111 1 ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY,.JUNE 14, 1911 EVENING EDITION 1 r jfnriwjp iw.m 'iiii.i f V COOS BAY TIMES Entered at tho postofllco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second cla3s mnll matter. M, C. MALONEY DAN E. MALONEY Editor ami Pub. News Editor r. nnnr pnr n ir irH.u ! HAfiO FOUGHT I Address all communications to COOS DAY DAILY TIMES. Mnrslilleld :: :: :: : Oregon Wife Resists Efforts of J. E. Bering For Severance of Marital Ties. COQUILLE, Ore., June 14. The divorce case of J. E. Boring, who is seeking a severance of his marital tlos, has been occupying tho attention Dedicated to tho sorvico of thoof tno clt-cittt. court for tho past two An Independent Republican nows papor published every evening excopt Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. pooplo, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. Olllclnl Piiper days. Tho case Is being hard fought, Mrs. Boring resisting tho husband's application. Mr. Boring now resides nt Mnrsh flold, having moved thoro from San Francisco. Mrs. Uorlng nnd two dnughters, aged nbout twenty-six nnd twonty-ono and tholr youngest son aged about soventeon, enmo up from San Francisco to light tho case, tho chlldron siding in with tho mother. Mr. Uorlng alleges gross nnd hnbl tual uso of liquor and Incompatibility in- his wife while she denies tho chnr- oV CooTcoiiiity Uoa nml lnfors tlint "nnotor woman" ...w ..i jlina prompted him to bogln tho suit. Tho evidence- In tho case was decided ly salacious. Bering wns formerly n music toach or but lost most of his property In tho San Francisco disaster. Tom Bonnott and Dennett Swnn ton represented Mr. Dorlng while- C. B. Solby and C. F. McKnlght ropro sentcd tho wife. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. DAIIA. Ono year $0.00 J Per month GO j WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In advnnco tho subscription price of the Coos Day Times Is $5.00 p-r year or $2. CO for six monthH. OFFICIAL PAPKIt OF THE CITY OF MARSHFIELD. A Souk For I-1ng Day. Your flag and my flag! And how It files today In your land nnd my land And half a wprld nwnyl Itoso-red and blood-red Tho stripes forovor gleam; Snow-white nnd soul-white Tho good forofnthers' dream; Sky bluo nnd true blue, with stars to gleam nrlght Tho gloried guidon of the day: a shelter through tho night, Your ring and my flag! And, oh, how much It holds Your Imul nnd my land Sccuro within Its folds! Your honrt and my henrt Dent quicker at tho night; 8 . l-'clr""' nil wlnd-towBd Hod nnd bluo nnd white. Tho ono flng tho gront flag tho flng for mo nnd you Glorified all olso beside tho rod nnd whlto nnd bluo! Y'our flng nnd my flng! To every star nnd strlpo Tho drums bent ns bonrts boat And flfers shrilly plpo! Y'our ling nnd my ling A Morning In tho sky; Y'our hopo nnd my hopo It never hid n llo! Home Innd nnd far land nnd half tho world nround, Old Glory hunrx our Kind snluto and ripples to tho Hound! Wilbur I). Nosblt. CORONER GOLDEN RESIGNS:. F. E. WILSON SELECTED County Court Quickly FUN Vnenncy CiuimmI by Mnrshflold 1'liy hIcIiui'n Hetlivnicnt. Dr. H. E. Golden has resigned ns icoronor of Coob county, nnd County Judge John"F. Ilnll yostorday named ,F. E. Wilson of Mnrshflold to suc ceed him. Tho chnngo Is effcctlvo at 'onco. , Dr. Golden Is planning to movo to I either Jackson county or Portland. hnvlng two excellent offors which will materially bcnollt him. Ho oxpects to docldo soon and probably movo li his now homo enrly next month. As ho probably will ho nway somo tlmo baforo leaving, ho decided to roslgn as coronor now In ordor that his sue coMor could bo appolntod nnd assume the duttos nt onco. Mr. WlUon Is an undortnkor In Mnrshflold. VI DAY. THE WHEAT MARKET. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Juno II. Wheat prices unchanged. I Tt TODAY, June 11, 1911, is tho ( 131th nnnlvonmry of tho adop tion of tho stars nnd strlpos as tho flag of our country. The public I recognition of Flag Day ns a national anniversary, Is each year becoming more general and Konulue. On tho 14th day of Juno, 1777, Congress onnetod: "That the Fagof the thirteen United States be thir teen strlpofi, nlternato rod nnd whlto; that the Union bo thirteen etnrs, whlto In n bluo flold, ropro Bentlng h new eonstollatlon." Tho luimhep of the itrlues having boon ln-cre--.oil iy the admission of new states fie possibilities of tho na tion's fuhiro development dawned upon our rut her, tho original thir teen stripes were uuchaugenbly re stored by act of Conxieui on April 4, ISIS, whan It was enacted: "That from and aftor the fourth day of Ju' next, the Flag of the "United St. ' rn.nto red aud white; that tho Unii'i be twenty stars, white. In a h1 Pc 11. and that on the admission of i iuw state Into the Union, ouo fT )) added to the Union of tho Ffi ; nnd such addition take offoct en f . fourth day of July uext, sue c - ':'i,r hiioli admlsslou." f'uo tho atruBgle of 1861-1S85, t' rn, has become the symbol of n v. ' t nation. It has beeu carried to H C r tt r.mn to tho broeio (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times, j i TACOMA, Wash., Juno 14. Who.it prices unchanged. (By Associated Press to Coo Bay Tlmos.) CHICAGO, '111., Juno 11. wheat, SS 1-Sc; Septombor, S7 December whont, S9 3-4c. -July o-Sj; YOUIt NEIGHBOR'S EXPERIENCE How you may profit by It. Take Foly Kidney Pills. Mrs. E. G. Whiting, 3C0 11,11, r.i 4 1 -i i.ti iuiiiuh ai., Kitiii, u., Hiiya; ror owe time I had a very serious cne I of kidney trouble nnd I sufforod with backaches and illszy hondaohes. I had specks floating bofore my oyes aud I felt all tired nut nnd miserable. i I saw Foley Kidney Pills ndvortlsod J and got n bottle and took thorn ac cording to direction's and roaulcs isbowod nlmost nt once, Tho pain and dizzy hondaohes left me, my oye- i slvlit liHHinn nlaar nml tnilav T pan bo thirteen horlsontal stripes, my , aw n wo womnUi (h;nks 0 Foley Kidney Pills." Rod Cross Drug Store. i COOS HlVim FARM FOH SALE, j At the head of navigation, North j Fork of Coos Klver. I havo for sale .a Que rauoh of 119 acres, twenty acres bottom lniyl, bnlnnco bench and ' pasture land, young orchard, nine .room house; barn; abundant spring water; mcludos four union cows: span - utmost parts of the earth. (or work hors9gi tW8lvo 'shouts; somo hvx liberty wherever it has btoa ohlolwnf together with various farm .- us and stripes. I'.ist, have eoute within tho ruachluery. This place would make au tdeal summer resort. Also has nt I'.mt, have come to possess ' avn.ni.t i i,. nn,,..iau.. .,. l . ..ut for frleudly eyes and new ly f,i000 cash needed to handle this r for the roes or Illierty. n . i- pv mWA v IMA" ft -a ill ?3 ir rnces fcxi ARE THE You know very well that we have' the Best Line of Furniture, Draperies and Floor Coverings., You know we have styles and qualities not found elsewhere You know we best understand the furnishing of a home or room. These facts are so evident we need use no space to advertise it What we want to impress upon you is the fact that our prices are the lowest Ruffled Swiss Curtains with Full Ruf fles. A pair . . ; $1.25 and Bungalow Net Curtains, white or cent. A pair ' Easy Comfortable Sewing. Rockers $2.25 and Handsome Arm Rockers, well finished $3.00 and ii i i i 90c $1.50 $1.75 $2.50 . Dressers Brand New and full size $12.50 and Metal Bedsteads guaranteed Supported Bed Springs Pedestal Billing Tables, round tops $18.00 and Kitchen Cabinets, top and base $11.50 aud .$1.00 and $10.50 $4.50 and If J.UU $14.00 $9.00 W $3.00 Sell on Easy Pay- meets and We Make the Lowest Prices rVfFW "toJVte' Mitgmery'& Co. Out of the Luxury Class The Electric Flat Iron has graduated from the class of luxuries, Costs now always less than 5 cents usually less than than 3 cents an hour to operate, And tho work is done in half the time with four times the comfort. Every year electric flat irons are made better, Ask us about the new special offer we are making this week by which you can get one of these Household Comforts for only S3.00. Flanagan k Bennett Hank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over .... Assets Over . . . , . $100,000 $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits a $ OREGON POWER COMPANY TELEPHONE 178 mmBuwwwi. WATCH! NOTICE! l'HOr T. S. KAUK.MAX ,8 CO YOUK COUi OKDUIS $!.fiO l'KU TOX. Don't forgot riioxia 211-j. tho Turkish Hatha. Ilomor Mauzey, an of tho drivers ml tho solictor for us is out for .uumlry. Watch him! he Is liable to stop you on the street nnd explain all dtnal s of I.nunJiy anj also to ho bargain, balunce to suit purchaser a: jt your nome any tl.ne. Ho knows 7 por cent. For full terms nnd parti-1 Laundry business from A tj 2. oulara. address P. O. box 7SS, Marsh flold, Oregon. Good Livery Service and dls- If you have anyuung to soil, trade, rent or want holp, try a want nd. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry I'HO.W 220-J Fancy new rigs, good horses nroful4 drivers are now at tho oaal of tho Coos Day public nt KKASOX.UiLK HATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horses boarded and rigs enrod for. Now heareo and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVEIIV. AXI) FEED STABLES PIIONE 273-J COXDUXSE!) STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF COOS HAY AT MA HSH FIELD, OHEfiON, nt tho closo of business, Juno 7th, 1011. HESOUHCES: Loans and discounts $1S0,015.32 Ovordiaftz ,4s U. S. Bonds and pre miums 25,250.00 Othor bonds 77,412.50 County nnd school warrants 2,571.78 Banking houso, furnl- -. mro and fixtures. , . S2.0S9. 15 Cash and duo from hanks IGO.585,12 LIABILITIES! Capital stock. . . .1100.000.00 Surplus and profits.. 7.U5.95 Circulation. .-. . . 25.000'0' Deposits. .' 393.77S.70 $527,021.03 ijS."j27,02I.05 Cash reserve 40 of deposits. Wo invito your attention to the strong condition of this bank ai Indicated n tho above statemont, d'lso to tho personuel of Its a rectorato. Doos a genoral banking business. Interest paid on tlmo and savings deposits. OFFICEHS W. S. CHANDLER. President; M. O. ' HORTON, Vice-President; DORSEY KREITZER, Cashlor. DIRECTORS " W.'s. CHANDLER, JOHN S. COKE. W.' U. DOUGLAS, P. B. PoW' WM. GRIMES, JOHN F. HALL, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, W. P, MURPHY, M. C. HORTON. j