THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1911 EVENING EDITION ets for tonight's program being sold for twenty-flvo cents. POLBUSIS ea-Ever" Cooking Utensils Pleasant Outing. A pleasant out ing party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jennings, Mr. and MrB. W. P. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Law and Mr. arid Mrs. E. Crosthwatto spent Sunday up 10 Coos River on tho launch Beaver. 1 AT PIONEER HARDWARE CO. They had a most cnjoynblo dny and Harboh Engineer AmVeS tO no one was Bcaslck. f Prepare Plans for Improve- H BEGIN 11 1 The Cooking Utensils That Last , i a Lifetime The Cooking Ware That Lasts a Generation "Year-Evcr" Aluminum Cooking Utensils are the kind that gibe yoa eoiry satisfaction. Safdy, Econemy, Durability, Freedom from Worry. You cnn.pook the most delicate and easily scorched food in aluminum utensils with less fear of burning than in any other kind, because aluminum is abetter distributor of heat and retains it longer. This means a saving in fuel. And it means a saving in wear-aud-tear expense, too. "Wear-Ever" aluminum cooking utensils are strong, light to handle and easy to clean. They resist fire wear you can let food boil dry in them without injuring the utensils. 7'hcy arc practically everlasting. "Wear-Ever" utensils cannot rust, cannot form poisonous compounds with fruit acids or foods.. They are made from thick, hard sheet aluminum, 99 pure, with out seams, joints or solder. Replace utensils that ufcar out with utensils that "Wear-Ever. " Pioneer Hardware Co, WEAR-EVDt" cm& T.AC.U.Ca TRADEMARK. r i - We Carry a j full Lihif in Stock. i ; c ' . SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY TTW lYAL'S HANDY LOTION OR CTIAIM'ED HANDS, FACE OR LIPS ROUGHNESS OF THE fOX, SUNBURN AND FOR USE AFTER SIIAVIXG7 IT IS DE- -IGI1TPULLY (X)OL AND REFIESHING. v PIHOE PER llOTTLE S3 CENTS. PHONE 2J8. For baIo nt tho "I1USV CORNER" -" I 'v. J t. ockhart-Parsbns Drug Co. EADING DBTJG STORE IN .COOS 'COUNTY. aMpe 4 THE WEATHER. , i (By Associated Proas.) i OREGON, Juno C, Fair to- night 'and Wednesday. .' HHH4 ' Leaves for; Coqulllo Bound for .Co qulllo and othor rlvor points, tho gas schooner President of tho. North Pnclttc fleot, loft at 0:30 o'clock this morning with a largo cargo of freight Council Tonight. Tho Mnrshflold city council will meet tonight to tnUo un various matters. The pro- TCH! NOTICE! 'WMauzey, on of tho drivers tolicltor for us Is out for ? Watch him! ho Is liable Jou on tho street and explain "of Laundrrand also to be "me any time. Ho knows 7 business from A to Z. shfield Hand and Steam Laundry WIO.V.. 220-J awn Wire "Mazda" nke twenty-fifth wo will . '" tO Rlinnlr. l. . "New Mazda". , , rtil "der and you wlU - vmeri , Bay Wiring Co. ,r: ,r0OW try a Turkish hntta hl(. J. THE WISE BUYING PUBLW ABE QUICK TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUB WEDNES DAY SALES. Specials Wednesday the 27th Ebmnns Largo Bipo Olives 15c Pint- Ehmiuis Medium Ripe Olives. . . . . .12 Pint Queen Olives (Green) 25c Pint RIPE OLIVES, QUART CANS 23c RIPE OLIVES, PINT CANS 13o Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones g5 and 305 Times Want Ads Bring Results poaod amondmont of tho building or dlnanco and tho Markot avonuo lm provomont will probably como up. Ilefusetl New Trial. Application for a now trial by John Horron, who was conylcted for gambling, was re fused by Judgo Coko of tho, Circuit Court at Coqulllo yestorday. Her? ron will' comb up Xor sontenco at tho nftornoon sosslon of tho court today. . Program Tonight. Tho CJass Day program of tho Marshflold High school will bo hold at the Masonic Opera House this ovonlng. This Is tho only affair In connection with tho commencement exercises for which an admittance will bo charged, tick Personal Notes TOM HALL wns a visitor In Myrtle Point today. ment of Coos Bay. Capt. J. S. Polhomus nrrlvcd lit Mnrshflcld this morning on tho steamer Breakwater from Portland to act In tho capacity ns consulting en gineer of tho Port Commission In tho preparation of plans for tho lm- ALBERT SEELIG is in Coqulllo to- wnt of Co. nny harbor. dny on business, MBS. II. A. WELLS roturned today from n visit In Portland. MItS. ROY MOORE and son loft to day to visit in Portland. i A. T. HAINES wasn passenger for Myrtlo Point this morning. TOM BENNETT went to Coqulllo on logal business this morning. CELL IRELAND wont to Myrtlo Point today to attend tho Coos County K. P. convention. B. McMULLEN was a passongcr for 'Myrtlo Point. Mrs. McMullcn Is , irocuperatlng rapidly at Morcy hos-'pltal. MRS. J. V. 8MEATON and Nod ; Smeaton loft today forSan Fran cisco via Drain and Allegany for , a short vUlt. E.' A. JJcGEORGE and wlfo, who Jhavo boon visiting at tho C. P. Me Ocorgo homo, loft today via Allo 'gany for Portland. GEORGE ROSS of Catching Inlot wns In Mnrshflold today on routo to Myrtlo Point to nttond tho Knights of Pythias convention. . 'A. GOODWILL was In tho city to day on. business. Ho Bays things aro, booming up tho rlvor slnco they established tho now enmp thero booming logs. ( Mr. Polhcmus will confor with tho members of tho commission tomor row to ascortnin their views on har bor Improvements. Capt. Polhomus has ninny warm friends nnd ndmlrers on tho Bay, gained by tho clfoctlvo work ho did horo a tow years ago nnd tho frjond Blilp ho has over exhibited for this project. Ho was warmly welcomed hero by old acquaintances this morn ing. Tho dredgo Oregon Is now being put In condition for being towed to tho Coqulllo river whero sho will bo engaged for tho next two or thrco months on that project. Tho tugs may Btart with hor tomorrow. business and thinks' his flock has established a new' tecord. ' Ho has ' two pullets that aro now laying "whlchi ha.&ollcvcsi nro tho'iyoung--est producing hens In this section. Ono started Jaylng whon thrc months and twonty dayu old and tho -othor startod-' -when .three' months nnd twonty-lwo days old. REV. FATHER J. A. MORAN loft today for Bandon whero ho will topond a fow days, Rev. Father 'O'Brien Tinvlng gono thoro to con- ' duct a mission this weok. A. J. SAVAGE will go to- Portland tomorrow to nttond tho Eastorn Stnr nnd Masonic Grand Lodgo mcotlngs and to visit frlonds. Mrs. Savago will accompany him. RAY OLLIVANT loft yesterday for Portland to attend to business HENRY BLACK returned today from Rosaburg whoro ho nttcnilod tho Baptist' convontlon. Ho had a flno trip until ho got back to Sumner and thcro ho encountered troublo this morning. Ho was In tho atoro watting for tho boat to lcavo and Cnpt. Harris wont out and not no ticing that Mr. Black was still In tho room, locked tho door. Whon Mr. Blnck discovered that ho was "locked up", It was nonrly boat tlnio but ho Anally mndo enough nolso to nttrnct peoplo who callod Capt. Harris back and had tho door oponed for him. LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. RE- matters and tnko In tho Roso car-. Precipitation nono ,ii mo. wm i viuif rninMv Wind, Northwest: partly cloudy Clival. nt Rosoburg boforo returning. MRS. L. MARSTERS of Marshfleld, left for Portland this morning aft er a brlof visit at tho homo of Mr. - nnd Mrs. Charles Lewollon, In this city. Slip was accompanied by hor daughter. Rosoburg News. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE camo over from Coqulllo today on business, " in spnro momonte, Mr. Gngo do votes his efforts to tho poultry . af , . , I For twonty-four hours ondlng nt 4:43 p. m., Juno C, by Mrs. E. Mlugus, special government raoteorologlcnl observer: Maximum C8 Minimum 38 At 4:43 p, m G3 WEDDING Prosonts at MILNKIVS. Rend tho Times' Want Ads, S Thoro Is ono medicine that ovory family should bo provided with nnd especially during thosununer months; viz, Chamberlain's- Colts, Cholera and Dlarrhoen Remedy. It Is almost cor tain to bo nooded, It costs but a quarter, Can you afford to bo with out It? For salo by all dealers. 1 if f r gllolg31l5Hi ill5li CHOCOLATES & CONFECTIONS D 0 1B& Just received direct from the makers. Call and see these famous sealed-up sweets Good judges declare they are the best made in America. All kinds ; all prices. BROWN DRUG CO. SOLE AGENTS ll)R MAHSIH'IELD. 0 D i i i.. -. . j- "