cn.uloNb.rglt'llV. " " nable to seo.
" , was'i., mm cinuuo iMiHuuii, .,,, .., ,iinrnrnnpo. nxpnnt nor-
::''.,' IIB """'l v". .:'.?:."',.
Em "vr Do pcs Is oxpo h o'..U.s In degree, between tho recall for
u . . . Vl ii Vni.n'a governor or a mayor or a loglsla-
'- 'iv to c'.cso tho coal. Tho ' .
been h1 nt t ho otlntlons thus reenll Is a ready Instrument for tho.tiiraa hnvo made tho grounds boautl
S -l. i- roUlrtP r tlirouSh nn -0'ovnl of unfulthful public oflloers. I fUl. and a number of unlquo oleo
in. inducted tlnough n;iMt ,g ,)rol,or t0 ,nvoii0 the rocnll on trlcal oiYepts have been arranged.
aatai. .A....l ... ..,. n. An..nj.llman .-?. ... ...n.A ..i.e.. nit .Inn liiilnn
Slays.'s of Idaho Sheriff, and
Train Conductor Elude
Posse In Wilderness.
by -oclated Press to Coos Bay
,,ro TBLLO, Ida., June 19.
"ugh Witney, ono of tho two dos-:
wad r , v.ho Bhot and fatally wound-iQ
nnl.l i
!" l"'i' tctor William Kldd and sert-
iim i ; ount0'1 Hoputy Shorlffy Sam-, jndg0 for hl8 decisions, why may not
n!i n on t1,8 0re8n sll0rt Lne;tho referendum bo lnvokod against
nsia r sjiencor, Ida., last Satur- Ul0 d,-08lon8 tliQms.olves?
'h ' , ' " S "n" u rn "
count . .,. ,,r 1 i , TV-...,
ta-ht, U Westorn yom'nlV "Vm
h.M ecn seen or heard of Whit-
r tn
1 oo,l AftiflUB
.'..".:,.i","' ;;.
Olil at n i iTih tnin mo 'petition received from Hoseburs by"
Gil! !tl" TV, U "fJ , ?i 0'Attornoy-nen8ral Crawford. , . The
ng1 and wounding Edgar AIi'
irest -pi.i n. r cnt n attorpey-genoral wns roquosiou oy i1..
bri." Ihmoul"s.?wl,0 Sco"La.L Cannon, of Roseburg. to pass on
4 to aton , W hltnev nn wai shot
la th.nP ""X " J!"L"ft a
9m i. i . : ' '. B . c Toi o
p was formerly a resldont of Wyo
""a8 and who knows that country, J
I CO. fl
Leading Attorneys and News
papers Regard Fight on
Coke as Foolish.
Tho mnnnor In which the notion of
discontented nnd disgruntled rosl-
duntH of Rosoburg who nro sooklns
shown by tho stntoment of n lending
attorney of Snlom nnd nn editorial
-In tho Orognnlnn.
Tho Portland Tologrnm snys:
"WI10I1 nsKOll to VOl
"Wlion nsked to volco his views
' , "Wr to tho petition, one of
Snlom's loading attorneys, whoso
nnmo Is withhold for tho present by
'request, snld:
. " "" "' """ '" ""
". to attempt to recall a Judge
"It Is not only unwise but rldlcu-
I"" P'H'ii ePH ill HI lllillii; ii. .
1)0,lll8truct0(1 ns to ow thoy miir.,
fon.tmo tho law with evidence be,
MM. I.. f 1... fl-.-. llM l 11.. I.lninu.l
- Jft ?,;c;rO,cr. ;,,,,, r,S?residon, Taf, ad WX Taft
III IIIU lliniuij Ul iiiu w.i.iui. uiiinin
thnt nn ofTort 1ms been mndo to recnll i
. .
; - ;-- ,:"--,.- I
j Q ,nn Bnya 0(IltorIaIIy :
IITI, lo nllr wn l.nni. nf rnnnl
."-.- ,c' 'V' "' , ' V.
,""; J, h. '" ".;'". ;,?. ., .iV . ...fc ......
ljrclled nt a recent notoroiiBiniiN
dor tr,nl ""' who "m(, r,l,,nB8 "ot.dlnK todoy. Twonty-llvo years ago
'plenBlng to friends of tho homlcldo's William H. Tnft mnrrlcd Miss Helen
wn8 uu.,Horro nt ,,., , Cn.
"--: rii' JwK n7? 7' f, LV ' ZT .''"""
,.,,. ,,, i,,.., lti. on . ,,
.'," :,";.;. ..;; .7; .!:..V. . V" "","" :..";,",..,"
howevor. nny dllToroiico. oxcopt pot.
nil linilllllllul uinur "I ku.iuiii..i, i
why Is It not proper to Invoke tho
recall op an unfaithful Judgo? But
who shall say whon a Judgo Is un-,
faithful? Who shall accuse him?
Disappointed litigants, or thp friends
and partisans or (lissatlsnea piamuns pessimistic viow oi uie wuainur nun
... i... l...,lo Ct.n.ilil tlinra lxi n'nnllnna fnt Innlfllt. "Tlin I'rAflldflll!
or defendants? Should there bo a
trlnl or Is tho nrbltrnmont of tho pub- j
He auflloloiit? Wo suppose It ought
to be, Blcco tho puuilo is entitled w.
hrve such piibllc olDcers as It wants,
inpludlnz Judges, nnd to dismiss
such as It does not want, morely for
ho reason that It doos- not want
This Southern Oregon Judge, ir
thore shall be an attempt to recall
him, will of course not be recalled.
But wo think tho Incident may open
the oyos of tho publlo to tho neces
sity of putting some saiogiiarus
. , ,.. IUUQrtaat foaturo of the
x i
Tf ,hfl rocnii may be used
on a
Tho Orogonian gives tho following
nows roport of tho attempted rocaii
n x dispatch from Salom;
. he flrgt Ume Rn effort w,
... MnrA wnnall n (llfltm frnnt tllA
" '" -"' J "- ..-- --
bench, according to tho form of a
ha form nnd to noiit h,m whJW4"
such a form would fill the requlro-Tiiled
'ments of law. That the pet tlon wns
( Continued on page 4.)
George Ogden Armour With!Gcorgc A can-enter in the united
Nine Other Packers Is De
nied Motion to Quash Indict
mentsWill Be Tried.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
CHICAGO, III.. Juno 19. Judgo
Because Young Woman. Re
fused to Dance With Him
Sicilian Fires Bullets.
i By Associate Press to tho Coos Bay
SAX FRANCISCO, Cal., Juno 19.
Tlio nollcn nrn Hniirnliltie tlin In t In
quartor today for Joseph Achinnl,
Sicilian, who fired Into nn Italian
wedding party Inst night, dangerously
wounding throe men. No motive is
.. . 1. U LXJ. I
Celebrated Their Silver
Wedding Today.
Assoulntod Press to Coos Bny
.,."..;" 'Vi.T. !,7.' Y;"!' .,' ;'..., '
WASHIXGTOX, D. C, Juno 19.
BUiiuui iiiu..ui. muif ... w.u ....
Houso they colobratod a quarter of a
ceiuury ui iiiumeii inu. uur iik ..n;..
timo 'inrt uoenmo uniioa biaioa jun-
go, commissioner of tho Phlllpp ncs,
secruinry oi wu. u.m iiicniuu.u.
Thoro wns n morning reception of a
doiognuon oi mo Lincinnou yommor-
clal club, who camo in a spociai train,
luncheon was then arranged In honor
of tho President nt tho Chovy Chnso
club, and tonight tho formal recop-
tlon will bo hold olthor on tho
grounds of tho Whlto Houso or In tho
Blue Hoom. Both lnsido nnd out-
sldo every proparntlon hns been
ninue for tlio airnir, oioctrio iikiiis,
Inntoms nnd othor docorntlvo foa
i...iiiiiiiuii noiu uuo i... ..; iuuuj
delivering nnnlvorsary gifts nt tlio
White Houso. They hayo como from(
every section of tho country. :
Professor Willis h. Mooro, ohlof of
the Woathor Buroau, took a docldol
cntlons for tonight. "Tlio i'rosiuent
lias only one chanco In n hundred of
bavins n Oardon party," ho deolnred
today, ii laius uio njvujmuii m
take place in tho blue room.
oi4i ni'nnn In o Dlotnl flnnl
OCcllUC UiilfeW lua i ioiui ""-ijej
' Is Killed.
'By' Ansqnlatod Pross to CoosBavj
T linos.;
ii-.. .
SEj'ATTi;- Wash., Jfiuo IT. Po-
llcomanP. II. Ounllffo, who was shot i
on SMm'mlt avenue and Columbia
street early today In a pistol duel by,
Ing house. lyiUo police, suBpected'of
,tbe.jcilme. , , K , .j
'to celebrate
s it
rULIutlflllli o
' .
men unrBd4o-belilgnwaymon. Sbflren was given n voruici oy a jury nn(j nia 0 t posslplo to estauiisn rno- dan. w
in a hosnltal. Ho never regain-'in flio circuit court foV ono pent. Iho t -. , ,. . nttondaut navrolls. beard of
cy'c-on&fdhsriessV'O. Wolla and Gus cent was paid by Stubor and a ro-i Wwrail. tIlt Prnnt rnii.i
ZAitArinirc-hvore taken from a lodg-.colnt taken .for It.. Tho verdict at-. """" ' Z I Afinr
auilto UIDlllUk Willi IUUUJ UUIUUU lll'j
motion of J. Ogden Armour and nine
other Chicago packers for a rohunr
Ing in their motion to quash tho in
dlctmcnts charging them with a vio
lation of the Sherman Antl-trustlAct.
This means tho packers must Jnud
trlnl. Judge Cnrpentor gavo uo rea
son for his findings. It Is expected
that trial will bo reached about noxt
Unknown Logger Meets Death
In Seeley and Ander
. ' son's Camp.
(Special to Tho TInios.)
COQUILLE, Ore., Juno 19. Word
was received hore todny noun thnt n
a'ier ,in'1 -J00" Instnutly klllod nt
Selley nnd Andorton's LokbIiik Cnmp
on the lowor Coqullle. Xo particu
lars were received boyonil thnt it
Was nccldentnl and that donth wns
, instantanooiis. The man's nniiio could
' .k l.ii (wl
lilJb UU QUI llVllt
Workmen Discover Human
Bones on Submerged Deck
of Battleship Maine.
(By Assoclnted Press to Coos Bay
HAVANA. Juno 19. Tno llHt
lmrt8 to bo rccovorcd of tho
k 0'f tu) bnUlc8hlp Mnlno wn8
,iiBCOVored todpy whon tho workmen
'""ovhE n ii I dobria from tlio inar
SjSt Tom'rro? o ' aft
suporstructuro (llscovored tlio black-
onca nnd corni encrustea uonos oi n
f0rcnrm nmi a right foot.
Tho tot, nlinbor jn tn0 oxploslon
of tj10 Mnlno wero tw0 Onicors and
2D0 ,, B,Bht 0-f tho crow later
UIo(J of Ulolr njrjC8i Tho )ody 0f
flno oflcor n,(j Ul0 boiHoa of lal
,,, wero rocovored. Sixty bodies
w . t fmim, nn(1 tll0 hon 0f
,)mny of Ul080 nro 8l)i)0ied to bo ii
,no WTOC(nKe
Thugs Who Robbed Southern
Pacific Train Headed
This Way.
Suorlff W. W. Gage of Coqulllo ar
rived, hore today for tho purposo of
aiding the search for tho two ban
dits who held up and robbed tho
Southern PrcIUp train between Drain
nnd Youcalln oarly Saturday morn
Ing. He was advised by ShorUf
Qulue or Douglas county that tho
two bandits were headed towards
Coos Hay and might get In here nny
Passes and bloodhounds are on
tho tsali but it Is difficult to trail
tho men. The two raall jiouchos that '
"".',... , ..... on f
Were nuilll ."Ul.u ....l .... .
tuel rcontonts wero gone.
A lewnrd of uas ueeai ouer-
for tJl0 capture
. . ..,- ' . .L. I I ..
good uescni'lioil ui iun iiioi. uu uonu
i furnished by Shorlff Gago.
icrHs iffxu Tinin iiiT.vni'HD
EUGENE, Oro... Juno 19. Having
sued Michael StlibOr. Jamos Wagers
and J. Slro Groan fpr ?S00 damages
on fl timber lnnd contract. W. J.
tached tho cbsts of tho caBo to tho
defendants. J
mnuH bdies
xa mm k
3LU! urmu w
U. S. G0VE1BIT IS mm
Eugene People Regard Rail
road Promoter as Repre
senting System.
Tho Eugono Gunrd prints tho fol
lowing edltorlnl comment on tho la
test railway development thoro:
"Thoro nro now not loss than four
rnllrond surveying crows working In
tho territory west of Hugono, all on
apparently distinct enterprises. This
activity Is duo beyond a question of
doubt to tho operations of tho I.auo
County Assot Co., which has ucon
working persistently townrd Its goal
tho building of a railroad from En-
geno to tho son for the past two
years. Its plnus nro mnttors of pub-
lie knowlodgo nnd Its oery movo
has been niado In good faith. As to'
the other ontorprlsos thoro Is nothing
tangible known so far s the public
Is concerned. Tho latest articles
lllcd, thoso of tho Willamette Pnclllo
Hallway Company, shows by Its In
corporators, (1. X. Weiulllng, It. M.
Cross and (1. It. Bodlno, to ropreout
the S. P. Co., whoso survoyors nro
now working out of Hugeno to tho
wost. Tlieso mon aro all close to
tho big railroad corporation nnd tho
filing of tho articles explains tho
proscuco of tho engineers in the
Held. Tho peoplo of I.nuo county will
nccordugly pay little attention to
this movo because fow will bo found
who have any faith In any nvowod
'Intention of tho Southern Pnclllo Co.
to construct now railroads. Tholr
object undoubtedly Is to block nnd
hnmpor tho operations of tho Assot
Big Denis Cause Many Humors Hut
XotliliiK Delliilto Is Known.
Humors nro still rlfo todny of
something big that Is nbnut to hap
pen but nobody knows Just whnt. It
Is Imposslblo to trnco any of tho ru
mors to a rollablo source. In fnct
most of thorn whon traced a little
wnj'B loads to rathor questionable
No ono In n position to know hns
any deflntto iiowb of nny rnllrond
movo thnt has any significance so far
ns Coos Bny Is concorned. Nothing
has boon hoard from Francis II.
Clarke on tho Coos Bay and Bolso
project oxcopt that "things nro look
ing bright."
Thoro have boon no dovolopinonts
in tho Coos Bny and Rnstorn Hloctrlo
proposition, tlio Wondllng Kugone
Coos Bsy project, tho I.ane County
Asset Project or tho Southern PaoIIlo
so far as can be ascertained.
Many options nro bolng tnkon on
local property, but In ovory Instance,
so far as learned, tho money ohang
Ing hnnds has beon from $1 to $00
and In no case more than $100 nud
these amounts nro far from sulllclont
to make them dellnlto sales or Indi
cating that sn railroad com puny or
project Is getting In on the ground
(From Bugeue Guard.)
Tlwt was a groat outpouring of the
....., ... .nl.l.mln lw. Lnnnlni. .if
uuiijiiu hi vu... ww .,.. m '"burg, earrylng aggregate deposits of.
work on Uiigune's r,allroad to the sea. !()Ver ?t. 000. 000. Ttiomus 11. tahnrl
Snrlngfleld sout a large and GiiUiu-daii, presldeut of tlio Fiat .V.itlonal
elastic delegation, nnd ovinoed lively." "Ice establlshuu-at In lt90,
interest in tho entorprlce. Thi. iX
a most eommenduble spirit and shows of the nouKlaa Coumy National
that the people of both towns realise Bank, with J. II. Booth, as p, .aldent.
tlwt their inturestg are common; i The lattor Institution was cstab
that they must both grow together Jed "f, ? r',? 'a"",i:,(n1,n'J
and combine their energies and capi-
w , tfc clwe,opw,Bt ot
' . . ?..,
sources of Lano County.
the re-
.... ... . '
in tiiim nartirniur raiiriiau move-
00 has bean offer-'moot pvery resident of tho entire up-
of the bandits". A!dr winmt viiov la dlrectlv con-
i . i. !... ,t, ...,i.o .....
'" " "" " '
corned A railroad to the sea will more time to various lnter.'ts out
Inproese (he value of -every piece of Side of the bank waa the chief ron-0.0-
property, and ovory acre of farm ZtZZS '
land In Iane County. It will open Qt. itoikhoi,ieru of tho First
l UU undovelopod country, start new
mils and add millions of dollars to
. ,. ,. , . nnf,-
"Y '"" ' ' ' . fril,,,,
Moro tjinn this tl will reduce frelgnt
rntos on exports nml imports alike.
(Continued on pago 4.)
Importers of Cutlery Evade
Paying Heavy Duties '
on Cutlery.
Secret Service Agents Are
at Work In Germany
Gathering Information.
(By Associated Pross to Coos Bny
WASHINGTON', D. C, Juno 19
Frnuds amounting to several million
dollars in dutlos on Importations of
cutlory during tho Inst fow years woro
disco vorod by secrot Borvico ngonts
who havo boon worklnr in this noun.
try and in Oormany, whonco most of
tmportod cutlery come to tho United
Hecrotnry of Treasury MaoVoagh
uegnn nn Investigation i.ovoral
months ngo. It I not Biinicloutly
complctod to say whnt notion amy bo
taken to recover tho dutlos of which
it Is alleged tho government has been
defrauded. Tho customs ofllclals say
ii peculiar construction of tho cutlory
ochodule tiirl.? 1 ns cIv;t n:i opportu
nity for Immouio frauds on small undervaluation--,
n sclzuro of cutlory In
Now York on Saturday Illustrates
that fact, In II! ciisos cutlory entered
as having value of $1 0,243, an under
valuation of only J80S was found but
on that ono solzuro tho govornmont
had been dofrumlod of $'J,:i07 in du
ties. The duty on cutlory Is very
high. Tho special customs ngonts
hnvo colloctod from tho Sollngeu dis
trict comploto samples of every kind
of cutlory which conies to tho United
(By Associated Pross to Coos Boy
POItTLAND. Oro!, Juno 19.
Tract wheat prices: Club, 8GQ86c;
BluoBtom 9r(ff!ific; Rod Itus3lan 85c;
Vnlloy, 8Cc; Forty fold, 8Cc.
CHICAGO, III., Juno 19. July,
88 3-lc Septoinber, 88 G-Sc; Decom
hor, 91c.
TACO.MA, Wnsh.. Juno 19. Bluo
stom, 9Cc; Fortyfold, 88c; Club, 80
di87c; Bed Husslnn, 84c.
Two Big Financial Institutions
Combined Have Deposits
of Over $1,000,000.
ROSUUima, Ore.. June 19. Tho
biggest and most Important banking
deal ever consummated In Southern
Oregon went into effect here this
uiorulug by the consolidation of tho
First National Hank and the Doug-
! rf.,i,kti. Vnllnti.l nf llnuA.
'U"1"' ... " - '"-
T,nrti.nil. Sai.n ud Albany. Tho
capita) stock of the new comern will
'1p Increased f.-oni $100,000 to $1.'Q.-
,wift ann.o lanHlnv
" .- - m -
.... o
estern Ore.mni are nhutihohli i and
"' O
Sheridan's desire to dovoto
National who transfer their Interoata
to the Douglas' National conjointly
with the coiiBolldatlun are V. P.
Reed and W F. Jewett of Gardiner,
nu, Mnnlg Wobor Qf K,jon,,owor. Mr.
u30ll nn(l Mr. wober; llko Mr. Short-
ill bocomo momoors or me
dlroctora p( tho now bank-
tho show try a Turkish bath
Phono 214- J.
II 'f
1M &rtif'H
. -