Turner diarrhoea In children f 8" .l.nrlnln'B CollC. CllO- i Diarrhoea Remedy nnd ens !? ,nd a speedy euro. Is coYtnln. r.i. hv nil dealers. TOIIATION TO ..u in N'n'101 ENTRY OP nnl Forest. i , hereby given that tho lands Jted below, embracing 721,495 llhln the Sisiuyou mm niu- Wllonal Forests, Oregon, will bo ,i to lettlemoni ami uu; uuui otlilons of tho homestead lawB T united States and tho net of U 1906 ts "" """ -". i sutes land oHlco at Rosoburg, 0 on Jii- 25- 1911' Any Bet" ;' tub actually nnd In good claiming any or sniu mums iur i mirnnses nrlor to Jnnu- . i90G, nnd lms not nbnndonod 'ha iv prcforenco right to mnlco . il. . 1 h m it h nnill. ejtcad entry ior mo mn. ....- ctupted. Said mnus wore usiuu the applications ot the persons ,,,! below, who lmvo a pre- f, right subject to tho prior Cf any such settlor, provnio-i Kttlcr or applicant Is qualified . i.w1 Milrv ntul tho Iirfi- rlcht Is exercised prior to 3, 1911, on which dnto tho will bo subject to sotuomoni W by nny nunllflcd person. ,n,i, nro as follows: tiio a a, tho NEVi of SW&, nnd 4 ot NWU ot W, hoc. v rtcyed), T. 30 S., R. 13 W., , no acres, application or. s P. Still, Dnnuon, urcgon; 174. Tho lots 1 nnd 2, or NVi il. tho WW of WV4 otSKVi of , the SWU of NEW. tho EV4 of NWVi, nnd tho E or (NE H of NWVi. Sec. 4, T. 32 10 W., 157.12 acres, nppllca- ol J. II. Maglll, Dothan, Oro- LUt C-41C Tho VU of V f of SKVi, tho W4 of Wi fHofSEW, tho E of SWU, ffK of SWVi, and tho E ot olSWH. Sec. 4, T. 32 S., R. ,160 acres, application of A. M. Dothan, Oregon: List C-41G. h of SKVI of NI3H. Sec. 20, M8H of NEM of NWVi. and foot NWVi. Sec. 21, T. 30 S.. Jw.. 120 acres, nppllcatlon of ate flawson, Myrtlo Point, Ora- Llit 6-409. A trnct of 4.375 fltMn Sec. 23, T. 23 S., R. 13 scribed by motes nnd bounds lo: Beginning at tho south wraerof tho SW'i of NI3V4 o." !3, extondlng thonco W. Ibilm; thonco N. 17.50 chnlns; i E. 2.50 chains; thonco S. chins to tho plnco of bogln- SalcJ tract wns listed upon tho itloa of Abrnm It. Enyonrt, U, Oregon; List 0-491. Tho otSEH, tho WVj of NWVi of ul tho EV& of SWVi, Sec. !J S., It. la W 140 acres, Moa of Henry McCnnloy, Lam poon; List C-507. S. V. UFIT, Assistant Commissioner Ctneral Land Ofllco. Approv- Ir 5, 1911, FRANK PIERCE, lulitant Secretary of tho In- T0RATION TO ENTRY OP sd la Nntlonnl Forest. No- 1 leby given thnt tho InndB l below, embrnolug ICO lthin tho National Forost, IU bo subject to sottlamoht 1-7 under tho provisions of tho eid laws of tho United States ct of Juno 11, 190G (34 "), at tho United Stntos' land ;Roseburg, Oregon, on August 1 Any settlor who wns nctu f1 la good faith claiming nny unds for agricultural pur- I'lor to January 1, 1900, and '.MndoneJ Fame, has a'nrof- rt.at to ninko a hoiuestoad '5r the lands nctunlly occu- M1H lands wero llstod upon 'Mtlons of tho norsons hion- !, who have a proforonc.0 Wet to tho nrlor rhsht of nnv H provlled euqh sottlor or 1 1- qualNW to niako homc- h and Mo proforenco right U8I Prior to August 15. luhlcb. dato tho lands will bo 10 settlement anil nntrv hv 'Med nrrqan. Tlin lnmla nm- k'Ct within what will prob- &en surveyed, Set;. 17, T. . W. At., linnnrlnrl nntl GAS followaj noalnnlntr nt 'at .( corner of Sec. 18t T. 8-11 'W extending thonco "'OS; thrnno X' in ...!... -0 chains; thonco S. 20 co 40 chnlns; thenco :laS t0 th" plnco of oe'n- 1 a"t va8 listed upon tho I of !, ttn naknn6on ot I W n rpi, .,,. ., "amr-i f0rv . thnl. ,. I 1 .1 -. . ..v.v v-..- 1"' ln8 V ! " of opening oi ff 84 v . S. V. PROUD- Jiant n,,.., . .. , Miuisaiunor oi me taa Om a ., RANK PIERCE. First 8eretary of the Interior. !Cd Mn r I THE COOS BAY TIMES, .-winim-u,,- I, fii,j.li.,,1niJ.IBM a,.,.,. jiiiii -StP-Hn: udfe fix:: -tT i $& ral ti-P-L'c- 4a (Till n'oajri -r rj J&rtr KiJ91 1 L0mm mp y The femer and his wfc were about to sit down to a cold supper when they saw some old friends driving towards the house. " The good wife was equal to the occasion thanks to her New Perfection Oil Cook-stove. She had it lit in a moment, and her guests hardly were scaled on ihe porch before a hearty hot meal va ready for tho table- sausages and eggs and long fathers of streaky bacon, and rolls just crisned in the oven and fresh coffee and the hostess herself as cool nnd neat as if she had not been near the kitchen. She never could have managed it with nn old-fashioned range. The New Perfection is the quickest, most convenient and best cooker on the market. i SMidevrMi 1.2 nd 3 burnrn, vrith on?, !tuf quoK6 blue toftineled thimnrt . Itmlioinely finulinl ihroughonl. Tna " . . La, r ' Would do well to call at the Pacific Monumental Works, South Droadwny nnd innko selection from tho largo stock now on hand. Mr. Wilson hns In his employ tho only prnctlcnl mnrblo nnd gra nlto cutter In Coos cminty. And nono but tho best work Is turned Beaver HiS! Coal MOUNT DIAI1LO AND JOSSON CEMKNT. Tho best Domuitlc nnd Importod brands. Plnstor, Ltmo, Drlck and nil kinds ot bulldoru matorlal HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH IJROADWAY. Abstracts, Real Estate, Five and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENfiSTACKEX, Mgr. Coqulllo Olll.'o Phono 191 Marshfleld Ofllco 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Gonarnl Agents "EASTSIDE" Have You Seen 0sir New Market? Wo nro now nlcoly located In our now shop nnd extend h cordlnl Invitation to overy ono to call. Wo hnndlo only tho REST MEATS nt 'reasonable prices Whfn you want a Juicy stoaKVa nlco mutton chop, sonio tendor lamb or good voal call us up by phono. A trial ordor will convince you. EnterprisejMarket 'GEO. W. KING, Prop. PHON.E 52-J., Oils nion LINE RIST5LLATE REXZ1NE KEROSENE SAMSON GAS ENGINES nnC CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS osBay Oil & Supply Co. shfleld, Oio. PHONE 302-J Mail Orders Solicited. DYEING T Frencn ury and Steam Cleaning of Mies and gents' suits. Goods call- Ifor nnd dollvered. Prices reason, able. ROSE CITY DYE AND CLEAN- N& WORKS R. E. PINEGOR, Prop Foot of Mrket Avo " Phono 103 , ory my vacuum carpet cleaner. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, Unexpected Guests urrpthelrn, lovflreli, tie. Urikri tmrwhere I or write lor de Kripiivo circuUr lo Ihe netreti tsency ol the Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected 1'iiom: 201 Hello! Hello! IIousowlvos of Marshflold uoo Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocer doos not kcop it call up PHONE 7JI-J. Froe delivery 8 alsp a.m. to 2 p.m. STERILIZED CREAM & MILK ICE, HUTTKRMILK, COTTAGE CHEESE Golden Oak Barber Shop Finest equipped shop on Coos Day. A Smooth Shave A Good Hair Cut Shoe Shining ChlUlien's llr.li1 Cutting specialty. OPPOSITE LLOYD HOTEL HUNTER & CLAREY Proprietors. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Piiono 3121 1911 "-s1 ATTOE A CHURCHES (Ministers and others uro request ed to hand tho Sunday church no tices not later than Friday evonlng to Insuro Insertion Saturday.) UNITED niUCTHHEX CHURCH OK NOltTII IIKNI). Sunday School at 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor nt C:30 P. M. Prcnohlng service at 11 A, M. and i o'clock. THE TiUTIIKHAX CHUltCH. Rov. D. P. Dcngtson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 o'clock. Service at 11:00 o'clock. Evening service In Swedish nt P. M. EPISCOPAL EMMANUEL CHURCH. Rov. Robt. K. Drowning, Rector Sunday school 9:30 A. M. Morning prayer nnd sermon A. M. t0O$oooov',v"5oss'';c''jvvcy K NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Services Sunday morning at i0:4G. Sunday school at ,10 o'clock. Junior League, 4:00 p. m. 7:30 o'clock Evonlng worship. SEVENTH DAY ADVEXTIBTS T. G. HUNCH, Minister. Sovonth Dny Advontlst sorvlce aro conuuciod every baiuruny ni their now church as follows: Sabbath school at 10 a. m. preach ing sorvlco 10:45 a. in. You nro cordially invited to attend. CHURCH OF CHRIST Regular sorvlcos ovory Lord's day. Sunday Bchpol, 10 o'clock A. M. Communion sorvlco 11 o'clock A.M. Y. P. S. C. E. P:3Q o'clock. l M. Prayor mooting Thursday evening each wcok 8 o'clock. Cordial Invltntlon to any or nil meotlpgs extended to tho public gen erally, nnd especially to mombora ot tho church visiting Jn tho city. Min'HODlST EPISCOPAL Rov. II.' I. Rutlodgo, Pastor. , Sunday school, 10 a. in. Morning sorvlco, 11 a, rn, Epworth Longuo at 7 o'clock. Evening sorvlco at 8 o'clock. FREE TO YOU MY SISTER wfah to oontlnue, It will cot yoaonlr about. ifcenUa wock or Imm than two otnta a day. It wlllnot interfere with your work or ocoupotlon. Jul uo4 bi lour Mmi in4i(iii. tell wo howyou euirer if you wtah, and! will aend you thoroatraeni for yourcav,fntlrelyfrco.ln Main wrop. per. by return mnll. I wlllal.WBendyouliMeleoil.my lxk-"HCalirj 0W1 MfOIMl HIU' wUh exnlanatory Illustrations nhow (ng whr womennuffcr. andhnw thrTcnnjaallypurolheinHelvca nthome. Evory womanehould lmvo it. and learn to Iklakhf hitull. Then when thodoctortnye-- "You roust hnvo an oporutlon," you can decide f6r youn.elf. Tliounandu of women havoounU inemsoivoa wun roy nomo remwiy. ltourt all Bimpio nomo iriairaent wnlon gpoedlly and cluetually curfi i.eucorrnm a, urivn mmnwjwiu I'alutul or Irregular Mongtruntlon In young Jjjdliti, I'Juiapnobs and health always rixulta from ,,4 uni WhnAA vtfr II ..a T .K k.a. ..am .a I.Jtnd tell nny sufferer tlmt tills Hooa Tnaloaal really etronir, plump and robust. Jit uad tow iddMit, ino Dook a wnto to-uay, as you way not sou MRS. m. summers, DoxH - Would you like lo have Electric Lights in your Country home? Find out the numbor of lights you would want and wo will bo ploased to gtvo you nil the information you nsk, Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 2f7-J. Never leave homo on a Journey without a bottle of Chamberlnlu's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Rem edy. It Is nlinost rortnin to bo need ed and cannot be obtnlnwl whou on board tho cars or steamships. Far salo by all dealers. A TURKISH HATH GOOD. Phono 2 14-J. will do you EVENING EDITION Bff Frank Howe will lead tho Ep worth League meeting and tho euo Jcct will bo "Religious Trnlnlng and Leadership." O FIRST DAPTIST CHURCH. ' Rev. O. LoRoy Hall, Residence C92 Sixth street Phones: Residence, 25G-J. Study, 2S9-L. 10 o'clock Sunday school, Alvn Doll, superintendent. 11 o'clock Worship. 3 o'clock Eastsldo service 7:00 o'clock D. Y. P. U. 4 NORTH DEND CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Father Springer, Rector. $ Mnsa will ho celebrated nt S and 10 o'clock, Sunday morning by the Rov. NORTH HEX!) .METHODIST CHURCH. Q ORov. ALHERT S. 1IISEY, Pnstor Sunday school 10:00 n. in. Preaching 11:00 n. in. Epworth League, 7:30 p. in. Father Springer. MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. t. Rov. Father Mornn, Rector. Mass will bo eolebrated in Marsh Held nt S and 10:30 Sunday mornlnrr, tho Rov. Fnthor Mornn celobrnnt. MARSHFIELD K PRE8HYTKRIAN CHURCH H J. T. M. Knox,. pnBtor. Tho PreBbytorinn will hold Dlvlno sorvlcos on North Coos Rlvor tomor row. Tho steamer Alert has ueon 'chnrtcrcd by tho PreBbytorinn con gregation for Sunday, leaving hero nt 8:30 n. m. sharp. Tho regular Sunday school nnd preaching ser vices will bo held on tho rlvor near tho Lnudrlth nnd Mnhaffy places. Dr. Knox will preach. Thoro will bo services at tho church In tho evonlng ns UBiinl. A lnrgo number nro ex pected to go. Ample nrrnngements nro mndo tor all who doslro to go. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. P Sorvices will bo held In tho Clirif tlnn Sclonco hnll, 327 Third streo north, Sunday nt 11 a. v NORTH REND PHESHYTERIAX This church will obsorvo Chlldron's Day with npproprlnto exorcises. Sundny school 10 n. m. Chlldron'H sormou nt il n. in., by Rov. A. D. MacLeod. Christian Endoavor 7 P. M. Preaching servlco 8 o'clock. Proo to You and Evory Slstor Sur erlng from Woman's Ailments. I am a woman. . I know woman's Bartering!, 9 I bara found tho cure .'JmH JnuU rr,oori,"y charBo, mrkeiMlrtil' Bill with full Irutructloimtoanr aunorvr from woman' uUiuvnki. I want to toll ill women about daughttjr.yourinother,oryourtiter. lw'nntto tfll you how to euro youraolvw ot home with- iui euro-jc, uij- nauer, ior youreelf, your out tho hull) of a (lootor. Min r....f im,I..Fi..n,l women's bulTtTlnm. What wu women know rum leirlitci, wo know better tlinn any doctor. I know thnt ray'homo tnotnumt U wifo and iuro B4h fll,lftilAHt.k mm ULIAI-k l..L--- lll.--al HI.' uutuivi iiuMiiawn( nouiin giicDir, uiClillWR.Uil ilicintal cr Mllll ol IM Womb, nolaii. 1coly cr rllu( FtlloCl. U Itlit Ct Ouriaa Tumon. tr Cio.tfci: ilu uln In Utt, tick i nd botiti, tinbf iota lnllm,e,nctiim, tniphf Ittllaf us IM i(ioi, niliecMr. diiln locrjof Hum, (iiiIiiii, kldiu. icd bladdir UwklH km nutii tjr tiakiittit piculut toourticx. f I want to una you i tompltl, lis lif'i luilaial laiintr ifoto prwo to you tlmt you cun cur yoursolf at homo, nailly. quiokly and anrmv. "r""'." -.- r : -------. --- r -. wt i j.r KVinviuuvr, iiii(,ii wui (nil iu pgiaiiig ,v cIto tno trt-atmont a cnranmiutnuit anu uyou elder oui, it Hoiant ei oiutaiiri, t wui enaiu n m wa. w Mm lAA.t(tvnrhnlrnftvlinn will (plAnlT cum nil women'aillsiAHtH, and inakus woroon well, :na ttu and tho froo ten iluy'strtatluent lay ours, also this oner again. Atuinxs . ,rt - Notro Damo, Ind,,' u. s.A. George Clark Chimney Sweep Is In Town. REASO.VARLIJ PRICES. Lonvo o.V.ors at Central Hotol. PHONE 55-L. fcJAFE INYKSMKNTS. For Information concerning high-class bond Investment, bearing ?"( Intorotit net, write O. II. Hinsdnlo, caro J. H. Adnms ant' Conrpany, Los Angeles, California. II NURSERY FOR CHURCH REV. G. LEROY HALL ANNOUNCES A UNIQUE FEATURi; FOR THE RAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES. What can bo tormod, possibly n unique feature, In church work, will i bo Inaugurated In the First Daptlat church of this city next Sunday morning, .Tuno 11. Tho pastor, Rov. G. LoRoy Unit realizes ihnt thoro nro mothers who nro hindered from nttendlng morning worship becnuso of tho care of young chlldron. Ho hns therefore nrrnngod for n "nur sery department" which will bo In chargo of competent Indies during tho hour of tho morning sorvlco which Is from i1 to 12 o'clock. Through tho kindness ot Mrs. Georgo Ayro, her homo located con veniently south of tho church nt tho corner ot Third nnd Commorclnl, has beon secured, for this purpose. Tho pnBtor thereforo cordlnlly Invites nil mothers who have horctoforo been kopt home on account ot tho llttlo ones, to come nnd enjoy tho morning worship with tho nssurnnco thnt tho babies will bo well cared for In tho "nursery." It might bo added that this docs not moan that children aro not al lowed In tho services but it is an nounced for tho present as an experi ment to onablo tho mothers to enjoy tho privileges of worship. If appre ciated it may becomo n permnnont feature of tho work nt tho HaptlRt 'church. ' IS XOT A PICNIC. PiVHhyioilntiH Will Hold Union fief vIim'h U Coo- River Tomorrow. Tho outing which tho mombors of tho Presbyterian congregation will lmvo tomorrow on tho Aion is ior tho purpose of holding Union. sor vices up Coos River nntl not ior n picnic. Tho fact thnt n hnskot lunch will bo taken was doubtless tho cause of tho orronous 'stntomont. Tho lunch will bo nqeessnry nB tho participants will not bo,nblo to ro turn to Jlnrshncld In tlmo. Thoro nro a numbor of mopibors , of tho church on Xorth Coos, Rlvor nnd tho trip tomorrow Is for tlio pur poso of permitting thorn to , unite with tho Mnrshilold congregation' In regular Union services. Tho AlorL. which has been chartered, will .leave Marshflold at 8:30. Tho trip is .f raj,.' All mombors of tho congregation and their friends nro 'cordlnlly Invltqd Co, . Join In tho trip nnd sorvlcos. A bas ket lunch will bo tnkon. JURY .MAY DISAGREE. Wiippenslfln Cuo Now In Hands of jm-y Vu-tllct Not T,lkely. ' (Ily Assocliitod Pross to Coos Day. Tlmos.) SEATTLE, Wash., Juno 9 Wrong- HiiK of Jurbra In -tho -Wappeniitoln Miii oaii Iih hoard In tho oorrldora pf l,i, , Pnm n,l from till! fflOt It "'O court room Mill inuu yu ntv Is boliovod a dlingromoiu li prQor I nblo. I (Dy Assoolntod Pross to Coos Day Tlmoti.) SEATTLE, Juno 8. Tho. ovld'onc In tho trial of foriuor C$t of PgJlcp Waiuianitaln arousal of nccoiiting a , i.,.ii.0 from clarence (lorald and Gld- lUii"" "uul W"'V ',,,;' i '.'.Vii ()H i IllMlvr IHV l'V lllivifc tf': I conduct llOUSOB OI Vice III tills uiRiji.i, I , . , FO,tnv amf JrtdKO Main COIIClHtUU lOlin,, mm JU"b, . ea Uli. instrUcUllUS to tllO Jury, ll- i'" " 'Mi ., i stfUCtloUi 'MUX AIUfnvnral tO n- i . i ifiiiuin. W ' NOTICE. Js'otlco is lioroby Klvon '(hjit tho (Irm of Clary and Huntoj, eon'duoUn?,., I tho Goldqp Oak D.arler jjaon, nap beon dlwolvod, J. E. Clary nurohiis,- jlng C. A. Hunter's Interest In lq business, Said J. E. Clary will con tinue the business will be reaponslbla for nil nccounta) owod by th Arm and will also receive all mnnoys owlnp ,sald linn. i DtcA Marshflold, Oro., Juno 0, 1911. J. E. CLARY, i O. A. HUNTER'. iRAISES the DOUGH 'Better than other powders 'producing light, dainty, whole- tome cakes nnd pastries CRESCENT BAKING POWDER is Wah crado andU f moderato in price f 25c lb. tin at grocers. f Cretccnt Mfg. Co., Scuttle 1 I tt