11T YOUIt ORBED INTO C,;g ,3 Ol'It CItlCKD The Tgg Qiv. f. ft vrntf 1 & FOHHEMAT !EO;GOOnnUM BWKU TOGS AJfD iElTBIBLH TOGS FOE MEN. ?FI tftf IMCENSO SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN! ha. ij3s PRICE 25 CENTS FEB. BOX leaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIADLO NI JOSSO.V CEMENT. The boat Domestic and Imported brands. 1 Pinter, Lime, Brick and all klndB of bulldors material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH IHtOADWAY. PHONE 1201 and Marine Insurance HENRY' SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. -M Odlco Phono 191 Marshflold Ofllco 14-J. 1 Tlrabor Coal nnd Platting Lnnds a speclnlty. Gonarnl Agents "EASTSIDE" ESSIONAL DIRECTORY L. KIIJCKSON, Professional Nurso iHonie, Room 20,Phono 144-L Uuihnold Orogou. i W. LILIE, twpathlc Physician I of tho American school of l-y t Klrksvllle, Mo. Ofllco wDlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to I I81-J; Marshflold; Orogon. '. INGRAM, lIltlnn and Surgeon. I'-UO Coko Building IOSro.1024; Residence 1(121. PNETT, Lawyer. V Flanagan & Bonnott Bank Oregon V 3Ict"OHM'.Ci fnidan and Surgeon lUtrtbfleld, Orogon. wrt Building, opposite Post OIlco. Phono 105-J Puard's Liverv secured the llvory bual- H, Hclsuer and aro nre """Icr cxcellont service to j c' Coos Bay. Cnreful 'M figs nnd evervthlnc cJn Batisfnctory servlco to nono us for n driving "8 or anything needed in ,me- V0 also do o ness of all kinds. pnirti) BROTHERS. In Elinchard, Mgr. KM nnd Sales Service. n and Alder Streets. jAono 138-J ,e in,,, n Xe. stonmc,, , lntr.--iy nrtor eatng , w. , , eminent i triea Editor of The Sun, Lako fm " lu,u vor Little EPfmn,l t i La anrt " "V,"" 2 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MM YOUIt 1)E15I)" IlIJltSON. A Square Deal to AJD1 akdin OA8E YOU TlllklC , that you (jot a hound iw.m,, i'ljjabe, bihkg it mack an we wilij ouahantj:k that vtr wii.i make it 8quaue :erv JJJJ-Ur- iW The Oriental Deodorant for porfumlng nnd deodorizing homes i public places. INOENSO Is n compound of gums, spices nnd deal plants, creates an ouor tnnt win pormcato tho entlro house th a dollcato rich odor that will last n long tlmo. Nothing llko lever before obtainable Evory homo Iff possessed of odors which, Lgh not notlccnblo to tho occupnnts, nro1 plainly dlscomlblo to Dltrt. tUguiy rcuuiiuuuuu u iiujbiviuiib nun nurses ill SICK Mart-Parsons Drug Co. rilESCHUTlONS ACCTItATEIiY COMPOUNDED. EADING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. bstraefs. Real Estate, Fire tie Guarantee and Abstract Co. Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and inroful drivers nro now nt tho dls osnl of tho Coos Bay public at REASONABLE HATES. Rigs or rigs with drivors roady for nny trip nnywhoro nny tlmo. Horses bonrded and rigs enrod for. Now hearso nnd special accommo dations provldod for funeral parties. W. L. CONDR.ON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 273-J WATCH! NOTICE! Homor Mauzey, on of tho drivers nd tho solicitor for us Is out for Uumdry. Watch him! ho is liable to stop you on tho strcot nnd explain nil dotnlls of Laundry and also to ha nt your nomo any timer Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z. JMarshfield Hand and Steam laundry PHON- 220-J HOUSES FOR RENT 3 rooms ?S,00 4 rooms ,?10.00 G rooms ?11.00 0 rooms '. $12.00 7 rooms ' $1G.00 C rooms f 18.00 AUG. FRIZEEN Real Estate and Insurance Agent. OH Central Ave., Mnrshflcld, Ore. , .nmr'.T.n?- Would yon like to have Electric Lights in your (fount ry home? Find put the number of lights you would want and wo will bo pleased to glvo you all the Information you nsk. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. mi iiiuimiiiii I II . J1 tfttf-i VQST ifc COSILY Try Jo AtmlUh Collector of j?uMoitit nt Coo liny. I WASHINGTON', D. C, Juno 12, ..w.u.....i u..iv;iui; Ul IIIU 1 I L'ilOU I J Curtis, In n hearing before the House' Committee on ExpcndlturcR of tho jTrenBiiry Department, lins suggested ine enactment or legislation for tho nbnndonrnent of numerous customs' ports ot.ontry not paying tho ex- jpenses of maintenance. In drogon' 4 these ports nro Coos Day during tho iasi nscai year wero i,336, costing ?267 to collect each dollar of duty; At Vnqulna tho expenses wero $1071', with no collections. Curtis suggest ed making theee portB subportd of tho port of Portland, but legislation will bo necessary to do this. TENTS and Cots at MILNEIl'S. Uso Tho Times' Want Ada. SALESMAN WANTED To repre sent Irrigation and Lnnd Company of Idaho at Marshflold. Wo offer ... u...u,u 'muni nnu an attractlvo Bales plan, and can uiaiiu 11 iiuu?mon 10 a man 01 standing In this community that boats tho highest, salary paid In frrtm MHi.M.a. NIL. f t. A .1 1 v" tuuiiij. iiiu riBiii, ueai lor tho .1.1.1 ... . . bi. uiuii. uivu ruiuruucca Wi wiicn answering tins nu. AUUross'jj,,, guntjny. rruiiianu Acrcngo uompany, Litu., Box G8S, Bolso, Ida. FOR RENT 8-room res. nnd lot ml. Joining Merchant's res. lot, Broad way, Marshflold, Enq. X A. Rogors. FOR SALE A full blooded Jersey bull, tlfVco years old. V. K. Rood. WANTED Young woman for gun- oral housoworlc. ?2fi nnd stendy, employment to oxperloncod party. Mrs. P. M. Hall-Lowls, Phono' 314X1 LOST Lndlcs' gold cuIT button, be tweon First National. Bank, nnd Brcnkwator dock, North Bond. Letter "7." on face Return to numuor from Mnrshflold, tho Alort Hotol Oregon, North Bond. Ifnklng n cnpaclty load of pnssengora I from horo. Many Coos Rlvor perplo AUTO LINE Cars nt nny time. nlso Jolnod with thorn. Owlns fj tho Phono 231 R, qftor midnight 181X bg BUCCoss' of tho undortaklir A. T. FOR SALE Hoatbouse, 11x31 ft.,1Inlnes who aiela in nrrnnglng tho now 2 h.-p. gosollno launch, Gx22!nfrxlr Btatc ywtoriny thnt nt loast ft. Full cqulpmoqt. Sncrlflco price 0. O. Lund, 21G South Broadway FOR KENT Two unfurnlshod room Modern conveniences. Reasonable. Phono 190 J. FOR RENT An eight room modern dwolllng, situated on Pino Btreot. Apply to Bcnnott Land Ofllco, Fla nngan & Bonnott Bank building. FOR RENT HOUSE with 12 rooms and bath, hot nnd cold wntor. r FURNISHED lint with O rooms, bath hot and cold wntor, gas rango. Apply to ROBERT MARSDEN. (Thoso aro In tho host residence part of town.) FOR SALE My farm (100 acres In ono lot or will cut up In parcols to suit. C. W. Sanford, Mnrshflold, FOR RENT 10 acre ranch, Slough D. Forguson. North POTATOES I Iiavo a few sacks of small notntoos that can bo boucht.10 at tho right prlco. F. S. Dow. ESTRAY GOATS Four wcathois and ono "Billy" goat hnvo beon taken up by tho undersigned, Own er can hnvo same by proving prop erty nnd pnylng for this notlco nnd othor oxponsos. C. T. Johnson, Head of Ross Slough, AS VEGETABLES ABE BATHER SCABCE AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR IT IS A A GOOD IDEA TO KEEP A FJUW EXTRA CANS OF CORN' IN THE HOUSE. TRY SOME OF THE FOLLOWING GRADES: PREFERRED STOCK MATNE CORN, p. can 15c TILLMANN'S MATtfE CORN per can 15c GOLDEN" STAR MAINE CORN . . .per can 12i2e MONOGRAM WESTERN CORN, p. c. 10c LION WESTERN CORN per can 10c Lockliarfs Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 TUESDAY, " JUNE 13,1 IfrYl 1 gHMlihii bj.li 1 '. t 1 . i l ' ' 1 . i r ' Hpssal.uTVTAT' fwt VX HA lVi lfr n I !J3"" j 1 1 . lfllUAMl!MNig Cu333E - THE WEATHEH. (By 'Associated Press.) OREGON, Juno 13, Fair today and Vedncsday. N;orth- westerly winds. LOCAL TESIPEILVTUHE HE- , POlT. t . For twenty-four lioiirs ondlngi at 4:43 p. jn., Juno 12, by Mrs.. E. Mlngits, special government meteorological observer: Maximum. . ., G7 Minimum Gl At 4:43 p. m G3 Precipitation 02 Wind, Northwest; cloudy. Council Tonight. Tho Mnrshflcld cItycouncll will meet this evening to tnko up tho Market nvenuo paving and n number of other mnttors. Twelvo Coming. Cnpt. Edwards I luii'i'iivui'u iiuiu viiutjuu ivuuy will thrc0 ftuto8 worQ comng fr()m Drn,u wlth twolvn nnRR(,11POPB tnp r.nna n To Piny Hull. Tho Marshflold flre- ,mon nro arranging to organizo a. base- i,nii team and oxpect to play tho I""" ,.f , .i,i. i. M.,ni nu (jiuuu ii v4i btiu m? Tlnat.rvn Returns Here. Tom Qoodnlo re turned last night from his first auto (trip ovor tho old Coos Bay Wagon Road via Coqulllo. Tho canyon Is In protty bad Bhnpo yot, but tho road Is rapidly Improving. Decision Delayed. Rccordor But lor la ready to hand down his docl- ulon In tho caso of D, A. Curry , . ....... vnin.iM i,n i.nii.ii,,,. orillnnncc8 whonovor Ul0 , nonlWI ,,.,, .,,. ' resenting both sides aro propnrcd to como Into court. Many Attend. Tho Presbyterian npjjn nlr sorvlccs Sunday on North r.nn utvor wnm nfnn,tn,i i.v n iPM iono sorvico n mouiii wouiu uo uoiu on Coos Rlvor during tho summon r Well Water Hnd. Tho Lockhart Parsons Drug company la In rccolpt.nl tho nnnlysls of somo samples of East sldo woll wntqr sont by Dr. IIouso worth to tho Stato Board of Health as WE ARE CLOSING OUT A Line of Laces CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN STEAL THEM Only ft fow pieces loft. Lnces, per yard 2c, 2JJc, He, J5e Insertions, per yard.... 2c, 2Jc, fie Footing, per yard fie Theso gooda nro nil nt about ONE HALF OUR .REGULAR PRICES. Yo" cannot afford to miss this chnnco uuy ,nco cneap. r'OQS BAY ASH STORE Tho fitoro That Saves You Money. (iEO. N. HOLT, . . Manager Front Street. Mnrshfleld. h h EYfeNING EDITION 1 " ; i-i ' a. .rcaulUCLwobr .tUrca jcascs .atJs.: phold fever there. The Stato Board of Health' reports both samples con tain a great quantity of colon bacilli ' and nro absolutely unfit for domestic use. lluyB Home. Warner Ogrcu has purchased tho houso and lot in Wost Marshllold formerly owned by Howard Savage. ' Won First Prlio. Mr. and. Mrs. Anson Rogors of Coos Rlvor nro In receipt of a picture of their grand daughters, Misses Altco and Marlon Bowman of Portland, Ore., taken during tho vehicle parado at Roso Carnival In which they won first prize. Tho outfit consists of enrt, Shetland pony, Queen WUhelmlna nnd her colt, PrlnceBS of Sunnybrool;, which Mr. Bowman will glvo nwny In hla purchasing contest which closes August 1G, Personal Notes P. PHELAN nnd son visited Tolut today. Myrtlo D. HARPER wont to Myrtlo Point this morning. J. L. FERRY was ft passongor to Myr tlo Point today. MRS. R. M. WIEDER lino returned from n visit with relatives nt Ban don. ' F. WILSON .wont down to Coqulllo this morning to attend to business affnlra. PROF. RAAB of North Bond was n passongor for Myrtlo Point thlsl morning. CHAS. KEANE expects to lcnvo nbout July 1 for nnextonded visit wlth,BUC" T ou",nc88 n8 ,nnj mwtu"-v relatives In California. MRS. L. J. POST and children loft yesterday for Snlom, Ore, whoro they will spond tho summon C. S. SMALL loft yesterdny for Montnna to testify In n enso origin ating whllo ho was sheriff thcro. BESSRY To Mr. and Mrs. Warren IlcsBoy, Moudny, Juno 12, 1011, n son. Mothor nnd boy nro doing woll. PETER FROST has moved into tho W. S. Brown rcsldonco on South Broudwny. Ho and his family ar rived hero rocontly from Califor nia. J. V. SMEATON arrived homo via tho Rosoburg nuto Jrouto, Jnst night Delicious Pure Ice Cream That's whnt wo hnvo for you tomor row. Whllo wo always furnish PURE ICE CREAM, wo hnvo onio special flavors for Sundny that will touch tho right spot. Horo aro somo of thorn: Maple Mousse. Pineapple Sherbert. FrcHh Stra berry leo Cream. Vanllft Ico Cream. ALWAYS SOMETHING GOOD AT TWO STORES Cuts nnd bruises may bo healod In ' about ono-thlrd tho tlmo required by tho usunl treatmont by applying Clmmborlnin's Llnlmont. It 1b nu nntl- Boptlc and cauees such Injuries to heal without maturation. This llnlmont nlso relievos Borcnoss of tho musclos and rhoumatlc pains. For salo by all donlors. i ifMm.iianwamtmacmmmtwwmnammmmammammmammtmt. Do YOU ipnmgy You should use tho flour contain ing the right proportion of high quality gluten to make light, elas tic loaves that keep fresh. SPERRY'S DRIFTED SNOW Light- White from a VuplD"?. trip Jo 8au.Fran Cisco. MISS VIOLET HENDERSON, sec retary of the Marshflold Clinmbor of Commorco was n'asBOngcr for - Coqulllo today. ". r CARL CLINKINBEARD of Coos Rlv- or has returned from Philomath, " Oregon, Svh'oro hoattonded a'moot- Ing of tho United iBrathrcn dono initiation. I Q. A. BONEBRAKB will lcavo short ly for HUtaboro, Oregon, where ho will spend a couple of woeks vaca tion with relatives, .Mrs. Bono, brako precoded hlni north. FRANK LAMBERTON nnd wlfo lntt yesterdny for tholr homo In Bolso, Ida., niter a fow wcekB1 visit at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fla nngan and othor Coos Bay frlonds. CAPT. JOHN IIAQOBLOM of Astorln passed through hero yesterdny on route to the lower Coqulllo whoro he has a now steamer for tho Col umbia river Bcrvlco under cons tructlon, C. P. BARNARD, owner. nnd manager of tho Rosoburg stago lines, was hero last night on business. Ho Is using rutlos prirt of tho way now In pined of tho stagos and is plan ning to put nn auto on tho Sumner ond of tho rond nlso. Ho says that throo miles of rond beyond Sumner should bo planked this summer. NOTICE. Annual mooting of stockholders of Archer Lnnd Company will bo hold at, tho ofllco of First National Bank of Mnrshflold, Ore, on Saturday, July 8, 1011, at 10 n. m., for tho purposo H "". i-. " irniiBa .i..h. ...-...- i . . como beforo tho mooting. HENRY SHNQSTACICEN. THE PULLMAN DINING OAR On North Front Street Hnx Been REOPENED by Smith Bros. Tho host eating plnco In tho city. Short ordors n. speclnlty. Tho prices nnd tho cooking nro both right. Call nnd Sco. MORE Ivor-Johnson BICYCLES hnvo arrived nt MILNEIl'S. PHONE I. H. KAUFMAN & CO YOUH COAL ORDERS pl.no PER TON. Choose Your Druggist With the Same Intelligent Care That You Select Your Doctor :: :: :: The ability and 'Integ rity of tho man who pre pares your medicine Is just as Important to yoj as the knowledge and skill of the man who or ders it. OUR AMBITION Is to deserve to b your druggist and supply you and your home with all needed Sick Room Supplies as well as Toilet Requisites and other goods carried by a high class drug storo, OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT represents all that is best in quality and skill in Pharmacy, Brown Drug Co. 71 Market Ave. Coos Blag. Phono 141 Loaves? Always Rig'it ' r.1 i "i ? : tSi .',-'5 "ta H'fV 'ry i.i ' P, t? t a m - ftu c jvo fr ?Io !8 in vo Ic. M tor bin rth tod or aro. :an icn an. 'tat' Xrlll- .'! ror two our.vj ;lonv t at : "f sale by all dealers.