iMWKPagaafeMSS w ?"!!f ' f rrSJOTTHAT YOU SHOUU) MAKE GOODiONCE BUT KEEP ON MAKING GOOD YOUR. ADS CARRYING I'our store-news, should nppcnr us regularly us docs tli(s newspaper. If newspaper omitted ati Issuo now and tlicn-cvcii for bo weighty rea son ns f curing that It might ruin It would not 1ms n good newspaper. GLxxm Ssijj Qftmra member op associAted ntEsa SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising space- In n newspaper, compared with the- space used by other stores, should define Its comparative importance in tho community! i)(cs jour store's ad vcrtlslng spnee do that? VOL XXXIV Established in 1878 as Tho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1911 EVENING EDITION." NATOR WARREN IN BITTER ATTACK ON TRE WOOL TARIFF Asserts Report Filed by Ways and Means Committee Is Far From the Facts. SPEECH IS FILLED WITH WORDS OF DEEP SATIRE i THROWN AT CU Longworth Makes Plea For Re vision of Schedules, and De nounces Democratic Bill. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON'. D. C, Juno IG. A preliminary nttnek on tho demo cratic wool revision bill was mudo la tho Senate today when Senator Wnrrcn of Wyoming characterized the report made by tho House Com- mlttoo on WnyB nnd Mcnim as "more recent and more nbly edited than the dictionary, and with more able men Interested In It." i Warren replied tho dollnltloiiH of "wethers" on the wool, and other Items of sheep raising Industry tend ed to bIiow that tho report was wldo of tho facta. "It Is because tho senators "wether" Is being shorn thnt tho ihovvlng Ih ono of anxiety," ashed Senator Heed of Missouri. "No," said Wnrrcn, "It Is "bccnuHO K tho facts nnd -definitions hero aro correct, all sheep ralsors havo been groping In tho dark slnco tho Indub try began." Nicholas Longworth, In tho Homo today nindo n plcn for n scientific revision of tho tariff schedules, nnd Exploded Bomb Wrecks Edifice and Shakes -Several Nearby Buildings. (Ey Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) VALENCIA, Spain, Juno 1C Tho great entrance to tho cnthedrnl hero was shattered by n bomb exploded In tho plaza In front today. So violent was tho shock that souirnl neighbor ing buildings were damaged. No ono was Injured. Tin nD r IL I GUBHT A Consolidation of Times, Coast .Mall and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 132 TONS OF DYNAMITE TO BE USED Over Ten Million Pounds of Dy namite to Be Used In Exca vating of Canal In the Com ing Year. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 10. BIO JUMP IN Pi PRICES Tho canal diggers on tho Isthmus ox pect to explode ten million pounds of dynnmlto during tho next year in ex cavating work. Tho Canal Commis sion hns Just placed a contract for this vaBt quantity, tho prices ranging from $12.25 to $13.12 a hundred pounds. BLINDS RIVAL W L State of Kansas Produces Proof That Price Lists Sent Up Price of Yellow Pine (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) KANSAS CITY, Knn., Juno 10. Duel Between Two Men Results In Two Being Killsd and Another Near Death. Dashes Acid In Face of Rival Whom Woman Asserts Stole Her Husband's Affections. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Juno 15. Mrs. That tho net prlco of yellow plno Eleanor Morcholtz lurrod Mrs. Dru- lumber hns gone up from $10 to $20 nl8,aw DuJuk n young w(, to u,0 a thutiBiinil In Kansas City in lUtcon , , , . , A. .,,,,, , , front door today then dashed a bot- yenrs, nnd that tho successive Jumps havo been coincident with tho issu- Uo of vltllt)I ' hor fnco' MrH- DJ1 nnco of prlco lists by tho yellow plno was so badly burned thnt If sho ro- lumber manufacturers nBBodatloti covers sho will bo blind nnd badly were the principal iiolnts brought out disfigured. Mrs. Morcholtz was ar by the stato today In tho hearing rested, and neensod Mrs. Dujok of of Its ouster suit agaltiBt thu nllogod nllonntlng tho affections of her hus lumbor trust. bmu. 01 FOREST RESERVES IN ORE! TO BE DIVIDED BT TAFT TOL S Bourne Resolution Calling For Investigation of System Is Passed. (By Associated Press to Coos Boy Times.) WA3IIINOTON, D. C, Juno IG. Tho Sennto today passed tho Doumo resolution authorizing an Invcstlgn Many New Forests to Be Created by President by July 1st. t ' tlon of tho postal system In tho C8t8 nro bcl"B lvliloiI. This is bo United States and to determine whnt changes aro necessary, with special attention to tho establishment par cels poBt. (Dy Assoclnt Press to tho Coos Bnj Times.) OMAHA, Neb., Juno 10. Tony Dander! and Plorenco Brooks aro i denounced tho democratic wool tariff dend and Frank Unndorl, a cousin of j revision bill ns foundod on "vaguo tho dead man 'is probably fatally j' Ortianu rumors or total Ignorance." COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES I REJECTED IAN KILLS UN Wins Again From Vernon Frisco Defeats Sacramento. wounded ns tho result of n quarrel between tho two men in tho womnn's homo hero today. Frank Dnndorl, Although too woak to givo details of tho affair told tho pollco thnt his cousin did nil tho shooting. Each man hold n partially emptied re- nnd MAI! ARRIVE FROM PORTLAND Breakwater Arrived Today From Portland With Large List of Passengers. At '8 o'clock this morning tlra STANDING OF THE CLUHS. 'Btenmor Drenkwntor arrived from Por , Portland with a full list of passon Won Lost cent jgers nnd n general cargo. or. They lived togothor Portland. . . . Snn Francisco. tho woman kopt liausa for them until yornon Because of Refusal to Elope John Omaga Ends Life of Mrs. De Gruccia. (Dy A- iclutcd Press to Coos Day Times.) NKW YOJtK, N. Y Juno 1C. Be cause Mrs. Cnrmelln Do Gruccia twvnt- -tart, old refused to olopo with recontiy. iLLlsTlS HARD FOUGHT i I him. jon omasa walked into !, judge Hall Takes Gant Contro- rettminnt whero sho was employoJ i today, pushed aside her Infant whl-jh ' versy Under Advisement the held at hor breast, and shot hor through tho heart and lied. He has sot yet been captured. HEARS OLD, ASKS PENSION Aged Woman Whose Parent Fought In American Revo lution Seeks Pension. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) First One In County COQUILLE, Ore., Juno 10 Tho Gnnt will enso henrlnp was comnloted by Judgo Hnll nfter n nlno days' ses sion. Judgo Hall toolc tho caso un der advisement nnd will render n decision In tho nenr fnturo. This Is said to be the first will con test thnt hns over been tried in Coos county courts. Incidentally n groat volume of evidence wns introduced, It being estimated that it -will cost $700 for a transcript of tho testimony If tho caso is finished a3 It Is llkoly. Tho case comes from Myrtle Point, Gnnt having willed nn estate of about $10,000 to his nephews at Myrtle Point. Now brothers of tho deceased claim that ho was of unsound mind when ho tnndo tho will thnt cut them O Oakland. . O Sncrnmonto. "Los Angeles. ,.11 28 ,501 ! "Following Is tho passongor list: ,.42 3G .514 Miss Esther Johnson, Miss D. .38 30 .514 Coko, Miss S. Holm, Dr. E. Ilur- .40 38 .513 nilstor, Mrs. Durmlstor, MIbs A. .34 39 .4GG "Reynolds, Mrs. M. C. Horton, "Miss .28 47 .373 SMITH ASKED TO TESTIFY Head of Mormon Church Called Upon to Explain Forma tion of Sugar Combine (Dy Associated Press to Coos B.o Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 10. Joseph F. Smith, a head Mormon church, has been summoned to np punr boforo the Houso Sugar Trust Investigation Commlttco to toll whnt "ho knows about tho formation nf Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, n com blnntlon. Stmntor Smoot of Utah mndo nbout an unsuccessful effort to linvo tho Mormon president excused insisting thnt Thomns R. Cultor of Snlt Lnke could supply nil tho In formation desired from Smith. Tho committee, after considering the mat ter, decided Smith should appear In porson. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Timos.) I Horton, Mrs. F. W. Itoblnson. Mrs. Ipi pfJT 1101 ,W. II. Curtis, 13. Welder, L. Knapp, LI f. I If JJ 1 ly '.Mrs. L. M. Loach. Miss L. Rico, Mr. lJ j Eylp TEAM COT. THE WHEAT. MARKET. (By Associated Press to Coos Day . Tlm?s.) PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 10. Track prices wheat woro: Club, 85o iff 80c; Dlucstcm, 97c; Red Russian, 84c; Valley, 8Jc; Fortyfold, 8Cc. TACOMA, Wash., Juno 10. Bluo stom, 90 97c; Forty Fold, 88c, Club, S7SSc; Red Russian, 85c. CHICAGO, HI., Juno 10. Wheat prices: July, 87V4c; Soptombor, 870; Decombor, 89 &c. TIarrlngton, Mnudo Dowron, lira. Evnns, Mr. Green- PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 1C Port- L. M. Noble, L, land again defeated Vernon yestorday ough, A. C. Wright, Leo McLaln, Mr. at Los Angeles by a scoro of 7 to 3.,GIttlIngs, L. Osborne, O. F. Anton Results of tho gnmes played In the son. A. II. Potter, E. A. Attlx, O. Coast Leaguo are as follows: At Los Angoles R II Portland 7 13 Vernon 3 G At San Francisco R 1 1 Oakland 1 8 Los Angeles 2 3 At Sacramento R II Sncrnmonto 4 10 San Francisco G 9 iMnnclef, G. Leard, Mildred Rood, nr XT ir Trf,l Wltilffnl Trril f. j'erck, Mrs. f. j'orck, w. j. Craig,' Leonard Mauzey to Lead Hose Cart Team Department Plans a Dance on July 3 Leonard Mnuzoy was elected to mont hoso cart team which will par- MORE DEATHS IN BIG STORM 1 1 R. R. Elrldge, R. O. Follows, N. Starns, B. Starns, J. D. Pholps, D. L. Cook, F. J. Fear, Mrs. Wm. Ekblnd, Mrs. II. C. Miller, E. D. Doran, F. A. Pnrd. J. A. Wacrnor. Nara Haco. Mrs. A. T. Haines, Jno. Noble, Joo cn,tn,n Ul MrBhnold Flro Dopnrt- TCnlilo. Mrs. E. D. Wallace Miss E Dresser. A. D. Daly, A. Grout, A. F. ' l'"""" ' " - tit-a Ty nu in u ojivuiui tiivutiMb ui tuui f m m W At InnA -kAftfi rtf At I An jIah m I uujjtu luiciii itiai uciiiiiB ictiuu. or tho aggregation, Mnuzoy was em powered to select tho men who will FATALLY SHOT INJ DUEL Detective and Hobo Exchange Pistol Shots, Both Being Wounded Fatally. 'Dy Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.; DUNKIRK, N. Y., Juno IG. In a fight In tho railroad yard's between dcteetlvo Marden Peters and Harry Brown, who was stoallng a rldo on Lako Shore train, revolvers woro drawn and In tho duel which follow ed both nion recolvod wounds, which probably will provo fatal. Fletcher, Agnes Hughes, Jensen, Mrs. J. F. Gllllngs, Mrs J. Schuell, Miss K. Erlckson, Mrs. M. J. Tuckor, Mrs. J. B. Pholps, J. W Blunor, J. Hutton, Pat McGco, K. Yaksyfln, J. R. Mags, G. P. Story, E. a Heath, C. B. D. Hudson, Mrs. C. A. Carlton, Jfary iM'artin. Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, F. Caso, V. Zuber, II. Im hoft, W. Glesby, J. Savage, S. Pomell, G. II. Up to Present Time Over Score A- R,ankl"'J ? E- F,nch( Wtw of Bodies Found In Track of Storm. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno IG. off or Was unduly Influenced by his! (By Associated Pres3 to Coos Bay A pension has been asked for Mrs. Sarah Springer of Elvlns, Mo., who Is '1 )cnr8 of age. Her father servud throtnhc ut the revolution. Ho died 'a ly J nt tho ngo of S2. j G -, nced POCKET KNIVES at TIIUC.INNEHV. nephews. PIMPLE CAUSES DEATH. Charles I'ogarty Dies of lllood Pol- Mining KeMiltlng From Finger Nail Infection. FORT DODGE, la., Juno 15. Charles Fogarty, who picked a plm- plo from his face with his finger MURINE Launch Oil at MILNER'S nniis about ten weeks ago, died In a hospital as tho result. Tho Infection Storage UATTERIES nt THE from the mnn's finger nails caused W.N'XfcRY. , blood poisoning. Times.) TRIESTE, Austria, June 16. So far as Is known 25 lives were lost In tho recent hurricane In this vicinity. HOBBLE SKIRTS HURT TRADE. Shutdown In Atlantic Mills lllamed on Fact Dresses Require Less Cloth PROVIDENCE, R. I., Juno 15. Tho Atlantic mills, ono of the largest concerns In the Olnoyvlllo factory district, has resumed, following a ten day shutdown. The mill people say run on tho team. Further tryouts to pick n team will not bo necessary a3 Mauzey Is well familiar with tho ability of tho men in tho dopnrtment. Tho basobnll team has been pra tlcally formed and last night It was decided to purchase now baseball uni forms nt once. Gnmes will bo played with Dandon, Coqullle, and tho North Dend departments. The dopartmont plans to givo a dance on the evening of July 3d and Inst night a committee composed of Jack Davis nnd Will Longsta'ff was appointed to confer with tho Eagles In regard to securing tho hall. I M7 mm J SPAIN Former President of Mexio Ar rives at Vigo, Spain; Will Visit France. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) VIGO, Spain, Juno 10. Gonoral Porflrlo Diaz, former prosidont of Mexico, arrived in this hnrbor today. It Is oxpectod that he will continue on to Havre, Franco, and lator return to All fir presont nt order of NOTICE TO FIREMEN. niany plants are suffering from tho at THE GUNNERY. omen are requesieu 10 oo popularity of hobuio t drill tonight, Juno IG. Dy ulenlflgured out tha Complete line of AUTO SUPPLIES Spain for an indefinite stay. skirts. It has that nbout half of the usual quantity of cloth Is requlr- LEONARD MAUZEY, Captain. etj for the fashionable gowns Tennis Shoes at THE GUNNERY 1 NAVAL RESERVES NOTICE. . AH members of tho Marshflell Seo tho MefORMICK line of JKow i Naval Reserves aro requested to meet era, Rakes and Tedders at MILIEU'S 'at tho hall Monday evening Juno 19, . . ,. i..i noimrt nfinmvE I. S. KAUFMAN & CO YOUlt Tor regular uriu. in a tii mm i iitii ii in. in txaaJi i.viv - ..- '"I '"v...,., , ,,,t.v.c rnu, nnnnnSSl.50 PER TON. t LIEUT. R. O. UHAVt-b. 11EISH1 UlWSSnrtun tti ,uiu.,..M w Till High grnd FFMUVO yfCKLE IE GINN'ERV. j E nt 1 PLAN TO GET MORE EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT Eleven New Districts Already Established In the Northwest. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno IG. . A numhor of tho larger national foN ing dono to permit moro cfllclont management. Tho divisions aro to bo Bot apart as separato forests. Sov eral proclamations already havo boon signed by Taft, carrying out changes, end It oxpectod that by July 1, ele ven now forests will havo boon created. These with tho cxcoptlon of a few additions, and cllmlnntlona will bo established out of twenty ex isting forests, principally In Oregon, Idaho, Montana nnd Northern Cali fornia This now policy It snld to bo extended to nil tho lnrgo forests. I I; i'l iV, tf"W