THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELO, OREGON. . FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1911 EVENING EDITION . "GO PUT YOUR CREED INTO THIS IS OUR CREED YOUR REED" EMERSON. A Square Deal to All AND IN CASE YOU THINK THAT YOU GOT A ROUND REAL, PLEASE, RHINO IT RACK AND VI! WILL GUARANTEE THAT WE WILL MAKE IT SQUARE -ISe Toggery FORMERLY GEO. GOODHUM SWELL TOGS AND SKNSIHLE TOGS FOR MEN. News of North Bend 10 DEVELOP BRIEFS OF RANDON. GOAST Government Engineers Inspect -Crescent City and, Wooleyport Projects. GRANTS 'PASS, Oro, Juno 1. Col. John Dltldlo nud throo other om- . V cors of Hio engineering corps of tho United States nrmy, togothcr with a delegation representing tho Dol Norto County Commercial club arrived, in Grnnts Pass from Crescent City, nnd Col. Diddle nnd tho Crescent City residents mot with a group of tho Commercial club members nt tho club rooms to dlacusn innttors re News of CHy-by-the-Sen As Told Ry Tho Recorder. Mrs. Nols Rnsmtisscn loft Saturday for Mnrshflold from which placo alio loft for Portland, Sunday. Mrs. M. J. Pratt spent Tuesday up Coos Rlvor. G. A. Peterson Is qulto 111 at tho Mercy hospital. Mrs. Garflcld Simpson was Mnrshflold shopper yesterday. and children spent Tuesday up Coos Rlvor. Mrs. W. D. Simpson and Mrs. Rob ert Simpson, Jr., and Misses Mnrguu rlto and Edith wcro Mnrshflold visit ors Tuesday. Miss Mtldrod Colco of Mnrshflold spent Tuesday up Coos Rlvor. Mr. E. C. Mather was a Marsh flold business visitor Tuesday. Mrs. NivC. McLcod will lcavo short ly for a fow weeks' visit to Portland Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McGuIro will loavo In a short tlmo for San Diego. E. E. Oakes has purchased a now fivo passengor Ford automobllo, hav ing brought It to Dandon fast Friday. John P. Bull was born Oct. 1, 1858, and dlod at Dandon, Ore., May 28, 1011, bolng b7 yonra, 7 months and 37 days old nt tho tlmo of his death. Ho was married 20 yours ago to Miss Hltchock. It la reported that ono of tho en gines of tho wrecked gasollno schoon er Washcnloro camo nshoro Just op posite whoro tho wreck was. Tho engine was fast to ono part of th deck. It Is largo enough tb run n small snw mill, nnd will bo a good gardlng tho Crosccnt City nnd Wool- 1d for tho nntlves, leyport hnrbor projects. Coming from Crescont City oro Col. John Diddle, U. S. A.; Mnjor J. F. Mclndoo, U. S. A.; Mnjor J. J. Morrow, U. S. A.: Mnjor C. W. Kutz, U. S. A.; Superior Judgo John L. Chllds, Attornoy I). G. Gcorgo M. Keller, CULL1NGH OF COQUILLE. Coos County Sent Nowh As Told Ry The Herald. R. E. Shino has purchased two nice Donnhuo, lots of J. Quick, used by him ns rcsl- Hiiporlntondent ilonco property for sovornl yenrs pnst. Hobbs-Wnll Lumber company; En- Tho cottngo of Mr. Quick will bo geno Cummorford, chnlrmnn bonrd . moved to lots ho owiiHcnstofthoCopo of supervisors Del Norto county; Mr. rcs'denco and Mr.tShlno will erect nnd Mrs. II. S. Woolloy, Jr. n modorn homo for hlniBolfnnd fam- Col. Diddle wanted to moot repro- lly on his now purchase. sontntlvo men of Grnnts Pahs In or- der to llnd what tho Bontlniont horo Mrs. Murthn Ann Dean passed wns regarding jV harbor nt olthor of away nt tho lioma of hor sop, J. L. tho two points under consideration. Uoau. of Lnmpn, on Tuusdny, tho, 23 At. tho meeting In tho club ropins tho lnt., nt tliauuo of 7-1 yoaiu, I months matter was dlHcussod and the army and IS days. ofllcor was mnrio to know that GruntH Pnss was vltnllyMntoroHtod In a bar- Mrs. Cordelia Matilda Rico, a plon- bor project elthor at CreHcont City cor of tho state of Orogon and for or at Woolloyport, that Grants Pnai many years a resident of Coos coun'y had no favorite, that tho best ono, or died nt hor home nt Enchanted Prnl- tho one recommended by Col. Diddle rle nt tho ngo of 70 yenrs 11 months was tho quo Grants Pass wanted, that and l.r tlnys. n vast territory of rich naturnl ro- sources was nvnllablo. t A now E-M-K 30 nrrivod In town Colonel Diddle had beonsupplled this week consigned to Plnkston with data reicm-dlug tho torrltory af- Lnlrd. fectcd. What ho particularly want- ' cd hero was an expression of tho poo- Tho Infant (laughter of Mr. nnd pie. lie stated that Mr. Donahue .Mrs. George Redding passed away had supplied him with tho data on Tuesday, from an attach of pnounio- resources covering tho torrltory "all nln. tho wn,v from tho const onstward to about tho margin of tho Mississippi Mrs. Victor Wlckman of Empire, rlvor." Mr. Donahuo acknowledged visited hor friends, tho MIshos Collier, tho corn. of this city tho latter part of last Col. Dlddlo mndo a statomont of wcok. some length. Ho described tho rou- tlno through which rucIi matters Thos. King of Marshflold returned must go. Ho Btntod that his work at home after visiting his daughter, Mrs tho Crescent City nnd Woolleyport Moody sovornl days, sites wns what wns rlnssod ns more- ly preliminary, or a hlrdsoyo vJaw; Mrs. Fred Tuttlo of Dandon, ro- tbut ho would tend In this report to turned from n visit nt Mnrshfle'd oa tliq war department njid on tho Tro? 'ny, nooomrnnie.1 by hor vuotltor, strength of this roport tho depart- Mrs. It. M. WJ'dor. mont would decide whether It would or would' not order a survoy; that If Tl eo wl'l Ik a Fnraior' iTnlon IiIj roport wos fnvorable, nud n sur- plenlj given at tho Norway graze oa Toy was ordorod that tho Ilnnl ro- Jiiiih nrt. Stuta V et'deut M Mill port and recommendations would, ha ter uutl Stat Secretary Sykos w 111 be sent to oongroHK and eon gross would nretunt. then, or rather would be expootoil to - make, an appropriation. Henry Korr and wlto and Mrs. Mary Korr woro Marshflold visitors Tuesday, Mrs. J. Jackson and children of North Dond Heights aro Marshflold visitors. , Mrs. W. L. Qrout of North Bond Heights was ,a Marshflold visitor Tuesday. Miss Hqlen Monde nnd Ellon An derson wcro Mnrshflold visitors Tuesday . Mabel nnd Anna Wlckman of Em plro will loavo tomorrow on tho Breakwater for a visit to Portland to nttend tho Roso Festival. Miss Ethel Reynolds left today 10 Join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Reynolds, who recently moved to Florence. Sho fbmalncd horo to fin ish tho school year. Mrs. Wm, Vaughn and Miss Evelyn VInoyard and Arohlo Vaughn of North Bend Heights visited the homo of Dr. David Vnughn in South Marahfleld Tuesday. This afternoon, the North Dead Mothers' and TMahra olnb is holding a regular tneetlmg, the prin cipal bnilneM of. whlh will be the Installation of the following oflltors: President Urn. I. B. Bartlo. ' Vlcc-Pres. Un. C. A. Ackorman. Secretary Mrs. M. E. Everett. , Treasurer Mra. Geo. Hazor. SPECIAL FEATURE DIOOHAPH Aim at THE ROYAL SATURDAY night. Walter Richards and wlfo of Vir ginia nvonuo nro visiting vfrlcnds In Mnrshflold. Miss Annlo Peterson nnd Mrs. A. Hnnspn of Hnyncs Inlet, arc Mnrsh flold visitors. You Can't Take a Vacation Trip Mr. and Mrs. L R. Hodson nnd daughter, Ernin, woro Coos Rlvor visitors Tuesday. r ' ' Without a Suitcase. Whnt gloi a man or a woman out on n trip more satisfaction than to know that the Suit Case or Hand Misses Annlo nnd Mabollo Wlclc- nag 8 B00(j looking, durable lim- tunii leave today for Portland to tdko gage? In the Roso Carnival.' M. 'and Mrs. Leonard Masters nnd MIsh Ollle Richards left' this inornln via Sumner foi a visit to Portland. -Mrs. Robert McCann and Miss Lll Ilo McCuun woro guests Tuosduy of Mr. nndlrs. A. W. Myers In Marshflold. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Johnson of Broadway and Mrs. Win. I.nwhoriio I Wo'vo n splendid Hue of ! . SUIT CASKS Extra Rtrnny cases of Sole Leather and Cowhide. Linen or Leather 1I:- y.. ' Heavy laather comers; outside straps, hrnwj locks and slides. SEE OUR WINDOW. ! The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY iu ionic :ia. AlJNG Till' WATKUPKOXT. ONLY ONE SUHVICK. T! Nonn B-nlth will tall toniov for nay Print with cargo of hit . in the Smith mIM. , For Your Sunday Dinner Our Market Basket rONT INS SOME DAINTY AND APPETIZING FRUITS AND VKGK TABLES. TIIKY ARK FRKSH AND FRAGRANT AS A BREATH OF JUNE. STRAWBERRIES CHERRIES BANANAS FRESH FRUITS - APPLES VEGETABLES GOOSEBERRIES ORANGES LEMONS FRKSH LETTUCE RADISHES GREEN ONIONS CARROTS ASPARAGUS NEW SWEET POTATOES BEETS SPINACH RIPE TOMATOES RHUBARB CUCUMBERS ALL KINDS OF DRIED FRUITS UNDER GLASS COVERS. OLLIVANT b WEAVER PURE FOOD GROCERYMEN Corner Third and Central tr ot r y -iimi ribbon sweet potatoes Phone No. 275 J The Anvil arhtl In at Rtr4"i )k'irday nj the F"!n!d pal'ej l Only ouo preaching lervlce will be lioUl at the Bontlst ehureh next gun? day that will be lu the rooming Thli on account of the uaecalnmeato ser- vices in th Opera House Bauday eo- r-. u Kiunc.'aej fi.nn that port, ntng. - - - WOOL S HFDUI.K DONE. Get DELU'At'M'S for you- SUN- DAY dinner nt tho SISTERS of BETHANY COOKED FOOD ante at FKHHY-MOXTGOMKHY store at 1:30 SATURDAY afternoon. M DoiWK'ratN Il Dulj t Three to VI u Ceut.s on Ran PrediK't. ! (By Associated PrOHS to the Coos M: , Times.) WASHINGTON'. 1). C. Juno 1. I wmvivn t if.'.n )nn -irv I ,,...... I. .. i. ......... ..... ........ r,M.., ,,.,,,.,,., ,..,. Kill r......l '0. 3. llncnn. 11 Butt St.. Hath. Mo.. ' """ " i". . --- -..,....,.,.- t - . a.. ,i.1b out thJs wnrninir tn rnllrnn.l "i l"0 OUH .MOUIIS l'OIUI.,H ' rs: "A conductor on the railroad, ,of tho House was piosonted to tl o any work mimnI n ehron'c nriammR-.doniocrntlc caucus at noon today. Tho 4fM nt i.i l.'ldnnvu nilit T wne mfsA. . ... . .' . - ",7 " " - - - om uiukos miucuons or irom ona noio ana an (ii-vt-1 n u A friend ad- vlsd Foley Kidney Pills and from tho day I conmenred tnkln, them, I to reunln In mv strength, half to two-thirds in all wool ditto. Raw woo Itsolf which was free lu tho previous democratic tariff bills vi Th$ lnllammntlon cleared and I nra'glvoa a t,ut). of 20 per cent ftd valo. far bettor than I have been fri, ..i..i. .i.. . . twenty yeara.-RED CR033 Drug rom' e1 ,,Vftlent to threo tQ flvo tQa Store. a Pund- DRAIN-C00S BAY AUTO UNE VIA ALLEGANY NOW READY FOR BUSINESS AND TRIP CXPECT TO MAKE FIRST Tuesday, "June 6th, BOAT LEAVES ALERT LANDING, MARSHFIELD ARRIVE DRAIN 1 P. .M, SAIE DAY. 0:30 A. M. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORSLVTION AT The Busy Corner Drug Store ( True Econom fONSISTS in buyinc th l , When you find Quality ani ' Price togothorbuylldto know why, T01J We are building this bus! ness along solid and subS tial lines, Wo sell only 2 of he most reliable qUa g faultlessly .tailored by Ve'S best American makers, and our small-margin-of-profii! plan of selling, have long slncj achieved a reputation as a house of exceptional value- giving Today and tomorrow we. direct attention to three very strong lines of men's ani young men's suits, underpriced at P 1 tfy tJ) JpZ5 "money talks" see:wIndow:disilay i Of tho new Ideas In Shoos, every correct last and style are here, Hub Clothing and- Shoe Co; There's a lot of satisfaction in the feeling that you're fashionably, ccrredly clad. .MARSH lM ELD IIAXDOX SIEAiViE OLD RELI MILE BREAKWAia ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FRO.M PORTLAND AI' A. l. ON .Il'NIC 3, 10, 13, 20, an, :i. SAILS FRO.M COOS RAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE OX Jl'XB , a, 7, i a, J7, aa and at. v L. II. KEATING, AGENT prom: mai.v sj-l The Steamer Fifield Sails From Bandon for San Francisco Friday Afternoon, June 2 TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT IIILLYER'S CICIH STORE. "THE FR1IC OF COOS BAY" S. ALLIANCE CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT 1'OIIH.W Sails from Portland for Coos Bay, June 41b NORTH PACIFIC 3TEAMSRIP COM PA M. PHONIC II C. F. McGKOItflC, J J THE FAST ANI) COMMODIOUS fr. Wk (Kqulpprf Will niiilio rt' lrlM carrj'Ji'K parfsinj;prH both n)'nnJlr, llcllWI'll Vluiti l(nv mill Urn, l,Viiiinlui.n. A II M'm'll Il!l0lis(orls'?fl iiiinlo at Alllaiico Dock, Mai-lilltlil and Inler-Otciin Traniv I I'liUin Sliwt Wharf No. 2, Sin Franclhco. For Information, p! 1 UJt or an. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY cons KAV-miStFRiiftr. vrAfir" LlNt DiilH- i.Iiiii.. I...,. i . r ...1....1 ,.... li-nifJ lW and Sundays nt 7 p. in. Faro, $0,00. OTTO SCHETTER, Auont, C. P. RRVB1'. 120 MARKET A V., Maihlillchl. AkciU, ROSI BIRO. Ore. PIIONSM1 WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mnuzoy, on cf tho drivers nil tho solicitor for us la out for tuuuilry. Wntch him! ho la liable to a'.oii you on tha street and explain all detal a of Laundry and also to he at your nomo any time. Ho knows Laundry business from A to 2. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry ' PIIO.V.. 220-J ' A TURKISH RATH GOOD. Phono 214.T will do youj Blanchard's U ... .-. , me '""' . . .. . aw nuss OI Ij. II. II"" ..J pared to render excellent tho people of coos drivers, goou riB " rtlc that will mean satlsfactt" cho public, rnouc u- .j horse, n rig or '"'"' do the l.vory line. V.c . trucking business ' "" ,lfju. nr.AVCHARD DltT,lw Art Dlauchard. MP J LIvcrv. Feed and l"r ut Thirst nud Alder Phone 138-3 swl After tho how try T?r Ppono 314- J. tl - m t fr