THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1911 -EVENING EDITION 2 -7$ p COOS BAY TIMES Entered nt the postofllco at Mursh flold, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class mall matter. M. 0. MALONEY Editor nrnl Pub. DAX E. MALOXEY Nowh Editor Addicss all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mnralilield :: :! :: .: Oregon An Independent ltopnbltaan news paper published every evening except Sunday, and Weokly by The Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to the Borvlco of tho people, that no good causo Bhall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. 8UUSCKIPTIOX KATES. DAILY. One year JG.00 Pur month GO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.60 When paid strictly in ndvnnco tho subscription price of tho Coos Bay Times la ?6.00 per year or J2.G0 for six months. CUSTOM. One cannot benr to pay for ar ticles ho used to get for nothing. When Ariutu laid out his first penny upon nonpareil nt .some fruit fjtnlli. Iiii Mesopotamia Ii think It wont liijnl with him,, re- lloctlng upoiiiJiIoUVgoodly or chard where he had so many for nothing. Lamb. A Toast. Hero's to tlto man who enn hold hla tonguo When ho nilsht by a word or sign Destioy tho clinnco of a fellow man . ' Who Is trying to do tho best ho can To braco up und set Into lino. Chicago rtocord-IIerald. Palntod. Mrs. Styles I see thnt hand painted hnts nro n millinery novelty for women who are opposed to the destruction of birds for their ndornment. Mr. Styles Well, they ought to gn with 8omo faces, all right. Yonkera Statesman. nCIli! 'DGElfi IMCWS Ti. .Ae of ,1,1, ., m 1 nip J. A. Yoakar a visitor hero of Fresno, Cnl.r was inday.) Miss Luolla Hbdsonf Coos Rlvor camo down yesterday and will spend a fow days visiting friends hero. Mayor and Mrs. L. J. Simpson, who havo been spending tho last, fow days at their homo at Shoro Acres, roturned yesterday. Mrs. Harry O'Mara and son, Ray mond of Union avenue, who havo been spending "a fow weeks in Oak laud, Cal., returned homo yesterday. Official Paper of Coos County OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MAHSHFIELl). GOOD EVENING. VIRTUE. Virtue is a rough way, but J proves at night 'a bed of down. . Wotton. 1 Virtue dwolla nt tho head of a rlvor to which wo cunnot,got but "by rowing against tho Btrenni. Feltham. This is tho tax a man must 'pay to his virtuca-they hold up n torch to his vices and render those frailties notorious In him which would havo passed with out observation lu nnother. Col ton. What tho superior man seeks is In himself; whnt tho small man seeks Is In others. Con-rfuclus. INDEPENDENT RAILWAY OUR HOPE. (From Engono Guard.) WE NOTICE In tho nowspapor dlspatchos tho nows of a Hill 'llnrrlmnn agroomont by which certain Washington linos nro to bo UBod Jointly by tho two railroad aya toms. That these rival lines nro rivals no longor In tlto Northwest hns been apparent for somo timo pant. Ono of tho ovldoncea of it was tho sudden chnugo lii tho Hill pro gram by which tho extension of tho Oregon Eloctrlc south from Salom .has boon Indefinitely hold up, and on account of which John F. Stovons quit tho norvlco of tho Hill pooplo. "Western Oregon will bo monopolized by tho Hnrrlmnn roads for n good many years to como probably, unless Bomo lndopondont road, llko that pro posed from Eugono to tho Sluslaw, Is built through to tho coast. That is tho only hopo tho pooplo havo of breaking tho gront railroad combine, which has pnrcolod out tho torrltory between tho Hill and Harrlman cys toma, and hns Btoppod tho building of nil now linos. Ths Fcrrrior. Llttlo etrlps'of bacon And n llftla eg? Ma l(o the mighty dollars Roll Into his Iccg. St. Louis Times. Pleasantly Misunderstood. Miss Iluto How dared you kiss mo? Didn't you hear me say "Slrl" when you asked me If you might? .Tack Slnnger I thought you said "Cert!" Doston Transcript. Up nt All Hours. A baby brightens up n homo. It comes to pass Slnco baby camo that wo consumo More Km. Kansas City Journal. Works Both Ways, Tramp Madam, every breath I draw Is a sober oikv, Lady True. It's tho outgoing breath that gives you aWny. Judge. Genealogy,, So many nro descended From Dill, 'thai conquering Norman, It seems to me It couldn't bo Unless Dill was i Mormon. Cloveland Leader. AUo, Decaut.J I love ou for your lovelyeyea, I lovo you for your hair, I lovo you for that you aro wlsa Ar.d also swvet nlul fair. I lovo you for your figure, and I lovo you for your grace (Tho rhymo suggest your brow so grand. Dut I think l'vo dono your face.) I lovo you for well, can't you sco That If I wore n hog On spaco I might uso two or tliien Columns for catalogue? So let mo neither fulto n song t Nor thiow 11 matrlo lit, Dut say l'vo loved you now so long , I'm goitlug used to It. Cloveluml Leader. Cot Away With It. fly extraordinary strategy the Urhli and the groom hud micnkcd out of tin back doornud were now whirling away 1 In n taxfeab far from tho matlduulug crowd. "What will they think of s. est?" giggled tho bride. "If they'ro fair they've ccrlnlnly got to credit us with some generalship," toughed tho groom, "for I tell you. sweetheart, It's no child's play to pull off a safe and aano wedding now adays." Sunday Illustrated Magnzluo Mrs. Elinor Itussell and daughter- Miss Dorothy, who spent tho psst wcok nt Myrtlo Point, returned yes terday to their homo on Union nvo- nuo. A farewell reception will bo given tomorrow ovcnlng to Mr. and Mrs. E. T. McGuIro at tho Presbyterian church provlous to tholr dopartuvo for San Diego, Cal. Big Deal Made in' City of Richmond As Usual. For two long hours ho worked away And shoveled to tho street. That night when he una fast asleep It snowed about two feet. Noxt morn to got them clean once moro He oikcd with might and main. Camo fro ii tho roof an nvalnnclio And tilled them up ngatn. W!-en ordered by tho stern police, Grim guardians of tho law, lie shoNeled out those walks ones more And It began to thaw: ruck. Save TOOttny by Times advertisers. patronizing Thb PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANIES ' BUSY WITH EXTENSIONS i TO MEET GROWTH. - - (Frpm San Francisco Examlnor.) RICHMOND, April 26. Tho start ing of 'many now buildings, grading of streets In various sections, laying of additional gas and water mains, and oxtcndlng olectrlc power nnfl light sorvlco In various directions, gives Richmond a busy nppoarnnco theso days. Quito a number of now business establishments nro bolng oponcd along Macdonald avonuo nnd other Btrcots, outsldo merchants bo lng nttractod by tho growth hero. Rumors nro bolng rovlvod of Southorn Pacific activity nt tho trait of eighty acres owned by that com pany near tho watorfront west of tho Standard Oil plant. Tho railroad corporation, at tho tlmo It bought this tract, constructed a spur track to It and also acquired a wharf fran- chlso. It was said thon that It in tended .to oBtnbllsh oxtonsivo freight yards nnd shops thoro. It is said now that tho tract Is noon to bo put to somq Bort of uso which will moan tho omploymont of qulto a number of men. Tho Southorn Pacific Is al ready extending Its activity at its yards on tho onst sldo, but tho room thoro Is limited. Tho East Shoro Company has built n switch from Twonty-thlrd street in to Garvin nvonuo to carry rock and gravel from tho San Pablo quarry for Improving Gnrvln, Rheom nnd other avonuon nnd Bovoral strcots, includ ing Thlrteonth and Flftconth. Throo miles of work will bo dono at present In that Boction. Six-foot comont walks will bo laid. C. R. Wilcox, agont for Richmond property. Business lota $25 cash and $5 por month without or taxes. Macadamlzod streets, con crete curbs comont stdownlks and complete water system put In at ox" poneo of sollor. Offlco 307 Coos Bldg. The r. iidem of this psfcr will be J''0.'!' i? lenrn thai there Is nt least one d tended ol,'n" tlmt tiltuco lins ueen nuie in yiny """"." tnue, nnd thnt Is (Miami. HiUl' tntnrrli Cure In the only po"ltio cure tinw known to tin- mcdlcnl ftHictulty. rnlnrru holtii con utirhtlonal dUcate, rcauftcs a lOiiitUutloiisI treittrattnt. Hall.s Ciitfirih into lit Ukon Inter, imlljr, Acting Ulteetlynpon the blood mid mil oouh satlscis of tlnl njstcm, thereby ileMroj ns tho (ohiidntlon of the ills ae, Btlii ghlngUie im lent (trenpth ft) bullitliw up the nnstltti tlon rind anlctIt'K nature In 'I"K, "?.".,.' Tho proprietors havi o much faith In flje'ir nttvo powers that they offer Ono Hundred Dol lar for any case that It falls to eutc. bend for list of Icitlmonla'ii. F. J. cnHNUY &C0., Toledo, 0. Sold by all UriiBgisU. 7c. 'lake llalis' l'amily rills tor constipation Nut Brittles Havo you tried Stafford's nut Brlt tloV candles. Clean, sweet nuts nnd pure sugar, thoy'aro dollclotis, whote 3omo nnd healthy. Candy bought at Stafford's Is a guarantco against eve rything adulterant or Injurious. That's tho kind you wnnt to take homo to tho wlfo and babies. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AT rV. " if ' s. ? r s iw vr i , TW STORKS FOR GOOD WORK Irlng your clothos to ub. Cleaning pressing nnd ropalrlng n apeclalty by- experienced mn. Satisfaction gunrnntocd-"-BLANCHARI) & DOW- SOX, Allliuico Bldg.' Front St. George Clark Chimney Sweep Is in Town. REASONABLE PRIOI-S. Leave o.'dora at Contral Hotel. PHONE n.1-L. PESSIONAL DIRECTORY RSflEluCTJr" " JVl Prdfosstonnl Nurso Rogers Hoiiso, Roonl 20,Phono 144-L Marshflold Orogon. pvR. G. XV. LESLIB, l- Osteopathic Physician Graduate of tho Amorhnn school ol Ostoopnthy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Bile. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to '4; Phono 1C1-J; Marshtlold; Orogon. rR. J. W. INGRAM, -' Physlclnn nnd Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Building Phones: Ofllco 102-Tj Rcsklcnco 1021. J. W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Offlco over Flanagan & Bennett Bank Iarshfleld Oregon TTNR. J. T. McCORMAO, Phyalclan and Surgeon Marshfleld, Orogon. Offlco: Locktmrt Building, opposite Post Oflke. Phono 105-J R- -3 Gems In Terse 5- -) A SIMPLE PROGRAM. N- OTIHN' to do but listen. Nnthln' to do hut wait And patiently hoar with attentlvo oar What tho statesmen havo to state. Nothln' to do but watch 'cm As thoy Rather In uuonutli once moro To lead tho way nnd to havo their say, As thcy'vo dono no oft before. Nothln' to do but cheer 'em, Nothln' to do but smile, As they sot the mill to each pnssln' eale And steer tho ship In stile. Nothln' to do but shako 'cm When fortuno Is not so fair, For frrntltudo novor was tho mood Of topubllcs anywheto Washington Star. WOODEN SHOES. AS I passed throiiKh fair Lorraine With my wooden hhosa Three knlplits met mo on the plain, With my wooden shoes. They looked on mo with disdain, With my wooden tdioes, BUT to seo mo one was fnln, With my wooden shoes, For the young- I'llnco of Lorraine, With my wooden shoes, Threw mo a spray of vervain, With my wooden shoes. nV looked onco and looked again, With my wooden shoes. If he weds mo 1 shall relyii, With my wooden shoes, As tho quocn of fair Lorralno, With my wooden shoe It. L. a. In T -ndon Nation. Have your Job printing doD6 at !Tho Timea offlco. hmwfem&mQm WEBSTER'S ( NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER Tho Only New unabridged dic tionary in many yoars. Contains tho jifi and essence of nn authoritativo library. Covors ovory Hold of knowl. odgo. An Encyolopodia'in a singlo book. Tho Only Dictionary with tho New Divided PiJo. 400,000 Words. 2700 PagOB. G000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Lot us toll you about this most romarkablo singlo volumo. Writo for sample paces, full par tioulars, etc. Nsmo this paper and we will sand freo a set of rocket Maps , &C. MerrlimCo. Sprlngnetd, Mass,! Have Thr Roof Fixt ov , See CORTHELL Phono 3131 hTO5CTSS5m L:nK4f rsk ypy VU Sfra AMEfZ&k. e r I ietJi .yc&. U ft JnfclOiS! l W xBr Jfr m L-mr V r ra C " i" C Jlil iLialiiSSM I'M II m Less Than 5 Cents An Hour HIGH. GRADE MERCHANDISE AT WHOLESALE COST: AND LESS Think of it, every article of this gigantic stock is rcoWi 20 to 50 per cent. This is what is bringing people back tr, store time and again. Dot buy elsewhere until vnn have seen our low prices. $2.U."i WIIITi: HKI) Sl'IUJADS. Kxtra lnrgq and ( C( lioavy. To closo nt. . .J) UU 91.01) WI1ITK CA3IIJIHC 1KTTI COATS. Trimmed with CTj-, laco or ombroldory. H-clOiPC anc diagonal si:it(n:. 27 lnch wido. In nil wanted 4 n' bliudcs. Yard jXP 'UOSHOKTIIU HOAD- OVIP N ALLS, blue. Wnlst or -n" bib. All bIzcb. Pair flr The Boston Store "EVKKl AHTIOLI2 A 1UO HAItOAIX" Open 8:00 A. M. TO 7:00 P. M. SATURDAYS, 10 P, M Flanmft,&;BfnndiBank t Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over' ' . . . . j . $100,000 Assets Over ...'... $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits First National Bank OF C00S BAY . Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus 5,000,00 W. S, Chandler, President, OFFICERS: M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, Vice-President, Cashier. DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas, Wm, Grimes, John F, Hall, . . S, C, Rogers, F, S, Dow, W, P, Murphy, M, CHorton, Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year, " With an Electric Iron the week's laundry is finished like magic, Cji No running back and forth between ironing board and stove, No sticking between iron and cloth and no hot han dlesthings that go with other irons, No fire of any kind to heat up the house, ASK US ABOUT OUR NEW SPECIAL OFFER. OREGON POWER COMPANY TELEPHONE 178 Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIA1JLO 1X1) JOSSJON CEMBNT. Tho best Domettlc nnd Imported brands. Plastor, Llmo, Brick and nil kinds of bulldors material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH IIIIOADWAY.. IMIONE 201 Abstracts, Real Estate, Firev and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENUV SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coquille Oflljo Phono 191 MarsUfleld Ofllco 14-J. Farms timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents "EASTSIDE" -"""l COOS BAY-ROSEBURG STAGE LINE Dally stngo between Roseburg nnd Marshfleld. Stngo leaves and Sundnya nt 7 p. m. Faro. $O.OOt OTTO SCHETTER, Agont, C. P. BARNARD, 120 MARKET AV Mnrshfleld. Agent ROSEDURO, rnoNK ii dfl