sj THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE X 191 1EVENING EDITION ir mi n"M ' ai inn umn wnim maiMUMm, , -t. VERY TELEPHONE IN MARSHFIELD AND NORTH BEND LEADS DIRECTLY TO OUR OFFICE. C Miisiness is TO SERVE, Feel froc to call UJ up a.icl consult us on any subject relating toiUtrlcltyorgas, Should you want advice to make a com plaint fo place an ordfer to ask for a repre sentative to call, . The same courteous treatment awaits "ou in our office irrespective ofyour particular er rand, If employes irllsrepresent our real attitude, let the Manager know about it, TELEPHONE 178 OREGON POWER COMPANY Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Sssrplns7aid Uadividri Profits Over .... Assets Oyer Interest Paid on Timo'Deposits .000 ,000 First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus - 0,000,00 OFFICERS: W.S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, John S, Coke, , W, U, Douglas, Wm, Grimes, John F, Hall, S, C, Rogers, F, S, Dow, W, V, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time ana savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year, Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Before Decoration Day Would oo well to call at tho Pacific Monumental Works, South Broadway and mnko selection from tho largo stock now on hand. ' Wilson has In his employ tho only practical marulo and gra cutter In Coos county. And none but tho beat won: Is turned Beaver Hill Coal ' MOUNT DIABLO ND JOSSON CEMENT. Tho beat Domestic nnd Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR WFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201 abstracts, Real Estate, -Fire and Marine Insurance We Guarantee and Abstract Co. B-Wlle Offlfi Phnna 101 Afnrallflnlll OfHCB 14-J. lrtD' Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents "EASTSIDE" Tho most common ciuiko or InBom nla Is disorders of the stoumch. Chamberlains Stmnarh nnd Liver Ta blets correct these diHoidu's nnd cn alilo you lu hlcoj). For srli- by all dealers. tiwnmwwm AT TOE CHUMCHEi Man Sclonco hnll, 32? Third Btrec north, Sunday at 11 n. i D itawwuwuwuwewtf out aa. IMIuJstors nnd others aro request- ,,,,.. . ' .', d to hnnd tho Sunday church no- 1-orget when In town to coiuo In nnd not our prices bn anything you ',,llM not ,ator t,mn VM&y evon,n to may want. I 'uBtiro Insertion Sa.urdny.) .... i v uomemucr that wo nnvo tho most varied lino in town and that our prices are tho lowest. There's a reason , Wo sell for cash and do not lmvo to carry any dend accounts. jfOOS BAY ASH STORE Tho Store That Saves You Money. (EO. N. HOLT, - Miningcr. Front Wlivr-t. Mm-ahlleltl. KlNDS0F JOB PRINTING DONE AT THETIMES' OFFICE I ! Housowlrca of Marshflold uoo Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocor doos not kcop It call up PHONE 7JW. Frco dollvory 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. nlno g .yfl STERILIZED CREAM ,M MILK ICE, BUTTERMILK, , COTTAGE CHEESE P UNITED DltKTllllE.V CHUKCH 4 OK NORTH HEXD. 4 Sundny 8choof at 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor at 0:30 P. M. 1'roachlng service nt 11 A. M. nnd S o'clock. $ , niritcii ok ciiimst o !" Regular services every Lord's tiny. Sundny school, 10 o'clock A. M. Communion service 1 1 o'clock A.M. Y. P. S. C E. 0:30 o'clock P. M. Prnyor mooting Thursdny ovonlng each wool: S o'clock. Cordial invitntlon to nny or nil meetings extended to tho public gen erally, nnd especially to members of tho church visiting In tho city. 611 PROG I Iff IIGHT I - l'UE LUTHERAN CHUltCH. Itov. D. P. Houston, pnBtor. Sundny school at 9:30. Pentecostal 11:00 nnd strvlco. At North' Bcnd-T Sunday school nt 2:00 p. m. PontccoBtnl nt 3:00 and service No evening service. EPISCOPAL EMMANUEL CHUHCII. Rev. Robt. E. Browning, Hector. 9:30 A. M. Sunday school. 11 A. M. Holy Communion and Bormqn. Sorrlco at 3- p. m. In St. Luke's church at Empire NOTICE TO CONTUACTOHS. X NORWEGIAN LUTIIEIUN. H X L. RASMUSSEN, Pastor. X Sorvlccs Sunday morning at 10:45. Sundny school at 10 o'clock. Junior League, 4:00 p. in. 7:30 o'clock Evonlng worship. NORTH BEX1) PRESBYTERIAN $ Morning services nt 10 o'clock Preaching servlco 11 A. M. Chrlstlnn Endeavor 7 P. M. Union Borvlco in High School building S p. in.. Rev. A. D. McLcod will preach tho sermon. . MAHSIIKIELD PHESBYTEIUAN CHUHCII .1. T. M. Knox, pnstor. Sundny school, 10 n. in. sharp. Y.'p. 8. C. E. at 0:30 p. m. Preaching nt 11 a. m., and 7:30 . in. SWEDISH LECTUHE9. F. E. Llndor of Chtcngo will hold n sorlco of Blbllcn), Soclnl and His torical Loctures in tho Knights of Finland Hall, Central avenue, Marsh flold, beginning Sunday, Juno 4, nt i p. m. The locturoa aro entirely frco, and you aro cordially invited to nttontl. Notlco is horoby glvon thnt scaled bids will bo rccelvod for carpotlng tho Circuit Court room, vostibulos, and stairways, leading from tho first to tho second fioor of tho Court Housn with cork carpet. Bids will bo recolvod for thrco grades of car pot, A. B. and C. samples to bo fur nished with bids, tho Court to pinko solectlon of tho grado at tho tlmo of tho opening of bids. Blddor to fur nish all matorials and plnco carpet in room and on stairways. All carpot to bo lajd boforo Soptombor 1st, 1911. All bids to bo filed with tho County Clerk of Coos County, Orogon, on or boforo tho 13th day of Juno, 1911, at 1 P. M. Tho court rcBorroo tho right to re ject any and all bids or to award tho contract to a blddor not tho lowest in case tho court deems it for tho boot Interests of th county. Dated at the Court House at tho City of OoQiille, Coos County, Ore con. this 9th day of Uy A. D. 1911. Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good horses and nroful drivers are now at tho dis posal of tho Coos liny-public at REASONABLE HATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for nny trip nnywhoro any tlmo. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hearso and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND PEED STABLES PHONE 273-J Union Oils GASOLINE DISTILLATE BENZINE ' KEROSENE SAMSON GAS ENGINES and CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Miirbhflchl, Ore. PHONE 802-J Mail -Orders Solicited. Drawn Wire "Mazda" After tho twenty-fifth we will be able to supply tho trado with tho "New Mazda". This lamp speaks for Itself. A trial order and you will use no other, Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. 4 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS T. Q. BUNCH, Mlnlstor. 4 Sovonth Dny Advontlst sorvlct ro conductod ovory Saturday nl tholr now church as follows: Sabbath school at 10 a. m. preach' lug sorvlco 10:46 a. in. You cordially invited to attend. an i NORTH BEND METHOlhBT CHURCH. ORov. ALBERT 8. IIISEY, Pnstor Sundny school 10:00 a. m. Preaching 11:00 n. m. Epworth Lenguo, 7:30 p. m. . METHODIST. EPISCOPAL X Rot. II. L Rutlodgo, Pastor. Sunday ochool, 10 a. m. Morning sorvlco, 11 a. m. Epworth Loaguo at 7 o'clock. Evening sorvlco at 8 o'clock. Prof. R. R. Howitt will load tho Epworth Lenguo meeting, tho sub ject bolng "Truo Wisdom." , FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. O. LoRoy Hall, Rosldonco G92 Sixth street Phones: Resldonco, 25G-J. Study, 289-L. 10 o'clock Sunday school, Alva Doll, suporlntondont. t 11 o'clock Worship. 3 o'clock Enstsldo service. 7:00 o'clock B. Y. P. U. B. Y. P. U. loador, Claudo Stuts man. Thoro will bo no ovonlng sorvlco, tho congregation participating In the baccalaureato exorcises toto hold iu tho Opora House 4 NORTH BEND CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Fnthor Sprlngor, Rpctor.o O Mass will bo colobratod nt 8 and 10 o'clock, Sunday morning by tho Rov. Fnthor Springer. Rev. Father O'Brien will open the Mission nt tho 10 o'clock Mass. Tho fiorvlces will coutlnuo for several days. . MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rev. Father Moran, Rector. Mass will bo colobratod in Marsh field at 8 and 10:30 Sundny morning, tho Rov. Father Moran celebrant. ONLY OXE SERVICE. Only ono preaching sorvlco will bo hold nt tho Bnptht church noxt Sun day thnt will bo lu tho morning, This on account of tho bnccnlnurcato sor vlccs In tho Oporn IIouso Sunday ovonlng. LITERARY NOTE. A now nnd much onlnrged edition of thnt unlquo book "Tho Moun tain thnt 'Was 'Qod " which mado Its first npponranco Inst srmmor, Is now Issued by Its nuthor-puLllshQr, John II. Williams, of Tncomn, Wash ington, with Q. P. Putnam's Bono of Now Yorlc as his oastorn agents. Noarly 25,000 copies of tho first edi tion of this beautifully Illustrated volumo woro sold In eight montlu. In tho now edition, enro has been takon to mako tho book fined and moro nttractlvo than ovor. Tho toxt has boon nlmost doublod, nnd tho number of Illustrations has grown from 140 to 190, eight of which aro In (Colors. Tho book has already won tho enthusiastic npprovnl of lovoru of tho groat poaks, Ono of theso, a wolt- known Now England author, wroto to Mr. Williams: "If your big moun tain woro a university, It would, glvo you a dogreo." $100 Reward, $100 Tlio rrailon of thUnnpcr will bo lilciucl to Irinrii tlmt there U lit lout one Ureiultit dlnesre tint lek'iteo lm been alilo to euro n nil a ttiEci.anct that In Catiunl. Ilnll'n Catarrh Cure U tho only I'oiltlvp cure now knunn tn tho misllrnl fruturnlty. rularni be Inn h eon ntltutlonal illeae, rciutruii n coiulltutloiiiil treatment, Hall, a C'atarili rtiro la lakon Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mil. ooiia lurliieei of tlid ayitunt, thereby deatroylnic the foundation of thudlnato. ami ulvlntr tho fa, lent MrriiKlh fa biilldinv up the lonatlltt llun and aulotlne uatiiro in doiiic lta uork. Tho proprietor hnvr no much faith In fit uur. auvo K)nr iiim iney uner linn iiuuiireti inii Inrt for uny rnto that It falU to euro, bend fur Hut of tvatlmonla a. K. J. CIIKNKY A CO., Toledo, O. Bold bv nil DmcKl'li1 7V Tuko llalU" Family i'llla lor roiitfnllon "BOSOM FRIENDS" fl MARSH PIS 1,1) HIGH SCHOOL COM MKXCEMICXT EXERCISES AVILIi BEGIN WITH CLASS 1) SERMON PROGRAM TOMORROW NIGHT. Tho 1911 Commencement oxorclses ;of tho Mnrshfield High school will jbo Inaugurated tomorrow night with tho Class Sormon program at" tho Ma sonic Opora IIouso when the congre gations of tho Marshflold churches will unite In tho services. A special program has been nrranged nnd a , largo attendnnco Is expected. Tho program Is as follows: Voluntary MIbs George. Doxology Congregation (Stand ing). Invocntlon Rov. Robt. E. Drown ing. Gloria. Anthem Union choir. Miss George, Lender. Scrlpturo Rending Rov. G. Leroy Hnll. ' Hymn No. 175. Prnyor Rov.J. T. M. Knox. Offortory Miss Ireno ProiiBs. Solo Eric Bolt, Class of 1011. Class Sormon, "Essentials of Sue ob" Ror. II. I. Rutlodgo. Bolo Mrs. J. V. Bmoaton. Mrs. Win. Horsfall, accompanist. Hymn No. 188 Congregation (Standing). Benediction Roy. G. LoRoy Hnll. Organist Miss Irono Preuss. Tho Clnss Dny exercises will bo hold at tho Masonic Opera Homo Tuesday ovonlng nnd tho final com mencement exorcises will bo hold nt tli'o Oporn IIouso Wednesday ovonlnir, tho progrnms of both of which hnvo boon printed In Tho Times horoto foro. Tho grnduntcs this yenr aro: Nollto Trlbboy, Mary Hanson, Allco Curtis, Ilolva Flanagan, John Fergu son, Joo Bennett, Eric Bolt. MAKE SPECIAL OFFER. Pnrls DrcHsninherfl Will Offer Evtm Iudiicenient to Coon Day Women, As n special offen good only dur ing tho month of Juno, Mrs. A. C. Gnbornncho and Mrs. Chnrlotto Quor tier, tho 'PbtIb dressmnkors, will ro duco tholr prices for mnklrig gowns. Tho object Is to onnblo tho Indies of Coos liny to becomo bottor ncqunlntoJ with tho high class of work thoso Indies nro doing. Tholr experience In Pnrls onnblcs them to carry out tho latest Paris creations In fashion; to tho mlnuto detail. During tho month of Juno, their churgcu will ran go from $10 up, depending on tho amount of work on tho designs solocted by tholr customers. A car dial Invitation Is oxtendui to tho ladles of Coos Bay to visit thorn nt tholr homo on Third street, just South of Centrnl avenue. AUTO WRECK FATAL. Attorney Cnuflcli! of Seattle Killed nt Spnlcnne. (By Associated Press to Coos Bar Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Juno 2. Ho raco Cauflold, a Soattlo attorney, who wns Injured In nn auto wrock Mon dny night, tiled today. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT. maybe human beings, but tho bodt bosom friend that a man enn roly upon on a "stato" occasion Is his ! shirt bosom. In such n enso, Is your Irt properly Ironed hnndsomoly laundorod? Everything- doponds upon your Laundry, whothor you look all right or all wrong. Our Laundry work Is our prldo, and ro colves tho praise of all who havo tried It. Perfect work, dono nnd de livered whon wanted, nnd nt n roa sonablo price. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 57-J. Kvisrvjorvws-vOf CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. , PHONE SM-J Services will bo held in tho Chris Don't forget the Turkish Baths. Road tho Times Want Ads. In tho Mnttot1 of tho ostnto of F. E. McCAULEY, deconsed. Notlco Is horoby glvon to all whom It mny concern: That on tho 31st day of Mny, 1911, I. Corn A. McCaulcv Ploren, ndmlnlstrntrlx of tho ostnto of F. E. McCauloy, deceased, filed In tho County Court of Coos County, Stato of Oregon, my final account as such administratrix nnd that said Court thereupon on said dny duly mado an order directing thnt tho no tlco of tho filing of said final account bo given by said administratrix lu tho samo mannor ns tho notlco of tho appointment of an oxecutor or ad ministratrix ns required by law to 1 glvon and furthcV ordering that on tho 3rd day of July, 1911, at tho Court-houso In Coqulllo City, Coos County, Orogon, said Court will (at that tlmo and placo) hoar any nnd nil objections to tho said final account nnd tho tysttlemont thereof. Datod this 31st day of May, 1911. OR A A. McCAULEYPIRHN. Administratrix of Estate of F. E, Mc Cauley, deceased,