IT IS ALWAYS VERY DNTKMT ITjR i)NE TO CHANGE HIS NATURAL GAIT YOUR. ADS CARRYING y6r store-news, should appear as regularly ns docs this newspaper. If n newspaper omitted nn Issuo now nml Uieii even for so weighty n rea son n fcnrlng that It might rnln It would not bo a good newspnpor. (Eons mun Wxmv& SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising bdaoo In ft neu'spapcr, compared wltii tlio space used by other stores, should deilno Its coinpnrativo Importance hi tho coiuiuuiilty! Docs your store's ad vertising space do that? MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED JPRESB VOL XXXIV Established In 1878 ns Tho Const Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 125 BASHA10BENWAREMPAN! BUYS SOUTHERN OREGON CO. Report That C. R. Smith Has Acquired Control of Big Holdings. ELIJAH SMITH DOWN AND OUT BY DEAL Expected That Definite An nouncement Will Follow Meeting June 20 According to nn apparently well founded report, C. II. Smith of Mcnnalin, Wis., hns practically ac- qulrcil control of tho Southern Oro- 0 ES 1 ROOSEVELT NOT TO RUN IN 1912 Denies That the Steel Trust Controls More Than Fifty Per Cent of Output. Coob Dot fBy to Associated Press Times.) WASHINGTON, D. a, Juno 8. Elbert II. Gnry undertook today bo foro the Hoiibo Steel Trust Investiga- gon nml tlio corporation's oxtonslvo tlon Committee to show thnt tho holdings In this section will soon pats Into tho hnnds of tho Mennsha Woodonwnro Compnny. Humors to this offut havo been In circulation for somo tlmo hut they woro not given much crodonco until recently. Herbert Armstrong recent- United Stntos Steel Corporation docs own tho control of more than fifty per cent of tho domestic output. Cnry ndmlttcd tlio corporation controlled 00 per cent of tho export business. Qnry dcnlod nny knowlodgo of nny tho stcol Industry Verifies Dispatch That He Will Not Be a Candidate For President In the Next Cam paign. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) x NEW YORK, Juno 8. "Evory word thcro Is correct," declared FIX TRE BLAME Theodore Roosevelt on his arrival hero from Vermont todny when shown tho dispatch from Whlto Itlvor Junction, Vt., thnt ho would not bo n candidate for president In 1912. "You nro quoted as saying you would regnrd It ns n cnlnmlty If you wcro nomlnntcd," was snld to tho colonel. "Not nnothor word," replied ho, smiling, "nnd thoro will bo no more snld regnrdlng tho matter. MANY TOWNS IN MEXICO - SUFFEREOFRiflRTHPKE !" " "iiT-w-MuxJxJ-.i-tJJ-- COLII POURS FORTH UN FO IRE "Fire-Bug'' Starts Blaze Which Destroys Three Apartment Houses'ln Portland. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 7. it developed today that tho flro which destroyed thrco largo npactmont POISON KILLS TWO PERSONS M llmin It It A nnlllmin 1.11 m amI . nf . I..-.1 !.- n.,.1 l,n. ,nnMnll.. '" " l"u l"OIHWIIUUIU OWIIUI1 Ul : -onS re7n "; u,, b;;01 ,m,U8try tho c,,y lnst niBht 0"!n,!",B a ,0BS '" rty nnd It Is understood thnt tho W,lorcb' hwiwBB tcrr,tor- WI? -' of one hundred thousand doi- tnnifer will probably bo completed Portioned, and tho vlolntors of tho Inrs, was of an Incendiary origin. t the tlmo of tho annual meeting of OBrcomcnt bo punished. Tho subor- An employe of n gnrngo who rushed tbc Southern Oregon compnny which H"to companies of tho steel corpora- Into tho Hanover Apartment house, lion nugnt nnvo uono titeso tilings "" "'" uuihhiib nuncKcu oy mo which tho pnrent compnny dlsapprov- "nnios, saw n man sprinkling gnsolino li to bo hold Juno 20. According to tho rumor, Elijah Smith will retlro brokon In health and finances. For years, tho proporty hns been n dead load both to tho stock holders of tho Southorn Oregon com pany nnd to tho residents of tho Coos Bay country. No effort hns been nado to dovolop tho proporty or mnko It Incomo producing nnd efforts of ethers to buy tho rnnch Innd or tlm ter lnnd or even for renting tho ranches for n term of years hnvo nl wajg met with defent. Just what, prompted tho policy of tho compnny ( has been n puzzlor to resldonta of. Coos nny. ' A lnrgo part of tho company's holdings Is embraced In whnt Is J known ns tho "Old Coos nny Wngon Road Ornnt" nnd hns been threntoncd ith lltlgntlon on tho snmo ground that tho government recently won out In tho proceedings ngnlnst tho Southern Pnclflc company In tho fod eral court at Portlnnd. In tho wagon toad grant, thcro Is about 100.000 acres In Douglas, Coos nnd Curry counties. Resides this tract, tho com pany acquired sovernl thousand ncros of valunblo land in nnd' around Em pire by purchnBO from tho Luso ettate and other Individuals. Man and Woman Arrested on Charge of Having Poisoned ' Wife and Husband. (ny Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Times.) BALTIMORE, Md., Juno 8. Charged with murdering Morris Cohen nnd Snrnh Cohen by adminis tering poison to thorn In thole food, Ida Cohen tho wifo of tho dead liian nnd nnothor Morris Cohen, husbnnd of tho (lend womon, wore nrrcstod hero todny. Tho motive alleged for tho crime is thought to bo a doslra of tho couplo under nrrest to got rid . Old Volcano Emits Smoke and Lava Damaging Towns In the Vicinity. (ny A880clnt id Press tn tho Coos Bnj Tlmos.) GUADALAJARA, Mexico, Juno S. Tho volcano Coltmn wns nctlvo yes- torday when tho onrthqunko shocks Extent to Loss of Life and Damage Near Colima Vol cano Yet Unknown RUSH RELIEF TRAINS fO AFFECTED PLACES Towns of Tonilo, San Andreas and Zapotlan Said to Be In Ruins. Times.) (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day MEXICO CITY, Juno 8. Des patches from Tuxpnn, a fow mllea enst Of tlio vnlrnnn nt rnllmn anv were felt and today Is emitting siuoko that" Zapotlan suffered severely from nnd lavn. Tho towns of Tonilo nnd j yesterday s earthquakes. Tho limn Snn Andreas wore bndly dnmngod. bor of victims Is snld to bo lnrgo. Relief trnliiB nro being sent from here Thousands nro homeless. SCHOOL WORK IS TIES UP I INV MURDERS IF ESSES TO od, but thnt such mnttcrs wore always" ; through tho building nnd Bhot tho of tholr wifo and husband In order corrected. Gnry denied thnt tho stcol corporation over offered or accepted rebates from tho railroads. I E FIGHT AGAINST OILL Committee Reports Canadian Reciprocity Measure With out Recommendation. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos. )'v WASHINGTON, D. C., Juno 8. After hours of session today tho Son- contonts of n hand flro oxtlngulshor into his face, but tho man dashed from i.u uuiidlng and escaped. EUGENE LINE IS STARTEO Construction Gangs From Na tron Extension Begin Work on It. Tho Eugeno Guard of Monday that tho attachment botweon Morris Cohen nnd Ida Cohen bo more favor ably fostered. W says L LOCAL FIRMS City Council Adopts Ordinance Licensing Transient Merchants. 1 Tho Marshflold city council at n special meeting last ovenlng adopted Russian Claims to Have Killed Fifty-Sevon Persons, Including Doctor. (Uy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ST. PETERSBURG, Russlo, Juno 8. Startling revolutions wore made Coos County Board of Educa tion Appoints Dr. Mc- Cormac Supervisor. At n meeting of tho nowly appoint ed Coos County Donrd of' Education nt Coqulllo this weok, Dr. J. T. Mc Cormnc of Marshflold wns nppolnted supervisor of pnrt- of tho public t0(lny b" tno criminal who murdorod schools of tho county nt n snlary of nn officer of tho nrmy and tho ofll- $100 por month. Tho appointment Is cor's wifo nt Sobnstopol. Tho man made under tho law recently enacted 8ny8 ,n tll0 co0 of , r ho for raising tho standurd of tho pub-',. , , , ... ... ,, ,.,,.,. .hns killed flfty-soven persons, Includ- In order to accept tho appoint-',I,B Dr pl'ofr. Burgeon of Kazan, mont, Dr. McCormnc had to resign1 Tho Ioctor' nsslBtnnt, nnd n Hild as n mombor of tho board and a w,fo' convicted of tho murder are Marshflold "successor to him will bo "ow BOrv,"B "onlonco. nnmod shortly by Supt. Dunch. GOV. DIX SIGNS MM nto Commlttco on FInanco ngreed to Eugone-Sluslaw olectric railroad was rvport tho Conadlan reciprocity bill not begun today as planned, but Con tractor Perry announces that every thing is In readiness to bogin throw- wm. Mm T?nnt nniAmlmmit niMnrt. I I.... ... ..WW ..... .... .... -w . , Tho reciprocity was to bo recordod yesterday without recommendation. Tho nttompt to mako n favorablo re port resulted In a tlo vote, and an- nfhnr tin mnrked tho effort to roiiort C. O. Hockett, who has boon local wlthout rccommendatlon before that "awr of tho Southorn Oregon reguU WBB.nccompitahod. Tho vote company when called up nbout tho Qa tJjo mmmro WflB a 8urpri80 to report, today stated tlyit-bo had noth-, niomber8 of tUo Sonnto. It W11B Ren. lug to gUo out. Ho referred tho erally believed thnt tho FInanco local business mon In gonornl na n result of various iconcorns coming hero in tho past and doing business for a fow days or weeks, soiling low grado goods and Interfering with logltimnto business, ing on tho matter steadily and expect to got it closed up in a fow days. From ths Conr plae Contractor, ing dirt tomorrow morning. Ho has established his camp on tho Conger placo about n milo west of tho city limits nnd will do his first work thoro. It was decided Saturday not to begin nt Dlalr street for tho rea son that tho mattor of securing tho right-of-way through two or throo c.etloner to Mr. Armstrong who wns "r''mltteo would shift the respon8-UtUo plece8 of Property .near thnt apposed to bo in Mangold, but Mr. "? JT" '"" h6, hTflc htLtreet hB DOt yet hcQ SOtUod' ra' I ' ., i.. i claU of tho Assot oompany are work- no DO wngeu on mo uuui. k mo m moment tho opposition In the commit tee seemed solidified. On motion for a favorable report, tho vote stood 6 to 8 against, and on the succeeding motion for an unfavor able report a tie 7 to 7. Tho same result at first followed tho -motion for a report without recommendation, but Senators Galllngor, Dalloy and Sim mons, who, at first cast their ballotB in .no n ., -' "- ber for tho camp buildings was haul and thus a lowed ho bll to go oh d senate wuimui uur icwiuumuu"""" whatever by a vote of 10 to4. Tho Root ameridment provides that tho paper and the wood pulp section of bill shall not be in force until the President shall have satisfactory evi dence, nnd shall make a proclamation that wood pulp paper and board paper being products of the United States, are admitted to all provinces of Cana- m ,i.,, Tlin nnnnnontfl of ua ireo ui ' x man of tho special House Committee Siecinl Coniinltteo to Investlgnto the amendment contend it raises ,,. .. ,. ailM1. ,, fhllH .., .. all Information regarding it in tho Dr. McCormnc's appointment la for Actual construction work on tho an ordlnnnco providing for licensing tho thirty districts In tho part of tho' transient merchants. A llcenso of county designated as tho Coos Bay "' " ' . liypliodennlo $25 por day or 1250 por month la district and for fivo othor districts .Vwdlo la New York. provided for all transient doalora do- including Myrtlo Point, Coqulllo, n' Associated Press to tho Coos Bay siring to do business in tho city. JDnndon, Beaver Hill and Coalodo. I Times.) Tho ordinance was one urged by County Superintendent Bunch will ' ALBANY, N. Y Juno act as supervisor of tho other forty eight districts in tho county. Tho appointment of a supervisor of schools is to onnblo closor supervi sion of school work by more froquont visits to tho schools. Owing to tho ALBANY, N. Y Juno 8. Gov ernor Dlx todny signed tho law pro hibiting tho bo,1o of hyphodormla syringes or needles nt retail. Tho council wna unanimous in vot-. lnrgo numbor of schools nnd tho big Ing on tho ordlnnnco, holding thnt nrea nnd tho othor duties, Supt. Armstrong could not bo Been. The Monnsha Woodonwaro com Pny for years has been buying up Umber in Coos county and now holds Oany thousnnds of acres here. Tboy have been figuring on stnrtlng a torgo plant here but nothing hns beon "lone. However, if tho deal for tho Southern Oregon company iholdlngs Joes through as reported, It Is ex pected that tho company will soon tegln operations on a big scnlo hor. Elijah Smith has been ill nt Port liad for the past few weeks. DENIES 1118 GUITVT. Vappeiifctoln Testifies Ho Followed Out Ills Instructions 'Bi Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Juno 7. For mer Chief of Police Wappenstoln 'krged with accepting "hush" mou f In connection with the operations ' vice district testified In his own hlt today that in his dealing with tie vice district ho had obeyed tho or(lers cf the mayor and city coun-,u- He denied havlnc negotiated I lth Clarence Gerald and Gideon -vper relative to the opening of tno Cflb houses." they were protecting tho publlo by kooping unscrupulous doalors out of hero as well ns protecting tho logt? tlmnto business Interests of tho town. I 1'ians ror bower. Perry will work westward and when , An ordinance for tho construction this right-of-way matter la sottlod he 0f the Fourth street sower was adopt wlll work toward tho city. '0d last night. After somo discussion, Tho graders and horses which tho tho council decided that If tho prop contractor had on tho B. P. com- rty owners would coonorato. tho pany's Natron extonsion are all horo sower might bo built probably cheap and they will be put to work bright or nnd much more quickly by day and early in the morning. - Tho lum- labor than waiting to pursue tho reg- ora TO COUILLE Oregon With Two Loaded Scows Arrives at Bandon In Good Time. Towed by tho tug Olonnor, and ac companied by two heavily loaded AFTER SUGAR TRUST. $30 per lot to build and that If tho proporty owners will agree to pay this amount towards it, tho city will President Toft Will Aid Commlttco bear the expense of tearing up tho Slaking Probo. paving, putting it down again and (By Associated Press to coos Day niBO of tho "lagging" to prevent aad the Times' Want Ada, question of tho Canadian govern ment's Jurisdiction over tho pro vinces and would endanger tho bill. Tho President has already begun a campaign looking to the defeat of the amendment on the floor. TCE CREAM: and cako served SAT URDAY afternoon and evening attha TABERNACLE, 15c. BAPTIST ladles J Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno ,0. President Ta,ft has promised Repre sentative Hardwick of Georgia chair- possession of the executive depart mont of tho government would bo put at the disposal of the commlttco. Tho investigation will begin next week, It is said. Don't forget PHONE 214-J. the Turkish Baths Dunch found it lmposslblo to visit tho schools more than about onco each year. Desldes tho more careful supervi sion of tho publlo schools, tho now law Is intended, to encourngo consolidation of tho' smaller schools and thus ralso tho standard In rural education especially. Tho Coob Rlvor districts are now taking this mattor up and nt tho an nual school olection on Juno 19, five districts thoro will voto on tho ques tion of consolidating nnd mnlntnlnlng scows, which wore In tow of tho tuis ulnr course. It was figured that the a four-room graded sohool. Tho dls- boat KJjhla, tho dredgo Oregon sower ordinarily would cost about ,tricts that will voto on it are tho crossed tho Coos Day bar at 0:15 South Coos River district, Myrtlo o clock under perfect weathor condl Dank District, Daniels Crook district, tlons, A tho Jesso Smith district and tho Mc- j Preparations for conveying tho Knight Landing district, Tho plan Oregon to Dnndon wero commenced Is to put tho consolidated district on Monday, and woro comploted yos school near tho forks of Coos Rlvor torday. and then tho district will provIdO Arriving off Bandon, tho dredgo launches to carry tho pupils to and was halted outsldo of the i.irbor from school. Besides affording much i whllo the tug ICIjhln towed the scows bettor schools, it is believed that tho over tho bar, and thon returned to expense will bo loss than for main- assist tho Gleaner to tow tho Oregon talnlng so many soparato schools. jovor tho bar. In the past, Capt. Edwards of tho I Engineer F. E. Leefo. under whoso Alert has beon transporting tho North direction tho harbor survey work Is Coos Rlvor children to and from being carrlod out, Is highly plensod school free. with tho work bolng aorompllshod 1 under Inspector Frank Saundors, who After tho show try a Turkish bath la supervising tho field work. Phone 214- J. i 1 cave-ins FOR LORIMER PROBE. Drilx'ry Charges. WASHINGTON, D, C Juno 7. By unanimous vote the Senato today approved tho action of tho commit too on Privileges and Elections in naming a sub-committeo of eight to conduct the new Lorlmor Investigat ion. Tho committee is cloathed with authority and will begin its work im Read the Times' Want Ads. ' A TURKISH RATH GOOD, Phono 214-J. Will do yon t.