MMyPAGAINSTOOb AND HARD CHUCK IT, AND HAVE IT OVER jj If - yOUR. ADS CARRYING Vnar store-news, should nppcnr ns OIO0S Stows M SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A Btoro's advertising apace In n newspaper, compared with tho epneo used by other stores, nhoulj doflno lis comparatlvo linportauco in tlio communltyt Does your storo's ad vertising space do that? tfl rtgulnrl)' ns docs tills newspaper. If ucwpnncr omitted nn lssuo now j thou even for so weighty n rcii- ,0 ns fearing Int It might rain It would not bo n good nowspnper. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXIV Established In 1878 as Tho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1911 -EVENING EDITIONEIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall and Coos Hay Advertiser. NO. 127 1 Hag POLIGE BAFFLED II SEARCH FOR REM in Portland Crime Without Paral lel In History of the Pacific Northwest. SHERIFF AND POSSE SCOURING COUNTRY CQOSTGN DEAL Wi'l IDE REFUSE TO SURRENDER THE CiTY Chihuahua Held by Federals, 0rozco orN nn' h,a flvo thousand m- . , , m i aii i B,irrcctos to enter with their arms. UIIU IllOUIItiUlUb IMUl HIIUWUU.Tho American rnHl.lnnt rnmnlnln tl,n to Enter Fear That Citi zens Might Suffer. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) JUAREZ, Mex., Juno 10. city Is being kept on a war bnsls. Appeals lmvo been sent to Mexico City asking tho minister of war to settle tho dimculty. Tho reason tho Insurrectos nro not nllowctl to enter A with nrms is becauso tho Federals TO CELEBRATE 10 DAYS; v E IT BIGGEST EVER I Negotiations For 100 Acres For Factory Site Arm-1 strong's Views. Negotiations for tho purchase of 10. nuout 100 acres of tldo-llnt near No Clue Has Yet Been Estab lished ds to Identity of Murderer. (By Associated Press to Coos Day TlmoB.) PORTLAND, Ore., Juno Thlrtr hours after tho discovery ol Cooston aro reported to bo In pro Ihc murder of tho 11111 family which Rros8- Dotalls of tho dcaPhavo bem jhocked this city yostorday morning, ,0"t "Perot so far. ho police appnrcntly nro ns much' Nowb of tho denl having leaked it ion for a tanglhlo cluo of the por- ou' thero linvo been ninny rumors petrntorof tho fiendish crime as thoy'nB to who Is negotiating for It. Ono rc yesterday. Sheriff Stevens of rumor hnH It Hint it Is tho Monnsha Multnomah county nnd his men nro Woodenwaro company, which Is also KOurlnK tho rnuntry for somo cluo, reported to be nbout ready to take) tre local tiollco and detectives nro ovor tho Southern Oregon company's telegram from Chihuahua says ,tho fenr Buch a largo numbor of armed situation there Is lnoxpllcnblo. Tho "ion may get boyond control nnd Federal troops rofuso to surrender Rive vent to a long chorlshed resent; I tho city, and will not allow General "lent to certain interests. CI ATI- PASSES AWAY Famous Prohibitionist Who Was Terror of Saloon Men 1 Is Dead. I (Ey Associated Press to Coos Da) Times.) I HEAVY CARGO . ON ALLIANCE NAME MEN TO GO FORJ0ST0N Marsheld Business Men Plan For Great Observance of Natal Day. NAME COMMITTERS TO ARRANGE IT Members of Marshjicld Naval Militia Assigned For Northern Trip. Tho following seamen of tho At Least $1,500 to Be Raised For Pulling Off Big Event on Coos Bay. Mnrshflold will hold ono of tho Arrives at Noon Today With 400 Tons of Freight and Passengers. Tho steamer Alllnnco arrived nt noon todny from Portland with twenty cabin paBsongors, and three steerage jinnsongors. Tho Alllnucu LnAvnxwnriTiT. irnn lnrm i,i runnln't down every bit of evldenco boldlngs and which hns for tho last rim lm.Jv nt rra rvirrin Min .. . . . . ... A, . ' " ' " v ......., obtainable nnd the BhorllT of Clnclcn- l"rco or rour .ears noon figuring on who died horn lnut nlulit. wna ini.-nn also brought four hundred tonB of nil county, ndjolnlng. In nt work on Rotting ? slto on tho Day for tho In- to Knnsns City, Kan., todny by her Ronornl freight. Tomorrow morning the cnie, but nil to no purpose. At atallatlon of n big plant when It gets relatives. The burlnl will ho at,nt 10 o'clock tho Alllanro leaves lent If tho polico lmvo discovered rendy tp cut up its big timber hold- Richmond, Mo., whoro her parents North Bond for Eureka, California. iwthlng of importnnco thoy lmvo "R8 '" this section. not taken tho nowspapors or tho pub- Tho tide-lint In question Is owned, lie Into their confidence For bru- "' syndlcato which owiib tho Coos-1 tilltr nnd depravity tho killing of n townslto nnd thoy acquired it nro buried. , ADDITIONAL SOCIETY NEWS. L. O. Snvago, who has boon a ns Tho puBBougeru arriving nro follows: W. F. Feller, II. W. Mixer, J. S, Greenlee, A. II. Ward, T. Q. Ward, C nun nun uvm ii. nj iuu iMiinih ... - - ...vv .iv.iiuiii.-u ii . . ., . , . , urccmcc, a. ii. wnru, i. u. varu, u the Hill family Is without n pnrnllul from John near nnd othors. Thoy !'" , nl U1 . ,' 8tlvnB, ,lmo' lcft H. Hurley, I, ll., Underwood, J. 11 I. lltA nnAlfln nnclhiKnal Tli flnml. n m WlllltliT t f OAI1 If la ntinnMUn,1 .- .... -.- ..w .w mu tivttivi m iuu i tiviiit, iiuimnvmi mu uuuii- "-- n ! v m uuuuioiuuut v lioness with which tho murdorcr nn'l nnnouncomont of tho conBumma- yielded his nxo and Tils frightful tlon of tho denl is expected Ty many treatment of tho bodies of tho moth- Bon. er and tho llttlo girl afterward nro .fteactsof adogoncrnto oflho worst. VIEWS OF ARMSTRONG. M jiOMlble type. In Spoknno. Ho oxpects to roturn In tho fall for nn extended 1bU. Mrs. J. w. Ingram ontortnlnod at cowing Frldny afternoon. Covers wore laid for eight. .Miss' Elizabeth Kaufman Is.Ajitor tainlng nt cards thlB nftornoon. Tho Progress club will meet Mon-' Hnmllnc, K. MullliM A. L. Zolhor, Mrs A. L. Zolher, Mrs. II. Armstrom;, JobbIo Armstrong, Mru. L. C. Fullor, L. C. Fullor, Mrs. Li. Stowurt, Bar Stewart, Ircno Stewart, L. M. Kow lor, T Stoolry. C. It. Sinlth'N ItenrcMMitntJvrt Tnlkn ITAi't rnm vav r I 9 Dal.2... f. . - I AiA'.M iiii'j u iv iiv id1 uu v I " nwiuiiiTH un'Kiwi uinpnu. . w m 1 f nn nrrnrnnnn nv t t rtwm r kiki Thft Rtonmor P.rn1Htnr from Ann Emnlintlcallv donvlnp this ronnrf ' """ " " t" '" "" Franclaco arrived in Coos T3ay at C that Elijah Smith Is broken In fl-'"08"' 8"8lon nt tho homo of MrB- h o'clock Friday, heavily loaded nnnccs, or that any deal lias yet been . ' ... . ' ,, , . , n with a cargo of general freight. Iconsummnted whereby the control of'"1" tolIa, 'ckIuna- ft. J1" IMI'OHTANT NOTICE. Owing to an unexpected rush ot ndvortisomontB nt tho Inst minute, savoral columnB of rending matter hnvo bcon crowded out of this Issue. Ti iliumn. nnn.lxlnli nvi-lvwl tho RnilHinrn nrnitnn nn.l fl,A tinl.1- . "' tOnCllOr, IB thO' gnCBt Of TllTr BlO- m.innPVCTIMV .1III1V mCAfllMMJ irly Friday with n full passenger Ings of that corporation aro to pnb8 ' ,M,8B A,phn cTcluna n lorth ; UVilU. Mrs. A. W. Myers loft todny for Spokane nnd othor northern points llt, nnd a heavy cargo from Cold Into hands of tho Monnshn .Woodon Beich. Iwaro company, Horbort Armstrong Tho stonmnr TJrpnlwnr snllml tnr western renresontativn of tlin pnm. Coo. Day from Portland this pnny with offlces nt Spoknno who Is ,on ' nnf Plcaauro. Biftrnlni nn.l I. anl..l..l.l t.nnl. nf nrnonnf In Xfnraliflnl.l Innllnn- nfl. JIr8, J " SmWltOn iS Visiting nt "'MHin tllltl in BiKVUIIIUU t UUW " j-mv " wtmviM iwii Un nt J) o'clock Sunday morning 'er tho Interests of C. It. Smith of , p " .r Mr nna Ir8, J" r loung jury In tho enso ot former Chlof of Falls to Arrlvo nt n Verdict In llrl- 1kt Case and In, DIscliitrgtHl. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, 'Wash., Juno 10. Tho j Mnrshflold Naval Militia lmvo been MRR.081 wlobrntlons In Its (history detailed for duty In bringing the U. Ju,y 3 nn" T1,,H wno lotormlnod S. S. Boston down to Oregon from nt ,l lnc,tlng nt tho Chamber of Com merce last night. j Members of tho commltteo In uiiurKo 01 mo preliminary work ro ported that there was practically n unanimous feeling among 'tho busi ness mon nnd eltlzons gonernllr that Marshfleld should pull off tho blg- 1 gest colobratlon In tho history of SouthwoBtern Oregon this yenr and I that It should bo mndo at least r. two days event. Thero was not a dlssontlug voice. However, thero wob nothing lofl nlto ns to tho attractions and pro- j grain nnd so subordinate committees Woro, nnmed to draft a gonornl pro gram of attractions nnd theso com mittees will report next Tuesday night at which tlino tho colobratlon will bo definitely mapped out. It wnB decided that It Would bo neceasnry to raUo at least 1,500 to1 mnko tho colobratlon a success. 80:110 thought that tboro slmuld ba rn ore but A. J. Mendel and George' Itotnor-who will Bollcll tho nubscrlp tlons promised to raise at least $1, C00. 1 Thoro was somo talk of having horso races ench nftornoon but thoro was somo-ohjectlon to this plan and thoy probably will ho dlsponsod with Somo flno hoco races botwoon tho various flro departments of thd county will ho arranged, also motor boat races and othor sporting ovonts Bremerton: Patrick Flanagan, Eric P. Bolt. ' Robert Kfugor. Milton Carlson Sydnoy Clarke Antonio Mcgnlo Plotro Mogalo Hussoll Nasburg Fostim C. Waltor Harvoy Waltor Charles A. Halnc& Ilonnld McCcorgo John W. Motloy Frank Mntson Lornn Coolcy Jons IlniiBen Walter Jensen Itolllo Bnrrlo Clny Church Ernest Harrington Quy Stutamnn . Leslie D. Blanchnrd JosophUB M. Dodgo 'KnTl Ls Hnlnos Lnwronco Horton Androw HllUtrom Louis ITorton In tho list given thoro nro twenty- sovon men. Of these thoro will ho twenty-four chosen for duty. These men nro ordered to meet at tho oillco of LlouU H. O. a raves at 7:30 o'clock tonight whoro tho twenty-four mon will bo definitely dccldod upon. In Portland. Mrs. Hugh McLaln loft this weok The San Pedro nrrlvod In yostor- MonnBhn, Wisconsin, and tho Mo- iir ami la Inmllnn nt t)i Qniltli mill nnMin Wnndonu'nrn Pnmnnnv. ntntod . ,H .w.....0 ii. ..v w....... - - - ,r . -.- ..Il . T .- l 1 t-U WllU 1111VIKK ilWUlJtUU The Nnnn Smith Balled today for this morning that nothing definite " ", ' !. " ' ., ' ., "nB "tc" whno in omco disagreed and m roint with a big cargo of lum- would ho ilono until tho annual meet- , , .. , . ... discharged CT Innfl fif nnot i?nnr titi.1 w-fi twill , Mim-im.ovM. w. ling of tho Southern Oregon Company Polico Wnpponstoln, who was charg ed with having accepted n brlbo wus land tho past year nnd who -will ro- FKAIIS HOUSE THIEF. The no.lnn,1n u-lll -all frnn, Hnn'whlfih Is to bo held on June 20. tho.turn W,tn nor ,n a coun, or weoks- rranclscn nt Wrfn-n.v fnr Pnn, nlnr of thft mratlnir not vet hnvlne Mr' McLn,n' ttt8 bcn looking BJjrand will probahly leave horo tho been announced. It -will llkoly bo at,afor buB,ncsa ' nt ""laboro ivlll also J A aoiai.n Ti,infes 0ne Was at His iouiu mill tii7iu. Emplro. Mr. Armstrong stated that C. It. Smith was In Boston at presont, whoro ho went, to attend tho gradu ation of his two sons, whom aro pre paring nt an eaBtern preparatory school for Princeton University. winday following. Sho has boon on drjr dock for sovoral weeks. PLAN HAIIROR WOItK. Kfntuck Inlet Inspected ami Meeting For Next Monday. Preparatory to Improving Kontuck lalt, tho members ot the port com-pany Is always roady tolmy and sell nUMon accompanle.d by Captain said Mr. Armstrong. "There Is noth Polhemus, who Is acting as consulting Ing In tho report that tno Southern oglneer, visited tho Inlet Friday to Oregon Company has Teon acquired ke observations. by ub. Thero Is to "bo a meeting of Thero will be a conference of the tho stockholders of the company on j rt commission and othors next June 20, and something may bo done Monday morning at 10 o'clock at then. 'Web. tlmo tho members of tho com-, "Tho closest friendship exists bo- ! tolwlon will confor with Captain tweon Elijah Smith and C. It. Smith, Polhemus on matters telativo to tho nnd, I believe It la the wish of Mr. 1'laco In Ferndnle. Lato last night Marshal Jack Car tor received a telephono messngo from Professor F. A. Golden of Forn dalo that a man was trying to gain nnfunnaa Inln fYin Tin my nnrl fltAftl fl lEaatBldo boya and those of tho Sixth . , .,,-,, 4, Undo. The Sixth rado boya. won. horie' . Mnr8bal Cartor 08t D0 t,rao Tho pupils of tho Sixth grade, Marshfleld Central Bchoolwent on n picnic last Saturday to Eastsldo. Ono of tho exciting features of tho day was a baseball game "between tho "The Menasha Woodenwaro Com- Slxtt boya -won. he i-.i-,-.- t.i.wnn,i .Mi- the score bolng lp to 22. All return- . ' . ,. ed to Marshfleld on, tho B: ferry, Brr,vl,u ;uo "'"" M"u M- r"1"1 tired but happy. was maAe' nnd tll trackfl of tho flo&" C. H. Marsh and famllrTnoved this JnR man. followed for Boyeral bun- ureu yurus uuui iuu nun nm iuot All tho mon In. tho reorganized Arranged. Naval Hesorvo which from pow on I Ono of tho big; attractions that It will bo called the Naval MlUtlo, wero. Ib hoped to provldo will bo tho first placed 'through n rigid physical ox-raco of a new speed boat now undor nmlnntlon Inst ovonlng by Llout. Sur- construction horo. Tho boat la to geon Mlngus. hnvo n speod ot botweon 38 and 40 It Is, understood from Adjutant miles por hour nnd Is to bo ontorod Qenornl Flnzer that all of tho mom- nt tho Astoria rogotta this fall. A. bors of tho Naval Rosorvo will bo II. Powers said that ho would have hold In tho Naval MUltla through tho I tho Gonornl II and Wolf I fitted up old enlistments hut an effort Is bolng , as pacomakors for tho now boat raco mado to lmvo all tho men reonUst for n torm.of two years thereby short ening the old term of enlistment by some six months. k'bor Improvement plans. 0OS RIVER FARM FOR BALK. M the head of navlirntlon. North Pork of Coos River, I have or salo nno ranch of 119 acres, twenty Elijah Smith that C. R. Smith acquire the control of the Southern Oregon properties, If they aro to be sold." "When Mr. Smith was taken 111 In weok from Pin street 'to South Broadway, near Hall avenue. Tho A, N. W. Club held its final Bes8lon of the season at the homo of Mrs. M. R. Smith Thursday uftor- noon. Besides the members of tho club, Mrs. Smith bad as guests Mrs. E. A. Anderson, Mrs. Rebecca Stump and Mrs. Nellie Slglln. An Invitation from Mrs. Cbas. Dangan to the club to a "Strawberry picnic" at the Dun- and tho pursuit had to be abandon ed. Professor. Golden heard a noise, and on Investigation saw a roan standing at tho barn, trying to ham mer down tho door. Tho door was partly knocked off the hinges. Portland, and was told by the doctors nf"n ,ran oh J0 ",vor two COAST LEAGUE 8CORE8. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., June 10. 1JOY8 START FIRE. This afternoon, a flro wbb discov ered In a vacant house on West Cen tral avenue belonging to Rev. Father Donnelly. Mrs. Early and others extinguished It. Tho damage was small. Qoys who broke In through tho window aro blamed for )t. SATURDAY KVENINO SNAPS. Choice business lot near Chand ler Hotel, j $5,500 Cholco corner in Marshfleld Heights lQOxlOO for . . . '.$22.1 10 Lots In Ea8tslde for . . , .9500 10 Lots In East Marshfleld for $000 .nor and A. J, Mendel If alio can bo secured. Anotbor plan Is to arrange a monster parado of tho towns, lodges and othor organiz ations of tho county. It was decided to eliminate tho barbecue and freo lunch features ot It. Committees Named. Tho committees named consist of tho following: General committee Tom Bonnett, A. H. Powers, Gcorgo Rotnor, Henry Sengstacken, U. V. Traver, A. J, Mendel, I, S. Smith nnd A. T. Haines. ' Program commltteo R. M. Jen nings and nBslstants"to be named by him. Speed boat A. J, Mendel and A. II. Powers. Finance commlttoe Georgo Rot- wV::,,7ha;;comnlete rest, and "m . "L '" " ' acre. w " - V. I 7 "v "" 7 J." V.7.. " .. 'cepted and a launch will bo chartered mv ' - . "'" JUUU' bianco """ uuu aoanoon u uud.ucd. . u. , T,ulflr mooU G resulted as follows: PUum inn,i 1.-.A nin u.j tw rro, Iia nok ori ' ror tno lr,D uie next roguiar meet- -- .-m, ,UUU(, u.;u.u, "- UttU i' "-. -,, f ,, u,h iii ,m . At t'ortiana Will hnilCA. inwn. W..nn anni, rt T Omltk fVrl ft Pirflnfin. ! w ? WW VV1 M ...U wt.W Wli, RUUUU.UV BfUUb U, JV, OlUlVll w.w w..nHH, ,ter; Includes four milk cows: snantnnd nt that tlmo said that If tho l,ol work horses, twelve ehosts; some Southern Oregon was to be disposed """ens together with various farm j of, It was his preference that tho Machinery. This place would. raakfl Monasba Woodenwaro Company ne- Ideal summer resort. Also has'nulre tho property. He, however, lj'ellent log boom convenient, on made no statement that ho or tho " n.uuu cash needed tn .handle this other stockholders wisnea 10 Bell. "gain, balance to suit purchaser at j Mr. Armstrong stated that the t" lr cent. For full terms or parti- primary purpose of his visit hero is home of Mrs. -W.T. Mumhy tho flrat ,u"1BBa' Thursday In September. I LoB AB0108- Mrs. A. R, McComb loft this week M San Francisco for a two months visit with frlendB San Francisco. . and relatives In Portland and other Sacramento. . . northern points. At L,08 Angeles rinrcAV TfrAl vn nnif wlfa on1 ann I OaKIfllla William, aro spending a couplo of weeks In Portlaud. I A. J. Savago and wlfo are spending R 0 6 R 1 0 R Vernon . . . .' RLOW UP BUILDINGS. 1 ' 40 Acres fruit land on North Other Mattcim. Inlet for $000 . Flro Chief Traver urged that tha 2 Lots on Second street. . . .1,200. Chamber of Commerce In view of 2 Lots tn Sengstncken's Add!- (the securing of a now flro engine and tlon aggregating 8Cx90 for $300 other flro fighting apparatus request easy terms, the insurance companlen to reduce 1,200 Acres of stock, dairy nnd fruit land with 200 acres bot tom balance bench and hill, with considerable cedar tim ber on part all underlaid with coal being In South Slough coal basin, for. . . . '$00.00 per ncrc. 120 Acres fruit land on Coos tOlllt. ... , . ..... .. ,. .! i- -. 11.. r-'-.o. uu irna. i) n trv 7B Mnran. tn lnnir nrrnr Tnn lnierpsLH ul liiu LJeld. fW ' r, ,nnv kai-A if , n, hnr n a couvlo of weokB with frlendB In ' . . i.. ... . 1.. Portland and to attend mcetlnes of purchnso more properiy, hb p"i'y 1 04 , ... tno hinfitnrn slnp nnil Tnmnln nrnAra tho flro 'Insuranco rato hero. ITo said ho had been promised n reduc tion of flvo and mnybo ten por rent In the rate and thought It might to ho socured. A commltteo will tako It up nt once. A. II. Powors nnd A. J. Mondel woro nppolnted a.commlttoo to try and nrrango for tho completion of Rlv-or $0.00 por ncre. tho new speed boat horo to entor tho D8CO fllma tnr. oil Trwlola Wlker KtnHi, -M.M, - nt said, "Wo aro always ready to buy and sell." M3iij tho Eastern Star and Maaonlc ordors. roportod that tho postofllco and flf-, (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay SKH TITLE GUARANTEE AND All- various rogattns. Tlmes-) I STRAOT COMPANV. It wns also decided to ask tho ,Jt" nuivma, w. va., juno xv, u is hkxuv SENGSTACKEN, Manager, council to roconsldor Its doolsl. n-t to pay tho armory rent for the .STa il 'Elim. IN CLOTHES ARE BETTER Photo Bupplles and finishing .Walker Studio. Mrs. Weaver of Pittsburg arrived teen houses nt French Creek, fifteen phone I. 8. KAUFMAN A CO YOUR Militia, Chairman Jonnlngn sav ig on tho Brenkwator for an extondod miles from here, wero blown up by COAI, ORDERS 81.50 PER TON. Ithnt tho town ought to sunrrf thr at stay with her daughter, Mrs. J. F, dynamlto today. Tho dynamite was' - organization until tho government Grubbs. set off by robbers. j NEW STETSON HATS THE HUB funds aro avallablo for It.