THEfcQOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1911 EVENING EDITION "! i i ii It Is a Matter of Judgment on Your Part To know you 'can't buy gold dollars 'for 7Gc. If clothing contains tonest values, $1.00 In honest valuo must ropreeont $1.00 In gold cola. W nro ,n a n0BlUon t0 8o11 clothes as cheap as any firm on Coos Bay. Romombor wo guarantco ovcrythlng wo soil. Suits From $8.50 to $25.00 FIXUP OPPOSITE BREAKWATER OFFICE. FOR SALE A full blooded Jersey bull, thrco years old. V. K. Rood. FOH RENT Furnished lint, houses centrally located, 1C4-J or 34-J. Personal Notes CAUL EVERTSEN leaves Monday for Portland to attend tho Eastern Star and Masonic meetings. MIIS. FRANK LAMBERTON of Boise, Idaho, who was strucken with appendicitis recently, has re covered from tho attack. LOST Party who found gold cross MR8. J. A. GOODWILL loft Friday wjiMMMimpjiii wmw uinnin CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL OF COOS BAY AT MARSIIFIELD, OREGON, aV tho close of business, Juno 7th, 1911. RESOURCES: Loans nnd discounts $180,01032 Overdrafts .-IS U. S. nonds nnd pre miums 2G.250.00 I Other bonds 77,112.50 County and school warrants 2,C71.78 iDinklng houso, furnl- turo and llxturcs. . . 82,0S9.45 ICuh anil d from bjnks 1G0.G8G.12 LIABILITIES: Capital stock. . . .$100,000.00 SurphiB and profits.. 7,115.93 CJrcuTatioh. "."".' . ., 25,000.09 DoposItB. ., 395,778.70 with Initial C. M. B. In North Bond, pleaso roturn to Bank of Oregon nnd recclvo roward. WANTED Two good solicitors. Per manent traveling positions for right parties. Call Room 2 Sac chl Apnits, Sunday 11 to 12 n. m. WANTED Kitchen girl, Scandina vian proforred. Mrs. E. Grnndcll, Hunker Hill. FOR HALE, 1-lxSt" ft., nev 2 h.:p. gnsollno launch, 5x22 ft. Full equipment. Sacrlllco price. O. O. Lund, 215 South Brondway 'FOR ItEXT Furnished liousckcci- Ing rooms. Phono 49-L. . I?r5 117,1)1! 1.05 ,F()R RENT Two unfurnished rooms j Modern conveniences. Reasonable. Phono 19C-J. FOR RENT An eight room modern dwelling, sltunted on Pino Btrcot. Apply to Bonnott Lnnd OHlco, Fln nngan & Bennett Bank building. morning for Suporlor, Wis., whoro sho will spond tho next thrco months visiting her mother nnd other relatives and friends. HENRY W. LEDS of Woddcrburn, connected with tho Humo cstato, Is Just out of Mercy Hospital after n rnthor Bevcro siege of Illness. Ho expects to roturn to Woddcrburn Wednesday. ' MRS. II. -ARMSTRONG, wife of Her bert Armstrong of tho Monnsha Woodenwnro company, and two children nrrlved today on tho Al llnnco from Portland to Join hor husband horo. T. ASTON, n railroad engineer who Jins been Inspecting tho railroad Hold horo, left Mnrshflold this morning to bo gono for somotlnnj. Just who ho wns representing, no ono horo nppcars to know. J. E. BROOKINGS, head of tho Brookings Lumbor Company, which has extciiBlvo timber hold ings in Coos nnd Curry counties, nrrlved hero last night from Cali fornia to look after business In terests hero. 91527,02 1.03 1 Cash rcsorvo 4u of deposits. Wo Invito your attention to tho strong condition of this bnnk n Indicated In tho nbovo statement, nlso to tho personnel of Its di rectorate. Docs n gonornl banking business. Interest pnld on tlmo nnd savings doposlts. OFFICERS: I W. 8. CHANDLER, President; M. C. HORTON, Vice-President; DORSEY KREITZER, Cnshlor. DIRECTORS: W.8. CHANDLER, JOHNS. COKE, W. U. DOUGLAS, F. S. DOW, WM. CHIMES, JOHN F. HALL, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, W. P. MURPHY, M. C. HORTON. FOR REXT HOUSE with 12 rooms nnd bath, hot and cold wntor. FURNISHED lint with 0 rooms, bath hot and cold wntor, gas range Apply to ROBERT MARSREX. (Thcso aro In tho best rosldcnco pnrt of town.) 'FOR REXT Six room furnished houso nt 973 South Broadway. Ap ply at promises. ESTRAY GOATS Four weathers and ono "Billy" gont havo boon tnkon up by tho undersigned. Own or enn havo snmo by proving prop erty nnd paying for this notlco nnd other oxcnBC8. C. T. Johnson, Head of Rosa Slough. FOR SALE Small business, box 000 LOCAL GLEAXIXGS. THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) , OREGON, Juno 10. Fair to- i night and Sundny. Piny Coqulllc. Tho baseball sea son In Mnrshtlcld starts oft Sunday when tho Iocnl nlno will cross bats with tho strong team from Coqulllo nt tho railroad depot groundB, tho gamo bolng called at 2:30 o'clock. Cutting Ties. Tho C. A. Smith mill Is cutting a big order of railroad ties for tho Tonopnh nnd Goldfloli Rnllroad company This lead somo ono to Btnrt n report that they wero cutting tics for n rnllrond to bo built from Coos Bny. Teachers Leave Beginning today, tho teachers of tho Marshllold public schools, which closed yesterdny, nro leaving for tholr homes. Prof, and Mrs. Howltt loft for Albany this morning nnd Prof. Applowhlto for Corvnllls. MIbb Fordlno will lenvo In a day or two for Grants Pass and MIbs Rnndnll will leave tomorrow for San Francisco via Eurokn. SWEDISH LECTURES. F. D. Llndcr of Chlcngo, who has held several well nttonded lectures In: tho Knights of Finland hall, will speak at tho same place noxt Sunday, Juno 11, jit 3. and 8 p. m. You nrq .cordially Invited. THE PULLMANUINING CAR. On North Front Street lias Been REOPENEif by Smith Bros. Tho host eating place In tho city. Short orders a specialty. Tho priced and tho cooking are both right. Call and See. FOR SALE My fnrm 000 ncres In I ono lot or will cut up In parcols to suit. C. W. Sanford, Marshflold, FOR RENT XO nao ranch, Slough D. Ferguson. North POTATOES I hnvo n few knclw of small potatoes that can bo bought nt tho right prlco. F. S. Dow. Farm to Rent I havo a 90 -ncro farm to ront, u llfo loaso if proforred, thoro aro good out-bulldlngs, about -10 acros plowed land, good orchard, 3 cows, uso of mowing mnchlno nnd horso rako goes with placo. Possession October 1; two miles from Myrtlo Point. Ronts vory reasonable. Cnn bo scon nny tlmo. Would mnko a good dairy ranch or lino chlckon ranch. For particulars apply to Win. JAMES, North Bend, Oro. Logging Camp Fire. McDonnld and Vaughn's logging enmp In tho Bluo Rldgo section was threatened with destruction whon n fire broko out tho other day, but tho heroic ef forts of tho omploycs kept tho flnmes within, bounds. Somo londod cars and trestle wero burnod nnd an on glno damaged with a Ions of n few thousand dollars. Work nt tho camp was also dolayod. "W eai Eycf" Cooking Utensil v AT PIONEER HARDWARE CO. ... ,. - wJmk $P The Cooking Utensils That Last Lifetime 4 The Cooking Ware That Lasts a Generation "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Cooking Utensils are the hind that give yea every satisfaction. Safety, Economy, Durability, Freedom from Worry. You can cook the most delicate and easily scorched food in aluminum utensils with less fear of burning than in any other-kind, because aluminum is abetter, distributor of heat and retains it longer. This means a saving in fuel. And it means a saving in wcar-and-tear expense, too. "Wear-Ever" aluminum cooking utensils are.strong, light to handle and easy to cleail. They resist fire wear you can let food boil dry in them without injuring the utensils. They are practically everlasting. "Wear-Ever" utensils cannot rust, cannot form nnu-nnnnc ri tii nminrle with fruit nmrls - tA Tl,n o-o mnrln, frnm thirh "WEAR-EVBt" hard sheet aluminum, 99 pure, with out seams, joints, or solder. ' tr V ' ''' N I ' .' ' '. v. ' . . r ' Jk Replace utensils that weatLOttt with utensils that "Wear-Ever. " Pioneer Hardware Co. i& iTAjC.U.Ca JUDLhM.) We V Carry a Full Line in Stock A - w ; - COOS BAY to DRAIN In ONE DAY via GARDINER Drnln-Coos Bny stago and stoamor to Scottsburg. Mattoon nuto lino Scottsburg to Drnln. Through faro J7.G0 Norton & Hansen, ngonts. YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Will be more of a suc cess if vou use SUNSE'JJ VANILLA and LEM ON. These are distinc tive products, having tho lull, true flavors. They are much stronger than the extracts on the mar ket and more econo mical. Use Sunset Flavors in pastry, ices, desserts, etc., then "taste tho taste." You'll bo de lighted. Prices, 25c, 50c, $1.00, and $1.75 per bottle. For sale by us and the leading grocers on the Bay. Brown Drug Co. Manufacturing Chemists 71 Market Ave. Coos IBldg. Phone 141rt Do YOU Make Springy Loaves? You should uso the flour contain ing the right proportion of high quality gluten to make light, elas tic loaves that keep fresh. SPERRY'S DRIFTED SNOW Light--White Always Right (LAB hiSHLlLMM Sanitary Conditions ,Thnt tho peoplo of Coob nay npprcclato tho modern" Sanitary mothods of handling food supplies finds ahiplo evidence In tho fact that 'hundreds of peoplo pass ninny grocory stores to coma to this storo for tholr supplies. Hero thoy find an up-to-dato sanitary storo equipped with all tho modem mothods for cleanli ness, convonlonco and satisfactory service, Add to this reason nblo prices and you havo tho secret of this storo'H popularity. Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 Watch OurAdvertioement Next Week for Prices on This Ware. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Pig'n Whistle Chocolates and GRUENHAGEN'S CANDIES The favorito of every candy lover once tried never denied. FOR SALE AT THE BUSY CORNER Exclusive Agents., Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. I'RESCRIITIOXS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED, LEADING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. m i T"