SESSIONAL DIRECTORY ritf. U WMPKBOf 4rlIoue, Room 20,1'hoiio U4-Ij jiariiinom uregon. - n U. hKMAU, V." . . ........ QteopaMii ruf-ixiaa I tali Of l Arnn bcbwui ui P..L.J. Hit. Hurs 10 to 13 5 X to I Pkou 11-J; MwkiUld; Oregon. j.W.IKCJUU, 109-J1O Coko Building it OHM !"! """'" w-. , vr. iiEVKr.rr, Iiawyor. B orcr Flnnngnn & Dcnnott Dank Ufleld urKn j. T. McCOHMAO, physician nnd Surgeon Marahflcld, Oregon. See: Lockhart Dulldlng, opposlto Post OJIleo. Phono 105-J MARSHFIKLD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD Li reduced to: Day DOc, 7Bc and Li. wonk $2.00 to JG.OO. HoUBO- r - I. ...IM. toMMHAM E).00 to $18.00 por month. FJIEE. klUS-E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. THE PERSON WHO WINS THAT MAKE FOR SUCCESS AND THK WAY TO THEM, simply br the ubo of Nyal's Mountain Tea for tho preparation, at homo, of a delicious STOMACH, KIDNEY and LIVER TKA. An cfnclent mlldfinnd ngrt-oablo euro for Constipation, Torpidity cl tho Dowels, Indlgostlon, Pi nctivlty of tho Liver and nil diseases of tho STOMACH LI VKR and KIDNEYS. Price 25 rOIt SALK AT THK I1USY CORNER. Lockhart-Pa rsp ns Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCl ItATKLY COMPOUNDED. LEADING DRUG STOR1D IN COOS COUNTY. Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAHLO KI) JOSSON CK.MKNT. Tho boet Domestic nnd Imported brands. Plutor, Ltmo, Urlck an d all kinds of bulldors materia) HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH UROADWAY. WANTEDS RIDER AGERft IN EACH TOWN and district torldo and exhibit a samnln Latest Jlour 1 I "ftinir"blcycloiunilsUclly us, OurnL'i'iitsuvcrj'Mlicrooro waunia MO MONEY REQUIRED until you recrlro and iipptovo of your blcvclo. wo shlntoanvonoanvivhornln tho 17. 8. viiihntimiijimli In advaneo,fMjAi. ami allow TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL during which tlmo you may rl Jo tho blcyclo and put It to any tot you vlli. If you nro then not porfoctly satUUcd or do not wUh to l;wi tho Meyeln hln It hsck to ui at our oxdciixj and u will km ) '. FAfiTflDV PDIftPC Wo furnish tho hlehcst crndci bicycles It U inviuni rniwCi) poihlo to mako at ono small protlt bIkjvo actual factory cost, You bavo f 10 to f 25 middlemen' protlu by buy lllir direct of iisntiillinvn thn maniirsntiiror'd ciiarantpu behind your hlcvclo. DO NDTCIIVn fin until you tecel vo our t'Jiit and nmtrttiu tHii'l " to rider agents. Vflll Ufll I nt SCTnUICUCn vliraTourcoelTaoarliMiatiruleiiUMttn IUU ltli.1. DC Nt)IUItljnCIJan.l.lM1l.nii.BiitwHiiiini1.!..tthiiinllil.I. full loB nr4rm rM nn .nil ...V.I -'" ""n7 mDnr ollirfctorT. --.Hto UMUKSifOU co hiitur L1CVC dealers, jou ui wll cur lilcjclc Itliedarrcovlvetl. , r.jj" " nooicrCLES, xvodt not reMUrtFUadloecwma Hna wcrcei. uai umarr nn Ii vV0LIO.lMcrutlTUirlnlUUiiullafre. . . . F0ll ER D (1 A If C e tlnctwhilt.lmporld roll'rchilnt end pedla,parU.rplrBa1 0 - j?' j equipmato(aiiMaaii(Ai(i'rtyiirrriuiii'nT. J Hedgefhorn Puncture-Proof S M & Self-healingiires ht rtrul&rrttatt rtimmtlkiisllwM tlO.OQ m .il. !.... J . 1 . nM-.i-v.wr:. fr;r" .tm"rm."j?wj fifvriAi i,'t'" f'9uimMit wuofrtir 11.33, tlHUUULFFBniUPIIllrTI!DFC: JedVhA.,!r0lVI!,, no l hlrout. VRIPTinu. Mado In nil she Tt iIwr.dor.Me .Ed'HES RiVSr. . -! ,- .. -,.-". -;,-- - "1.u'lty Of rubber, which nnvnp Iww tSi?i?.nU. which closes up small SehnniftJVA .'owlnor tho air to oscapo 'ithstyKi)!1.0' letters from satisfied customei !'thithr...ul ""era irom satuueu customers tilt 1 'res ha vo only beenpumpedup onco Kl(Ua WllOln U.knn TViannaUt. nmMH. than .i..'10'.0 wason. They welch no moro RSffiJJFo' K9 M;,orelar prlco. oftheso h h.e PuucturoresUUnB qualities bclnif ftttrXS.' ?P retmlar prlco ot these tires,mt'0rdvertlslnir purposes wo aro wiv!!i.f',cJol''.prico to tho rider of only . fctti,i?5i'l.f',cJ01'' Prlco to tho rider of only .80 per pair. All orders shipped samo uL celved. Vo ship O. O. 1). on approval, You do not pay a ccut until you nmin.A. o snip u. u. D. on approval, xoi f uo;?,aM fnnd them strictly as represented. 1HtB.VJ""".c0un0fwrceut(tlirel)rinmklntbeprlc4. l'tt4tiii.V?.?.l,l,r.'M"oni"nl toolt Bnertbtn Ma.??2.ult"MweU plt.J tlitwbeQTOuwnt VA..aJ',ION.P.I nnlt h..uthl. Mn...k.klaIPSnlf... 'Ml NFBm Tlrirodoatiiofu? kind PNuin.. puacture-lToor lrtoapproTlndtrlltlhelwcll Introductory L4'utJiil"rltforour bliTIro nd Sundry Cuuoui wblcb dwertbec nd quotes all nukw sail Hn. mm " ' u' uu 1 pricei lUT lV7"tmtwrllou,lxiU) today. PO 'WEflO CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. ."ilK PAXTATOHIIr J Jour dyeing, cleaning, press- ,ePalrIng to us and bo pleased ''"experts. Carnota and Ruus 0a your llnnr. ni. of ,,- ),nn x Central nvonue, near HreetltoSS & FINEGOR, THE COBS RAY s Snappy Individual Styles With the Fit and Hang that como usually only with custom mndo clothing. That's High Art Suits Either Duslness or Outing . -Styles. Excellently mado, with clinging collar and hand mado lapels, roomy chests nnd neat fitting backs. Porfcct fitting Suits that's what you got hore. Mako this storo your store for men's furnishings and you will always ho correctly dress ed. The Toggery Formerly Geo. Oomlrum. Cents PHONE 21)8 PHONE 201 I tilnrrlnnr n lulpnf tires from aaitu, at r catalogues and learn our unheard of jw this t..P. W fevll Ilia LI(L.t irklla blCTt'le. fi.r worinnawiiniuipnniwiTicr" t. uadtruurowD uuieiuteatilouWo uur itu, .... SAMPLE PAIR Notice tho thlekrubbprtraat! "A"andpuncturostrlp'fB ; and "D" also rim atrip "II" to orevent rim cutting. This than oW's,00FTl,ELA8TIC0andr tires Y ?JfigwlLW0 " nrtlra you Llciclaioi LiTsercruKd orxn tanr urlcu. you will live u jrouronltr. wuwuit tnr price nntllToaMnd for aptlrcf nedtrthorn NOTTHINK OF OUVINQ blcjcl8orp1r ot I ' i &SffiBStifi& DDnPDAMCnDlTU: TOINTRODUCE,aNLY -t rtfgjjcss-srts.jrfc jjj ' . 1 ' lA7..,nTv u - WI-jrxiiJ 'L.i.1 fc icuM'J I fU 7 M M M llllii I e-ii' IEE2flMlH.T 4 oJi . tk rrr . otswari am HiaiMKiaHtiit3s2S9ti 1 j I A well known Des Moines woman after suffering miserably for two days from bowel complaint, was cured by ono dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cho lera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For Balo by all dealers. j After the how try a Turkish bath Phone 214i J. TIMES, MABSHFIELI, QRHQN, QB ..,W il I'lliOl . 1 rVintlnun.1 t .n, ..nnA 1 I X v-iAdnfci fcaTtfJfcS'' && i.ivu ui ih . ----- , . WANTKI) TO LEASE A strictly modern houso In first class condi tion Inside nnd outside, Mnrshrtold proforrcd Mrs. Herbert Arm strong, Phono Main 003, North Uend. I FOR RENT 8-room liotnw? corner of Cedar avenuo and North Drondway. Apply to Anson Rogers. FOR BALK OR TRADE Raised deck cabin cruiser "Tourist," Re gal 10 H.-P. 4-cyclo engine, con trolled from wheel, In first-class' condition requires no cranking; Applo dynamo, storngo bnttory, Michigan rovorso gear, Schobler enrburator, cedar planking fasten ed with screws on oak frames, berths, electric lights, mast, flag poles, Hfo preservers, curtains, etc. chairs used In cockpit. Will go any-, whoro nny tlmo nnd can llvo nbonrd. Photo nnd particulars on request. D. O. Wolcott, Mfld. Ore. RANCH WANTKI) I tlcslro to buy small or medium sized ranch. Must bo rcnsonnblo dlstanco from Mnrshflcld, Coqulllo or Dandou. Ono with stock nnd machinery "pre ferred. Address J. Stcrnor, Marsh fluld, Oro. WANTKI) Young wnmni for gen eral housowork. $25 and steady omploymont to oxporloncod party. Mrs. P. M. Ilall-Lowls, Phono 314X1 AUTO LINK Cars at nny time. Phono 231 R, nttor midnight 18X FOR SALE RonUiouse, 11x31 ft., now 2 h.-p. gnsolluo launch, Gx22 ft. Full equlpmont. Sacrlflco price. O. O. Lund, 21G South Broadway FOR RKNT Two unturnlshod rooms Modern conveniences. Ronsonnblo. Phono 19C-J. FOR RKNT HOUSK with 12 rooms nnd bath, hot and cold wntor. FURNISHED Hat with 0 rooms, bath hot and cold wntor, gas rango. Apply to ROIIKRT MARSDEX. (Thcso nro In tho best rosldonco part of town.) IOIt SAL13 .My fnnn 000 ncrcs in ono lot or will cut uplh pnrcols to suit. C. W. Sanford, Mnrshflold, FOR RKNT 10 ncro much, Xortli Slough D. Ferguson. 1'OTATOKS I Inivo n fon- hacIch of small potntoos that can bo bought nt tho right prlco. F. S. Dow. We Work And Advertise To bring n customer hero tho flrnt time, nfter that ho comes of Ills own accord. You know why. RH.MKMHKR Thero is no kink, or cuo that wo can't do. "THINK IT OVER MARY." Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7.J SAFE INVE8MENTS. For information coucornlng high-class bond investments, bearing G Interest not, wrlto O. B. Hinsdale, caro J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono itllil AS PARAGU, WHEN CANNED IS ALWAYS TENDER. THE FOLLOWING BRANDS CAN ALWAYS HE DKPEXDEI) ON TP CONTAIN ONLY THE II I: ST. UNIVERSITY-WHITE ASPARAGUS 2.-Jo A. & L. AVHITE ASPARAGUS 25o TILLMAN'S EXTRA SELECTED WHITE .We PREFERRED STOCK SELECTED AVHITE .'15c PREFERRED STOCK LARGE AVHITE. . . 10o PREFERRED STOCK ASPARAGUS TIPS. .. ,N. 23c TILLMAN'S ASPARAGUS TIPS 2."Jc Lockhart's Gxocer Two Private Phones 85 and 305 JHIIPSDAY, JUNE 15, ,1911 -" - - - M-j - Must weigh In nt 200 pounds or over. First prlio $3.00, second prlzo $2,00. 3:1G p. m. Sack race, 40 yard. Freo for nil. First prlzo $3.00, second prlzo $2.00. 3:30 p. m. First tug. Tug of wnr between loggers representing Coqulllo Valley and Coos Day for Coos county championship and First prlzo $50.00, second prize $25.00, third prlzo $10.00. 4:00 p. m. Swimming raco, GO yards. Freo for all. First prlzo $5.00, second prlzo $2.50. 4:30 p. m. Walking greasy pole In wntor. First prlzo $5.00, second prlzo $2,50. 1:45 p. m. Log rolling contest for Coos County championship nnd First prlzo $25.00, second prlzo $15.00, third prize $5.00. 7:00 p. m. Pnnd concort. 7:30 p. m. FIro fighting exhibition by Mnrshflold FIro Dopnrtmcnt In full uniform and with now $7,000 flro cnglno In which wntor will ho turned on a burn ing building. 8:30 to 12 p. m. FIromnn's Dnnco nt Eagles Hall. 9:30 p. in. Prl7o boxing exhibition. RKCONT DAY. July 1, 1011. Snluto of 13 Guns at Sunrise 9:30 n. in. Bnnd concort. 10:00 a. m. Second course In speed bont rnco guaranteeing speed of 40 miles por hour. 10:30 a. m. Grand street pageant, headed by Oregon Navat Militia Dand, followed by naval mllltta In full uniform, Liberty enr, FIro Department with comploto nppn- rntus and In full uniform, Decor ) nted Automobiles, Decorated Commorclnl flonts, Fraternal so cieties nnd Lodges in regalia and "Plug Uglles'. First prlzo, best . decorated nutomobllo, $10.00; second prlzo, $5.00. First prlzo best decorated float, $10.00; second prlzo, $5.00. First prlzo for Frntornnl Bocloty with lar gest number of mombors In lino nnd moBt nttrnctlvo nppenrnnco $10.00. ' 11:15 n. m. Rending of Declnrntlon ' of Independence nt Masonic Ope ra. Houso followed by nddrcss by Orntor of tho Day.'. l;00to 1:30 Lunch. 1:30 Dand concort. 1:45 Hoso rnco botweon Mnrshflold, North Bond nnd othor Flro de partments. First prlzo, $50.00; second prlzo, $10.00. 2:30 Exhibition flro drill with now $7,000 engine 2:4.0 to 5:00 p. m. Horso rnclng at tho Pair Grounds. 3:00 p. m. Bnsoball gamo for purso of $25.00 and gnto recolpts. ' 3:15 p. m. 100 yard dnsh. Freo for all. For purso of $20.00. 3:20 p. m. 100 yard dash, handi cap. For boyn under 18 yenrs for purso $5.00. 3:30 p. m. GlrlB' foot rnco, 50 yards for girls under 12 ycara, for purso $2.00. 3:45 p. m. Plo oatlng contost freo for all. Purso $1.00 and all tho pies you can oat. Contestants solect own pies. No forks. 4:00 p. m, Young ladles' foot raco for purso $2.50. 4:15 p. m. Threa-loggod raco. Freo for all. For purso of $5,00. 4:30 p. in. Second tug In Tug of Wnr contest. 5:00 p. m. Log rolling contest hand icap. First prlzo, $25.00; sec ond prlzo, $10.00. 7:00 to 8:00 v'. m. Bnnd concort. 8:30 to 9:10 p. m. Confetti bnttlo. 9:00 p. m. Ground dlsplny of fire works. 10:00 to $12:00 Fireman's danco nt Eagles' Hall. EVENING EDITION Personal Notes J. D. GOSS visited Coqulllo this morn- I l"g C. F. McKnlght went1 (to Unndon to dny. B. L. ROBERTSON went to Coqulllo . today. SUPT BUNCH returned to Coqulllo today after a short business visit on tho Bay. CAPT. and Mrs. Wm. Mngeo ot Em plro woro Marshflcld visitors yes tordny. L. D. SMITH of tho Coos RIvor ranch was a passenger for Coqulllo this morning. THOMAS LAWHORNE of tho stentn cr Flyor was n passenger for Co qulllo todny. MRS. MARY FLANAGAN of Emplro has been n guest nt tho W. C. Dueb' nor homo In Mnrshflold. C. B. SELBY roturned todny from Co qulllo whoro ho has been attend ing court tho past wcok. II. A. WELLS nnd Geo. Rotnor loft ye8tordny for Ton MIlo for a fow days outing and fishing. O. L. MISH, n traveling salesman for Nathan Dormnnn nnd Company of San Francisco is in Mnrshflold. R, A. BOCK of North Bond loft today for Onkland, Oro., whoro ho ex pects to mako his homo for somo tlmo. MISS VIOLET HENDERSON hns re turned from Coqulllo whoro sho was engaged in court reporting work.' IRA RIDDLE of Rosoburg Circuit Court, reporter, Is in Mnrshflold taking testimony In suits to bo decided shortly. W. PADDOCK, traveling snlesmnn for Bnkor and Hamilton of Snn Fran cisco, spent n pleasant vacation at Coqulllo. HUGH McLAIN and wlfo nro spend ing n fow dnys nt Rosoburg whllo on routo from Portlnnd nnd othor northorn points. J. ALBERT MATSON, I. R. Towor nnd Claudo Nasburg arrived homo today from tho North Fork of tho Coqulllo whoro thoy hnvo boon on Joying n fow dnys fishing. KARL HAINES loft todny for nn ox tondod tour of tho mlddlo wot states. Mr. Haines goes to Port land whoro ho will stny ovor a fow dnys, nnd then will proceed cast. JACK FLANAGAN and AVllllnm E. Dungnn drovo from Bnndoit to Port Orford yestorday. Mr. Flana gan loft Mnrshflold yestorday for Bandon whoro ho wns mot by Mr. Dungnn and tho two started out for Port Orford to look nftor bus! 'noss mnttors. MRS. JAS FERRY, Sr., hor dnugh tor, Mrs. Jacobs and llttlo son and Mrs. AVllllnms, a frlond, nnd bnby arrived hero early yostorday morning from Portland via Drain. Thoy had a rathor hard trip In but nil stood It protty woll nnd Ornnd pa Forry Is busy getting acquaint ed with his grandson. C. A. SMITH Is expected horo in ft fow weeks nnd may bo accom panied by his Bon, Vornon. Mr. Smith desires his son to locate horo and learn tho lumber busi ness. Mr. Smith Is now In Boston to attend tho commoncomont oxer clses nt Harvard University, A'or non Smith bolng ono of tho graduates. Do YOU Make Springy Loaves? You should use tho flour contain ing tho right proportion of hig'i quality gluten to mako light, elas tic 1oratcs that keep fresh. SPERRY'S DRIFTED SNOW Light, White, IgflUNM THE WEATHER. 4 (By Associated Pros.) OREGON, Juno 16.--Fa!r to- night and Friday, cooler cast. Gotn Auto. Mllo Sumnor is tho latest MnrBhfiold nutotst, having bought n Mctz runabout. To Give Concort. Tho Coon Bay Naval Reserve Band will glvo an open air concert at tho corner of Market nnd Front streets nt 8 o'clock Friday evening. Called to Port lam?. Among tho pnsscngcrs snlllng on tho Alllnnco for Portland this morning wns Attorney R. O. Graves who received a tologram last evening to como to Portland at onco In regard to business rclntlvo to tho now law publication which Mr. Graves has recently complied. Tho telegrnm was from ono of tho leading publishing houses In Portlnnd. Visit North Inlot, Captain Polho mus, who Is acting in tho cnpaclty of consulting engineer to tho port com mission, nnd C. S. Wlnsor, a membur of tho commission pnld a visit to North Inlot yesterday to mako obser vations preparatory to somo harbor improvements that will shortly l'o undertaken. Will Leave. Rov. R. O. Summor lln, ormorly pastor of tho North Bond United Brethren church nnd for tho past year doing ovnngcllcnl work for that denomination, has accoptod tho pastorato of a church nt Vancou ver, WnBh. Ho will lenvo shortly to nsBitmo his now chnrgo. Tho dopnr turo of himself nnd family from tho Bay will bo grently regretted by tho many friends thoy hnvo made. THE PULLMAN DIXI.VO. OAR On North Front Street Hns Reon RICOPENKD by Smith Bros. Tho host ontlng plnco in tho city. Short orders a specialty. Tho prices and tho cooking nro both right. Call nnd Sco. PHONE I. S. KAUFMAN CO YOUR COAL ORDERS 9I.BO PER TON. Sweet Breath is nearly always tho ro .suit of clean teeth and clean month. Brushing oneo a Avcck Avill not do. Twice a day at least is necessary, B. &S. Tooth Powder Cleans all tho "yellow" and particles of food from the teoth and leaves the mouth anti septically clean, so that tho teoth aro lcopt from decaying. Delightful" to use, leaving that pleasant sense of coolness and cleanliness in the mouth, 25 CENTS Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemist. 71 Market' Ave. Coos Bldg. Phono 141 Always Right II 91 II II J' h L ,