THE COOS BAV TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 191 1 EVENING EDITION .-,. B aiailinwill in ni . ,T - zz: ' ?u lv' '4,t ' ''' J tHB iXMil IHRAYS W ViQ"v I Pretty Dresses for Summer Days Stylish Costumes of Fine Wool French Shallies, and Pretty Figured Silk Foulards. Cool Dresses of Pretty, Dainty Lingerie Materials K -rmm T A wm CONTRIBUTIONS concerning oclnl happenings, lntundcd (or publication In the society depart raont of Tho Tlinrs, must 'bo sub mitted to tho editor not later than 0 o'clock p. m. Friday of each wcolc. Exceptions will bo allowed only in cases whoro events occur later than the time mentioned.) H A COLLEGE GIRL'S DAY. CJIIH hreukfnxt on a pickle, ' Ami Oieivllia uuitoni Is To bo and icinl a nlcltol Upon ii (jluw of llze A LONG about tcn-thlrty " Slio npml Komo rolld fnro Ami kowi with Qraco or Ccrtlo To purclmim nu aclalr. A T twelvo on pie lio lunclim, " And through tho afternoon .From time to time die munches A dainty tnncaroon. fruit pockctbook ohc'll plllngo i - At dunk und gnyly trudgo To purchaso In tho vlllngo , Ingredients for fudge. A T night, with loosened tresses, " It la hor ilenrwt wish To cook up nwful inussus Upon a dialing dish. A ND when alio'n donowlth browing " And all tho house Is dumb Sho goes to bed still chewing' Her llttlo wad of gum. Kansas City Journal, AVI3 you seen him? Do you think you would rocogulzo him If you woro to meet him? You fhns his own lovnblo traits as well. All dandles should not bo cried down bocauso of their fondness for dross or exuberance In speech. Tholr I hearts inny bo nil right. Still, When .weighed ngnlnst his blunt brother, ho . often falls short of tho standard of . luinmn perfection. Vory young girls i think that lovo can mnko up for all ! deficiencies. Tholr futures', for weal or woo, do- PERSONAL notices of visitor In tho city, or of Coos Day people who visit in other cities, together with notices of oclul affairs, or' gladly received In tho Boclal de partment Tolophono in:l. No tices of club meetings will bo pub lished and necrotarlos aro kindly ronuppteil to furnish mine. having boon chnrtorcd for tho occa- i .i i .i num. U.uii uiu iiinn iiom uiuy 8loili nowlngi BWimmIng, dancing, ohooso nH llfo partner. If lit doubt ,,,,, , , ,. .... ,,,,.. , ,. bnsoball nnd a bounteous picnic dln- nbout tho ndvlsnhallty of accepting tho proposal of n rough diamond, 1 ,l0.r Wuro tho Pnclplo enjoyments. would say, glvo him tho bonollt of Tlfo weather was particularly warm tho doubt by marrying him. for this tlmo of tho year. Among No girl should lay down a rulo as ihoiio onJoyllg Ul0 outng woro: to a man Having to Do just "so and so' or sho will not ninrry him. Tho chnneos aro that sjio will go wldo of hor roseate dreams. A girl's idea of a husband must bo molded over n score of times cro It takes proper shnpo. It Is only by knowing nnd contrasting one with tho other that sho Is nblo to discri minate as to tho superiority of tho ono best suited to clasp hor hand through llfo. Tho girl who makes a haphazard solcctlon has plenty of tlmo to regret choosing in hnsto hor Ideal of a husbnnd. Tho man Misses Martha Hoss, Koso Wall, Allco Cox, Lucy Juza, Nellie Trlbbey, MnV Myron,. May Prouss, Evelyn Lang worthy, IsIs Marsh, Dclvn Flanagan, Hcsslc Flanagan, Ilnttlo Hansen, Mnybollo and Floronco Farloy, Edna Hanson, Miss George, Nora Tower, Frances Williams, Grace Kruso, nnd John ForgiiBon, Ernest Harrington, Eric Dolt, Ralph Kruso, Ralph Wil liams, Chnttncoy Clarke, Noblo Pit man, Donnld McGoorgo, Fred Mc Corrnac, Dartlott Flanngan, Walter Jonscn, Tom Patterson, Gcorgo Mttrch, Sldnoy, Clnrke, Georgo John- mt to at 2Ii. :ho sumo man when sho Is 30. I do .tot mean that girls should wait until linvo probably noticed tho fallings of tnoy nro 3010 scttlo tho mooted quos- tho husbands whom your chums have married. iho U'nnlil tunrrv nf f0 stin la InillfTnr, " ..V -.....-. ri1 T ... TXflll Tln.tnn n m .1 OI. l.l..t.. .Il-tll. Du -"" 1-UIOUll, Mill I1UIWI, uuu 3liu jiuoikiui iiiniiiwa Joo Donnott. Mrs. Geo. Watklns hns extended In- tlon of a heart mate. Most girls aro vltations to tho members of tho wlso enough to mnko tholr solcctlon North Bond, EnBtsldo and Mnrahlleld at llvo And twenty; other's nro nover Womon'H Christian Tompornnro old cnotiuli to decldo what tholr Ideal Unions for a strawberry soclnl nt of n husband Is. M 0 Ono of Uio pleasing ovents of tho 'Tho Cedars" nt nn early day. 0 A vory onjoynhlo and profitable "P Aro you expecting to get ono more perfect tho king of all men, nn Ideal? You hnvo mndo up your mind, of ft...... llmt l.rt alw.ltl.l tint ultinlra drink, gamble, or cast an admiring !,", H0C,n,l- wnB tl, rp,lo n'1 ntorno w"8 "I""' 'art Wednesday eye on any other won.nn-.ln short. n"ct tendered by the ladles of tho when Mr;. Henry Black ontorlnlnod be a paragon of perfection, says ,rK8 clllb to " ,'B,,nnd8 at j ho Women's Mission Circle of tho Laura Jean Llbboy Must ho ho """'tlf' Bonwtnokon home, on ap 1st church at hor homo on South , ,, . ,,,n ,,,; ,,. nf ,, Monday ovenlng. This onjoynhlo tunc- Fifth streot. Tho subjoct of tho aft- faultlesH In his attire, a , Ink of poll- - h Qf teness In manner, a vorltnblo Beau uu" lo "" """"'" """" iim Ilriinniiol? ' ltho cloHO t)f tl)0 c,,l,) B yonr of worU "Br ,,r0Krc88, Tho Nogro na tt What would von sav If in evorv- "",1 Btut,y- No olomont conduclvo to 'Christian," and was presented by day so t of low 1 to woo yon- P'wt wholo was lacking. "The Mrs. Black, Mrs. Ellen Slglln, Mrs. A. 1 man no lvo J nro ineecL ' fonBt of ron80' tho "0W ot ou',, '' DpW"8' M'BS MWn,8 atovM nml "' " " ' " ."..".' . . "L' w; woro tlioro; music added lis charms; Mrs. G. I, Hall. Mrs. It. P. Har- "' "'"'" -mhim.iiikiui., nnw w....... ... , ... . 4... , ,lr. nUn,l tlm linntnBn In Hrv. iiiu uriiHiiu iiuuuiy 01 uiu iiuiiiu run- mw,. ..uu.u.... ...w ..... ... . Thoso Mrs. I I I, J- Call lUlraiy UC auiu. Itutu uiuiu m nimonimu outtou-o iur I I showing goo Is at The Myers' Store. Many stores buy only twice annually fall nnd spring for their entire year's business. But not so with us. are enabled to make each month yes, almost each week a Thru our New York office and our matchless buying facilities, we dis- i Y tiiiet season in itself, where the newest and brightest conceptions oi! Fashion are shown in well chosen assortments, nnd at very niodcr ate prices. We welcome you to our store daily to see tho row and best things that are constantly arriving. Visiting The Myojs Si ore is like tray- cling among the world-renowned Alps there is constantly a lm m-M .1 r ii if 1 -k. fin n iHj im H 'tnIB tWi-'lfl' new and beautiful change here to greet one's vision. , For tho coming week, we will feiiture particularly; Myers1 Women's Wear French Shallieand Foulard Dresses Very Rea-onaq)y Priced From $15.00 Up A magnificent showlas of beautiful Drosses and Costumes, vory suitable for afternoon nnd semi-formal evening wear. Many nro exquisitely beautiful becauso of tholr plalnnosB, while- othors nro nrtlstlcally adorned with pretty trimmings nnd bands of silk; nlso buttons nnd ornaments, and rnro Persian lnco. Prices aro exceptionally low, and conveniently n'ngo from $15.00 up to $23.00. Pretty White Lingerie Dresses For Women and Misses, Priced From $1,50 Up lloro you will find tl o most pleasing ideas la flno Ltngorlo nnd Tub Crosses. Many nro showa with tho now Dutch nnd Snllor collar, nnd "but torfly" nnd peasant sleov os. Somo aro mado cn tlroly nlong plain Hiioh, whllo a hoBt of others nro neatly ornamented with protty lnco nnd cm broldory. Wo nro Bhowlng both tho whlto Lin gorlo Drosses nnd thoBo of nont printed waih mntorlals. Sizes aro Jl to 42. Prices nro $1.30,, up to $12.00 A Correctly-Fitting Corset The Very Foundation of Stylish Dress boo, for tho llfo of him, what a man than two suits of ',oml Krntlfylng rosponso to tho np- lK dollclous rofroshmonts. Tli . I....I.H.IUI tlin nthor l,onl of U, nOtlietlC B0II8O, and por-,Irc80tworo Mr8- K,lcn S17lln' J neoded of moro 1..t...,. - .. na l.iialiiiian I li (tilinM ITIUUIVH IIIIU llir IlllSlllvm, HIM IH..VJI ., ...... ...... . 4 n ,-,. a W W T l. Ml. J ii ? lnv I nut? vauing nii,inniinuoKcruni)iocunrm ot " " '" " " "i- ". ins hiinun DOHi; ... ti,n i,tnBn wblnii wiu moro thnn northa Cnrlson, Miss Erlcson, Mrs. SlippOSO 110 didn't Pnro n llg Tor IOC- n . M U P tlnrrlnirtnii Mrv i . in i., r,... rnclouBno8H, moro tjinn courtesy, Groon. Mrs. II. r. llnrrlngton, Jir-.. M tttres, but did ko In for baseball, hockey, tennis, and nil loglilmnto moro thnn. hospitality, n Bubllo somu- Henry Illnck, Mrs. o. u. Jtau. .via. ,u. '.- "rlB7' ""; thing of O.o soul that transcends Oosney. Mrs. Amanda Itoso. Miss Gu manlyspo s-wouldho.Uoor fall IoV801l Mr. nlack, w,tfora IlB nna in yiiui uaiiiiiiiuiMi i If ho wnlkod barofootod from tho farm to tho city when n boy, working his way up to nn onvlnblo position In Abort Gosnoy. 0 Mr. nnd Mrs. I. S. cheer nnd wolcomo. Hrldge, music, tonsts and toplct.1 talks woro among tho dlvorslrms or Mr, nnd Mrs. I. S. Kaufman an il big firm would you consider him l" evening. Tho hnnqunt wis a d nounco tll0 ongngemont of their .... ..... Unlit and tho courses Intorsnorsod ,i. ,,!,,. i.n.niiii , m Timno it manly as tn tenow wuti un - ...y w . ., i....i n .im fB.i.r m ,v for ills wl,u t,ie feflst of reason" mndo tho Baldwin Drown of Chlcngo. Tho colVge odueatlon, with n toMtip na to whether ho kuows any mpro when ho came out than when ho want In? , occasion momornblo. The banquot tablo prosented n pic turo that was n trlbuto to tho art la- ii M)H (ii iiiu uiuu (itiuiunuu iiuw- Itles. A uumher ot Impromptu toasts added to tho onjoyiuout of tho eve ning. Among thoso responding to toasts woro: I. S. Knufman, Mrs. II. Seugatacken, Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, Mr. M. C. Hoitou. Mrs. C. W. Towor. wedding will tnko placo In July. Model No. 121 1MIICK 91.23. Uoforo tho now suit or coat Is flttol you Bhould sco that thoro Is a fash ionable corsot bo noath. It's tho vory A H C of smart dressing. I2ven If thnt much loss has to bo expended for tho suit or gown, buy n stylish corsot. AMKItlCAX LADV STVMSII Our oxtra quality gunrantood Itust 1 ! (i f Amorlcnu Lady Corsotsom hody tho lino cons truction nnd now stylo fontures of Corsots costing two or throo times as much. Now 1011 Advnnco Fail Mod els now hero. Prlcos 91.00, $1.30, 82.00, 82.30 up to 80.00. I -- f "tt1i"IMaf'fS?,l Dainty, Cool Undermuslins Fnr Warm Summer Days I'UIXCKSS HMPS, mndo of lino Swiss cambric, lawn or nainsook. Trlmmod prettily with lnco and om broldory. Illbbou drawn bending. Ilcason- ( 'J .50 nbly priced nt. ..vf) I UP $Novv whiti-: . pirrrrT COATS, daintily trimmed with lnco nnd embroidery. Flno nl'took or lawn. Mt.ny to ' A ,Q0 select from. Knelt. ) I jp ClllC.MISi: AND COHSKT COVKHS of flno cnmbrlc and lawn. Lnco or om broldory. Itibbon drawn bending nt vory modornto prices. AUr Night Dresses, Etc., iu Dainly, Snowy Sir IL m mm Wl-ile Materials at Very Reasonable Prices AOHXT'S liADIILS' IIO.MK JOL'ItXAIi PATTKltXS fa coos BUILDING MYER i'wngffygrasMy.3ftfffaFnT-ifwti'ry AVO.MKX'S AXI) MISSKS' WKAU A, Do you think tht you would rath er have n man who can tnlk poetry bv the yard, or a man who knows the rudiments of eur.uluK biead n.ud biiM.-r? What about the fellow Avlinse family lives Mr tho solo pur- pi- (r making a show.; who blew In t'n lr united salaries to llvo In n Urov n wtoue front, with n hireil nnt' mobile? , I W .mill lm ulnml In hlnher favor v v,HH vou than the man who lived M nram- M"' c- w- Towor Not .,e girl In a hundred is com- 'J Np Uo Tow- Mr- " c; II('rt0- i,iiBa r.iimucui ivbiiiuuiii, -.uia v.iu'" mnn v'ev Sengstneken, Mr. mid Mrs. R. gcal T. Streot. Mrs. J. M, Upton. v "j .0 Tho fnrowoll party glvon In honor Drowning, whllo tho wedding march white. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Coleman loft C. Vaughn and wife, Miss Nettle Sat- of Miss Allco Curtis nt tho homo of . wna , played by Miss May Stnuff. Tho M0mlflJ. morillllf for n extended tour ago Hov R E Brownlns and wife Miss Mary Hansen. Inst Saturday brldo was given awny by hor father, . n - t ., u Ul nB' uo; " lj urow""'b ovenlng by tho sonlor girls of tho! A. J. Snvngo, L. G. Savngo of Spe- ? " "aBt' Ithoy ox.1,ect to ro6,,Jo ' " J- Ilway. Robert Dickson. Erl Mnrshllold High school was a moat 'lno nctotl as ring benror. t Tho bride ...,!!" ', I,lt80 who nttondod tho savago, Miss Mny Stauff, Don Orif- dollghtful nffnlr. Music, games rind, woro a boautlful gown of' whlto silk ' ' "K , yiovo L G Sllvn8o, Mr. Nor- flll( Mr nn,i Mrs, a. J. Savage, othor dovlrslons mado n vory onjoy-'oropo da ohlno with a slight sweej), ' ' !vw n,ul wlfo' Ml K- Kvorltt, Tho wedding toolU'lnceJiu8ta nblo evening. Light, dainty rofrosh- tho gown was trimmed In poor) band ' , nnd, wlfo' Mr' hyb Savi '-" (Coutinuoil on Paso Ammi. tHitilii Mnrfuitif anija Ml nmi ...... . ,....- w.. inn.l Inno CV, ,...l.l 1 "" " IIUIIIU oL-iiiiiinir. IIP. 1 - .- -. ... .- 111UI1LS WU1U bUllUU. 1 llll UUaia lllI- . mv.i ..vr kHIllvll II UUllllllUL 111 . . . ,. . ---.. .. -- AIM. I. H. Mllirmnil. Jtr. ami .MI'S. It. . - . ' ,. , ,. .,, . . ' , - i , .. rrinii.,riiirMi-iriii.wr m imiinimm-. 8 Tower Mr' and Mrs' Lfon Mr .hio ui iur, .ujr w .-......,.., mnM.. out and MrsM. C. Maiono'y. Mr. ' nnu euss Jesslo Chase. Myrtle Cow.n.jalao - - ,, o, .....i. ... .. c -.. I.uoy Jusa, Harriot Hanson. Allco with a diamond brooch. The dining ua. ii. ovniisiai-ni'ii, Jilf. . -j. tin- , .. . V.II...B. .4.3.f WU.. 4.1W.J.. ..V.l.te "' " '" ."rf .'.wp. J M.UUII tUU lni.tno for n rainy day? 1 t nt to choose the geuuiuo inu hrllllaut Imitations nro tcrtd about her path! . Tho girl who marries tho "rough ! Thursday ovenlng. Miss Gono diamond" soldom rules It: shs knows vleve Sengstnokon tondorod a faro worthy, nosslo 'Flanagan; and tho with rotes .and rhododonrons, tho hostossos woro; Misses Nelllo Trlb-, gouoral color scheme,, hejnjg pink nnd bey, Rolvn Flanagan, Roso Wall audi- ,, . - . , l-" Mary Hansen. Miss Eugunla SahllUug of Gnrdlnor was tho guost of hor mint, Mrs. W. this wook. Her 'Delicious Pure fee Cream lli;niiiilii uiliuiu ruin u. mb nK" " i m,,,.,,!,,. !,. . .... -mi. T.,..l nl,.. ...1, .!. ' .illllllll, IIUIO its valuo and thanks tho uml , tpr """ " "'" " - ,, n y ,;lln such n treasure Into her. kqep In, It is not to be wondered .... - .... i..... ....i .....,..i imi iiMniaioii. 1'iiiic 11:011ns nun onn- 1 iruil voiiiiB uiiu iiivAiiriivnvvu ii" - - oatrv snrvlrn In tho Unirnno dUtrlnt ...... . r..,., rr in tholr luduuMit If thov li "sod offoctlvoly on tho " soxlc ,n " 5ono district. ( r0Wi whllo Wo always furnish ll'K fall, it is understood 0 Miss Mary Jamlason, the Mnrsh-i Among thoso invltod woro flold olty librarian, loft this woek to 'M cholco s,oems the nooror of the Alini , u. .. uonnou, u. u. , visu rumuvos ai roruunu. aaiom ana flumr is worth uoottt. KUlo Farrlngor. W. II. Kon- other northorn points. OAT SUPPLIES (Iniiinrv Dntit linYrcmt sf lI'iiaAim 1 a Friday Mr Portland and an oxtonded """-'"- .-' .v v , nlcji-i Iwinn vlcltlnrv lintA Alt Tilil . ...!. tMll rpi.rt, .. UfntHUf " lVUH 10Wlfe 4 VIWJV '" , onn In nanlotmit nllliAHIilnnH nf tlin Tn duii 1 .u.i ouiiunioui ui uiu iui-.TImt's wlint u-n hnvn tr. vn ..,- .....H ..... .. , .... . v .'. VFi. lUlltVM- nn.nH ...ntr.r.n .1.111 (.1... .,innn .l.i. ' know thnt tholr parent throw tholr tables. At 500. Mr. R. K. Rooth won . .. , , . , ' i' ' tlthAAl, wo have some Innuomo In Mvor Of the man whose nrst urlio. Mrs. M. C. Malonoy soc- f rin-r has a fortune. p,ul l"'10 nml Jlrs- Kfll Fwrrlnger Timi-o ra fnw vonri airiH who are the consolation. Rofroshmonts woro 1.. :i nnnni'li In uv to I hnli" ailvlsern! served flnvnra fnr QntiHnt Hint ...111 .n..t. .... .w.w .w. U....U..J HUH "111 lUIIOU tho right spot. t. but his tlttl moro than tho other LuU ones Ono of thq prettiest homo wo.l- dutlre '. w. T. Aierounnt. w. Aitngus. Jl. C. Malouey aud J. T. MoCormac and . MlaLina Vnllln H'nu'rtH Vflntl I)l11 I I . ... ,1 . . j m. Kiihlble father would soon see ' o' iwi. . i", uiuge oi uio season xook pmeo last t fin-e of her argument, even Mamie Mahouey. Charlotte Muren. Saturday evonhrg at S:80. at .the ' m !-ii It might take some little time l1' " Kdnn Stanley. Marie homo of A. J. Savago when their youugest daughter. Miss Madge nud Herbert Louis Coloman wero unltod Hero nro some of them; Maple .Mousse. Pineapple Sherbert. Strnwliosry lco Croam. Vauiln lco Cit'iiin. .1 1 tAIIHl..v.l. T-... ...... t mii her mother over to her way " " R""11 ,"U",HM' of tiiiuklng. A girl who would mnr ALWAYS SOMETHING GOOD AT XJ, In mntrlmoiiy. Tho mnrrlago cere- ry happily must got away from tho The last picnic of tho Mnrshllold belief that ho Is faultless. Every school wns hold nt Enogren's grovo mouy was performed under an arch man in tho world has somo fault; lw on Coos Rlvor Thursday, tho Allco H of whlto roses by tho Row R. H, , This sjoro Is rapidly becoming tho ncknowlodgod headquarter of boatmen. ' , . , A Fiosh Barrol ot COLU.MRIA UATTERIES, just arrived. A full, stock of HAVOiilXE OILS tho best In America. L1FJ-: P1UJSKRVERS ' AVIHSTLF.S .LA.MPS Vc G. ijo.vr PAixis R0AT.MEX COME HERE FOI?,YOIllCsUPPLlES . ' n, -9 T-Z ., t ffsmrt&LjZWJ i iifu taiunuo i ih ( 4l