THE COOS BAY-TIMES, MARSHFIELD, ORE60tf, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1911 EVENING EDITION VIBEGTOBY ".Near OaklanJ, California . nvin'n Collcuc on the Pacific Coast, I.Mf U'i"" l n. -. 1 M .Mi I U. bu?trfite throusliout tlic ycnr. hntrancc Id ''Sinn requirements equivalent to 'd 'I'stiniord nrnl University 01 cmiiorn a. K! ' ?... fnr science with, modern equip. ibortw"" .. , opportunities. lor homo " i,. library study., music nnd nrt. miow-.,,, iini. special care lor ncaiin M.K out'iloor life. President. Luclla kSTSlitti Secretary. lilUi College 1'. M ln:.itTL BLlH""!:. .ZYk. sitiris of thj Mntv F7 oASWiPin'uiBV rw;. Jt,y;Z, Y.J RviU ,o,w. Muile. Art- Eloewlonand Cimmef '"-T ..i;i.f)j.lrul(il.r.f(intj MonlinJ ci!Pra'(.uKin0 WrltMarAnnounctmrnLAddftii 5Sl tSrrKWK. tl. Marf'l Afimf, hflUnJ '-rortlnnil,OnKon S . 7.Uiit tail Dar School for Girls ln?V iunelB'"""' . .,..-. n.n.rHn.nt.. I0 liuli. Art, Slocnllon, 0 jmnnlom. L-tiloiaMrcMTHIJ 8I8Ti:il HIH'EUIOK UIHlU..ut ..,. - ...... SESSIONAL DIRECTORY His. u Kiuricso.v, I'rttfcsiloJinl Nurse fcers Hoiife, Room 20,Phonu 111-L Marshllold Oregon. ;.(. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician H lluato of tho Amorhnn school of withy at Klrkavlllo, Mo. Ofllco fcidorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to bono 1C1-J; MnrBlitlold; Oregon. ; J. V. INGHAM, ' riijrsfclait nnd Surgeon. 10J-21O Coko Dulldlng bes: Office lii-I; Rcsldcnco 1021. , DEXNKTT, lawyer. sorer Flanagan & Dcnnott Dank ibJeld Oregon . J. T. McCORMAO, rhyelclnu and Surgeon Marshflold, Orogon. : Lockluirt Uulldlng, oppoBlto Post 0.11 CO. Phono 10C-J KARSHFIKI.D'.S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL Till: LLOYD irtduccd to: Day GOc, 7Co nnd I; week J2.00 to f 5.00. Houso- It apartments w. i gas inugeit It to J18.00 por month. FREd,B liS i:. V. HULL! VAX, Prop. trained Joints, Varicocele Veins, and Weak-Muscles pilways rolloved nnd ofton ontlroly cured by continued uso of r tand woven elastic goods. Each hi rubber nnd tho host of silk nnd po-dato lino In rubber goods nnd surglcnl supplies: SHOl'L Ml URACKS, AI1DO.MINAL Sl'PPDRTEHS, ANKLE SUPPORT- plIlIlUEIt RANDAOES, ORl'TCHES, TRUSSES, SUSPE.V- piS, ROT WATER IIOTXTiKS, VITIOXS, ETC., AT LOWEST IRICES. PHONE 208 test Par sore Drugv Co. l'lirSCUH'TIOSS ACCIHATKLV COMPOUNDED. AD1NO DBUO STORE leaver MOUNT DIARLO -VXD JOSSOX CEMENT. The h(sr nnmiutln nml Imnnrfort brands. lister, Llmo, Drlck and all HUGH McLAIN apwT7PAT mMTPArrnp F'CE, SOUTH HHOARWAY. J3traci:s, Real &&d Marine fe Guarantee and Abstract Co. . HENRY SENGSTACKE.V, Mgr. . Offl.e Phono 191 Mnrshflold Ofllco 14-J. -T,l . .. ... .uuer uoai ana nailing ianus Biictian. j Genaral Agents ",FE IVl.-QMT7Vrra ""mat'-n concerning bond Investments, 6'o IntoroDt r. 0 n '""" "" , B- Hlnsdnlo, care J. uu company, Los IB The Speed Fits Naturally Here's a shoe you ought to try the Florsheim "Speed" made on "Natural Shape" lasts and so a natural fit. You will also appre ciate the ' 'Can't -gap" and "Hug tite" features which preserve a trim ap pearance. Let us fit your foot at prices that will fit your pocketbook. All desirable styles and leathers Most Styles $5.00 -wtf !HQE Woolen tlill Store The Home of Moii'h niul I Roys' Good Clollies. - :: pleco Is mndo from pure, llnon. Wo carry n comploto FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, COM- IN COOS COUNTY. kinds of builders material PHONE 20J Estate, Fire Insurance .j JH "EASTSIDE" - 'ffl!8ltWi T M Wt is AM. J ill Loai Have That Roof fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 8121 I ALONG TUB WATERFRONT. Word was received at tho local of fices today that tho steamer Rcdondo which was to havo sailed from San Francisco today will sail ono day later, and nrrlvo In Coos Day on Sat urday Instead of Friday as was orlgl nnlly scheduled. HEAD THE TIMES' WANT ADR. R l-'OH SALE OH THADE Unlsed deck cabin cruiser "Tourist," lle gal 10 Il.-P. -l-cyclo "engine, con trolled from wheel, In first-class condition requires no cranking; Apple dynamo, storngo bnttory, Michigan rovorso gear, Scheblor carhurntor, cedar planking fasten ed with scrows on onk frames, berths, electric lights, mast, flag poles, llfo preservers, curtains, etc. chairs used In cockpit. Will go nny whoro any tlmo and can Hvo nbonrd. Photo and particulars on request. D. O. Wolcott, Mild. Ore. FOR SALE Five room inmlcrit houso nnd lot on South Eighth strcot, Phono 1CC-J. RANCH WANTED I dcHlro to buy small or medium sized rnnch. Must bo rcasonnblo dlstanco from Marshfleld, Coqulllo or Dandon. Ono with stock nnd machinery pre ferred. Address J. Sterner, Mnrsh flcld, Oro. SALESMAN WANTED To irpre sent Irrigation and Lnnd Company of Idaho nt Mnrshflold. Wo offer an nttractlvo Investment nnd nn nttracttvo sales plan, and can mako a proposition to n man of standing In this community that beats tho highest salary pnld In Coos county. Tho 'right deal for tho right man. Glvo roforencus when answering this nd. Address Vrultland Acrongo Company, Ltd., llox CSS, Dolso, Ida; I-'OR RENT 8-room res. nnd lot nd- Joining Merchant's res, lot, Droad wny, Marshflold, Enq. X A. Rogors. FOR SALE A full blooded Jersey bull, thrco yenrs old. V. K. Rood. WANTED Young woman for gen eral housowork. $25 and steady omploymont to oxporlonced party. Mrs. P. M. Hnll-Lowls, Phono 31-1X1 AUTO LINIC Cnrs at nny time. Phono 231 R, nftor midnight 1S1X FOR SALE RonthoiiKe, 1-1x31 ft., now 2 h.-p. gnsollno launch, Cx22 ft. Full equlpmont. Sacrlflco price. O. O. Lund, 215 South Drondwny FOR RENT Two unfurnlshod room Modern conveniences. Reasonable. Phono 190-J. i FOR RENT An eight room modern dwolllng, situated on Pino strcot. Apply to Donnott Lnnd Ofllco, Fin-' nagau & Donnott Dank building. I FOR RENT HOUSE with 12 rooms nnd bath, hot nnd cold wntor. FURNISHED lint with O rooms, bath hot and cold wntor, gas rnngo. Apply to ROnERT MARSDEN. (These nro In tho best rosldenco part of town.) FOR SALE My farm 000 ncres in ono lot or will gut up In parcols to sulf. C. W. Snnford, Mnrshflold, FOR RENT 10 ncro rnneh,' Xwtli Slough D. Ferguson. POTATOES I Imvo n few sneks of small potatoos that can bo bought nt tho right price. F. S. Dow. WASP ilfoKW jf$ w$ &3&&J?SMW'"' Preferred Stock Oysters ARE WITHOUT QUESTION THE FINEST CANNED OYSTHRS ON THE MARKET. AX EXTRA LARGE FANCY Toke Poisitj ysier TAKEN FROM THE ORIGINAL REDS AND CANNED 1MMKDI ATHIiV. THESE OYSTERS ARE PUT UP IN TWO SIZES. THE SMALL CAN CONTAINS AROIT ONE DOZEN OYSTERS AXD SULLS FOR 25 CENTS. THE LARGE CAN HOLDS AHOUT TWICE THIS AMOUNT AXDvSELLS FOR -10 CENTS. ESPECIALLY FINE FOR STKWB OR SCALLOPED. Lockhaiifs Two Private Phones 85 and 305 npGMi $ THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated Prcs9.) OREGON, .lunp It. Fair In woit, and nhowera nnd cooler enut tonight. Thursday, fair. Slny Move Here. rrank Lambcr ton, who Is now locatod nt llolse, Ida., Is figuring on moving back to Coos Day to locate. Opens Lunch Room. Fred Knd son, an experienced chef rocontly from Portland has opened tho llaltl moro Dairy Lunch In the room nest doqr to tho Orphoum theatre. DiihIrph Inlet. Herman Larson's drodgo Is now dredging out Kontuck Inlet from tho old Hardy Mlno trostlo to tho harbor lino. It Is being dono for tho Port Commission. " Mlllls ComliiR. C. J. Mlllls, gon ornl mnnager of tho locnl Southern Pacific holdings Is now In northern (VMfpnK It Ik oxnectod that tio prill roturn h'oro about tho mlddlo Ol Jill. Hlnlto Coming. Alvn Doll stated todny that J. M. Dlako was oxpectol hero tho lattor pnrt of Juno nnd ho understands that Mr. Dlako will pro ccod nt onco to build his street car lino hero. Piwsoh Exiun. Arthur K. Peck ot Marshfleld, a brother of C. II. Peck. ' was ono of tho slxty-sovcn successful npplIcnntB for ndmhwlon to tho bar In Orogon Inst week. Thirteen failed on tho exam. Apply for limine Numbers. Tho residents of Mnrshflold nro hocdlng tho request of tho postal Inspectors nnd Marshal Cartor that tho houses 'must bo numbered If mnll dollvory Is expected. Rccordor Dutlor hn"dsov oral applications for houso numbers 'this morning. George Stouuh Coming. Gcorgo Stough, tho votornn chimney bwoop Wl SPECIAL-BARGAINS A3 LONG A3 STOCK LASTS 1B.00O ft. 8x4 Dry 0. O. Uuttorlns, lom ond tbort lo:ictln, Hr rt.......3o lOO.WO tt. Qunrter Itouml. i.lnoli, clear, kiln dried flr, per loo ....30 lioorlPg, ;o. l ana - nanuiru, 4 andB (t. lencltis, per M $11.00 SOME RCCULAR CATALOG PIUCE3 IL.nuI Il.n.l IVuArM A , flllAlltr. tirltht. H ..Ires, now ........... ?, f lin.,rj..n.60. 12.15 & S.2& AM Tront Poor. 5.00 up te Window Trim. cti, K, D 9';V!-! Insliia iKKir rranes, K. It...... .70 i S.nJ U Your Ltit for Estimating SEND FOR CATALOG No. 4 HOUSES FOR RENT I 3 rooms ?S.OO 4 rooms $10.00 iC rooms $11.00 G rooms $12.00 7 rooms $15.00 G rooms4 $18.00 AUG. FRIZEEX Hcnl Estnto nnd Iiisuniiini Agent. 08 iVntrol Ave., Mni-shllcld, Ore. nnKiinwimrf Grocery who has boon paying visits to Coos, Uny for years, will arrlvo hero some time In the mlddlo of July. Stough Is nt present In Yreka, California. To tho residents on Coos Day ho Is fami liarly known as tho "old man chimney sweep." Drown Released Rny Drown, who is out under parole on n chargo of forgery and who was arrested hero a short time ago on n chargo of fraud nt Point Richmond, Cnl., Is enjoying freedom again. Thcro wns some thing wrong with tho Indictment In California nnd tho ofllccrs wcro de-i lnyed In coming so long that Sheriff Gago refused to hold Drown longer. School Election. Tho annual school election of the Mnrshfleld dis trict will bo held next Mondny eve ning, Juno 19, when a director for three years will bo choson to fill tho vacancy causod by tho expiration of C. J. MIHIb' term. A clerk will also be choson. As yet, no enmlidntcs for tho placos havo boon mentioned al though It Is expected that Judgo Hall will bo reelected clerk. Consolidate Fh-mi. R. E.' Plnogor nnd J. W. Ross havo consolidated their cleaning, dyeing nnd pressing establishments under tho nanio of tho Unlquo Pnntntorlum nnd will conduct tho business nt tho stand ol tho lattor on Central nvonuo botweon Second nnd Third streets. Doth nro experienced men nnd will ho equipped to hnndlo nil kinds of work nnd will guarnntco satisfaction. Moves to North Rend. Horbort Armstrong, representing tho Monnshn Woodonwaro .Compnny of Wisconsin In its interests on Coos Dny, Is now occupying tho resldcnco of C. O. Hockott In North Dond. Mr. Hockctt Is In tho employ of tho Southortt Ore gon Compnny. Mr. Armstrong resid ed ,In Mnrshflold for a week until he wbb joined by his wlfo and children who recently arrived from Spoknno by wny of Portland. NORTH REND NEWS. Tho Omoga finished tnklng on her enrgo of lumbor and snlled yestordny for San Pedro. Geo. Ilnzor of Union nvonuo loft today on n business trip to Coqulllo. Miss Floronco Potorson of May was tho guest of horo sister, Mrs. M. G Colemnn, yoatordny. Audrey Simpson, tho llttlo daugh ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Gnrflold Simpson, wns taken ill suddonly yestordny. Slio Is roported much bettor todny. Mlddlo Aged and Elderly People. Uso Foley Kldnoy Pills for quick and permanent rosults In nil cases ot kid ney nnd blnddor troubles, nnd for painful nnd annoying Irregularities. They contain Just tho Ingredients no coiisary to rogulato nnd strengthen tho action of tho kldnoys nnd blnddor. They nro tonic In action, quick In re sults. Try thorn. nod Cross Drug Store. " ", wii.i-ifnrTT"M"""-"' YOU'LL NEED A New Hat For the Celebration Wo can save monoy for you nnd glvo you satisfaction besidos. THE THOROUGHURED Is our leador, n lint good ouough for nny man. Wo soil It regularly for $3.00. For tho noxt 3 days only wo will sell this flno hnt for $2.13 Tho STATESMAN Is n good quality hat. Wo havo. sold many of thorn at $2.50 nnd it nlwnyB glvos satisfac tion; for tho noxt throo days only you can buy a Statesman hnt for 92. JO The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY PHONE 2. ' fti-mi. cicnfeavxsiajmmUKBarxxywK7'jaKjnivvMa(jvj9iw o YOU Springy You should uso tho flour contain ing tho right proportion of high quality gluten to make light, elas tic loaves that keep fresh. SPERRY'S DRIFTED SNOW L"jV: -'White Personal Notes A. DOWNS returned to Hcnryvlllo this morning. II. II. WILSON of tho Coos Day Mo numental Works was n passenger for Coqulllo this morning. J. W. DENNETT is expected homo this wcok from n business nnd pleasure trip to Portland. F. P. NORTON will loavo In n prl- vnto rig tomorrow morning for Ro Beburg on business and pleasure. ARTHUR IC. PECK arrived homo last night from Portland where ho passed tho Oregon State Dnr oxam lnation. MRS. DEN McMULLEN has recover ed sufficiently from hor recent oporatlon to be takon from Morcy. hospital to hor homo nt Myrtlo Point yestordny. A. P. OW15N and Dr. C. W. Tower loft yostordn'y for Mr. OwonB' Bum mor home on South Coos River where thoy will enjoy a Tow days' outing. LEE EDWARDS Is expected horo from Salem Saturdny to spend tho summer. Ho nnd II. A. Wells nro planning nn extended hunting trip In Curry, county during tho sum mer. M. D. SHERRARD ot Dandon, who has been spending n tow days In Marahflold, waB a pnssengor for Coqulllo this morning. Ho will spend n day or two nt Coqulllo, nnd thou proceed on to Dandon. TOM HALL will loavo tomorrow via Rosoburg for Portland to nttonu tho Knights of Pythlns convqntlon. Geo. Ross is tho other dolcgnto from horo nnd ho wJH lenvo Snt jmlay, J. D. GOSS will loavo Saturdny for Rosoburg .whore ho will spend n couplo of ln-B before proceedings to tho ElltB O rami Lodge meeting In Atlnntlc City. Ho will bo ab sent about n month, plnnnlng to visit Ids old home In Wisconsin en routo back. RODERT SARTOR and wlfo returned today from a trip down tho const ,to Crescent City, Euro'kn, Snn Fran cisco nnd thonco buck by Klamath Falls. Mr. Sartor says Klamath Falls Is booming but outsldo of that town, Coos Dny Ib tho most prosperous placo .ho visited. DR. WETMORE nnd family of Myr tlo Point passed through horo to day on routo to Doavorton, Ore., where thoy will spond tho sum mon .Thoy will mako tho trip by auto, shipping tho AI Jognny nnd then aolng out tho now Loon Lnko road. Thoy Intended to go nnothor routo but tho ronda woro too bad. DORSBY KREITZER r.nd wlfo and son returned Inst night ovorland from Portland where thoy spent ten dnys on business and pleasure. Mr. Kroltzor stated that Dr. Straw who has boon nt Portland on Naval Rosorvos mnttors doclded to go to Pugot Sound and mako tho trip back on tho training Hhlp noston. COOS RAY to DRAIN In ONE DAY via GARDINER Drnln-Coos Day stngo nnd tenmor to Scottsburg. Mnttoon auto lino Scottsburg to Drnln. Through faro $7.50 Norton & Hanson, agonts. FOURTH OF JULY MEETING. A mooting of tho business men nnd citizens of Mnrshflold will bo hold nt tho Marshfleld Chamber of Commorco nt S o'olook Wodnosdny ovoning, Juno 3, for completing preparations for tho Fourth of July colobratlon nnd tho trnnsactlon of other business. Evoryono Is urgbd to bo present. VIOLET HENDERSON, Soc. Make . !tve$1 Always Riglit S 11 11 M vl -T I ' ""Hornia.