THE COOS BAY TlflES, MARSMFIELO, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1911 EVgNiNG EDITION J 1 HIGH SB Enter GME PUT mum . Ladle's Shoes BALL SCORES LAdclri FA 3U ES' a rnd t da i 1 )U A NIFTY LINE OF t j $1 to $6 From f The Swellest One onXoos Bay At TKe Toggery TUJS HOME OF QUALITY Togs for Well-Dressed Men Marshfield Easy Victor Over North Bend Here Yesterday. In a one-sided contest yesterday, the Marshfield high school team again defeated the North Bond High school team by a scoro of 22 to 7. The game was loosoly played, both Coast Lcaguo ycBtorday, Memorial sides making a largo number of or- Day, marking tho first of tho now rors. Marshflold started out woll, aorles. Tho games resulted as fol- nnd played good ball In every Inning, lows: oxcopt tho sovonth, when tho boys At San Francisco II wont up in'tho air nnd allowed flvoi lob Angeles 1 runs to cross tho plate. Johnson San Francisco 2 .pitched good boll for Marshflold At Vornon R nltho ho was wild at times and pass-, Sacramento 2 ?od a number of raon, with men on Vernon. . . ! 3 bases ho usually tightened up and t Portland R Double-Headers Played Yester dayPortland Wins and Loses. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Daj Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., May 31. Double-headers were played In tho II 8 put his men dpwn In order. Hon ncsscy caught a flno game, only ono man being able to steal on him dur- Oakland. Portland. lng tho entlro gamo. In tho first In- Portland nlng ho throw two mon out at sec ond anil continued pegging tho ball In tho samo fashion when anyono At Vernon was bravo enough to attorn pt a steal. Doth teams played woll In tho out field and mado s,omo good catches, but the Infield work was ragged at times although tho boys pulled off somo fast .doiiblo plays and showed so mo brilliant flashes. Dewy, who pitched for North Uond, Little Talks on Advertising TALK No. 18 ' ' Oakland 0 Portland 1 Afternoon OnniCH. R 3 . . . . 15 11 Sacramento 1 Vornon 4 At San Francisco U Los Angolcs 4 San Francisco 3 II r. 8 II 10 12 II 9 9 II G 8 II 9 7 FINLEY IH NAMED. SALEM, Ore., May 30. Aftor 12 was a triflo weak but had ho had applicants for tho appointment of good support, tho scoro would not stnto gamo warden hnd coma beforo liuvo been as large. tho board of fish and gamo commls- Tho attendnnco was not so largo sloncrs, tho board decided to reject as had been hoped for. Mulloy nnd thorn nil and offer tho appointment Rrlggs nctod as umpires. Next Sat- to William L. Flnloy, chnlrmnn of jurdny tho snmo teams will moot at tho board. Mr. Finlf.y asked tlmo to North Uond for tho final gamo of tho consider tho proposition and after Bon8on. consultation with Governor West, nc- Yosterday's llnoup was as follows: ccptcd tho offer and tendered his MANAHEK OF RIO NEW YOUIC STORE SAYS QUALITY, CIRCULATION PAYS MIST UALITY circulation 1b tho piylng kind. Advertisers who seek tho good will of tho public as distinguished from tho vttltures,of trado who swoop down for tho periodical picking of tho public's pockets demand quality circulation ' W. D. Walker, advertising mon- nger, llrlll Brothers, Now York. Resides Its army of old frlonds, composed entlroly of thrifty, perma nent pooplo, tho kind who buy goods In substantial quantities, Tho Coos Ray Times Is constantly gaining now rendora of tho samo desirable class pcoplo who want Its crUp, clean, condoueod and complete now's. LOCAL OVERFLOW. Mild. Hennessey' A JohiiBon Larson VoBEoy (Pitman 0 Johnson Jonson Fnlrchllds Stutsman and McCorninc. pos. c P 1st b 2nd 1) 3rd b BS 1 f C f r f N. Uond 'resignation ns a member of tho com- Hnuson mission. Doweyl , A m " " . Grout' Tuesday will bo oponlng day oi uraiu-uoos nay nuto uno. Tickets Nowklrk Jacobson Davis Kibbler Conroo Shoppard at Uusy Corner. 1 . m. t Pny Fine. City Recordor Butler fined Qcorgo Dlppo, an cmployeo of tho Entorprlso market $10 on a chargo of assault proforrcd by Con rad Ilngqulst of West MnrshfieM. Tho other day Ilagqulst wont Into tho shop and mndo somo remarks about tho ment that Dippo didn't iiko Michigan Central Officials At- nnd tho trouble followed. i I tribute Disaster Near R. DESMOND, n brother-in-law of n . .. , ... . W. T. Merchant, arrived hero to-' Detr0lt to WrCCkerS. day from Snn Dlogo for a short vBy Assoclai i Press to tho Coos Bay visit with frlonds and relatives Times.) llor0, J DETROIT, Mich., Mny 31. Train n i iiiM-a if i . ii ... wreckers aro blamed by tho MIclil- 1). J. EKES and wlfo nnd family will lenvo tomorrow for Roslyn, Wash. Bn" Cotrn Railroad officials for whore they will spend a month or tno wrock,"B ioAny ot a passengor so with relntlvos. Mr. Rees, moth- tral" "onr RMsotown, Ont, Tho or has been very 111 there. spikes in tho fishplates woro remov- ed from tho track. Englneor Quln- T1IIN ground AXES nt MILXEEVS ,nu n",, F'roinnii Onkes woro klllod. . No passengers woro Injured. OPEN mVERTOX .MINK. Goorgo Qago roturnod from on ex tended stay In San Francisco Monday and roports that tho plans for tho re 'opening of tho Qngo mlno aro woll uudor way nnd that unless somo un- foroseon delay occurs tho now com pany will tako chargo of tho mlno tho first of Juno. Coqulllo Scutlnol. LAUNCH Bldo LIGHTS nt .MIL-XER'S. A TURKISH HATH will do you l;OOI. Phono 2H-J. After the miuw try a Turkish bntb ' Don't forgoi tho Turkish Pl.oiirt !H. J. PHONE 2M..I. Baths. 0RA1M-C00S BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY XdW READY TRIP FOR RPSINESS AND EXPECT TO .MAKE FIRST Do Yon Have the Itllit Kind of Help? I-oloy Kidnoy Pills furnish you the right kind or help to neutrnllzo nnd lemovo the poisons that cuubo back 3he. headache nervousness, and other kidney and bladdor allmonts," RED CROSS Drug Storo. u. FOR SALE All of the Property of R. D. Hume Including 10,000 acres of farm nnd pnsturo land -1,1500 timber laud, fisheries, store, cannory, cold storngei nnd fishing equipment, boats, Hvo stock, etc., etc., either In parcols or as a whole. Net prlco ?300. 000; 1-3 cash, balanco In ono nnd two years. Address Mrs. R. D. Hume, Portland Hotel, Portland, Oregon. Tixesday, June 6th ItOAT LEAVES ALERT LAXDlNCi, .MARSHFIELD ARRIVE DRAIN 1 l. M. SAME DAY. 0:ilO A. 31. TICKETS FOR SALE AXD IXFOR3IATIOX AT The Busy Corner Br&g Store Built to handle the heaviest ammunition with greatest accuracy and safety. Its parts are few and strong and n'mple. SjmTDnvS The breech is locked by a turning bolt j.f "JPES as in the blest design of military rifles. -UJrlfe&7yBlg Five smashing, cne-ton blows delivered with lightning speed cr deliberate fire as need may be. The only recoil-operated rifle locking the cart ridge in the chamber until after ihe bullet has left the rouzz'e. gmiagZ'(lMSxc perfect shooting combination. Stndfor Dtmtlpikt FelJti Remlnoton Arm-UnIon Metallic Cnrtridao Co 230 Broadway, New York Ctiy ""ozHSJBWttraaswraMia OUN 3IETAL 'TAN. VELVETS HATINS RUCK PATENT Prices $3.00, $3.50, .5: All tho nowest ideas aro hero awaiting your "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe MARSHFIELD The Steamer Fili i Sails From B&ndon Friday Afternoon, Juae 2 i TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION ATIIILUin stoiu:. hsw "JIIIC ERIE '!) W COOS IUV" S. S. ALLIAN( CONNECTING WITH TIJK NORTH UAXK MUD AT Kl Sails for Portland from Cos Bay, M NORTH PACIFIC 3TKA.M8IIII' CO.MI'AXT. PHONE -II C. F. McCIUECI,, OLD RRLtADLB STEAMER BREAKWA1 ALWATS OM TIUI fiAIIS FROM PORTLAND AT D A. M., OX MAI 1,0,11 M AND III. FItOM COOS IIAV AT BEBTICE Or TIDE MATS,, -IS. RESERVATIONS HELD ONLY UNTIL XOO.V01" DA! OU8 TO SAILING. L. II. KEATING. AGENT rilO.XHJOl 14 THE KA8T AND COMMODIOl'9 Streamer ledaiio ' " ' iiiiiwiiiiiiiimgnn-ti it -. , -. iyffliUTOLOADlNG : &rs Qukh Enasigh fonho .. ffitfrnr Built lo handle the jffiigr heaviest ammunition ( gT with greatest accuracy feffi'lSI ClOS? Will nmko icKUr U-iiis carrrlBC Mtw8 bo(b mjn bftweeu Coos liny nnd Su Frwclsco. AIIrfrTllouUM made nt Alliance Dock, SUruhUrJd n4 Utrr-OccM Inl Union Street Wharf No. 1!. Sin Frclsco. Tor Inform! 1 1-J or 23. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMMflj THE BOAT THAT GETS THERE STEAMER ANVIL Sails from ftnmlnn fnv Portlniul Julio H flVni'V Rfll (lmr fKniinnfl-Aii ,T. WALSTKOf, AcntJ3nnM A' W m - . . zi tm Dully nIiiko iK'tueeii RoselmrK and .Mar.slilk'U!. S(j;o leaves dally timl Sundays nt 7 j, in Fhiv, .0.00. OTTO SCIIETTEH, .Bont, C. P. HAHNAIU), ISO .MARKET A V., Mnrsl.lleld. Asent, ROSUUl'HG. Ore. PI 1 0X5 11 promptly. Wo carry all tho RomliiBton modeU of ropeatlng guns and also tho umui .luuiiria uuu uuve iirurod oet suited to tho Coos Day country Wo can also order any special model and secure It for jou nrorm fur siocii oi cartnuges is complete. The Gunner y "Sportsmen's Headquarters" Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and nroful drlvors aro now nt tho dis posal of tho Coos Ray public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nnywhoro any tlmo. Horses hoarded and rigs cared for. Now hoarso and Bpeclal accommo dations provldod for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRGN'S LIVERY AND FEED STARLFS PHONE 273-J WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzey, on of tho drivers nd the solicitor or us 13 out for r-aundry. Watch him! ho is liable to stop you on the street and explain all detal's of Laundry and also to he nt your nomo any tlmo. He knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry pno.v 220-j We Work I And Adver To brine 5,s9rt' tlmo. after tht b " own accord. VV itlttlKMUEIt TliM-n is no II" .., .In "TI11XK "0"' Coos Bay SW, PIIOXM ", Blanchard's i in .t i.o secui" .... VtUitt' ness cf 1j. pared to render J tho people " j'B:.,b;"ntti emu win "' tun mm u - ..hi horse, a rlgorl 1ia livery u" ilii .., .xT-iftnP' ArfBl-1! Aii Livery, n 7 ., Irst IW '. tlknil I . . t...nlt10S trucKing us,"" nRO . . -t J 141 First HIUJT ST, 5L1RSHFIELD.