A RECORD ACHIEVED IN ONE LINE MUST NOT Bfe TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER YOUR. ADS CARRYING your store-news, should nppcnr js regularly 9 ,1t,cs ,,1,s Newspaper. If n newspaper omitted 1111 Iwjiio now nmi then even for so weighty n rea son s fearing that it might rain It would not bo n good newspaper. SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising spneo In a newspaper, compared with tho spneo used by other stores, should dellno Itn comparative Importance In tho community! Does your store's nd vortMug space do that? mmv& MEMBER OP ASSOCIATE!) I'llESU VOL XXXIV Established In 1H7H ns The Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1911 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall and Coos Itay Advertiser. No. 123 Saw fl SOLDIER CAUSES FURORE President Taft Comes to De fense of Another "Drey fus" In Letter. YOUTH FOLLOWING ROOSEVELT'S ADVISE Chief Executive Scores Officer For Discriminating Against Hebrew. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno C. Colonel Joseph Garrard, U.'S.A. com manding tho cavalry post nt Fort Meyer, Vn., today wob roprlmnndod by tho Secretary of War undor ordorn from President Taft for reporting ad versely on tho application of n sol dier to tnko tho examinations for promotion to tho commission on tho ground ho was Jewish of prtrcntng). The President said It was hard to deal with tho matter "with pntlcnco and without condemnatory words that lind hotter not ho written." Tail's action caused a sensation sot only In army circles hut through out Washington. Tho young soldier Involved In tho controversy 1b Frank Dloom, a prlvato of Battory P, Third Field Artillery now on duty on tho Mexican frontier. Sovoral yoars ago Bloom was urged for appointment to West Point. President Hoosovolt, not being In a position at f tho tlmo to make tho appointment, suggested to Dloom that ho enlist "lllto a truo American," and fight his wny up from the ranks. Tho young man took tho idilco and entered tho army, whoro he li said to havo nindo a good record and recently took his first examina tion for appointment. It is said Bloom failed on this examination fori DfOmntlnn. hnt In vlnu nt Mm fir.t. ' Jodlco brought about ovor Col. Gar-' nrd'8 action, Bloom will bo ordorod P for a final examination again in September. On thla point Taft, in a Ittter to Simon Wolf of this city, Mid "I shall tnko steps to suo that ihe examination to which Prlvato Bloom is subjected is ono in which I he will bo glvon n fair chanco and j tot le exposed to any unjust preju dice." Colonel Gnrrard's endorsement on Bloom's papers to which Taft so trongly objectod whon brought to ' hU Bttoiltlnn wna no fnllnuro "Thi I ppltcant Is a son of Mr. Joseph A. Bloom, of Jowlsh persuasion, a tailor this post. His associations as far I know and fbat of his family havo wn with onllstod men, and their J families, and havo been respectable T19 young man Is undoubtedly hon- t and upright, ambitious and do ling, but for the reasons stated I wld not desire him In my commanl omcor and a social and por tal associate. Tho presenco of tho Wlcant's family at a military poit ittld be eubverslvo of their dlscl- a . Wm and their probablo treatmont a JUrce o' mortification to them and fluent cause of troublo to tho com-U-adlng officers. From an expori- W Of manv venrn T hnvn found, ex- In a few rnfun taw nTTimiinUlea I er Jews are received as desirable l'M associates." I la directing tho RiwrAinrv nt War I10 iOqUlre lntn fHn mfillni. Tlrncl.lnnt I T" wrote: "My dear secretary I Woee herewith a letter from Simon l"wi, alwv. ., i .-.ww4 UUU tt UIJ llUilllMUUV I Slves to the statement he makes J I PresumnUnn nt onrnw nnil Iiu U ,s ulflloU for mo to read I idorg?ment of Col. Garrard, sot i "10 thtd lotto- .ll, ....lannA anil k. ---- ivitvi) unit imvicttbo ... ."OUt COUdnninntnrv wnnlo thnt -. ........ wW ,.W.4 ....... '"fitter not hn wrltfnn T wish M ould examine tho record and " ItatCHlPllta nt -1f Wnlt nrwl If ,. --. . ..... li".. ...... .- ' 8 nOt hantl ml.lnfAi.mAf1 fltl.1 - -.v. WIOIIIIUIU1CU . 'ters Bet forth h tnnta i1lrm.t Wig Vounir ninn lin nrimlttAil til III UNITED STATES ARMY AUTO SPEEDER IS Ed. Lindberg is Fined Five Dol lars For Violating Speed Ordinance. Thnt Marshal Jack Carter Intends to carry out rigidly tho ordlnanco ngnlnst high speeding within tho flro limits wns demonstrated again Into yesterday aftornoon when Ed. Lind berg was arrested on a chargo of ex ceeding tho speed limit. Llndborg appeared before-" City Re corder Hutlor this morning, and en tered a plea of guilty, whereupon he was lined $G. Whon Lindberg wns arrested ho donted that ho had violated tho speed law, nnd claimed to havo been run ning within tho limit. According to Carter, ho wns going ovor twenty miles an Hour. TAFT OBJECTS TD E Inelcfo Portion daI..aH,i InSlStS Canadian Reciprocity. Measure Remain Intact Without Amendments. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times,) WASHINGTON, D.'c, June 5. To Sonntor Stono of Missouri, Prcsl-j dont Taft again mndo It clear today, that ho Is opposod to any nmondment whatsoever to tho Canadian recipro city agreoment. Senator Stono had heard of a report that tho adminis tration opposition to tho Root amend ment wns not entirely Blncero, nnd mont wns not entirely Bincero, nnu that Root had been assured privately by Presldont Taft, and that he would not bo displeased If his amendment wns adopted. Sonntor Stono went to tho Whlto Houbo to get first hnnd In formation and was told that tho Pres ident was agalnBt the amendment iirnnnRod liv Root and would lid nninBt nnv nronoBltlon bv anv other "" - ' " senator. TARIFF TO'ilK REVISED. Clmngos In Cotton Schedule Likely During Present Session. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 5. a rovlslon of tho cotton tariff will CHUG bo undertaken during this session of nieans of the now routo, passongers disclosed only a pnpor showing Sec Congress according to Represonta-' can leavo MarrtflQld M :0 In tho rotary Hay's approval of tho payment tiro Ralnoy of Illinois, chairman of .morning and ot into Drain before 4 of ,2,450 from tho funds of tho do tho sub-comraltteo Ways and Means o'clock tho same ufterooon. or In partment. Payments on thla fund Commltteo on tho investigation of the cotton schedule. an examination for a lieutenancy In tho array. "The statements made by Col. Gar- rard are not truo with reference to I the standing that Jews hnvo In this ' yesterday were Mrs. H. A. Wells and cutta, India, had reported that the country, nnd I resent as commander- Jack McDonald, Mr. McDonald com- difference of f 1,600 had been ex-In-chiof of the army and navy, that ing from Loon Lake. This mornlnjr, ponded under the direction of See any ofllcor of either should permit Mrs. J. V. Smeaton and son, Mrs. retary Hay for the purposes of which hlmsolf In nn official document to give I Roy Moore, Master Helming nnd Mr. u was not desired to leave record. vont to evidence as unfounded and , narrow race prejudice as that con tained in this indorsement. "After you have made an examin , - - , ation of tho record, please advise me of your action. Sincerely yours, Wil liam H. Taft." NOTICE. , Package containing one new cont addressed to Mrs. I, S. Bartle, North Bend, was taken off Bonlta this aft ernoon. Party taking same kindly return to O'Kelly's boat house and save trouble. LET US TALK IT OVER N OW that it has been definitely tingly and forcefully colobrnto July Fourth overyono should lend-n-linntl to help mako It tho "best ovor." This Is ono occasion when all can ttnlto in nn effort to show tho world In general and our Imme diate neighbors In particular that thero are no strings to Coos Bay hos pitality. There arc less than four wcokd in which to mako preparations and ex tend invitations to nil Southwest Oregon to Join us in the proper cele bration of the nation's Natal Day. Thero needs bo much work to pro perly prepare tho program and arrango for Its presentation in a man ner that will bo pleaBlng to our prldo and n pleasure for our visitors. Everyono should fcol a personal Interest In tho issue. Whllo tho celebration should bo big and. booming, it should also bo safe, sano and sensible. Lot It bo ono of tho old fashioned variety in which hearty hospitality shall predominate. Thero should bo a parado and a barbecue a big family plcnto dinnor, games, athletic contests, boat rnces, swimming races and in fact everything thnt will add to tho zcfltful enjoyment of tho occasion. In Just 25 days tho gates of tho city will swing outward, and Mayor Straw will present tho keys to our visitors. It Is hut mighty short shrift for the perfection of dotnllB but tho people of Marshflcld and tho vari ous committees will bo equal to It. Things will bo in readiness nnd Mnrshfleld will mako a flno and memorable display of hospitality and Interest nnd pleasure for her visitors. Got rondy to do your share. I WHILE ASLEEP! San Francisco Man Climbs Four Stories Is Dashed to Death. (By ABsnclatod Press to Coos Da) Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Juno C. Climbing to tho fourth floor of a liiillrllnrr In Hin nniiran nt pnnfllrnr. """"" " - I tlon In a somnnnbullstlctranco early ,odft' - William Meyers, a saloon por - t0. feU t0 th0 ,)avomont and was killed. A policeman, who had fol- lowed him in tho wnlk, attompted to , catch Mevors. but tho man walked off Into space FAST TIME Oil ..,.., T . n FlTSt AlltO Makes Trip FrOITI Drain to Allegany Leaves Here Today. Tho first auto over tho Draln-Al-legany lino reached Allogany yestor- day and tho passongers woro brought " ho l"8 evening. This morning !.. - a . . l. .. .!- inu urn i puHauugum iu wuku iuu iriji east over tho road left horo. "Tho road although not In first clans shape yet Is In fairly good condition , and yesterday tho auto found no trouble In making tho trip on Khed- llln Hmfl. ...w . I'flnr. Knwnrns ervb ton nroBiif3CLH nro fine for giving tho best service J that Coos Bay has ovor onjoyod. By P'eni' l "rae w gonn01 wllu ll,u anernoon. iram xor roriiuuu. -tuna they can leavo Marshflold In the morning and qet into Portland in considerably less than twenty-four hours, Among the Incoming passengers and Mrs. E. A. McGeorgo left for Dralu. YOU won't know poor DREAD If you use HAINES' FLOUR. ELKS! 2 CANDIDATES. 2 WEDNESDAY JUNE 7th, 1011. , COME AROUND, BROTHERS, AND GET ACQUyilXT.ED. . , . WILL C. TIPPETT, SEOY. J McCORMICK Mowers at MILNEU'S. NEW TO decided thnt Marshflcld is to fit 'JAP Oil IS BURNED ALII Second Infant Is Injured In Incendiary Blaze at Lents, Oregon, Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore, Juno C. In nn nllegcd Incendiary flro destroying tho ' homo of ono Oguchl, a Japanoso . T .: pIU""ur '" -u""- vuuu' " " l daughter of tho household was burned to death and a soven months nfnnt baby waB Injured. Tho broko out whllo tho parents woro 'n nearby field. Tho pollco bollovo motives of rovengo prompted somo ono to sot tho placo on flro. TRACE OF MISSING GASH Senator Root Unable rtXT!" Any Light on $1,600 That Artist Rosenthal Did Not Receive. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, June 0. Senator Root was unable to givo tho House Commltteo Investigating tho state Department much Information today on tho disbursement of J2.4G0 0.To(?,0 j, D. Tucker, Jno Zlmor, Aithtnvlnfail fn. nnvmonl fnt n nlr.lu- . . -' .. j.i,,ut...v. .-. ,-. . . . ...wn i? fnvmni HnArnrnrv unv inr which Artist Rosenthal recolved only - $850, Root's Investigations, ho said, "0 made on approval oi me secroi- ary without receipts or voucners. ino commltteo may never learn where the remaining $1,600 went, Senator Root told tho commltteo he was convinced that' Formor Chief Michael, now consul general at Cal- NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Clary and Hunter, conducting the Goldon Oak Barber shop, has been dissolved, J. E. Clary purchas ing C. A. Hunter's intorest in tho I business. Said J.E. Clary will con- UonR, WholeBai0 Liquor Denlors As tlnuo the business will bo responsible jBOclntlon begnn horo t0(jay, A num. for all accounts owed by tho firm and ber of nd(lre3ses 0,)0ned the day's will also receive all. moneys owing said firm, j V Dated Marshflold, Ore., Juno C, 1011. t J- E. CLARY, O. A, HUNTER. I DEMOCRATS SCORE TAFT II REPDRT ON WOOL TARIFF I BEATEN BY RUSHLIGHT Portland Mayor Defeated In Campaign For Reelection By About 3,000. PORTLAND, Ore., Juno C. A. G. Rushlights, tho republican cnndldnto, waB yesterday oloctcd mayor of Port land by a mnjorlty.ot about 3,000 over Mayor Joseph 13. Simon who Bought re-election ns an Independent cnndldnto. A heavy voto was polled and tho result was not unexpected, Rushlight having tho support of tho corporations as woll as tho "opoa town" olomont. Did you sco tho nsBortmont of High grndo fll.ASSWAKI-: at MIL NICK'S? Breakwater Arrives With Many Passengers and Cargo From Portland Today. Carrying ovor sixty passengers nnd a big enrgo of freight, tho stcamor Broakwntor arrived early this morn ing from Portland. Tomorrow morning nt S o'clock tho nroakwator will Ball Ifor Portland with a big list of passongers and freight. Tho pnssongors arriving on tho Bronkwator woro tho following: Gortrudo Lovo, Mildred Coffmnn, W. II. Williamson, Mrs. W. II. Wil liamson and threo children, Lena Maor, K. Granlund, J. S. Monnhuo, Wm. Tonbrook, Millard Irwin, A. .1. Irwin, Philip Irwin, Dorothy Irwin, J. Robinson, M. Bausor, Mrs. C. Weaver, Lula Porter, C. Turnkust, Geo. Maska, G. Turnkust, H. A. Kin ney, Mrs. Kinney, Geo. Stnrbuclc, An drew Starbuck, A. Starbuck, E. Gold bloom, H. O. Toy, Mrs. Toy and two children, 8. B. Rathton, J. O. Polhc mus, Jno. Sarglnson, Mrs. Sargln- son, u. rrogianon, u. uiaKe, jus Mra, ziraor, w. J. itorr, a. u. um ley, Mru. E. M. Lund, Mrs. C. J. Hatch, E. Nelson, A. L. Bales, Mr J. Bales and child, Jno Kano, Joo Ro binson, M. Ballon, J. HUler, P. Aid, J. Hanson, J. V, Brandon, II. Dow, Jno Thorsen, M. Fronoyos, II. Rus sell, J, W. Postows, J, Sorenson, T, Foatlk, F. J. Verrtactor. FORJPLIFT" National Wholesale Dealers Association Holds Conven tion in Chicago. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) (( CHICAGO, 111., Juno 6. Tho sixteen annual nieotlnir of tho Na- session, their tenor being tho "uplift of tho saloon" nnd "for more thor ough regulation." FLY KILLERS 10: at MILNEU'S. STEAMS INTO HARBOR EARLY LIQUOR M Ways and Means Committee ofi House Makes Report on Schedule Today. CLAIM PRESIDENT SILENT TOO LONG Attempt to Explain Their Re commendation Is Not "Un democratic" as Charged. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay, Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 0. . Sharply criticizing President Taft, tho republicans nnd tho tariff board tho report on tho Undorwood wood bill was submitted to tho Houso to day by tho democratic momboro of tho WnyB and Means commlttoo. Quoting Presldont Tnft's addresses after tho passage of tho I'nyno-Al-drlch bill, In which ho declared "thn woolen schedule l.i tndofonslhlo and I proposo to sny so," tho report Bays, "had tho President mndo thoso pub lic admissions earlier whllo tho tariff of 1909 was under consideration by Congress, his, declarations would liavo been of real sorvlco to tho peo ple, nnd would havo enabled them to protest ngalnst tho betrayal of pub lic welfnro to prlvato grewl. Tho President's Bllenco nt that tlmo, and bis approval of tho act of 1909- mda It Imposslhlo for him to ovndo h'la full shnro of tho responsibility for tho failure of tho rovlslon which ho now admits." Tho report dealt nt somo longtri on tho attltudo of tho administration In not communicating to Congress tho data on tho "Stool TniBt" and othor Industries now being Invostl- jgntod and tho failure of tho tar I ft hoard to communicate- tho data ou tho woolon Industry. "Tho position of tho tariff board appoarB to ho," says tho report "that they, in conforonco with and undor 'tho solo control of tho Presldont. shall bo tho solo Judges ns to what pnrt of tho data thoy collect may ha llkoly to bo of service for purposes of legislation nnd thla situation must bo consldorod with roforenco to tho view point of tho President concern ing tariff leglslotlon." "It Is therefore not Imposslblo that thoro may bo somo such delay in tho communication to congress of tho , statistical information . collected by tho tariff board concerning wool nnd woolon goods ns thoro has boon in communicating to congress or mak ing public data by tho bureau of cor porations concerning Investigations of stcol and other Industries." Tho report maintains that any further dolay In tho rovlslon of tho wool and woolen Bchedulo would bo objectionable to tho public. In ex planation of tho Intention of tho com mltteo not, to put raw wopl on tho. frco list but to reduco tho present duty to 20 por cent ad valorem, tho committee Insists as tho domocratla caucus did, that the duty "Is not to bo construed as an abandoumon. of any democratic policy." "Tho pre sent situation of tho treasury," tho report states, "following a long course of unwarranted oxtravaganca by tho repoubllcan party, and tho ap propriations already mado by tha sixty-first congress, which tho demo cratic minority could not limit, re quires that tho revenues from cus toms duties In the Immediate- future be maintained at approximately tho total of tho fiscal year 1910." Tho commltteo statod thoro Is no Bulllclout reason for continuing tho complicated and trouhlosomo syBtom of clnsslllcatlon on raw wools, char acterizing It as a "groat burdon and annoyance- to the customs sorvlco nnd adding to tho expense of collect ing duties on raw wools." It la as serted that uvorago ad valorem rtuo (Continued cu page 4.) i 1 i 1 i Al ii uj-a v ,..