0 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE X 1911 -EVENING EDITION r 4 '. , COOS BAY TIMES Untered sit the postolllco tit Marsh flohl, Oregon, for trnnsinlsslon through tho malls as second class mall matter. j LOCAL OVKIH'LOW. Mcl.niii How. Fred McLnln of Myrtlo Point Is transacting business in .Mnrshfleld today. M. C. MALONin DAX K. MALOXIA Kdltor and l'nli. Nous Kdltor Address all conitmiutcatlons to COOS HAY DAILY TI.MKS. Mntshtlclri :: :: :: .: Oregon Still- Today. Tho Nana Smith sailed this morning for Dny Point. Mi. and Mrs. Dwlght, F. A. Warner, Miss .Myrtle Smith and .1. V. Smcat on voro tho passengers who went out on her. 15. LEWIS 6 GSVENJECREE An Independent Republican nows paper published every ovonlng except Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coon Hay Timet Publishing Co. Dadlcntcd to tho sorvico cf tho pcoplo, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. SUIJSCltlPTlOX lt.VJL'KS. DAILY. One year ?C.OO Per month CO WEKKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In advanco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Ray Times la $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. Will Return Soon. Mrs. Jns Fer ry, Sr., who has been spending a few months with her daughter, Mrs. Ja cobs, and Mrs. Jacobs and llttlo son. 1"B again without consulting nro expected hero about June 15 for friends and lawyers, Judgo J. S. Warned By Judge Coke Against Marrying Again Without Consulting Friends. After warning her against marry- her Coke an extended vlBlt. SAYS IT IS .MISTAKE. yesterday granted Mrs. T. J. Lewis a dlvorco and tho right to uso hor for mer name, Mrs. Emily Ollvo McFar lano. Tho hearing was In Chambers. Mrs. Lowls Is about GO years old. JudgoJCoko warned hor to exorclso more caro In future matrimonial al- OfTlelnl Paper of Coot County OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MARSHFIELD. GOOD EVENING. WHAT 18 BE3T. It's wiser bolng good than bad; It's safer being meek than ficri'oj U'b fitter being nnno than jmnd. My own hopo Is a sun will plerco Tho thickest cloud earth ever stretched; That after Inst returns the llrst. Though it wide compass round bo fetched; That what began best can't end worst. Not what God blessed onco prove aecur.1t. Robert Itrownln;. Florence. lNipor Denies ltiiihor Im provement Work Ih Stopped. Concerning tho report that wes published here that tho harbor warlc j Hnnces lest she made tho victim of on tho Sluslaw was bolng held up .is some unscrupulous man who mlgnt n result of the litigation over tho tnko that moans of securing hor pro.i Port law, raised on Coos Bay, tho orty. Mrs. Lowls. or rather Mrs. Me Floronco West says: IFnrlano as tho court hos df-creod hor Evidently somebody Is very much to bo, Ratonotl attentively to judge mlstnlcon In regard to this matter. Work on tho harbor horo has not boon nolthor Is thoro any prospect of It being stopped till tho proront con tract Is completed. Tho bonds to pay for tho work undor this contract woro sold eighteen months ngo, and tho monoy for thorn has boon rccolvod by tho port commission, according to their agreement with tho purchasors. As wo stated last wook tho com mission aro negotiating with tho DInio Savings Rank of Detroit, Mich., for tho salo of tho second lssuo of port bonds. Tho necessary documents voro forwarded to Detroit last wook o ho oxamlnod and as soon as thoy nro approved by tho bank tho deal will bo consummated. As soon as tho proscnt contract Is Inlshod tho work will bo turned over I) IIIO COnUIllBHlUIlUIH 111 lllll KUVUIII- mont onglncors who will then hnndlo tho funds, let tho contracts, and mi CLEAN JOURNALISM. Coko nnd after ho hod comr-lcted, ox claimed: "I won't do anything without Judgo Hall tolls mo to." Judgo Hall and Tom Hall woro hor lawyors. Sho was also allowed to rotaln nil hor proporty. Mr. Lowls present whoreabouts aro unknown but ho Is supposed to bo somowhoro In Washington. Ho did not contest tho dlvorco proceed ings. It will bo romomborod that ho was formerly n Marshfleld undor takor and Coos county coronor and Just prior to marrying Mrs. Lowls, tho widow of tho North Inlot cran borry growor, nnnouncod ho had fall en holr to a big cstato Including a "castlo In Walos" but tho caBtlo proT cd to bo an "air castlo." Judgo Coko yesterday also heard tho ovldonco In tho dlvorc,o procool lngs of Mrs. Elizabeth Lawlor vs. Wm. Lawlor and took tho matter -r HERE Is sot forth very plainly n I stirring appeal for clean Jour- nnllsm In tho odttorial pages of tho Century magazluo for May. Tho wrltor remarks that law restrains porsons who doal In wrong In res ponse of public demand In cortaln directions, yot laj'H not n llngor of prohibition on tho work of lawless nowspapors. Tho nrtlclo says that whllo a largo portion of, tho press strives with groat ability for tho higher Interests of tho nation, a con oldorablo uhoro oxlsts with tho ovi dont purposo of purvoylng to tho tnsto for sensationalism lit ordor to incroaso tho owners' Income. Thoro booiub to bo no reason for bolng, on tho pnrt of such nows shoots but to cntor to tho lowost liiBtlucts. Tho CURRY COUNTY NEWS. Lawlor is in Portland and It Is undor stood that ho will not contest tho case. porlntond tho work of building tho undor ndvlsomont until Monday. Mr, Jotty. Thoro may bo a Bhnrt dolay aftor It Is taken In chnrgo by tho gov ernment, boforo tho contract can )0 awarded under tho now ordor of things; but wo nro In hopea to sco tho now contractor carrying on oper ations at a llvoly rato for sovoral months boforo rough woathor sots in noxt fnll. TOPICS OF THE TIMES. President Tnft shows thd rigidity of his backbono in rofuslng to intor foro with tho sontonccs of Morso nnd Wnlsh, tho bank-wrockors,' nnd In rofuslng to budgo from his determin ed nttltudo on Canadian reciprocity: And ho is to bo commended In both Instances. brldgo this Ride of Donmnrk, both lit on their hends in tho mud nt tlin bottom, mutunllv thnnklncr for wrJtor. finds that tho actual incronao tJj0 iif0.pre8crvor In crlmo slnco tho rlso of this typo ' of journalism can havo no othor ox plnnntlon thnn tho ndngo "Evil com Events Theiv Ah Told-ny Port Or ford Tribune. Doputy Stnt oOnmo Warden, Mor- I can of Randon, .mado un ono of his Tho namo of Bornh will ho historic' hurried, but Interesting calls Sim- Indocd tf ho stands fnat for his roso day. Ho has had a strenuous Umo.lutlon for senatorial action with ro for sovornl wooks past with ganio gard to tho popular election of fod .ylolalors and criminals gonornlly. In oral sonntors and succeods In forcing his hurried visit to this place ho trav-. It to nn nfllrmatlvo voto in that body, oled all night, but mado tho fastest i Tho pooplo havo domandod It and speed when IiIb liorso fell off a high! thoro Is woo In storo for tho man and, who donles thorn. I Tho gasollno boats, Rnngor and Wnndoror, came down from Coos Ray Monday. Tho lattor will mako hend quartors horo this summor and will lio nm-il hv flnn. Vnrfv In pnthftrlner Half hoard against this exploitation MurP 0BBB nml luintInB BOn llon8. Tho municatlons corrupt good mannors.' Rut thoro Is hopo in tho fact that In ovory direction outcry Is making it- Rnngor rotumod to tho bay, whero it Is roportod Captain Swing will soil hor. of wrong for sordid motives. Soveral of the magazines of highest standing havo put thomselvos on roeord as nd voentes of proper restraint of tho ,,v""- " ' "' T " , , J Tlic '8 not n vacant limine In Port Bhlp up to a certain point 81-onld not 0rfonl( nmJ for M(o tmo m no oxorcisoii ovor mo unity nowspii' per as woll as ovor tho book press and nil prlntod mnttor circulated in tho malls. It Is ovldont that many newspapers do actually vlolato tho lnws rogulnttng tho uso of tho mall sorvico. many years, moro houses nro needed though sevoral nowo onos nro occu pied and moro nro bolng built. WOULD REGULATE NEWSPAPERS PATRIOTISM. Rreathcw there tho man with soul no dead Who never to himself hath said, This Is my own, my native land Whoso hoart hath uo'er within him lium'il Ah homo hU footsteps ho hath turu'd From wandering on a foreign strand? If such thoro breathe, go, mark him well! For him no minstrel raptures swell, nigh though his tit Ins, proud his name, Iloumlloss his wealth as wish can claim Dcsplto those titles, power and polf, Tho wretch, concentered all In uulf, Living, shall forfeit fair renown And. doubly dylug, bhull go down To tho vile dust from whence he sprung Unwept, unhouored nnd unsung. -Sir Walter Scott. Railroad President Advocates Super vision of I. C. C. CHICAGO. III., Juno 3. President F, A. Delnno of tho Wnbash railroad svstoni. snonkliiir reenntlv bofnrn Mini ' Chicago Trafllc club, advocated tho i rogulatlon of nowspapors by tho ln- TIIE SAME OLD STORY. An oxchango disposes of n "Didn't know It was loaded" Itom in tho fol lowing mannor: "Protty llttlo plaything; pretty llt tlo kid. Half-grown boy or girl, and nn 'unlondod' gun. Starlight In tho child's eyes In an Instant hid; Dead, and Mamma, moaning for llttlo Sis, or Son! Every week it happens; tuoro's ninny a litlo grave Rrlght nnd winsomo. llttlo man or miss. .Tears will not avail, tho bullot sped, to save Dead, and Mamma moaning for Bweotheart Rud or Sis. REDILLION IS NAMED. SALEM, Oro Juno 3. Govornor West recontly nnnounced the names of nil appointees not horotofore glvm out. Flnnl copy for tho ofllclal bien nial stato directory is now ready and will bo sont to tho printer. Tho ap pointments nnnounced nro: Socond Southern Oregon District I Agricultural society mombcrp Dox torstato commerce commlislon as tor RIco of noBoburffi Jnmes Modloy jsoipl-publlc utilities. "Tho railroads i havo gono through with tho regula I tlon and laid down a systom of proce jduro and tho honest roads aro profit ing by It," snld Mr. Dolano, "but why stop nt the railroads? Why not ap ply tho 8nmo rulo to bankers, to In terstate shippers and to morchnnts nnd, Indeod, why not glvo tho nows- of Oakland, E. J. McCnnnhan of Eu gene R. E. Redllllon of Hnndon, W. II. Meredith of Gold Reach. ADVERTISED LIST. Fred Rrock, Emmot Eaker, Mrs. Nellie Render, Emllo Rlnnco, John Rnlo. John Rutz. Frank ChaEo. W. I.aporsatastooftt? I think It would Chntrann, Cnpplous Walter. Jack do them good." AUTOMORILE GUNNERY. supplies nt tho As a salos-mnkor and a bus!- nosa-bulldor, do you know of anything bettor or surer thnn advertising. : 'iGeorgo Sinclair. DUllngnn, Miss Margaret Donnellj Thomas E. Evans, R. F. Frohmader, Mlchnol Forlong, Potor Gndra, Mrs. M, Gardnor, Fred Gobhnrdt, Hender son Gow, Jnmes T. Hill, Humboldt, iC, J, Kooborloln, William Lawreii, P. R. Lyons, Thomns Llddlo, Mlsa I Ella Mosonn, F. R. Noff, Frank Ore- Jgon, Miss Ada Ponnlngton, Dan Reed, , Oskar bonyyu, Isanc Stoluburg . BF i tw .i-. - i iiiwmjtlty-, You Should Come Here jig If We Have It You Can Save Money Wro doii,l claim to have everything, but' there are so many articles wc doW, t it, will be time profitably spent, to first visit us. AVo can positively sawjjJ per cent, and give you in inimv cases a higher grade of merchandise than isjjnirjr given elsewhere. 20 to GO per cent, saved think of it. 3 f we have it, you almnjd i' here. Open till 10:00 tonight. New lnorchiindife added for next week. Men's $1.00 Rubbers. All sizes and soy- oral lasts. We have 19(5 pairs to sell at, pair 75c $6 and $7 Edwin Clapp Shoes for Men. Patent Colt, Gun Metal and ft A r A Vici. Pair $4.JU Boys' $8.50 All Wool Suits in extra strong materials. Pretty patterns. &A OP All sizes to 17 vp4-.0 J Fine AH Wool Dress Goods. HoguInrYj k-. to $1.50. Many colors. Xo, yard ()Jj( Women's Fine All Wool Underwear non- shrinking; Winte only. High or 10 neck, Loiig'nnd wing sleeves, np AVas $2.00. aarment )) Scott's Hip Forms and Bust Ruffles rere 50c and 65c, white, grey and rp black. Now j( Don't Buy It Elsewhere If You Can Get It Here The Boston Store "Every Article a Big Bargain" W. F. IRISH, Manager Gow Why Building DE UP AND DOING. Trust no future, liowo'cr pleaa ant! Let tho dead Past bury ItH (lend! Act act In tho living present! Hcnrt within ntul God o'er lirnd! LIvch of great men all remind us Wo can mako our lives sub lime, And, departing, leavo behind im Footprint on tho w.uuls of tlnio. Let uh, then, bo up nnd doing, With a heart for any fatoj Still achlovlng, still pursuing, Learn to labor mid to wait. Longfellow. THE CA8TLE IN THE AIR. T IKK the mtniKo of tho desert, With Its promise falsely fair; Lllco tho treasure laden rainbow, Is tho castle In tho air. TVSPEIJ not tho sweet Illusion XJ With a look of mute despair. High your cnstlo should be built, with Snow crowned turrets In the air. IN the earthly race of mortals Olory's halo would you wear? Thon put a rock foundation 'Neath your castlo In tho air. -Floyd I'. 'Wagaman. WHAT DIM ARCADIAN PA8TUREC ryHAT dim Arcadian pastures ' ' Havo I known That sutnienlj' Out 6f nothing A "hid Is blown, Lifting a veil and a. darkness, Showing a purplo svti, nd undor your hair tho faun's eyes Look out on mo? Alice Corbln. A Holplnjj Hand. Aged Dorollct n.cusln tho liberty of nrskln' of a favor, mum, but would yer object to mo couitulttlu' boouyeldo in yer shed? Soft Iloarted Woman Poor mnn! You had better como up to tho house, nnd I will give you tho remains of my Christmas pudding. Ideas. Thrown In His Way. In Urooklyn a maiden named Dolly Had no seat and stood up In a trolley, When the car, with a Jerk. Cot In Its tine work, And her seat was the lap of young Cholly, Judge's Library. church Didn't Want to Oversleep. "Xoddcr's wlfo won't go to c wim nun any more." "Tho very Idea!" "Don't blame her. Tho las( tlrao she went ho nsked tho usher to put him down for a call ut 12:10." Browning's Magazine. Evident Proof. 'They say that 'Ignorance Is bliss," " ' Began tho lovelorn ohnppto. "Igueps that's true." tho pert young miss Replied, "for you look happy," -Catholic Standard and Times. His Sole Asset. "If you become a cltiz. . rlnce, you will have to drop you. I t ' xaop my title! Now What then would I havo to offset tlin dower of a fkh American brldo?"- "illadelphla Ledger. I am accused of being n null- cal. It to seek to go to tho root ? Is n radical, a radical I nni. Aft- i, or all, everything that dowers in j benuty in tho nlr of liunvou u drnws lta fairness, Its vigor, 4 from Its roots. Nothing living v i ... . ,. ;:' through nourishing stalks deep planted In tho common soil. Up J irom that soil, up from tho silent : bosom of tho earth, rlso, tho cur- y ,fj rents of llfo nnd cnorgy. Up ' from tho common soil, up from - tho quiet heart of tho people, ' rlso Joyously today streams of ? j, hopo and determination bound jg to renew tho fnco of tho earth In "., glory. ; I tell you tho so called radical. 4 Ism of our times Is simply tho ef.. Jj fort of nature to, release the gen J erous energies of our people. $ This grent Anjerlcnn people Is nt v bottom Just, vlrtuoiw nnd hope- , ful. The roots of Its bolng nro i In tho soil of what Is lovely, puro nnd of good report, nnd the neel V of tho hour Is Just that radical- & lsra thnt will clear a way for g tho realization of tho nsplratlous of a sturdy race. Governor T Woodrow Wilson of Now Jersey p in n Hecent Speech. 4$$444jvxj4Xjj4. Those Long Walts, Church-I tee It is stated that the owner of n department storo-ln New York has installed wireless telegraph apparatus ho tliut patrons on vessels approaching port can do their shop ping boforo thoy land. Gotham It will be n great time saver If u person ran nrrnngo with thu storekeeper to have tho change ready tho same day. Yonkers Stntcsmau. x$X$-Xft$MX$ Call 12ft Do you lenow of nnythlnj thit would bo of Intorest to tb0 public! Havo you any suggestion! to nilt rolatlvo to public affairs? Hireroj opinions to express that you belleit would 1)0 of general value! Do you wnnt a Job? Do you want a hired girl? Do you want to soil toraethlot! Do you wnnt to buy toraethlnj! If nny of theso things' apil U youAti8o tho columns q( Jit Com Bny Times. Call 133 Love's Labor Lost. A tllly young man Of tho clgaretto clan One night sought the home of a maid. It was not very far, And with volco and gultnr Ho turned out a grand old serenade. He warbled of love To her w Indow above In a voice that was soft nnd mellow, Then found, to his cost, 'Twos love's labor lost, For she'd eloped with nnother fellow. Chicago News. $;;;$ unit1 11$$$$ HMHHHIIII $$$$$$$ IHMl $$$$$$$$$$iU'iid it ovcrWIMIIH $$;$$;;; Then Decide. IIIMMM $$$$$$$ Want-nds In the IIIIIIH $$$$$$$ Coos Hay Times fMMIj $$$$$$ Drlng Quick ItesultsMM' $$$$$Try ono now and prove llltl $$$$to Yoursolf that they arelllj $$$ tho ads that pay. The Times I $$ Want-nd columns nro read UH $ thousands, of poople each nom $$ ing. If you wish to buy or $$$ soil, hire or trade, receive or $?$$givo Information; yu '$$$$? havo lost or founon $$??$$ somothlng nnd wlsriM $$$$$$$ to recover or return iMjj'J $$$$$$$$ it. let tho Pbllc?jii $$$$know it thru $$f$$$n Want-ad. IIH $$$$$$? ! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ M Arctic Skepticism. "Did you soo Oio Janitor?" asked Mrs. Shlvvers. les," replied-her husband. "I told . A A notice to sruscmnEi Times subscribers who do .A.n im !"' ' recolvo tholr papers ivo, i.'i'iiufuer iiusuhuu. "I ioiu(v recoivo luoir jfi'v.- -- . him It was us cold In our llafas attha ! are requested to notify nnrHi nnto ' . . i xrnlarlu north pole.' "What did ho say?" "Ho merely looked supercilious nud asked for my proofs." Chicago Record-Herald. Times offloco of any IrregularlJJ in delivery. This is u''t . Tho Tlmns has Ot " A Hysterical Rondeau. Trom luncheon she called me down. By telephone she called me up; My negligence had won her frown. Right scornfully Bhe called me down. I had forgot to praise her gown. My thin oxcuso balled mo up, And that Is why sho called me down When angrily she called me up, UnDlnrott'fl means ine nmw " ,..,, ing when subscribers miss w ! papers, nnd consequeuw only means of remedying tro"uble. . a .tilJ Farmers Increase their c by planting tested seeds. ! chants Increase business W .; ing quality mercuuu""- Use The Tlmas' Want Ads. Road theTTlmesr Wan Ads. vortlslng. ! Monogram Oil at the GUNNERY.! W. D. CURTIS, 4