? I EV m n TTTSr ' w m i - llr' ' VJ L COOS-BAY TIMES tho .rajlk. piyich, Mr. Pickwick delay--..- - ' '' Ins tho coach In tho crisp Decombor NEWS..OE ALLEGANY. .. yery Day fr Bargain Day rldo to Wardlo's placo, Mr. Pickwick ,V'V Entered at tho posfofflco at Marsh flold, Oregon, 'or transmission through tho malls as second class blaming It on tho sardlnoa or some other such comestible. ' r $". "Robert Wllkescn of Qoldftn Ifalta Mntarnnnn' tf thn ESit tnv l nh .lUArl 1.nn WnnJm. I mall matter. nuuar liuiuuvn liu& vuvuau tv i 7. it. d maloxiIy DAN Iii. MAJONEY lidltor nnd Tub. nnora 01 mo ainnor oi moat pi. Mr8i Luthor '' k m .1 slxst m .1 Inn.. 1 I ta. am1... ItM . .a. his head using tho cod as a, pillow. Judy spent Sunday It Is dangerous to follow the loot- Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. stops 0 tho Shepherd when ho mixes Mnrsliflcld :: :: :: t: Oregon his Hot pineapple v rum" at thi MaV 1 1- ' " . rrniw nf flMnhV. " Vfn tu'rn io 'Mrs. An Independent Republican nows- Bardlll discreetly consuming tea and' toast wiin nor irienas, ana to pnirey Gamp with her cowcutnbora." Dickens novor forgot tliat human bolngn cat or that tho strugglo to get somothlng to cat Is what most of us call llfo. papor published every ovonlng except Sunday, and Wcoklr by Tho Coos IJny Times Publishing Co. Dodftated to tho sorvlco v cf tho people, that no good causo shall lack a champion, nnd that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposod. with her parents, Mr ort Rook. ' and Mrs. Rob- f Miss Georgia Dennett gave an In' tercsting jjidio reading to nor eiass Sunday afternoon. j. Li vLonzo wStommerman. -and Earl Gray' took a Irlp tp pbldcri jFalls,on their wheels Sunday. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. DAILY. One year '. $0.00 Per month 50 WEEKLY. Ono year 1.50 When pnld Btrlctly In advance tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay WORK BEGINS (From Eugono Guard.) Tho Lano County Asset Company will bo throwing dirt on tho Eugcno Sluslaw grado tomorrow. They mean business and with tho support they should bo accorded by tho pcoplo of tho city nnd county will 'oro long havo tho cars running to tldo wntor. Mr. and Mrs." C. A. Rodlne, Mrs. Taylor" and Mr.- Z. Tr Thomoa enjoy ed a drlvo Sunday to tho West Fork urldgo. Ono now. pupil, Ellory Daggott, on torod tlto,school hero Monday. Thero nro now thirty pupils, enrolled, this being tho highest for somo years. tare ti The Boston ! St :HpreTpu will flncjl every day prices that ,dofy the qenest competition. Nntjf ,, pfected to get you to come; no inflated values; no regular prices today nndj. prices tomorrow. But EVERY DAff a clean, staudayd ?tock of high grado mw dise, priced every day hi a manner that moans' an absolute saving of f rom 20 10 60 1 cent. These low prices bring pcoplo back time and again. Thousands of doling worft still here. Dou't buy blsewhore, 'if you can get it at The Boston. Open until 7:00 p. Mr. .T. IT. Prlco celebrated his 02nd birthday Sunday nnd In honor of tho Times Is $5.00 per yenr or$2.G0 for It's the right opportunity for nil rc.il occnalou ft turkey dinner bix montiiR. Odlclnl Paper of Coos County boosters to get busy. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MARSH FIELD. THE BOYS. fbllows, nged three and THE ART OF EATING. THE Progress Club of Marshflcld, tho leading literary organization of Coos Bay, recently gavo a llt tlo banquot whoront a critic, for critics, llko tho poor, nro always with ub remarked that ho did not boo what cntlng had to do with lite rature I This critic has browsed In tho grout nnd green Holds of lltornturo to 111 effect If ho sees no relation bo tweon lltornry genius nnd good cnt lng. Tho vory grentcst of English novollstfl, Dickons, whose centenary wo colobrnto this year, was keenly nllvo to tho fact that human bclngu cnt. Ills pcoplo took their meals rci. ulnrly and onjoynbly. I Our modornB Ignnro or slight this Interesting procoss, but wo defy any person ovor 40 years to road Dickens without getting n now zest for tho crenturo comforts. To a less notnblo extent this hnppuns to bo n gift with tho gront In literature Cor vantcs succeeds In making you as hungry as Snncho Pnnza. Scoit makes you long for tho roast fowl on tho nptt Dumas fills his pagCA with tho Hinoll of a coming dinner nnd his rqndors with a doslro for It. Dickens forovor Is Rotting a steaming dish under your noso. 1 Wo linvo Mr. Dick Swlvollor with many heroic dinicultlos getting his dish of bollod beot nnd greens, nnil n boy from n far linko shop tho or der closos nnothor Htroet outers with a "Hmall powlor pyramid, curi ously constructed of platters nnd covers whoroof tho bollod beof plates formed tho base and n foaming quart pot tho npox." Wo sit down with Mr. Swlvollor to mont nnd drink. When Mr. Chrlstophor Nubbles or dors "thrco dozen of his largest atzo.l oysters" with tho "nowost loaves and freshehst Vttor," yo nro nlmost converted to bollof In tho possibility of tho British oyster. It la not nocosnry that tho feast bo elnhorato. That Is tho art of It. Wo find Mr. Qullp almost human as ho Bits "regaling himself In tho par lor with broad, and cheoso, nnd beor." Dotheboys hnll becomes nl most hubltnblo whon Nicholas Nick leby at Miss Squcora unfortunate card party Is found' "making fenrful ravages on tho bread nnd butter," to tho enjoyment of honost John llrow dle and tho fascinating Miss Matilda Prlco. Mr. flquoers, hlmsolf onthiiS an "uncommon Juicy steak," or Bit ting beforo a "small measuro of cof feo, a plato of hot toast, and -a coll round of beef," attracts our sympa thetic nttontlon. Mr. Bob Sawyer's party, with ovory culinary dlsastor posslhlo happening -oystors oponod with limp knives, beof little done, German sniibago llkowlso, and choojo nnd punch going n gront way," with an Irato landlndy on tho stairway going n gront deal furthor even thlu fascinates us. How much giontor nro tho attrac tlon of tho Maypolo Inn snuggory, of Mr. Wnrdlo'a dlnnors, of Mr. PIcU wick's feasts, of tho Shophord'a com forts. A dlvluo of onthuslastlc pro hibition principles and strong Dick ons proclivities gronnod ns ho fore gathorod with this companionship. He excused hlmsolf by saying that tho conviviality was Irrealstlblo, al though tho offenso against right 1' lug "vaB InoxcuSnble. AS mspoct bo had In mind Two llttlo soven, Innocent children, angols frcon Ilcavon, Grcot mo wltli smiles, and prattlo, and noiso, Gifts from tho God abovo theso llt tlo boys How thoy torment mo with chatter I and plnyl How their feot travol throughout tho long dnyl 'How thoy Btrow pencils, and papers, and toys! How thoy annoy mo! theso two llttlo boys. Joyed by friends. tho family and wns n 011-fow Mrs. Ella JoluiBon of KnnsnB, who has boon visiting hor niece, Mrs. Chns Dlngam of North Dondi return ed Mondny accompanied by Mn. Dlngman. Tho transfer or tho L. C. Soulo ranch to Mr. Johnston of Seattle Va8h., was, complotod yesterday. M? Johnson Is now" ' malting arrnng'i monts to bring his family horo. Mr. ""Goo. A Robinson nnd wits, Mr. Colllor and daughter, Allco, nnd Miss Eva Sugg, arrived horo yester day from Coqulllo, In Mr. Robmson'n nutb. Tho party aro on thoir way to Poftlnnd and oxpoct to iriako tho Now they como to mo with sabres trip in the- nuto, Tho steamor Alort nnd gun, 'carried tho auto up tho river to Allo- Ask mo to tench thorn Just how things gany. aro done, Then thoy play soldtors, nnd fight against Spnln, Always a vlct'ry win, need I ox-plain? Thon thoy build houses, great man sions of Joy, Tumble thorn down again, chooso n now toy, Tear up my papor hoforo I havo road, Scatlor their shoes around, then go to bed. O! what a nulsanco, but, O! what n Joy, Wntchlng tho growth of each dear ' llttlo boy, I hoar cvor thoir sweet childish nnloo, God protect thorn both, thoso llttlo boys. ROBERT O. GRAVES. Mny May GAINS NEW POWEIt. to Commerce- Commission Inestcl Suspend Reduction In Rates. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno C Tho power to suspend a reduction In freight rntes Is vestod In tho In torstato Commerce Commission by lnw. This was tho determination of tho commission In a decision an nounced today. BAPTIST LADIES will sorvo CHICKEN dinner from 11:30 to 1 o'clock nnd 5 to 7 nt TAUER NACLE SATURDAY Juno 10th. 35c Nut Brittles linvo you tried Stafford's nut Brlt tlo candles, Clean, sweet nuts and puro sugar, thoy aro delicious, whole- somo nnd honlthy. Candy bought at Stafford's Is a guarantee against ovo rythlug ndultorant or Injurious. That's tho kind you want to tako homo to tho wlfo nnd bablos. ALWAYS SOMirnilXG NEW AT A fow of tho young folks enjoyed n trip up South Coos Rlvor Sunday. Thoy intended to go ns far as tho Fish Hatcheries, but owing to tho cxtromoly low tldo, woro unnblo to. TIiobo going woro Floronco nnd Besslo Rooko, Mabel Noah, Morlo Rada baugh, Mason Nonh, Goorgo and Ro bort Rooko, Philip Landrlth, Lau ron Hodson, nnd Clifford nnd Law ronco RiiBsoll. GARMENT WORKERS STRIKE. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay TImos.) CLEVELAND, Juno 7. Six thou sand union garmont workers wont on a strlko today to enforce domands for recognition of tho Union. $100 Reward, $100 TIip remlr of Ihln paper fll ( pIcrmjiI to l..Hrn Hint ihoro U nl leant nno drrmleit rtln'rtro that kcleuco him hern nblutoruio In nil itij (Ki'f. anil tllAl 1 Rinrru. iinn inmrrii Curo U tho only ioilp'"ro now known I) tho mttllcnl fraternity, ralnrni helnti nron Mllutlonul ilUoahc, rea'ff ronitllutlmial trmtrnvni. Hall.i ("atari h euro U tkwi Inter, nally. artliiR directly upon tho Mood ami mil. coiiN mrliiret nf tint )(oin, thorehs ili'Hro) lu tho fonndntlon of Hip dU arc, ami i;l luc tlio ra lent Mrtngth (n bulldlnv up the rnnilttti- Him ami uttldtri? nnlurn 111 iliilnr It work. Ihe proprletoia ba-omuch fB'M In flcnr. ' Ilin tviunn llmt llu'V rffurOnn Hiiiilrcil Dol. lart for any ratn tlintlt falli to curo. Send for lilt of teitttnoula . . . . K. J. CJIFJCEY & CO., Toledo, O. R)ld by nil UrusgUt. 7.V. , , Take, Halli1 Family WIU lor rointfpatlon Men's Heavy Wool Urderwear, groy. Eegulnr $1.65 grado. All sizes still here. Garment 85c $1.50 Work Gloves, in genuine horsohido, buck and pigskin. All sizes. QCr Pair, Men'8 Wool Suits, in regular $15 to $10.50 values. Very best patterns. ( 7 C A TT ' " All sizes to 40. Suit. Ccnriuo "Hydegrade" Petticoats, black only. All sizes. Two dozen to ak , sell at, each jj Large White Bed Spreads, Mursailles satin finish. Were $2.25. To closo &4 ja out, each !p I ,uD Boys' Wool Suits, ngaB 3 to 14. Knicker boeker pants. Were $-1.50 to frr i $5.00. Suit, only JCAj The Boston Store "Every Article a Big Bargain" Talking About Hies did you know that If you nought ono of our fly food scrcenB thoro would bo no flloB on your food Tho'i ngnln If ono poor mcnsloy fly dll get In tho liouso you could swat htm with ono of our I'LX SWATXIHtS. sVATTi:ns ioc FliY TOOI) SCHKK.NS 10c, 13c, UOc nnd "5 cents. lH7fTKU FLY IX at tho AXI) fJRT OXU fOOS BAY v- ASH STORE Tho Storo That Saves Yon Money. GKO. X. IlOIr, - - Manager Front Street, Mnrshflelil. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over .... Assets Over $100,000 $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Union Oils GASOLINi: DISTILLATE UCNZIXK KKHOSIvNK SAMSOX OAS EXGIXKS CKXTIUFUGAL PUMPS CoosBay Oil & Supply Co. Mnrahfleld, Ore. PHONE a 02. J Mall Orders Solicited. Every Income Can Afford It $k0ndk TWO STORES Tho woman of today t '-.o has good health, good ton1 t good sonso, bright eyes nn-' y coi. lou, ilio result of cu o tins nnd good digestion, ulna tlu ' n'rntlon of tho jjr! world. If your duration Is faulty uuamuonaiu s bion acn aim uivor iMfr .- a g First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus 5,000,00 OFFICERS: -W, S, Chandler, M, G, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, Because it saves wonderfully in labor does vastly superior work renders comfort to the housewife, It does not follow that electric ironing is expensive, Our New Special Offer Should place a 1911 model iron in every home. Step to your telephone, call 1 78 and we will send around the iron for you to examine and try out, ' Do it today, . mi ti- -iii . nln t.. tl ncKwicK iuihuk i" oiwvi' iv Tftbiets will corros wheelbarrow, Mr. Pickwick sampling all dealora. t For salo by OREGON POWER COMPANY TELEPHONE 178 DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, W, U, Douglas, Jphn F, Hall, F, S, Dow John Sr Coke, Wm, Grimes, S, C, Rogers, W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year, i T Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAI1LO XO JOSSOX CEMENT. Tho host Domuttlc and Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo, Brick, and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR "1CE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PIIOXE 201 DYEIXQ Prencn Dry and Steam Cleaning of ladles and gents' 'suits. Goods call- for and delivered. Prices reason- able. HOSE CIT Z DYE AND CLEAN. XG WORKS a. E. PINEGOR, Prop Foot of Market Avo Phono 103 Try my vacuum carpet cleaner. MARSFFIELD'S POPULAR FrY iioteii THE LLOY Rates rod"cod to: Day 5oi' 11,00; week 12.00 to J6.0U JW keep'nj apartmonta with ga - flU.UU IO lO.UV li" "" K BATHS 13. W. SULLIVAK, lfvf m